< 1 Corinthians 5 >

1 Actually is reported among you sexual immorality, and such sexual immorality as not even among the pagans (is named *K*) so as for [the] wife one of the father to have;
Zvinonzwikwa chose kuti upombwe huripo pakati penyu, uye upombwe hwakadaro husingataurwi kunyange pakati pevahedheni, zvekuti umwe ave nemukadzi wababa vake.
2 And you yourselves puffed up are and not rather mourned so that (may be taken *N(k)O*) out of midst of you the [one] the deed this (having performed? *N(k)O*)
Asi imwi munozvikudza, uye pachinzvimbo chaizvozvo hamuna kuchema, kuti wakaita chiito ichi abviswe pakati penyu.
3 I myself indeed though (as *K*) being absent in body being present however in spirit already have judged as being present the [one] so this having produced
Nokuti iniwo zvirokwazvo, sendisipo pamuviri, asi ndiripo pamweya ndatogura zveuyo wakaita chiito chakadai ichi, sendinenge ndiripo,
4 in the name of the Lord our Jesus (Christ *KO*) having been gathered together you and me in spirit with the power of the Lord of us Jesus (Christ *K*)
muzita raIshe wedu Jesu Kristu, maungana nemweya wangu nesimba raIshe wedu Jesu Kristu,
5 to deliver such a one to Satan for destruction of the flesh, so that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord (Jesus. *KO*)
kukumikidza wakadai kuna Satani mukuparadzwa kwenyama, kuti mweya uponeswe pazuva raIshe Jesu.
6 Not good [is] the boasting of you. Not know you that a little leaven all the lump leavens?
Kuzvikudza kwenyu hakuna kunaka. Hamuzivi here kuti mbiriso shoma inovirisa mukanyiwa wese?
7 do cleanse out (therefore *K*) the old leaven, that you may be a new lump even as you are unleavened; Also for the Passover lamb of us (for us *K*) has been sacrificed Christ.
Naizvozvo sukai kwazvo mbiriso yekare, kuti muve mukanyiwa mutsva, sezvamusina kuiswa mbiriso. Nokuti nepasika yedu yakabairwa isu, iye Kristu.
8 so that we may celebrate the feast not with leaven old not with leaven of malice and wickedness but with unleavened [bread] of sincerity and of truth.
Saka ngatichengetedze mutambo, kwete nembiriso yekare, kana nembiriso yekuipa nekutadza; asi nechingwa chisina mbiriso chakatendeka nechechokwadi.
9 I wrote to you in the letter not to associate with [the] sexually immoral,
Ndakakunyorerai mutsamba kuti musafambidzana nemhombwe;
10 (and *k*) not at all with the sexually immoral world of this or with the covetous (and *N(k)O*) with swindlers or with idolaters — since (you have been obliged *N(k)O*) then would from the world to depart.
asi kwete zvakazara nemhombwe dzenyika ino, kana nevachivi, kana nevapambi, kana vanonamata zvifananidzo, nokuti kana zvakadaro zvingafanira kuti mubude munyika.
11 (now *N(k)O*) however I wrote to you not to associate with [him] if anyone a brother being designated he shall be sexually immoral or a coveter or an idolater or verbal abuser or a drunkard or swindler; with such a one not even to eat.
Asi ikozvino ndakunyorerai kuti murege kufambidzana, kana munhu achiidzwa hama ari mhombwe, kana muchivi, kana munamati wezvifananidzo, kana mutuki, kana muraradzi, kana mupambi; musatongodya newakadai.
12 What for [is it] to me (and *k*) those outside to judge? Surely those within you yourselves do judge?
Nokuti ini ndinei nekutongawo vari kunze? Imwi hamutongi vari mukati here?
13 Those however outside God (will judge? *NK(o)*) (and *k*) (do yourselves expel *N(k)O*) the evil out from you them.
Asi avo vari kunze Mwari anotonga. Uye dzingai wakaipa abve pakati penyu pachenyu.

< 1 Corinthians 5 >