< Hebrews 7 >

1 This for Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of God Most High, (who *N(k)O*) having met with Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and having blessed him,
Nokuti Merikizedheki uyu, mambo weSaremi, mupristi waMwari Wekumusoro-soro, wakasangana naAbhurahama achidzoka kubva kunouraya madzimambo, ndokumuropafadza,
2 to whom also a tenth of all apportioned Abraham, first indeed being translated king of righteousness then however also king of Salem, which is king of peace,
Abhurahama wakamugovera chegumi chezvese; iye pakutanga ari nekuturikirwa mambo wekururama, uye shure kweizvozvo mambo weSaremiwo, ndokuti mambo werugare;
3 Without father, without mother, without genealogy, neither beginning of days nor of life end having, made like however as the Son of God he remains a priest unto all time.
asina baba, asina mai, asina dzinza, asina mavambo amazuva, kana kuguma kweupenyu, asi wakafananidzwa neMwanakomana waMwari, anogara ari mupristi nekusingaperi.
4 do consider now how great this one [was], to whom even a tenth Abraham gave out of the best spoils the patriarch.
Zvino rangarirai kuti mukuru sei uyu, teteguru Abhurahama vaakapawo chegumi chezvakapambiwa.
5 And those indeed out from the sons of Levi the priestly office receiving a commandment have to take a tenth from the people according to the law, That is from the brothers of them, though having come out of the loin of Abraham.
Zvino zvirokwazvo avo vanobva kuvanakomana VaRevhi vakagamuchira basa reupristi vane murairo wekutora chegumi kuvanhu zvichienderana nemurairo, ndiko kuti kuhama dzavo, kunyange vakabva muchiuno chaAbhurahama;
6 The [one] however not tracing his ancestry from them he has collected a tenth (*k*) from Abraham; and the [one who] is having the promises He has blessed.
asi iye dzinza rake risina kuverengerwa kwavari wakagamuchira chegumi kuna Abhurahama, akamuropafadza iye wakange ane zvivimbiso.
7 Apart from now all dispute; the inferior by the superior is blessed.
Zvino pasina kupikisa kwese, mudiki unoropafadzwa nemukuru.
8 And here indeed tithes dying men receive in that place however it is testified that he lives on.
Uye pano vanhu vanofa vanogamuchira zvegumi; asi apo, anopupurirwa kuti mupenyu ndiye anogamuchira.
9 And so a word to speak; through Abraham also Levi the [one] tithes receiving has paid the tithe.
Zvino, kunganzi, kubudikidza naAbhurahama Revhiwo anogamuchira zvegumi wakapa zvegumi;
10 Still for in the loin of [his] father he was when he met with him (*k*) Melchizedek.
nokuti wakange achiri muchiuno chababa, apo Merikizedheki akamuchingamidza.
11 If indeed then perfection through the Levitical priesthood were — the people for upon (it has received [the] Law — *N(k)O*) what still need [was there] according to the order of Melchizedek [for] another to arise priest and not according to the order of Aaron to be named?
Naizvozvo, kana kupedzeredzwa kwaivapo neupristi hwaRevhi (nokuti pasi pahwo vanhu rwakapiwa murairo), ko umwe mupristi waifanira kuzomukirei kubva kurudzi rwaMerikizedheki, uye asingaidzwi werudzi rwaAroni?
12 When is being changed for the priesthood from necessity also of law a change takes place.
Nokuti kana upristi huchishandurwa, zvinofanirawo kuti kuve neshanduko yemurairo.
13 [He] concerning whom for are spoken these things to a tribe another has belonged to, from which no [one] has served at the altar.
Nokuti iye anorehwa zvinhu izvi pamusoro pake ndewerumwe rudzi, rwakange rusina munhu wakashumira paaritari.
14 [It is] evident for that out of Judah has sprung the Lord of us as to which a tribe concerning (priests *N(K)O*) no [thing] Moses spoke.
