< Mark 7 >

1 And are gathered together to Him the Pharisees and some of the scribes having come from Jerusalem.
Zvino kwakaunganira kwaari VaFarisi nevamwe vevanyori vaibva kuJerusarema;
2 And they had seen some of the disciples of Him (that *no*) with defiled hands, That is unwashed, (are eating *N(k)O*) (the *no*) bread (they found fault; *K*)
vakati vaona vamwe vevadzidzi vake vachidya zvingwa nemaoko ane tsvina, ndiko kuti asina kushambwa, vakasvora.
3 For the Pharisees and all the Jews only unless with a fist they shall wash the hands, not eat holding the tradition of the elders;
Nokuti VaFarisi, neVaJudha vese, havadyi kunze kwekuti vashamba maoko kwazvo, vachibatirira tsika dzevakuru.
4 and [on coming] from [the] market (now *o*) (when may come *ko*) only unless (they shall wash *NK(o)*) not they eat; and other things many there are which they received to keep washings of cups and vessels and utensils and couches for dining.
Kana vachibva pamusika, kunze kwekuti vashamba, havadyi; nezvimwe zvinhu zvizhinji zviripo zvavakange vagamuchira kuti vazvichengete, zvinoti: Kusuka mikombe, nehari, nemidziyo yendarira, nenhovo.
5 (And *N(k)O*) questioned Him the Pharisees and the scribes; Because of why not walk the disciples of You according to the tradition of the elders, but (with unsanctified *N(K)O*) hands eat the bread?
Ipapo VaFarisi nevanyori vakamubvunza, vachiti: Nemhaka yei vadzidzi venyu vasingafambi netsika yevakuru, asi vanodya chingwa nemaoko asina kushambwa?
6 And (answering *k*) He said to them (that: *ko*) Rightly prophesied Isaiah concerning you hypocrites, as it has been written (that *no*) This people with the lips Me honors, but the heart of them far away is kept from Me.
Asi wakapindura akati kwavari: Isaya wakaporofita zvakanaka pamusoro penyu imwi vanyepedzeri, sezvazvakanyorwa, zvichinzi: Rudzi urwu rwunondikudza nemiromo, asi moyo wavo uri kure neni.
7 In vain now they worship Me teaching [as] doctrines [the] precepts of men.’
Asi vanondinamata pasina, vachidzidzisa dzidziso, dziri mirairo yevanhu.
8 Having neglected (for *k*) the commandment of God you hold to the tradition of men (washings of vessels and of cups and more like things many things you do. *KO*)
Nokuti munosiya murairo waMwari, muchibatirira tsika yevanhu, sekusuka hari nemikombe, nezvimwe zvizhinji zvakadaro munozviita.
9 And He was saying to them; Neatly do you set aside the commandment of God that the tradition of you (you may maintain. *N(k)O*)
Zvino akati kwavari: Munoramba nemazvo murairo waMwari, kuti muchengete tsika yenyu.
10 Moses for said; do honor the Father of you and the mother of you,’ and The [one] speaking evil of father or mother in death should end.’
Nokuti Mozisi wakati: Kudza baba vako namai vako; uye: Anotuka baba kana mai, anofanira kufa rufu.
11 You yourselves however say [that]: if may say a man to the father or to the mother; [It is] Corban, that is a gift, whatever if from me you shall be profited,
Asi imwi munoti: Kana munhu achiti kuna baba kana mai: Chinhu chipi nechipi chamunobatsirwa nacho neni "iKorbani", ndokuti chipo kuna Mwari;
12 (and *ko*) no longer no longer you do allow him no [thing] to do for the father (of him *k*) or for the mother (of him *k*)
hamuchamutenderi kuitira baba vake kana mai vake chinhu,
13 making void the word of God for the tradition of you which you have handed down; And like [things] such many you do.
muchishayisa shoko raMwari maturo netsika yenyu yamunogamuchidzana; nezvinhu zvizhinji zvakadaro munozviita.
14 And having called to [Him] (again *N(K)O*) the crowd He was saying to them; (do listen to *N(k)O*) Me all and (do understand. *N(k)O*)
Zvino wakati adanira kwaari chaunga chese akati kwavari: Nditeererei mese, munzwisise.
15 No [thing] there is outside of the man entering into him which is able to defile him but the [things] (out of the man *NO*) proceeding (from of him *k*) (that *ko*) are those which are defiling the man.
Hapana chinhu chinobva kunze kwemunhu chinopinda maari chingamusvibisa; asi zvinhu zvinobuda maari, ndizvo zvinosvibisa munhu.
16 (if anyone has ears to hear he should hear. *KO*)
Kana aripo ane nzeve dzekunzwa, ngaanzwe.
17 And when He went into [the] house from the crowd, were asking Him the disciples of Him (concerning *k*) (the parable. *N(k)O*)
Zvino wakati apinda mumba achibva kuchaunga, vadzidzi vake vakamubvunza pamusoro pemufananidzo.
18 And He says to them; Thus also you yourselves without understanding are? Surely you understand that everything outside entering into the man not is able him to defile?
Akati kwavari: Saizvozvo nemwi muri vasina kunzwisisa here? Hamunzwisisi here kuti chese chinobva kunze chichipinda mumunhu hachigoni kumusvibisa?
