< Hebrews 2 >

1 So we should pay even closer attention to what we've learned so we don't drift away from it.
I ME kitail en nantiong madamadaua, duen me kitail rongadar, pwe kitail ender so konoti.
2 If the message the angels brought was trustworthy, and every sin and disobedient act brings its own consequence,
Pwe ma masan o, me pousa sang ren tounlang kan, me inen o kaopa karos o katiwo karos kalokoloker duen kapung o,
3 how will we escape if we don't pay attention to this great salvation that the Lord first announced, and then we had confirmed to us by those who heard him.
Iaduen atail pan kak pitila, ma kitail mamaleki kamaurpa lapalap wet, me tapida ni a kalok sang ren Kaun o ap pil sang ren me rongorong i kan!
4 God also testified through signs and miracles, by acts that show his power, and by the gifts of the Holy Spirit, given as he chose.
A pil Kot, me kotin kadedeki ni kilel akan, o manaman akan, o song en wiawia kelail akan, o kisakis en Ngen saraui, duen pein kupur a.
5 It's not angels who will be in charge of the world to come that we're talking about.
Pwe a sota kotiki ong tounlang kan, en koaki sappa kokodo, duen me se indinda.
6 But as it's been said, “What are human beings that you should worry about them? What is a son of man that you should care about him?
A amen me kadede o inda ekis wasa: Dakot aramas o, pwe komui kin kotin kupura i, de nain aramas amen, pwe komui kotin apwali i?
7 You set him a little lower than the angels; you crowned him with glory and honor, and placed him over all your creation.
Komui kotin kasapwilidi i ansau kis pan tounlang kan, ap kotin nine kin i lingan o wau.
8 You gave him authority over everything.” Nothing was left out when God gave him authority over everything. However, we see that not everything is subject to his authority yet.
Kom kotin kaloedier karos pan aluwilu a kan. A ni a kotin kaloedi ong i meakaros, solar, me sota lodi ong i. A met kitail saikenta kilang, me karos lodi ong i.
9 But we see Jesus, placed a little lower than the angels, through the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor. Through God's grace Jesus experienced death for everyone.
A kitail kilang Iesus, me kasapwilidi ansau kis pan tounlang kan, pweki a kalokolok ong kamatala, ap nine kida lingan o wau, pwen mata kila amen amen duen mak en Kot.
10 It was appropriate that God, who creates and maintains everything, should bring many of his children to glory, and to completely prepare through suffering the one who leads them to salvation.
Pwe me mau ong i, me dipisou kan karos wiaui onger o wiaui kidar, ni a kotin kalua wong lingan seri toto, en kaunsokala Tapin maur arail ki kamekam,
11 For both the one who makes people holy and those who are made holy belong to the same family. That's why he doesn't hesitate to call them “brothers,”
Pwe i, me kin kasaraui, o irail, me pan kasarauila, karos tapi sang me ta men, i me a sota kotin namenokki riane kin irail,
12 saying “I will announce your name to my brothers; I will praise you among your people when they meet together.”
Duen a kotin masani: I pan padaki ong ri ai kan mar omui, o nan pung en momodisou i pan kaul kaping ong komui.
13 Also: “I will place my trust in him,” and “Here I am, together with the children God has given to me.”
O pil eu: I pan liki i. O pil eu: Masani, iet ngai o seri kan, me Kot kotiki ong ia er.
14 Because the children share flesh and blood in common, he shared in this in the same way so that through death he could destroy the one that had the power of death—the devil—
A duen seri kan, me kisan pali nta o uduk, i me a pil kotin ale ong pein i mepukat, pwe ni a matala i en kaloedi i, me kaun en mela, iei tewil o,
15 and free everyone who through fear of death were enslaved all their lives.
O kotin lapwada irail karos, me lodi ong masak mela, ap lidulidu arain arail maur.
16 Of course it's not angels he's concerned about; he's concerned to help the children of Abraham.
Pwe kaidin tounlang kan, me a kotin apapwali, pwe a kotin apapwali kadaudok en Apraam.
17 That's why it was necessary for him to become like his brothers in everything, so that he could become a merciful and trustworthy high priest in the things of God, to forgive his people's sins.
I me a kotin udan duela ri a kan ni meakaros, pwen kalangan o wiala samero lapalap melel amen, mon Kot, pwen tomki dip en aramas akan,
18 Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are tempted.
Pwe duen pein i kanaudokalar o songesong, a kotin mangi duen sauasa irail, me songesonger.

< Hebrews 2 >