Nokuti zviri pachena kuti Ishe wedu wakamuka kuna Judha, rudzi Mozisi rwaasina kumbotaura pamusoro parwo maererano neupristi.
15 And more excessive yet evident it is, if according to the likeness of Melchizedek arises a priest another,
Uye zvichiri pachena kwazvo kwazvo, kana kuchimuka umwe mupristi sewakatodzana naMerikizedheki,
16 who not according to a law of a commandment (fleshly *N(k)O*) has been constituted but according to [the] power of a life indestructible;
asina kuitwa nenzira yemurairo wekuraira kwenyama, asi nenzira yesimba reupenyu husingaparadziki.
17 (It is testified *N(k)O*) for that You [are] a priest to the age according to the order of Melchizedek. (aiōn g165)
Nokuti anopupura achiti: Iwe uri mupristi nekusingaperi kubva kurudzi rwaMerikizedheki. (aiōn g165)
18 A putting away indeed for there is while is preceding [the] commandment because of its weakness and uselessness —
Nokuti kuparadzwa kwemurairo wekutanga kwakavapo nekuda kweutera nekusabatsira kwawo;
19 no [thing] for perfected the law — [the] introduction then of a better hope through which we draw near to God.
nokuti murairo hauna kupedzeredza chinhu, asi kutangiswa kwetariro iri nani kwakazviita, yatinoswedera nayo kuna Mwari.
20 And to as much as not apart from an oath.
Uye zvaasina kuitwa pasina mhiko,
21 those ones truly for without an oath are priests having become, [He] however with an oath through the [One] who is saying to Him: Has sworn [the] Lord and not will change His mind; You [are] a priest to the age (according to the order of Melchizedek; *K*) (aiōn g165)
(nokuti ivo vakava vapristi pasina mhiko, asi iye nemhiko, kubudikidza naiye wakati kwaari: Ishe wakapika uye haangazvidembi achiti: Iwe uri mupristi nekusingaperi kubva kurudzi rwaMerikizedheki); (aiōn g165)
22 By so much (also *no*) of a better covenant has become [the] guarantee Jesus.
saizvozvo Jesu wakaitwa rubatso rwesungano inopfuura pakunaka.
23 And those indeed many are having become priests because of by death being prevented from continuing;
Naivo zvirokwazvo vaiva vapristi vazhinji, nokuti vakadziviswa kugara nekuda kwerufu.
24 However because of the abiding of Him to the age a permanent He holds priesthood; (aiōn g165)
Asi uyu, nokuti anogara nekusingaperi ane upristi husingapfuuri. (aiōn g165)
25 wherefore also to save to the uttermost He is able those drawing near through Him to God always living for to intercede for them.
Naizvozvo ane simbawo rekuponesa zvakakwana avo vanouya kuna Mwari nemaari, zvaanoraramira kuvareverera nekusingaperi.
26 Such indeed for us (also *no*) was fitting a high priest, holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners, and higher than the heavens having become;
Nokuti mupristi mukuru wakadaro ndiye wakatifanira, mutsvene, asina chakaipa, asina kusvibiswa, wakaparadzaniswa nevatadzi, wakakwidzwa kupfuura matenga;
27 who not has every day need as the high priests first for [their] own sins sacrifices to offer up then for those of the people; this for He did once for all Himself having offered up.
asingafaniri zuva nezuva, sevaya vapristi vakuru, kubaira chibairo pakutanga pamusoro pezvivi zvake pachake, pashure zvevanhu; nokuti wakaita izvozvi kamwe chete, paakazvibaira iye.
28 The law for men appoints as high priests having weakness, the word however of the oath which [is] after the law a Son to the age perfected. (aiōn g165)
Nokuti murairo unogadza vanhu kuva vapristi vakuru, vane utera; asi shoko remhiko, rakatevera murairo, rinogadza Mwanakomana, wakakwana nekusingaperi. (aiōn g165)

< Hebrews 7 >