< 2 Thessalonians 1 >

1 Paul and Silvanus and Timothy To the church of [the] Thessalonians in God [the] Father of us and in the Lord Jesus Christ:
Pauro naSirivhano naTimotio kukereke yeVaTesaronika muna Mwari Baba vedu naIshe Jesu Kristu:
2 Grace to you and peace from God [the] Father of us and [the] Lord Jesus Christ.
Nyasha kwamuri nerugare rwunobva kuna Mwari Baba vedu naIshe Jesu Kristu.
3 To thank we ought God always concerning you, brothers, even as fitting it is, because is increasing exceedingly the faith of you and is abounding the love of one each of all you to one another;
Tinofanira kuvonga Mwari nguva dzese pamusoro penyu, hama, sezvazvakafanira, nokuti rutendo rwenyu rwunokura zvikurusa, nerudo rweumwe neumwe wenyu mese kune umwe neumwe rwunowanda;
4 so as for ourselves us in you (to greatly boast *N(k)O*) in the churches of God about the perseverance of you and faith in all the persecutions of you and in the tribulations that you are bearing,
nekudaro isu tomene tinozvirumbidza mamuri mumakereke aMwari pamusoro pemoyo murefu wenyu nerutendo mukushushwa kwenyu kwese nematambudziko amunotsunga maari.
5 [This is] a plain token of the righteous judgment of God unto to be accounted worthy you of the kingdom of God for which also you suffer;
Ndicho chiratidzo chekutonga kwakarurama kwaMwari, kuti muverengwe semakafanira ushe hwaMwari, hwamunotambudzikirawo;
6 if indeed if indeed righteous [it is] with God to repay those oppressing you with affliction
sezvo chiri chinhu chakarurama kuna Mwari kutsiva dambudziko kune vanokutambudzai,
7 and to you those being oppressed repose with us at the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with [the] angels mighty of Him
uye kwamuri munotambudzwa, kuzorora pamwe nesu, pakuzarurwa kwaIshe Jesu achibva kudenga nevatumwa vesimba rake,
8 in (a fire of flame, *NK(o)*) inflicting vengeance on those not knowing God and on those not obeying the gospel of the Lord of us Jesus (Christ; *K*)
mumoto unopfuta achitsiva kune vasingazivi Mwari, nekune vasingateereri evhangeri yaIshe wedu Jesu Kristu;
9 who [the] penalty will suffer of destruction eternal away from [the] presence of the Lord and from the glory of the power of Him, (aiōnios g166)
vacharangwa nekuparadza kusingaperi, vabviswe pamberi paIshe, nepakubwinya kwesimba rake, (aiōnios g166)
10 when He may come to be glorified in the saints of Him and to be marveled at among all those (having believed, *N(k)O*) because was believed the testimony of us to you in the day that.
paachauya kuzorumbidzwa muvatsvene vake, nekuyemurwa mune vese vanotenda (nekuti kupupura kwedu kwamuri kwakatendwa) nezuva iro.
11 for which also we pray always for you that you He may count worthy of the calling of the God of us and He may fulfill every good pleasure of goodness and work of faith with power,
Naizvozvo tinokunyengetereraiwo nguva dzese, kuti Mwari wedu akuverengei makafanirwa kudanwa uye azadzise kuda kwese kwakanaka kwekunaka hwake nebasa rerutendo nesimba;
12 so that may be glorified the name of the Lord of us Jesus (Christ *K*) in you and you in Him according to the grace of the God of us and [the] Lord Jesus Christ.
kuti zita raIshe wedu Jesu Kristu rirumbidzwe mamuri, nemwi maari, zvichienderana nenyasha dzaMwari wedu nedzaIshe Jesu Kristu.

< 2 Thessalonians 1 >