< Romans 15 >

1 Those of us who are spiritually strong ought to support those who are spiritually weak. We shouldn't just please ourselves.
A MAK eta, kitail kelail akan, en sauasa me luet akan, ap der peren ki pein kitail.
2 We should all encourage others to do what's morally right, building them up.
Amen amen kitail en pok ong men impa, pwen kamauiala i.
3 Christ didn't live to please himself, but as Scripture says of him, “The insults of those who abused you have fallen on me.”
Pwe Kristus pil sota kin pok ong pein i, a duen intingidier: Pakainak en me kainaki komui, me I dikidier raui.
4 These Scriptures were written down in the past to help us understand, and to encourage us so that we could wait patiently in hope.
Pwe karos me intingidier mas o, me intingidier, pwen padaki dong kitail, pweki kanongama o kamait en kisin likau kan kitail en kaporopor.
5 May the God who gives patience and encouragement help you to be in full agreement among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus,
Ari, Kot en kanongama o kamait en kaminimin komail pena duen Kristus Iesus.
6 so that you can with one mind and with one voice together glorify God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Pwe komail en kalinganada Kot o Sam en atail Kaun Iesus Kristus ni lamalam ta pot o au ta ieu.
7 So accept one another, just as Christ accepted you, and give God the glory.
I me komail en apapwali pena dueta Kristus me kotin kasamo komail ong lingan en Kot.
8 I maintain that Christ came as a servant to the Jews to show God tells the truth, keeping the promises he made to their forefathers.
Pwe ngai inda, me Iesus Kristus wialar papan sirkomsais pweki melel en Kot, pwen kapwaiada inau kan ong sam akan.
9 He also came that foreigners could praise God for his mercy, as Scripture says, “Therefore I will praise you among the foreigners; I will sing praises to your name.”
Pwe men liki kan en kalinganada Kot pweki a mak duen a intingidier: I me I pan kadededa komui ren men liki kan o kauleki mar omui.
10 And also: “Foreigners, celebrate with his people!”
O pil eu me a kotin masani: En popol komail men liki kan iangaki sapwilim a aramas!
11 And again: “All you foreigners, praise the Lord, let all peoples praise him.”
O pil eu: Kapinga Kaun o, komail men liki kan karos o kalinganada i, komail wei karos!
12 And again, Isaiah says, “Jesse's descendant will come to rule the nations, and foreigners will put their hope in him.”
O pil eu me Iesaia masani: Ip en Iese pan pwarado, a pan pwarado, pwen kaunda men liki kan, i me men liki kan pan kaporoporeki.
13 May the God of hope completely fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you will overflow with hope through the power of the Holy Spirit!
Ari, Kot en kaporopor en kadire kin komail peren o popol karos ni poson, pwe omail kaporopor en laudeki manaman en Ngen saraui.
14 I'm convinced that you, my brothers and sisters, are full of goodness, and that you are filled with every kind of knowledge, so you are well able to teach one another.
A ngai asa mau duen komail ri ai kan, me komail dir en kamau o audaudeki erpit, o koiokki ong panapanaui pena amen amen.
15 I've been blunt in the way I have written to you about some of these things, but this is just to remind you. For God gave me grace
Ari so, ri ai kan, i inting wong komail er duen met, pwen kataman kin komail mak eu, me Kot kotiki ong ia er.
16 to be a minister of Christ Jesus to the foreigners, like a priest sharing God's good news, so that they could become an acceptable offering, made holy by the Holy Spirit.
Pwe i en papan Kristus Iesus ong men liki kan, padapadaki wong ir rongamau en Kot, pwe men liki en wiala mairong eu, me konekon, me kasaraui kila Ngen saraui.
17 So even though I have something to boast about because of my service for God,
I me i kak suaiki pan Kristus Iesus pweki meakan me sapwilim en Kot.
18 (I wouldn't dare talk about any of this except as Christ has done it through me), I have led foreigners to obedience through my teaching and demonstration,
Pwe i sota pori ong inda meakot, me Kristus sota kotiki ong ia, i en kalua men liki ong peik, ki ai padak o wiawia kan.
19 through the power of signs and miracles done with the Holy Spirit's power. From Jerusalem all the way over to Illyricum, everywhere I've shared fully the good news of Christ.
O kilel o manaman akan, en Ngen saraui. Ari, i me i kadire kila rongamau en Kristus sap karos, tapiada Ierusalem, ap lel ong Ilirien.
20 In fact I was keen to spread the good news in places that hadn't heard the name of Christ, so that I wouldn't be building on what others have done.
Ngai nantiong ni ai padaki rongamau wasa me saikenta asa duen Kristus pwe i de kauada pon pason en amen.
21 As Scripture says, “Those who haven't been told the good news will discover him, and those who haven't heard will understand.”
A duen a intingidier: Me saik kalok ong irail pan kilang, o me sota rong, re pan weweki.
22 That's why I was prevented so many times from coming to see you.
Nan i me karompwa ia pan pak toto, pwen sota kak pwar wong komail.
23 But now, as there's nowhere left here to work, and since I've looked forward to visiting you for many years,
A met solar wasan dodok ni sap pukat, a par toto me i inong iong en pas wong komail.
24 when I go to Spain I hope to see you when I pass through. Maybe you can give me some help for my journey once we've enjoyed some time together.
I lao sailokelang Spanien, i pan pwar wong komail, pwe i kaporoporeki, me i pan sup wasa o ap kilang komail, a komail pan kalua ia lang wasa o murin ai kaserloleit re omail.
25 At the moment I'm on my way to Jerusalem to help the believers there,
A met i pan sailokelang Ierusalem, pwen papa saraui kan.
26 because the believers in Macedonia and Achaia thought it was a good idea to send a contribution to the poor among the believers in Jerusalem.
Pwe men Masetonien o Akaia kan mauki kisakisa wei ong saraui samama kan, me mi Ierusalem.
27 They were happy to do this because they're in their debt. Now that foreigners are sharing their spiritual benefits, they owe it to the Jewish believers to help them in material things.
Irail mauki pwe re pil pwaipwand ong irail, pwe ma men liki kan pwaisanekier arail pai ngenin, nan me kon ong, irail en pakisakis dong irail ar pai pali war.
28 So once I've done this, and have safely delivered this contribution to them, I'll visit you on my way to Spain.
I lao kapwaiadar mepukat o ki ong irail er kisakis sapan wet, i ap pan sup re omail o daululang Spanien.
29 I know that when I come, Christ will give us his full blessing.
A i asadar, i lao pwaralang komail, i pan dir pai ki en Kristus.
30 I want to encourage you, my brothers and sisters through our Lord Jesus Christ and through the love of the Spirit, to join together in praying hard for me.
A ri ai kan, i ap poeki komail pan atail Kaun Iesus Kristus o limpok en Ngen pwe komail en dauki pena ong ia omail kapakap kin ia ong Kot.
31 Pray that I may be kept safe from the unbelievers in Judea. Pray that my work in Jerusalem will be welcomed by the believers there.
Pwe i en piti sang men Iudäa soposon akan, o pwe ai dodok ong Ierusalem en sauasa saraui kan.
32 Pray that I will come to you with gladness, as God wills, so we can enjoy one another's company.
Pwe i en perenki lel ong komail pan kupur en Kot o iang komail tapwenda.
33 May the God of peace be with you all. Amen.
Ari, Kot en popol en kotikot re omail karos! Amen.

< Romans 15 >