< 1 Corinthians 14 >

1 Seek this love earnestly, and strive for spiritual gifts, above all for the gift of preaching.
Prizadevajte si za ljubezen in želite si duhovne darove, toda rajši, da boste lahko prerokovali.
2 The person who, when speaking, uses the gift of ‘tongues’ is speaking, not to people, but to God, for no one understands them; yet in spirit they are speaking of hidden truths.
Kajti kdor govori v neznanem jeziku, ne govori ljudem, temveč Bogu, kajti noben človek ga ne razume, čeprav v duhu govori skrivnosti.
3 But those who preach are speaking to their fellow men and women words that will build up faith, and give them comfort and encouragement.
Toda kdor prerokuje, govori ljudem v izgrajevanje, spodbudo in tolažbo.
4 Those who, when speaking, use the gift of ‘tongues’ builds up their own faith, while those who preach build up the faith of the church.
Kdor govori v neznanem jeziku, izgrajuje sebe; toda kdor prerokuje, izgrajuje cerkev.
5 Now I want you all to speak in ‘tongues,’ but much more I wish that you should preach. A preacher is worth more than one who speaks in ‘tongues,’ unless they interprets their words, so that the faith of the church may be built up.
Hočem, da vi vsi govorite z jeziki, toda rajši, da prerokujete. Kajti večji je, kdor prerokuje, kakor kdor govori z jeziki, razen če razlaga, da lahko cerkev prejme izgrajevanje.
6 This being so, friends, what good will I do you, if I come to you and speak in ‘tongues,’ unless my words convey some revelation, or knowledge, or take the form of preaching or teaching?
Torej bratje, če pridem k vam, govoreč z jeziki, kaj vam bom koristil, razen če vam ne bom govoril ali po razodetju ali po spoznanju ali po prerokovanju ali po nauku?
7 Even with inanimate things, such as a flute or a harp, though they produce sounds, yet unless the notes are quite distinct, how can the tune played on the flute or the harp be recognized?
In celó stvari brez življenja dajejo zvok, bodisi piščal ali harfa [in] razen če ne dajo razlike v zvokih, kako bo razpoznano kaj je piskano ali harfano?
8 If the bugle sounds a doubtful call, who will prepare for battle?
Kajti če trobenta da nerazločen zvok, kdo se bo pripravil za boj?
9 And so with you; unless, in using the gift of ‘tongues,’ you utter intelligible words, how can what you say be understood? You will be speaking to the winds!
Tako tudi vi, razen če ne boste z jezikom izrekli lahko razumljivih besed, kako se bo izvedelo, kar je rečeno? Kajti v zrak boste govorili.
10 There are, for instance, a certain number of different languages in the world, and not one of them fails to convey meaning.
Obstaja, kakor se vé, tako veliko vrst glasov in nobeden od njih ni brez pomena.
11 If, however, I do not happen to know the language, I will be a foreigner to those who speak it, and they will be foreigners to me.
Zatorej, če ne vem pomena glasu, bom temu, ki govori, tujec in kdor govori, bo zame tujec.
12 And so with you; since you are striving for spiritual gifts, be eager to excel in such as will build up the faith of the church.
Tako si tudi vi, ker ste vneti za duhovne darove, prizadevajte, da se boste lahko izkazali pri izgrajevanju cerkve.
13 Therefore anyone who, when speaking, uses the gift of ‘tongues’ should pray for ability to interpret them.
Zatorej naj tisti, ki govori v neznanem jeziku, moli, da bo lahko razlagal.
14 If, when praying, I use the gift of ‘tongues,’ my spirit indeed prays, but my mind is a blank.
Kajti če molim v neznanem jeziku, moli moj duh, toda moje razumevanje je brez sadu.
15 What, then, is my conclusion? Simply this – I will pray with my spirit, but with my mind as well; I will sing with my spirit, but with my mind as well.
Kaj je to torej? Molil bom z duhom in molil bom tudi z razumom; pel bom z duhom in pel bom tudi z razumom.
16 If you bless God with your spirit only, how can people in the congregation who are without your gift say ‘Amen’ to your thanksgiving? They do not know what you are saying!
Sicer, ko boš blagoslavljal z duhom, kako bo, kdor zavzema prostor nepoučenega, ob tvojem zahvaljevanju rekel: »Amen, « glede na to, da ne razume, kar praviš?
17 Your thanksgiving may be excellent, but the other is not helped by it.
Kajti ti resnično daješ prisrčno zahvalo, toda drug ni izgrajen.
18 Thank God, I use the gift of ‘tongues’ more than any of you.
Zahvaljujem se svojemu Bogu, bolj kakor vi vsi govorim z jeziki.
19 But at a meeting of the church I would rather speak five words with my mind, and so teach others, than ten thousand words when using the gift of ‘tongues.’
Vendar v cerkvi raje spregovorim pet besed s svojim razumom, da bi lahko s svojim glasom poučil tudi druge, kakor deset tisoč besed v neznanem jeziku.
20 My friends, do not show yourselves children in understanding. In wickedness be infants, but in understanding show yourselves adults.
