< Romans 6 >

1 What shall we saye then? Shall we continue in synne that there maye be aboundaunce of grace?
Tuseme nini basi? Je, twendelee kubaki katika dhambi ili neema ya Mungu iongezeke?
2 God forbyd. How shall we that are deed as touchynge synne live eny lenger therin?
Hata kidogo! Kuhusu dhambi sisi tumekufa—tutaendeleaje kuishi tena katika dhambi?
3 Remember ye not that all we which are baptysed in the name of Iesu Christ are baptysed to dye with him?
Maana, mnajua kwamba sisi tuliobatizwa tukaungana na Kristo Yesu, tulibatizwa na kuungana na kifo chake.
4 We are buryed with him by baptim for to dye that lykewyse as Christ was raysed vp from deeth by the glorye of the father: eve so we also shuld walke in a newe lyfe.
Tulipobatizwa tuliungana na kifo chake, tukazikwa pamoja naye, ili kama vile Kristo alivyofufuliwa kutoka wafu kwa kitendo kitukufu cha Baba, sisi pia tuweze kuishi maisha mapya.
5 For yf we be graft in deeth lyke vnto him: even so must we be in the resurreccio.
Maana, kama sisi tumeungana naye katika kufa kama yeye, vivyo hivyo tutaungana naye kwa kufufuliwa kutoka wafu kama yeye.
6 This we must remeber that oure olde man is crucified with him also that the body of synne myght vtterly be destroyed that hence forth we shuld not be servauntes of synne.
Tunajua kwamba utu wetu wa kale ulisulubiwa pamoja na Kristo, ili hali ya dhambi iharibiwe, tusiwe tena watumwa wa dhambi.
7 For he that is deed ys iustified from synne.
Kwa maana, mtu aliyekufa, amenasuliwa kutoka katika nguvu ya dhambi.
8 Wherfore yf we be deed with Christ we beleve that we shall live with him:
Basi, ikiwa tumekufa pamoja na Kristo, tunaamini kwamba tutaishi pia pamoja naye.
9 remembringe that Christ once raysed fro deeth dyeth no more. Deeth hath no moare power over him.
Maana, tunajua kwamba Kristo amekwisha fufuliwa kutoka wafu na hafi tena; kifo hakimtawali tena.
10 For as touchynge that he dyed he dyed concernynge synne once. And as touchinge that he liveth he liveth vnto God.
Hivyo, kwa kuwa alikufa—mara moja tu—dhambi haina nguvu tena juu yake; na sasa anaishi maisha yake katika umoja na Mungu.
11 Lykewyse ymagen ye also that ye are deed concernynge synne: but are alive vnto God thorow Iesus Christ oure Lorde.
Hali kadhalika nanyi lazima mjione kuwa mmekufa kuhusu dhambi, lakini kama mnaoishi katika umoja na Mungu kwa njia ya Kristo Yesu.
12 Let not synne raygne therfore in youre mortall bodyes that ye shuld thervnto obey in the lustes of it.
Kwa hiyo, dhambi isiitawale tena miili yenu ambayo hufa, na hivyo kuzitii tamaa zake.
13 Nether geve ye youre members as instrumentes of vnrightewesnes vnto synne: but geve youre selves vnto God as they that are alive from deeth. And geve youre membres as iustrumetes of rightewesnes vnto God.
Wala msitoe hata sehemu moja ya miili yenu iwe chombo cha kutenda uovu na dhambi. Badala yake, jitoleeni ninyi wenyewe kwa Mungu kama watu waliofufuliwa kutoka wafu; toeni nafsi zenu zote kwa Mungu kwa ajili ya uadilifu.
14 Let not synne have power over you. For ye are not vnder the lawe but vnder grace.
Maana, dhambi haitawatawala ninyi tena, kwani hamko chini ya Sheria, bali chini ya neema.
15 What then? Shall we synne because we are not vnder the lawe: but vnder grace? God forbyd.
Basi, tuseme nini? Je, tutende dhambi ati kwa sababu hatuko chini ya Sheria bali chini ya neema? Hata kidogo!
16 Remember ye not how yt to whom soever ye comit youre selves as servautes to obey his servauntes ye are to whom ye obey: whether it be of synne vnto deeth or of obedience vnto rightewesnes?
Mnajua kwamba mkijitolea ninyi wenyewe kama watumwa na kumtii fulani, mnakuwa kweli watumwa wake mtu huyo—au watumwa wa dhambi, na matokeo yake ni kifo, au wa utii, na matokeo yake ni kukubaliwa kuwa waadilifu.
17 God be thanked yt though ye were once the servauntes of synne ye have yet obeyed with herte vnto the forme of doctryne wher vnto ye were delyvered.
Ingawa mlikuwa watumwa wa dhambi zamani, sasa lakini—namshukuru Mungu—mmetii kwa moyo wote yale maazimio na mafundisho mliyopokea.
18 Ye are then made fre from synne and are be come the servauntes of rightewesnes.
Mlikombolewa kutoka utumwa wa dhambi, mkawa watumwa wa uadilifu.
19 I will speake grossly because of the infirmitie of youre flesshe. As ye have geve youre membres servauntes to vnclennes and to iniquitie fro iniquitie vnto iniquitie: even so nowe geve youre membres servantes vnto rightewesnes yt ye maye be sanctified.
(Hapa natumia lugha ya kawaida ya watu kwa sababu ya udhaifu wenu wenyewe.) Kama vile wakati fulani mlivyojitolea ninyi wenyewe kutumikia uchafu na uhalifu kwa ajili ya uovu, vivyo hivyo sasa jitoleeni nafsi zenu wenyewe kutumikia uadilifu kwa ajili ya utakatifu.
20 For when ye were the servauntes of synne ye were not vnder rightewesnes.
Mlipokuwa watumwa wa dhambi, mlikuwa huru mbali na uadilifu.
21 What frute had ye then in tho thinges wher of ye are now ashamed. For the ende of tho thynges is deeth.
Sasa, mlipata faida gani siku zile kutokana na mambo yale ambayo mnayaonea aibu sasa? Maana, matokeo ya mambo haya ni kifo!
22 But now are ye delivered from synne and made the servauntes of God and have youre frute that ye shuld be sanctifyed and the ende everlastinge lyfe. (aiōnios g166)
Lakini sasa, mmekwisha kombolewa kutoka utumwa wa dhambi na mmekuwa watumishi wa Mungu; faida mliyo nayo sasa ni utakatifu, na matokeo yake ni uzima wa milele. (aiōnios g166)
23 For the rewarde of synne is deeth: but eternall lyfe is the gyfte of God thorow Iesus Christ oure Lorde. (aiōnios g166)
Kwa maana mshahara wa dhambi ni kifo; lakini zawadi anayotoa Mungu ni uzima wa milele katika kuungana na Kristo Yesu, Bwana wetu. (aiōnios g166)

< Romans 6 >