< Philippians 3 >

1 To sum up: my dear friends, delight in the Lord! It's not a burden for me to repeat these things to you—it's to keep you safe!
A PIL eu ri ai kan, komail en perenki Kaun o! I kin inting wong komail song ta ieu ansau karos, ari so, i me i sota insensuedeki, pwe a kin kakelaile kin komail.
2 Watch out for the wolves, those who do evil, those who insist on physical circumcision—
Kalaka kidi kan! Kalaka toun dodok sued akan! Kalaka song en sirkomsais sued!
3 for it's we who are truly circumcised, worshiping by the Spirit of God, placing our assurance in Christ Jesus. We have no confidence in human abilities—
Pwe kitail, me kaudok ong Kot ki ngen o suaiki Kristus Iesus, o so kaporoporeki uduk, me sirkomsais.
4 for if there was a way to rely on human nature then I myself could have that confidence! If anyone thinks they have confidence in such human things, then I outdo them:
Ari so, men suaiki uduk pil, mi re i. O ma amen kin lamelame, me a kak suaiki uduk, a ngai kak laud sang.
5 I was circumcised on the eighth day, I'm an Israelite of the tribe of Benjamin, a true Hebrew. Regarding legal observance I'm a Pharisee;
Pwe ngai sirkomsaiselar ni auel en ran, ngai kisan men Israel o kainok en Peniamin, o men Ipru amen me tapi sang men Ipru, a nin tiak en kapung Parisär amen.
6 as for religious dedication I was a persecutor of the church; while in regard to doing right according to the law I was blameless!
A ngai nantiong mepukat lao lel ong kaloke momodisou kan, o ni ai kapwaiada tiak en kapung, ngai me pung melel.
7 But in whatever way such things gained me anything, I count them as a loss for Christ.
A me pai ong ia, i mamaleki pweki Kristus.
8 Truly, I count everything as loss in exchange for the incredible benefit I've gained through knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. I've thrown away all these things for him, and consider them trash, so that I might gain Christ.
Iei melel, i mamaleki meakaros pwe meid kasampwal en dedoki Kristus Iesus ai Kaun, i me i muei sang karos o wia pwel kilar, pwe i en anekila Kristus.
9 I want to be found in him, not being right because of what I've done, or what the law requires, but made right through confidence in Christ, set right by God through trusting in him.
O i en kadiarokada re a, me sota pein ai pung, me pwili sang kapung, a me pwili sang poson Kristus, iei pung, me Kot kotin wadok ong poson.
10 I want to really know him, and the power of his resurrection—to take part in his suffering and become like him in his death,
Pwe i en dedeki i o manaman en a iasadar, o ai warok ki ong kalokolok pwe i en duela a matala.
11 so that somehow I might be part of the resurrection from the dead!
Pwe i en konodi maureda sang ren me melar akan.
12 Not that I've already got it all, or that I'm already perfect—but I run so that I might win what was won for me by Christ Jesus.
Kaidin likamata i konodier de ngai unsokelar; a i kin dadaurata, pwe i en konodi murin Kristus Iesus kotin kono ia dier.
13 My friends, I don't consider that I've already won, but this is my one objective: disregarding what is behind me, I strain forward to what is in front of me.
Ri ai kan i sota lamelame, me i konodier,
14 I run towards the finish line to win the prize of God's invitation to heaven through Christ Jesus.
A iet eu, me i kin wiada: I likidmaliela men likin sakeri, ap inong iong meakan, me mi moa, o i kilekilang ap tang wong kilel o, me mi moa, iei kating, me Kot kotin kileledi ong ia ren Kristus Iesus.
15 Those of us who are spiritually mature should think like this, and if you think anything different, then God will reveal this to you.
Ari karos me unsokelar, en lamelame due met. A ma komail wuki sang meakot ni lamalam, Kot pan kotin kadiarok ong komail.
16 We just need to make sure that we follow what we already have understood.
A me kitail konotier, kitail en inenki wei eta ni lip ota.
17 My friends, copy my example as others do and take note of the way to behave since you have us as a model.
Ri ai kan idauen ia do, o ale sang me kin kekeid wei duen me komail kilanger re at.
18 The way some people live makes them enemies of the cross of Christ—as I've often told you before and repeat again though it pains me so much I want to weep.
Pwe pan pak toto i indang komail er duen me toto, me kin kekeid wei, a met i indang komail ki sangesang, me irail imwintiti pan lopu en Kristus,
19 They will end up being completely lost, these people whose “god” is their physical desires and who are proud of what they should be ashamed of, thinking only about the things of this world.
Me pan lokidokila ni imwi’rail, me wia aniki kaped arail, me ar wau pan soredi, me kin paieki dipisou en sappa.
20 But our homeland is heaven, and we're waiting for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, to come from there too.
A deu atail mi nanlang, wasa me se kin auiaui Kaun Iesus Kristus atail Saunkamaur pan pwarado sang ia.
21 He will re-create our defective human bodies so that they will be made like his glorious body using the power by which he brings everything under his control.
Me pan kotin kalinganada war atail pwel, pwen ras ong war a lingan ki manaman, me a pan kotin kaloe kidi meakan karos.

< Philippians 3 >