< Mark 3 >

1 And He entered again into the synagogue, and there was there a man withered having the hand,
Zvino wakapindazve musinagoge, zvino kwakange kune munhuko wakange ane ruoko rwakawonyana.
2 and they were watching Him whether on the Sabbaths He will heal him in order that (they may accuse *NK(o)*) Him.
Zvino vakamutarisisa kuona kana angamuporesa nesabata, kuti vamupomere.
3 And He says to the man the (withered *N(k)O*) hand having: (do arise *N(k)O*) into the midst.
Zvino akati kumunhu waiva neruoko rwakawonyana: Simuka uende pakati.
4 And He says to them; Is it lawful on the Sabbaths good to do or to do evil? Life to save or to kill? But they were silent.
Akati kwavari: Zviri pamutemo here kuita zvakanaka nemasabata, kana kuita zvakaipa? Kuponesa upenyu, kana kuuraya? Asi vakanyarara.
5 And having looked around on them with anger, being grieved at the hardness of the heart of them, He says to the man; do stretch out the hand (of you. *KO*) And he stretched [it] out, and was restored the hand of him (sound as another. *K*)
Zvino wakati aringa-ringa kwavari, nekutsamwa, ane shungu nekuda kwekuoma kwemoyo wavo, akati kumunhu: Tandavadza ruoko rwako, ndokutandavadza, ruoko rwake ndokuporeswa rwukagwinya serumwe.
6 And having gone out the Pharisees immediately with the Herodians counsel (were giving *N(k)O*) against Him how Him they may destroy.
VaFarisi vakabuda pakarepo vakarangana neVaHerodhe vachimupikisa kuti vangamuparadza sei.
7 And Jesus with the disciples of Him withdrew to the sea, and great a multitude from Galilee (followed *N(k)O*) (him *k*) and from Judea
Zvino Jesu akabva nevadzidzi vake vakaenda kugungwa; chaunga chikuru chikamutevera chichibva kuGarirea, nekuJudhiya,
8 and from Jerusalem and from Idumea and beyond the Jordan and (*k*) around Tyre and Sidon, A multitude great (having heard *N(k)O*) as much as (He was doing *NK(o)*) came to Him.
nekuJerusarema, nekuIdhumeya, nemhiri kwaJoridhani, nevakapoteredza Tire neSidhoni, chaunga chikuru, vakati vanzwa makuriro ezvinhu zvaanoita vakauya kwaari.
9 And He spoke to the disciples of Him that a boat may wait upon Him on account of the crowd that not they may press upon Him.
Akataura kuvadzidzi vake kuti igwa diki rimugarire nekuda kwechaunga, kuti varege kumutsikirira.
10 Many for He healed so as for to press upon Him that Him they may touch as many as had diseases.
Nokuti wakange aporesa vazhinji zvekuti vaiwira pamusoro pake kuti vamubate vese vakange vane zvirwere.
11 And the spirits unclean, whenever Him (they were seeing they were falling down *N(k)O*) before Him and (they were crying out saying *N(k)O*) that You yourself are the Son of God.
Nemweya yetsvina, payakamuona yakawira pasi pamberi pake, ikadanidzira ichiti: Imwi muri Mwanakomana waMwari.
12 And much He was rebuking them so that not Him known (they may make. *NK(o)*)
Akairairisa zvikuru kuti irege kumubudisa pachena.
13 And He goes up on the mountain and calls near those whom he was wanting Himself, and they went to Him.
Zvino wakakwira mugomo, akadanira kwaari vaakange achida iye; vakauya kwaari.
14 And He appointed twelve (whom also apostles He called [them] *NO*) that they may be with Him and that He may send them to preach
Akagadza gumi nevaviri, kuti vave naye, nokuti avatume kunoparidza,
15 and to have authority (to heal diseases and *K*) to cast out demons.
uye vave nesimba rekuporesa zvirwere nekubudisa madhimoni.
16 (And He appointed the Twelve *NO*) And He added [the] name to Simon Peter,
NaSimoni akamutumidza zita rinonzi Petro,
17 and James the [son] of Zebedee and John the brother of James, and He added to them [the] (names *NK(o)*) Boanerges, which is Sons of thunder;
naJakobho waZebhedhi, naJohwani munin'ina waJakobho; akavatumidza mazita anonzi Bowanegesi, ndokuti, vanakomana vekutinhira;
18 and Andrew and Philip and Bartholomew and Matthew and Thomas and James the [son] of Alphaeus and Thaddaeus and Simon the Zealot
naAndiriya, naFiripi, naBhatoromiyo, naMatewu, naTomasi, naJakobho waArifiyosi, naTadhiyo, naSimoni muKenani,
19 and Judas Iscariot who also betrayed Him. And (He comes *N(K)O*) to a house,
naJudhasi Isikariyoti, iye wakamutengesawo. Ndokubva vapinda mumba.
