< John 17 >

1 These things spoke (*k*) Jesus, and (having lifted up *N(k)O*) the eyes of Him to heaven (and *k*) He said; Father, has come the hour; do glorify Your Son, that (also *k*) the Son (of you *k*) may glorify You.
Jesu wakataura zvinhu izvi, ndokusimudzira meso ake kudenga, akati: Baba, awa rasvika; kudzai Mwanakomana wenyu, kuti Mwanakomana wenyuwo akukudzei;
2 Even as You gave to Him authority over all flesh, so that all whom You have given to Him, (He may give *NK(o)*) to them life eternal. (aiōnios g166)
sezvo makamupa simba pamusoro penyama yese, kuti vese vamakamupa, avape upenyu husingaperi. (aiōnios g166)
3 This now is eternal life that they may know You the only true God and whom You have sent Jesus Christ. (aiōnios g166)
Uye uhu upenyu husingaperi, kuti vakuzivei imwi Mwari wega wechokwadi, naJesu Kristu wamakatuma. (aiōnios g166)
4 I myself You glorified on the earth the work (having completed *N(k)O*) that You have given Me that I may do.
Ini ndakakukudzai panyika; ndapedza basa ramakandipa kuti ndiite;
5 And now do glorify Me You yourself, Father, with Yourself with the glory that I had before the world existing with You.
uye ikozvino ndikudzei, imwi Baba, kwamuri pachenyu nerukudzo rwandaiva narwo ndinemwi nyika isati yavapo.
6 I revealed Your name to the men whom (you gave *N(k)O*) Me out of the world; Yours they were and to Me and to Me them (You gave *N(k)O*) and the word of You they have kept.
Ndaratidza zita renyu kuvanhu vamakandipa kubva munyika; vakange vari venyu, uye makavapa ini; uye vakachengeta shoko renyu.
7 Now they have known that all things as much as (You have given *NK(o)*) Me of You (are; *N(k)O*)
Ikozvino voziva kuti zvese-zvese zvamakandipa, zvinobva kwamuri;
8 for the declarations that (You gave *N(k)O*) Me I have given to them; and they themselves received [them] and they knew truly that from You I came forth, and they believed that You yourself Me sent.
nokuti ndakapa kwavari mashoko amakandipa; uye ivo vakagamuchira, vakaziva zvirokwazvo kuti ndakabuda kwamuri, uye vakatenda kuti imwi makandituma.
9 I myself concerning them am praying; Not concerning the world do I pray but concerning those whom You have given Me, for Yours they are;
Ini ndinokumbirira ivo; handikumbiriri nyika, asi avo vamakandipa, nokuti ndevenyu;
10 And the [things] of mine all Yours are and Yours Mine; and I have been glorified in them.
uye zvese zvangu ndezvenyu, nezvenyu ndezvangu; uye ndakakudzwa mavari.
11 And no longer no longer I am in the world, and yet (themselves *N(k)O*) in the world they are, and I myself and I myself to You am coming. Father Holy, do keep them in the name of You (which [name] *N(K)O*) You have given to Me that they may be one even as (also *o*) we ourselves [are].
Uye handichisiri munyika, asi ava vari munyika; uye ini ndinouya kwamuri. Baba vatsvene, vachengetei muzita renyu vamakandipa, kuti vave vamwe, sesu.
12 When I was with them (in world *K*) I myself was keeping them in the name of You (which [name] *N(K)O*) You have given to Me (And *no*) I guarded [them], and none of them has perished only except the son of destruction, that the Scripture may be fulfilled.
Pandaiva navo munyika, ini ndaivachengeta muzita renyu; avo vamakandipa, ndikachengetedza, uye hapana umwe wavo wakarasika, kunze kwemwanakomana wekuraswa, kuti rugwaro rwuzadziswe.
13 Now however to You I am coming and these things I speak in the world, so that they may have joy of Mine fulfilled within (themselves. *N(k)O*)
Asi ikozvino ndinouya kwamuri, uye zvinhu izvi ndinotaura munyika, kuti vave nemufaro wangu wakazadziswa mavari.
14 I myself have given to them the word of You, and the world hated them, because not they are of the world even as I myself not am of the world.
Ini ndakavapa shoko renyu, uye nyika yakavavenga, nokuti havasi venyika, seni ndisiri wenyika.
15 Not I do ask that You may take them out of the world but that You may keep them from evil.
Handikumbiri kuti muvabvise panyika, asi kuti muvachengete pane wakaipa.
16 Of the world not they are even as I myself not am of the world.
Havasi venyika, seni ndisiri wenyika.
17 do sanctify them by the truth (of you; *k*) the word of You truth is.
Vaitei vatsvene muchokwadi chenyu; shoko renyu ichokwadi.
18 Even as Me myself You sent into the world, I myself also I myself also sent them into the world.
Sezvamakandituma munyika, neniwo ndavatuma munyika.
19 and for them I myself sanctify Myself, that may be also they themselves sanctified in truth.
Uye ini ndinozviita mutsvene nekuda kwavo, kuti ivowo vaitwe vatsvene muchokwadi.
20 Not for these however do I ask only but also for those (are believing *N(k)O*) through the word of them in Me myself;
Uye handikumbiriri ava chete, asi naivo vachatenda kwandiri neshoko ravo;
21 that all one may be even as You yourself, (Father, *NK(o)*) [are] in Me myself and I myself and I myself in You, that also they themselves in Us (one *KO*) may be; that the world (may believe *N(k)O*) that You yourself Me sent.
kuti vese vave umwe; semwi, Baba, mandiri, neni mamuri; kuti ivowo vave umwe matiri; kuti nyika itende kuti imwi makandituma.
22 And I myself And I myself the glory which You have given Me I have given to them, so that they may be one even as We ourselves one — (are; *k*)
Nekubwinya kwamakandipa, ini ndakavapa, kuti vave umwe, sesu tiri umwe.
23 I myself in them and You in Me myself — that they may be perfected in unity, (and *k*) so that may know the world that You yourself Me sent and You loved them even as Me myself You loved.
Ini mavari, nemwi mandiri, kuti vapedzeredzwe vave umwe; uye kuti nyika izive kuti imwi makandituma, uye makavada, sezvamakandida.
24 (Father, *NK(o)*) (that [one] *N(k)O*) You have given Me I desire that where am I myself they also they also may be with Me, that they may behold glory of Mine that (You have given *N(k)O*) Me because You loved Me before [the] foundation of [the] world.
Baba, ndinoda kuti ivowo vamakandipa, vave neni apo pandiri ini, kuti vaone kubwinya kwangu, kwamakandipa, nokuti makandida mavambo enyika asati avapo.
25 (Father *NK(o)*) righteous, although the world You not has known, I myself now You have known, and these have known that You yourself Me sent;
Baba vakarurama, nenyika haina kukuzivai, asi ini ndakakuzivai, neava vakaziva kuti imwi makandituma;
26 And I made known to them the name of You and will make [it] known, so that the love with which You loved Me in them may be and I myself and I myself in them.
uye ndakazivisa kwavari zita renyu, uye ndicharizivisa, kuti rudo rwamakandida narwo ruve mavari, neni mavari.

< John 17 >