< Romans 10 >

1 Brothers, the indeed desire of my heart and the supplication (they [are] *k*) to God on behalf (*k*) (of them *N(K)O*) (is *k*) for salvation.
Hama, chishuwo chemoyo wangu nemukumbiro kuna Mwari pamusoro paIsraeri ndiko kuti vaponeswe.
2 I bear witness for about them that zeal for God they have but not according to knowledge.
Nokuti ndinovapupurira kuti vanoshingairira Mwari, asi kwete paruzivo;
3 Being ignorant of for the of God righteousness and the [their] own righteousness seeking to establish to the righteousness of God not they submitted.
nokuti vasingazivi kururama kwaMwari, uye vachitsvaka kumisa kururama kwavo pachavo, vakasazviisa pasi pekururama kwaMwari.
4 [The] end for of law [is] Christ unto righteousness to everyone who is believing.
Nokuti Kristu mugumo wemurairo mukururama kuna ani nani anotenda.
5 Moses for writes [of] the righteousness that [is] of the law that The having done these things man will live by (these [things]. *NK(O)*)
Nokuti Mozisi anonyora kururama kuri kwemurairo, kuti munhu anoita zvinhu izvi achararama nazvo.
6 The however of faith righteousness thus speaks: Not you may say in the heart of you; Who will ascend into heaven?’ That is Christ to bring down;
Asi kururama kunobva parutendo kunotaura sezvizvi: Usati mumoyo mako: Ndiani achakwira kudenga? Ndiko kuti kuburusa Kristu;
7 or Who will descend into the abyss?’ That is Christ out from [the] dead to bring up. (Abyssos g12)
kana kuti: Ndiani achaburukira mukudzika? Ndiko kuti kukwidza Kristu kubva kuvakafa. (Abyssos g12)
8 But what says it? Near you the declaration is in the mouth of you and in the heart of you; That is the declaration of faith which we proclaim;
Asi kunoti kudini? Shoko riri pedo newe, mumuromo mako nemumoyo mako; iri ishoko rerutendo ratinoparidza;
9 for if you shall confess (the declaration *O*) with the mouth of you (that *o*) (Lord Jesus [is] *NK(o)*) and may believe in the heart of you that God Him raised out from [the] dead, you will be saved;
kuti kana iwe ukabvuma nemuromo wako Ishe Jesu, uye ukatenda mumoyo mako kuti Mwari wakamumutsa kubva kuvakafa, uchaponeswa;
10 In the heart for is belief unto righteousness, in the mouth now is confession unto salvation.
nokuti nemoyo umwe anotenda mukururama, uye nemuromo anobvuma mukuponeswa.
11 Says for the Scripture; Everyone who is believing on Him not will be put to shame.
Nokuti rugwaro rwunoti: Ani nani anotenda kwaari haangazonyadziswi.
12 Not for there is difference Jew between and Greek; for the same Lord of all is rich toward all those calling Him.
Nokuti hapana musiyano pakati pemuJudha nemuGiriki; nokuti Ishe ndeumwe wevese, wakafuma kune vese vanodana kwaari.
13 Whoever for that maybe may call upon the name of [the] Lord will be saved.
Nokuti wese ani nani achadana kuzita raIshe achaponeswa.
14 How then (shall they call *N(k)O*) on [Him] whom not they believed? How now (shall they believe *N(k)O*) of whom not they have heard? How now (shall they hear *N(k)O*) apart from preaching?
Zvino vachadana sei wavasina kutenda kwaari? Uye vachatenda sei wavasina kunzwa nezvake? Uye vachanzwa sei vasina anoparidza?
15 How now (shall they preach *N(k)O*) only unless they shall be sent? (Even as *NK(o)*) it has been written: How beautiful the feet of those evangelising [about] (peace of those evangelising *K*) the good [things]!
Zvino vachaparidza sei kana vasina kutumwa? Sezvazvakanyorwa zvichinzi: Dzakanaka sei tsoka dzevanoparidza evhangeri yerugare, dzevanoparidza evhangeri yezvakanaka?
16 But not all heeded the good news; Isaiah for says; Lord, who has believed the report of us?
Asi vese havana kuteerera evhangeri. Nokuti Isaya anoti: Ishe, ndiani wakatenda zvatakasuma?
17 So faith [is] from hearing and hearing through declaration (of Christ. *N(K)O*)
Naizvozvo rutendo rwunobva mukunzwa, nekunzwa neshoko raMwari.
18 But I ask; certainly surely did they hear? Indeed Into all the earth has gone out the voice of them and to the ends of the world the declarations of them.
Asi ndinoti: Havana kunzwa here? Hongu zvirokwazvo, inzwi ravo rakabuda kunyika yese, nemashoko avo kumigumo yenyika.
19 But I ask; surely not Israel not did know First Moses says: I myself will provoke to jealousy you by [those] not a nation by a nation without understanding I will anger you.
Asi ndinoti: Israeri haana kunzwisisa here? Pakutanga Mozisi anoti: Ini ndichakumutsirai godo nevasiri rudzi, nerudzi rusingafungi ndichakutsamwisai.
20 Isaiah then is very bold and says: I was found (by *no*) those Me myself not seeking, manifest I became (by *o*) those Me myself not inquiring after.
NaIsaya akashinga anotiwo: Ndakawanikwa nevasina kunditsvaka, ndakaonekwa kune vasina kundibvunza.
21 As for however Israel he says: All the day I have stretched out the hands of Mine to a people disobeying and contradicting.
Asi kuna Israeri anoti: Zuva rese ndakatandavadza maoko angu kuvanhu vasingateereri nevanokakavara.

< Romans 10 >