20 and comes together again (*no*) a crowd so that not to be able they (even *N(k)O*) bread to eat.
Chaunga chikaunganazve zvekuti vakange vasingagoni kunyange kudya chingwa.
21 And having heard [of it] those belonging to Him went out to seize Him; they were saying for that He is crazy.
Vekwake vakati vachizvinzwa vakabuda kunomubata; nokuti vakati: Anopenga.
22 And the scribes those from Jerusalem having come down were saying that Beelzebul He has and that By the prince of the demons He casts out the demons.
Nevanyori vakaburuka vachibva kuJerusarema vakati: Ana Bheerizebhuri, uye kuti: Anobudisa madhimoni nemutungamiriri wemadhimoni.
23 And having called to [Him] them in parables He was speaking to them: How is able Satan Satan to cast out?
Zvino akavadanira kwaari, akati kwavari nemifananidzo: Satani angagona kubudisa Satani sei?
24 And if a kingdom against itself shall be divided, not is able to stand the kingdom that;
Kana ushe hwakapesana huchizvipikisa, ushe uhwo hahungagoni kumira.
25 And if a house against itself shall be divided, not (will be able *N(k)O*) house that (to stand; *NK(o)*)
Kana imba yakapesana ichizvipikisa, imba iyo haigoni kumira.
26 And if Satan has risen up against himself and (was divided, *N(k)O*) not he is able (to stand *N(k)O*) but an end is coming to.
Uye kana Satani achizvimukira, akapesana, haangagoni kumira, asi anoguma.
27 (But *NO*) not is able no [one] into the house of the strong man having entered the goods of him to plunder, only unless first the strong man he shall bind, And then the house of him (he will plunder. *NK(o)*)
Hakuna angagona kupinda mumba mechikakarara, akapamba nhumbi dzacho, kunze kwekuti atanga kusunga chikakarara, ndokuzopamba imba yacho.
28 Amen I say to you that all will be forgiven to the sons of men the sins and (the *no*) blasphemies (as much as if *N(k)O*) they shall have blasphemed;
Zvirokwazvo ndinoti kwamuri: Zvivi zvese zvichakanganwirwa kuvanakomana vevanhu, nekunyomba kwese kwavanonyomba nako;
29 Who[ever] however maybe may blaspheme against the Spirit Holy not has forgiveness to the age, but guilty is [of] eternal (sin; *N(K)O*) (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
asi ani nani anonyomba achipikisa Mweya Mutsvene haana kanganwiro kusvikira narinhi asi ane mhosva yekutongwa kusingaperi. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
30 For they were saying; A spirit unclean he has.
Nokuti vakati: Ane mweya wetsvina.
31 (And he comes *N(K)O*) the mother of Him and the brothers of Him. and outside (standing *N(k)O*) sent to Him (calling *N(k)O*) Him.
Zvino kwakauya vanin'ina namai vake, vakamira kunze, vakatumira nhume kwaari vachimudana.
32 And was sitting around Him a crowd (And *no*) (they speak *N(k)O*) (now *k*) to Him; Behold the mother of You and the brothers of You (and the sisters of you *NO*) outside are seeking You.
Chaunga chakange chigere chakamukomba; vakati kwaari: Tarirai, mai venyu nevanin'ina venyu vari panze vanokutsvakai.
33 And (answering *N(k)O*) them (He says; *N(k)O*) Who are the mother of Mine (and *N(k)O*) the brothers of Mine?
Akavapindura achiti: Mai vangu ndiani kana vanin'ina vangu?
34 And having looked around on those who around Him surrounding were sitting He says; Behold the mother of Mine and the brothers of Mine!
Zvino akaringa-ringa kupoteredza avo vakange vagere vakamukomba akati: Tarirai mai vangu nevanin'ina vangu.
35 Who[ever] for maybe may do the will of God, he brother of Mine and sister (of Mine *k*) and mother is.
Nokuti ani nani anoita kuda kwaMwari, ndiye munin'ina wangu nehanzvadzi yangu namai.

< Mark 3 >