19 because not it enters of him into the heart but into the belly and into the sewer goes out, (purifying *N(k)O*) all the food.
Nokuti hachipindi mumoyo make, asi mudumbu; chichibuda kunze, achinatsa kudya kwese.
20 He was saying now that That out of the man going forth, that [is what] defiles the man.
Ndokubva ati: Icho chinobuda mumunhu, ndicho chinosvibisa munhu.
21 Within for from the heart of men thoughts evil go forth sexual immorality thefts murders,
Nokuti kubva mukati mumoyo wevanhu inobuda mifungo yakaipa, upombwe, ufeve, umhondi,
22 adulteries covetous desires, wickednesses, deceit, sensuality, an eye evil, slander, pride, foolishness;
umbavha, ruchiva, kuipa, kunyengera, meso-meso, ziso rakaipa, kunyomba, kuzvikudza, upenzi;
23 All these evils from within go forth and it defiles the man.
zvese zvinhu izvi zvakaipa zvinobva mukati, zvichisvibisa munhu.
24 (and *ko*) From there (also *no*) having risen up He went away into the (region *N(K)O*) of Tyre (and Sidon. *KO*) And having entered into (*k*) a house no [one] He was wishing to know [it] and not He was able to be hidden.
Zvino kubva ipapo wakasimuka akaenda kumiganhu yeTire neSidhoni; akapinda mumba, asingadi kuti pave neanozviziva, asi akakoniwa kuvanzika.
25 (But immediately *NO*) having heard (for *k*) a woman about Him of whom had the little daughter of her spirit unclean, having come she fell at the feet of Him;
Nokuti mukadzi waiva nemukunda mudiki akange ane mweya wetsvina, akanzwa nezvake, akauya akawira patsoka dzake.
26 Now the woman was Gentile Syrophoenician by race, and was asking Him that the demon (He may cast forth *N(k)O*) out of the daughter of her.
Uye mukadzi waiva muGiriki, muSirofenike pachizvarwa; akamukumbirisa kuti abudise dhimoni pamukunda wake.
27 (*k*) (And *N(k)O*) (Jesus *k*) (He was saying *N(k)O*) to her; do permit first to be satisfied the children; not for it is good to take the bread of the children and to the dogs to cast [it].
Asi Jesu akati kwaari: Regai vana vatange kuguta, nokuti hazvina kunaka kutora chingwa chevana, ndokukandira kuimbwanana.
28 But she answered and she says to Him; (yes *KO*) Lord, even (for *k*) the dogs under the table (eat *N(k)O*) of the crumbs of the children.
Akapindura akati kwaari: Hongu, Ishe; nokuti kunyange imbwanana dziri pasi petafura dzinodya zvezvimedu zvevana.
29 And He said to her; Because of this word do go, has gone forth out of the daughter of you the demon.
Akati kwaari: Nekuda kweshoko iri, enda; dhimoni rabuda pamukunda wako.
30 And having gone away to the home of her she found the (child *N(K)O*) (laid *N(k)O*) on (the bed *N(k)O*) and the demon having left.
Akabva akaenda kumba kwake, akawana dhimoni rabuda, mukunda arere panhovo.
31 And again having departed from the region of Tyre He came (through *N(K)O*) Sidon (to *N(k)O*) the Sea of Galilee through [the] midst of the region of [the] Decapolis.
Zvino wakatizve achibva kumiganhu yeTire neSidhoni, akauya kugungwa reGarirea, nepakati pemiganhu yeDhekapori.
32 And they bring to Him a deaf man (and *no*) who spoke with difficulty and they implore Him that He may lay on him the hand.
Zvino vakauisa kwaari matsi yaikakamira, vakamukumbirisa kuti aise ruoko pamusoro pake.
33 And having taken away him from the crowd aside privately He put the fingers of Him to the ears of him, and having spit He touched the tongue of him,
Akamutora ari ega kubva pachaunga, akapinza mimwe yake munzeve dzake, akapfira, ndokubata rurimi rwake.
34 and having looked up to heaven He sighed deeply and He says to him; Ephphatha! that is do be opened
Atarira kumusoro kudenga, akatura befu, akati kwaari: "Efata"; ndiko kuti: Zarurwa!
35 And (immediately *NK*) (were opened *N(k)O*) his ears, and was loosed the band of the tongue of him, and he was speaking plainly.
Pakarepo nzeve dzake dzakazarurwa, chisungo cherurimi rwake chikasunungurwa, akataura zvakarurama.
36 And He instructed them that to no one (they may speak; *N(k)O*) As much as however (He himself *k*) them was instructing, (they themselves *no*) more excessive were proclaiming [it].
Ndokuvaraira, kuti varege kuudza munhu; asi paainyanya kuvaraira, vakanyanya zvikuru kuparidza izvozvo.
37 And above measure above measure they were astonished saying; Well all things He has done both the deaf He makes to hear and (the *NK*) mute to speak.
Vakashamisika zvikuru kwazvo, vachiti: Wakaita zvese zvakanaka; wakaita matsi kuti dzinzwe, nezvimumumu kuti zvitaure.

< Mark 7 >