< Acts 1 >

1 The indeed first account I composed concerning all the things, O Theophilus, of which began Jesus to do both and to teach
Rondedzero yekutanga ndakaiita, haiwa Teofiro, pamusoro pezvese Jesu zvaakatanga kuita uyewo kudzidzisa,
2 until the day having given orders to the apostles through [the] Spirit Holy whom He had chosen He was taken up.
kusvikira zuva raakakwidzwa, amboraira neMweya Mutsvene kuvaapositori vaakange asarudza;
3 to those also He presented Himself alive after the suffering of Him with many proofs, during days forty appearing to them and speaking the [things] concerning the kingdom of God.
vaakazviratidzawo kwavari ari mupenyu shure kwekutambudzika kwake neuchapupu uzhinji hunopwisa, achionekwa navo kwemazuva makumi mana, achitaura zvinhu zveushe hwaMwari.
4 And being assembled together He instructed to them from Jerusalem not to depart, but to await the promise of the Father That which you heard of Me;
Zvino aungana navo, akavaraira kuti varege kubva muJerusarema asi vamirire chivimbiso chaBaba, chamakanzwa neni;
5 for John indeed baptized with water, you yourselves however with [the] Spirit will be baptized Holy not after many these days.
nokuti Johwani zvirokwazvo wakabhabhatidza nemvura, asi imwi muchabhabhatidzwa neMweya Mutsvene pasina mazuva mazhinji kubva ikozvino.
6 Those indeed therefore having come together (were asking *N(k)O*) Him saying; Lord, if at time this are you restoring the kingdom to Israel?
Naizvozvo ivo vakati vaungana vakamubvunza vachiti: Ishe, muchadzosera ushe kuna Israeri nenguva ino here?
7 He said then to them; Not yours it is to know times or seasons which the Father put in place by His own authority,
Zvino akati kwavari: Hazvisi zvenyu kuziva nguva kana misi Baba yavakatara nesimba ravo pachavo;
8 But you will receive power when was coming the Holy Spirit upon you and you will be (My *N(K)O*) witnesses in both Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and until [the] uttermost part of the earth.
asi muchagamuchira simba, Mweya Mutsvene asvika pamusoro penyu; uye muchava zvapupu zvangu zvese paJerusarema nemuJudhiya mese nemuSamaria, kusvikirawo kumugumo wenyika.
9 And these things having said when are looking they He was taken up and a cloud hid Him from the eyes of them.
Zvino wakati areva zvinhu izvi, akakwidzwa vakatarira, negore rikamubvisa pameso avo.
10 And as looking intently they were into the heaven as is going He, then behold men two had stood by them in (garments white, *N(k)O*)
Zvino vachakatarisisa kudenga, achikwira, zvino tarira, varume vaviri vakamira navo nenguvo chena;
11 who also said; Men Galileans, why have you stood (looking *NK(o)*) into heaven? This Jesus who having been taken up from you into heaven thus will come in that manner you beheld Him going into heaven.
ivowo vakati: Varume veGarirea, makamirirei makatarisisa kudenga? Iyeyu Jesu, anobviswa kwamuri achikwidzwa kudenga, achauya saizvozvo sezvamunomuona achienda kudenga.
12 Then they returned to Jerusalem from [the] mount which is being called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem a Sabbath day’s holding journey.
Zvino vakadzokera kuJerusarema vachibva pagomo rinonzi reMiorivhi riri pedo neJerusarema, chinhambwe cherwendo rwesabata.
13 And when they had entered into the upper room they went up where they were staying, both Peter and John and James and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James [son] of Alphaeus and Simon the Zealot and Judas [son] of James.
Vakati vapinda, vakakwira mukamuri yepamusoro apo paigara vese Petro naJakobho naJohwani naAndiriya, Firipi naTomasi, Bhatironomiyo naMatewu, Jakobho waArifio naSimoni muZiroti, naJudhasi waJakobho.
