< Hebrews 6 >

1 So let's not get stuck on the basic teachings about Christ, but let's progress to a more mature understanding. We don't need to go over again the ideas of repenting from what we used to do, about trusting in God—
I me kitail pan muei sang tapin padak en Kristus, ap kakairida o unsokela, a kaidin pur ong wia pason ni at kalukila wiawia en mela kan, de poson Kot,
2 or teachings about baptism, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. (aiōnios g166)
De padak duen paptais, o pokada pa kan poa, o duen en me melar akan ar pan maureda, o duen kadeik soutuk. (aiōnios g166)
3 So let's get on with it, as God gives us the opportunity!
A i me kitail pan wiada, ma Kot pan kotin mueid ong.
4 It's impossible for those who once understood and experienced God's heavenly gift—who shared in receiving the Holy Spirit,
Pwe a so kak pa’rail, me marainlar, o me wewekier kisakis sang lang, o audaudkier Ngen saraui,
5 who had known God's good word and the power of the coming age— (aiōn g165)
O lolekong kilar masan en Kot mau, o manaman en muei mau kokodo, (aiōn g165)
6 and then completely abandon God, for them to be brought back to repentance once more. They themselves have crucified the Son of God all over again and publicly humiliated him.
Ma irail pan pup wei sang, re solar pan kak pur ong kalula, pwe irail pein kalopuela Sapwilim en Kot o kanamenokalar i.
7 Land that has been watered by rain, and produces crops for those who farm it, has God's blessing.
Pwe sap me lamelamur ki katau, me kin purepure moredi ong, o me kawosadang irail, me kin wia sapasap kapwa mau, iei sap o me kin ale pai ren Kot.
8 But land that only produces weeds and thorns is worthless, and is about to be condemned. In the end all that can be done is to burn it.
A ma a kin kawosada tuka teketek o dip, iei me sued o mau ong kariala o ni imwi a pan karongala.
9 But dear friends, we believe better of you and your salvation, even if we talk like this!
A kompoke pat akan, se asa, me komail sota kin duota ni meakan me kareda maur, ari so, iduen at kin padapadak.
10 God wouldn't be so unjust as to forget what you've done and the love you've shown for him by the care you've shown for fellow-believers—something you're still doing.
Pwe Kot sota sapung, o a sota kak maliela omail wiawia kan o omail dodok limpok, me komail kasansale ong mar a ni omail papaer me saraui kan, o ni omail kin papa.
11 We want each of you to show the same kind of commitment, confident in God's hope until it's fulfilled.
A kit kin inong iong, amen amen komail en nantiong duedueta kasansaleda kaporo por melel lao lel imwi.
12 Don't be spiritually lazy, but follow the example of those who through trusting in God and patience inherit what God has promised.
Pwe komail der tangangala, a komail alale sang irail, me poson o kanongama ap sosoki inau kan.
13 When God gave his promise to Abraham he could swear by no one greater so he took an oath on himself,
Pwe ni en Kot a kotin inauki ong Apraam, a kotin kaukila pein i, pwe sota me lap sang en kau kila,
14 saying, “I will definitely bless you, and multiply your descendants.”
Masani: Melel I pan kapai uk ala o kangeder uk ala.
15 And so, after patiently waiting, Abraham received the promise.
I ari auiauieta ni kanongama ap pwaida inau o.
16 People swear on things that are greater than they are, and when they have some dispute the oath is taken as the final word on the matter.
Pwe aramas akan kin kaukila me lapa sang ir, o kaula kin kaimwisokala akamai karos.
17 That's why God wanted to demonstrate more clearly to those who would inherit the promise that he would never ever change his mind.
I me Kot pil kotin kaukila, pwen kasale ong irail, me pan sosoki pai en a inau o, me a inau sota kak wukila.
18 So by these two actions that can't be changed, and since it's impossible for God to lie, we can have total confidence, having run for safety to take hold of the hope God presented to us.
Pwe song riau me so kak wuk, pwe Kot sota kak likam, en kamait kit ala melel, pwe kitail en tang wong kaporopor, me mi mo atail.
19 This hope is our spiritual anchor—it's both certain and reliable, and it takes us past the curtain to the presence of God.
Kaporopor wet me rasong paipong en ngen atail, me melel o teng, me kak lel wong nan pera saraui.
20 That's where Jesus went in on our behalf, because he had become a high priest according to the order of Melchizedek. (aiōn g165)
Iei wasa atail saunkair kotila ia pweki kitail, Iesus, me wiala samero lapalap ni al en Melkisedek kokolata. (aiōn g165)

< Hebrews 6 >