Bratje, ne bodite otroci v razumevanju. Čeprav ste v zlobnosti otroci, vendar v razumevanju bodite možje.
21 It is said in the Law – ‘In strange tongues and by the lips of strangers will I speak to this people, but even then they will not listen to me, says the Lord.’
V postavi je pisano: ›Z ljudmi drugih jezikov in drugih ustnic bom govoril tem ljudem; in vendar me kljub vsemu temu ne bodo slišali, ‹ govori Gospod.
22 Therefore the gift of the ‘tongues’ is intended as a sign, not for those who believe in Christ, but for those who do not, while the gift of preaching is intended as a sign, not for those who do not believe in Christ, but for those who do.
Zato so jeziki za znamenje, ne tem, ki verujejo, temveč tem, ki ne verujejo. Toda prerokovanje ne služi tem, ki ne verujejo, temveč tem, ki verujejo.
23 So, when the whole church meets, if all present use the gift of ‘tongues,’ and some people who are without the gift, or who are unbelievers, come in, will not they say that you are mad?
Če bi torej celotna cerkev prišla skupaj na en kraj in bi vsi govorili z jeziki in vstopijo tisti, ki so nepoučeni ali neverniki, ali ne bodo rekli, da ste blazni?
24 While, if all those present use the gift of preaching, and an unbeliever, or someone without the gift, comes in, they are convinced of their sinfulness by them all, they are called to account by them all;
Toda če vsi prerokujejo in vstopi nekdo, ki ne veruje ali nekdo nepoučen, je prepričan od vseh, je sojen od vseh.
25 the secrets of their heart are revealed, and then, throwing themselves on their face, they will worship God, and declare ‘God is indeed among you!’
In tako so razodete skrivnosti njegovega srca; in tako pade na svoj obraz in bo oboževal Boga ter naznanil, da je Bog resnično v vas.
26 What do I suggest, then, friends? Whenever you meet for worship, each of you comes, either with a hymn, or a lesson, or a revelation, or the gift of ‘tongues,’ or the interpretation of them; let everything be directed to the building up of faith.
Kako je to potem, bratje? Ko pridete skupaj, ima vsak izmed vas psalm, ima nauk, ima jezik, ima razodetje, ima razlago. Naj bodo vse stvari storjene k izgrajevanju.
27 If any of you use the gift of ‘tongues,’ not more than two, or at the most three, should do so – each speaking in his turn – and someone should interpret them.
Če katerikoli človek govori v neznanem jeziku, naj bosta po dva ali največ po trije in to po vrsti; eden pa naj razlaga.
28 If there is no one able to interpret what is said, they should remain silent at the meeting of the church, and speak to themselves and to God.
Toda če tam ni razlagalca, naj v cerkvi molči; govori pa naj sebi in Bogu.
29 Of preachers two or three should speak, and the rest should weigh well what is said.
Naj spregovorijo dva ali trije preroki, drugi pa naj sodijo.
30 But, if some revelation is made to another person as he sits there, the first speaker should stop.
Če je katerakoli stvar razodeta drugemu, ki sedi v bližini, naj prvi molči.
31 For you can all preach in turn, so that all may learn some lesson and all receive encouragement.
Kajti vsi lahko prerokujete eden za drugim, da se vsi lahko učijo in ste vsi lahko potolaženi.
32 (The spirit that moves the preachers is within the preachers’ control;
In duhovi prerokov so podrejeni prerokom.
33 for God is not a God of disorder, but of peace.) This custom prevails in all the churches of Christ’s people.
Kajti Bog ni povzročitelj zmešnjave, temveč miru, kakor v vseh cerkvah svetih.
34 At the meetings of the church married women should remain silent, for they are not allowed to speak in public; they should take a subordinate place, as the Law itself directs.
Naj vaše ženske v cerkvah molčijo, kajti ni jim dovoljeno govoriti; temveč jim je naročeno biti pod poslušnostjo, kakor pravi tudi postava.
35 If they want information on any point, they should ask their husbands about it at home; for it is unbecoming for a married woman to speak at a meeting of the church.
In če se hočejo karkoli naučiti, naj doma vprašajo svoje soproge, kajti za ženske je sramotno, da v cerkvi govorijo.
36 What! Did God’s message to the world originate with you? Or did it find its way to none but you?
Kaj? Ali je Božja beseda prišla od vas? Je dospela samo k vam?
37 If anyone thinks that he has the gift of preaching or any other spiritual gift, he should recognize that what I am now saying to you is a command from the Lord.
Če katerikoli človek misli o sebi, da je prerok ali duhoven, naj prizna, da so besede, ki vam jih pišem, zapovedi od Boga.
38 Anyone who ignores it may be ignored.
Toda če je katerikoli človek neveden, naj bo neveden.
39 Therefore, my friends, strive for the gift of preaching, and yet do not forbid speaking in ‘tongues.’
Zato bratje, hrepenite da prerokujete in ne prepovejte govoriti z jeziki.
40 Let everything be done in a proper and orderly manner.
Naj bodo vse stvari storjene spodobno in urejeno.

< 1 Corinthians 14 >