< Masalimo 143 >

1 Salimo la Davide. Yehova imvani pemphero langa, mvetserani kulira kwanga kopempha chifundo; mwa kukhulupirika kwanu ndi chilungamo chanu bwerani kudzandithandiza.
Hear my prayer, O Jehovah. Give ear to my supplications. In thy faithfulness answer me, and in thy righteousness.
2 Musazenge mlandu mtumiki wanu, pakuti palibe munthu wamoyo amene ndi wolungama pamaso panu.
And enter not into judgment with thy servant. For in thy sight no man living is righteous.
3 Mdani akundithamangitsa, iye wandipondereza pansi; wachititsa kuti ndikhale mu mdima ngati munthu amene anafa kale.
For the enemy has persecuted my soul. He has smitten my life down to the ground. He has made me to dwell in dark places as those who have been long dead.
4 Choncho mzimu wanga ukufowoka mʼkati mwanga; mʼkati mwanga, mtima wanga uli ndi nkhawa.
Therefore my spirit is overwhelmed within me. My heart within me is desolate.
5 Ndimakumbukira masiku amakedzana; ndimalingalira za ntchito yanu yonse, ndimaganizira zimene manja anu anachita.
I remember the days of old. I meditate on all thy doings. I muse on the work of thy hands.
6 Ndatambalitsa manja anga kwa Inu; moyo wanga uli ndi ludzu lofuna Inu monga nthaka yowuma. (Sela)
I spread forth my hands to thee. My soul is as a weary land for thee. (Selah)
7 Yehova ndiyankheni msanga; mzimu wanga ukufowoka. Musandibisire nkhope yanu, mwina ndidzakhala ngati iwo amene atsikira ku dzenje.
Make haste to answer me, O Jehovah, my spirit fails. Hide not thy face from me, lest I become like those who go down into the pit.
8 Lolani kuti mmawa ubweretse mawu achikondi chanu chosasinthika, pakuti ine ndimadalira Inu. Mundisonyeze njira yoti ndiyendemo, pakuti kwa Inu nditukulira moyo wanga.
Cause me to hear thy loving kindness in the morning, for in thee do I trust. Cause me to know the way in which I should walk, for I lift up my soul to thee.
9 Pulumutseni kwa adani anga, Inu Yehova, pakuti ndimabisala mwa Inu.
Deliver me, O Jehovah, from my enemies. I flee to thee to hide me.
10 Phunzitseni kuchita chifuniro chanu, popeza ndinu Mulungu wanga; Mzimu wanu wabwino unditsogolere pa njira yanu yosalala.
Teach me to do thy will, for thou are my God. Thy Spirit is good, lead me in the land of uprightness.
11 Sungani moyo wanga Inu Yehova chifukwa cha dzina lanu; mwa chilungamo chanu tulutseni mʼmasautso anga.
Revive me, O Jehovah, for thy name's sake. In thy righteousness bring my soul out of trouble.
12 Mwa chikondi chanu chosasinthika khalitsani chete adani anga; wonongani adani anga, pakuti ndine mtumiki wanu.
And in thy loving kindness cut off my enemies, and destroy all those who afflict my soul, for I am thy servant.

< Masalimo 143 >