14 These all were steadfastly continuing with one accord in prayer (and in supplication *K*) with the [the] women and Mary with the mother of Jesus and (with *ko*) the brothers of Him.
Ava vese vakatsungirira nemoyo umwe mumunyengetero nemukumbiro, pamwe nevakadzi, naMaria mai vaJesu, uye nevanin'ina vake.
15 And in days these having stood up Peter in [the] midst of the (brothers *N(K)O*) he said — was then [the] number of names together the same (about *N(k)O*) a hundred twenty —
Zvino mumazuva iwayo Petro wakasimuka pakati pevadzidzi akati (kwaiva nechaunga nevanhu pamwe vanenge zana nemakumi maviri):
16 Men brothers, it was necessary for to have been fulfilled Scripture (this *k*) which (foretold *NK(o)*) the Spirit Holy through [the] mouth of David concerning Judas the [one] having become guide to those having arrested (*k*) Jesus;
Varume hama, zvakafanira kuti rugwaro urwu rwuzadziswe, Mweya Mutsvene zvawakagara wataura nemuromo waDhavhidhi pamusoro paJudhasi, wakange ari mutungamiriri wevaya vakabata Jesu,
17 for numbered he was (among *N(k)O*) us and was allotted the share of the ministry this.
nokuti wakange achiverengwa pamwe nesu, akagamuchira mugove weushumiri uhu.
18 This [man] indeed then acquired a field out of (the *k*) reward of unrighteousness, and headlong having fallen he burst open in [the] middle and gushed out all the intestines of him,
Zvino uyu wakawana munda nemubairo wezvakaipa, akawa nemusoro, akaparuka nepakati, ura hwake hwese hukabvajukira kunze.
19 And known it became to all those dwelling in Jerusalem, so that to call the field that [one] in [their] own language of them Akeldama That is Field of Blood.
Zvikanzwikwa kuvagari vese paJerusarema, zvekuti munda uyo watumidzwa nerurimi rwavo pachavo kuti Akeridhama, ndiko kuti: Munda weropa.
20 It has been written for in [the] book of Psalms: should become the homestead of him desolate and not should there be [one] who is dwelling in it,’ and The position of him (take *N(k)O*) another.’
Nokuti zvakanyorwa mubhuku reMapisarema zvichinzi: Musha wake ngauve dongo, uye kurege kuva neanogara mauri; uye: Utariri hwake, umwe ngaatore.
21 It behooves therefore of those [who] were accompanying us men during all [the] time (in *k*) that he came in and he went out among us the Lord Jesus,
Naizvozvo zvakafanira pavarume ava vaifamba nesu munguva yese, apo Ishe Jesu aipinda nekubuda pakati pedu,
22 having begun from the baptism of John until the day in which He was taken up from us, a witness of the resurrection of Him with us to become one of these.
kutanga parubhabhatidzo rwaJohwani, kusvikira pazuva raakwidzwa kubva kwatiri, umwe wavo ngaave chapupu pamwe nesu chekumuka kwake.
23 And they put forward two, Joseph who is being called Barsabbas who was called Justus and Matthias.
Zvino vakamisa vaviri: Josefa wainzi Bharisabhasi, wakatumidzwawo Jusito, naMatiasi.
24 And having prayed they said; You yourself Lord knower of the hearts of all, do show whom You have chosen of these two one
Vakanyengetera vachiti: Imwi Ishe, imwi muzivi wemoyo yevese, taridzai umwe pavaviri ava wamasarudza,
25 to take the (place *N(k)O*) of the ministry this and apostleship (from *N(k)O*) which turned aside Judas to go to the place [his] own.
kugamuchira mugove paushumiri nevuapositori, Judhasi hwaakatsauka pahuri, kuti aende panzvimbo yake pachake.
26 And they gave lots (to them *N(k)O*) and fell the lot on Matthias and he was numbered with the eleven apostles.
Zvino vakavapa mijenya yavo, mujenya ukawira pana Matiasi; akaverengwa pamwe nevaapositori vanegumi neumwe.

< Acts 1 >