< 2 Corinthians 1 >

1 To the church of God in Corinth, and to all Christ’s people throughout Greece, from Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus, by the will of God, and from Timothy, who is also a follower.
Pavel, po Božji volji apostol Jezusa Kristusa, in naš brat Timótej Božji cerkvi, ki je v Korintu, z vsemi svetimi, ki so po vsej Ahaji:
2 May God, our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ bless you and give you peace.
›Milost bodi vam in mir od Boga, našega Očeta in od Gospoda Jezusa Kristusa.‹
3 Blessed is the God and Father of Jesus Christ our Lord, the all-merciful Father, the God ever ready to console,
Blagoslovljen bodi Bog, celó Oče našega Gospoda Jezusa Kristusa, Oče usmiljenj in Bog vse tolažbe,
4 who consoles us in all our troubles, so that we may be able to console those who are in any trouble with the consolation that we ourselves receive from him.
ki nas tolaži v vsaki naši stiski, da bomo sposobni tolažiti te, ki so v kakršnikoli težavi, s tolažbo, s katero smo mi sami potolaženi od Boga.
5 It is true that we have our full share of the sufferings of the Christ, but through the Christ we have also our full share of consolation.
Kajti kakor so Kristusova trpljenja obilna v nas, tako je obilna tudi naša tolažba po Kristusu.
6 If we meet with trouble, it is for the sake of your consolation and salvation; and, if we find consolation, it is for the sake of the consolation that you will experience when you are called to endure the sufferings that we ourselves are enduring;
Če pa smo stiskani, je to za vašo tolažbo in rešitev duš, ki je učinkovita v prestajanju istih trpljenj, ki jih tudi mi prenašamo; ali če smo potolaženi, je to zaradi vaše tolažbe in rešitve duš.
7 and our hope for you remains unshaken. We know that, as you are sharing our sufferings, you will also share our consolation.
In naše upanje o vas je neomajno, vedoč, da kakor ste udeleženci trpljenj, tako boste postali tudi tolažbe.
8 We want you, friends, to know that, in the troubles which befell us in Roman Asia, we were burdened altogether beyond our strength, so much so that we even despaired of life.
Kajti nočemo, bratje, da bi bili vi nevedni o naši težavi, ki je k nam prišla v Aziji, da smo bili stiskani preko mere, nad močjo, tako zelo, da smo obupali celó nad življenjem.
9 Indeed, we had the presentiment that we must die, so that we might rely, not on ourselves, but on God who raises the dead.
Toda v sebi smo imeli smrtno obsodbo, da ne bi zaupali vase, temveč v Boga, ki obuja mrtve;
10 And from so imminent a death God delivered us, and will deliver us again; for in him we have placed our hopes of future deliverance, while you, also, help us by your prayers.
ki nas je osvobodil iz tako velike smrti in še osvobaja; v katerega zaupamo, da nas bo še osvobajal.
11 And then many lips will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us in answer to many prayers.
Tudi vi skupaj pomagate z molitvijo za nas, da bi bila lahko zaradi daru, podarjenega nam, s pomočjo mnogih oseb, dana zahvala z naše strani.
12 Indeed, our main ground for satisfaction is this – Our conscience tells us that our conduct in the world, and still more in our relations with you, was marked by a purity of motive and a sincerity that were inspired by God, and was based, not on worldly policy, but on the help of God.
Kajti naše veselje je to, pričevanje naše vesti, da smo se v svetu vedli s preprostostjo in pobožno iskrenostjo, ne z meseno modrostjo, temveč z Božjo milostjo in bolj obilno posebej do vas.
13 We never write anything to you other than what you will acknowledge to the very end –
Kajti ne pišemo vam nobenih drugih stvari, kakor kar berete ali spoznavate; in zaupam, da boste spoznali celó do konca;
14 And, indeed, you have already partly acknowledged it about us – that you have a right to be proud of us, as we will be proud of you, on the day of our Lord Jesus.
kakor ste nas tudi vi deloma spoznali, da smo mi vaše veselje, celó kakor ste tudi vi naše na dan Gospoda Jezusa.
15 With this conviction in my mind, I planned to come to see you first, so that your pleasure might be doubled –
V tem zaupanju sem bil voljan prej priti k vam, da bi vi lahko imeli dvojno korist;
16 To visit you both on my way to Macedonia, and to come to you again on my return from Macedonia, and then to get you to send me on my way into Judea.
in mimo vas iti v Makedonijo in iz Makedonije ponovno priti k vam in bi bil od vas pospremljen na svoji poti proti Judeji.
17 As this was my plan, where, pray, did I show any fickleness of purpose? Or do you think that my plans are formed on mere impulse, so that in the same breath I say ‘Yes’ and ‘No’?
Ko sem bil torej takih misli, ali sem uporabil lahkomiselnost? Ali stvari, ki jih nameravam, nameravam storiti glede na meso, da bo z menoj »da, « »da« in »ne, « »ne«?
18 As God is true, the message that we brought you does not waver between ‘Yes’ and ‘No’!
Toda kakor je Bog resničen, naša beseda do vas ni bila »da« in »ne.«
19 The Son of God, Christ Jesus, whom we – Silas, Timothy, and I – proclaimed among you, never wavered between ‘Yes’ and ‘No.’ With him it has always been ‘Yes.’
Kajti Božji Sin, Jezus Kristus, ki je bil med vami oznanjen po nas, celó po meni in Silvánu ter Timóteju, ni bil »da« in »ne, « temveč je bil v njem »da.«
20 For, many as were the promises of God, in Christ is the ‘Yes’ that fulfills them. Therefore, through Christ again, let the ‘Amen’ rise, through us, to the glory of God.
Kajti vse Božje obljube so v njem »da« in v njem »Amen« v Božjo slavo po nas.
21 God who brings us, with you, into close union with Christ, and who consecrated us,
Torej tisti, ki nas z vami utrjuje v Kristusu in nas je mazilil, je Bog;
22 also set his seal on us, and gave us his Spirit in our hearts as a pledge of future blessings.
ki nas je tudi zapečatil in v naša srca dal poroštvo Duha.
23 But, as my life will answer for it, I call God to witness that it was to spare you that I deferred my visit to Corinth.
Poleg tega kličem Boga za pričo nad svojo dušo, da doslej še nisem prišel k vam v Korint, da bi vam prizanesel.
24 I do not mean that we are to dictate to you with regard to your faith; on the contrary, we work with you for your true happiness; indeed, it is through your faith that you are standing firm.
Ne, ker bi imeli gospostvo nad vašo vero, temveč smo pomočniki vaše radosti; kajti stojite po veri.

< 2 Corinthians 1 >