< Exodus 9 >

1 Then the Lord said to Moses: “Enter to Pharaoh, and say to him: ‘Thus says the Lord God of the Hebrews: Release my people, to sacrifice to me.
Sai Ubangiji ya ce wa Musa, “Ka je wurin Fir’auna ka ce masa, ‘Ga abin da Ubangiji Allah na Ibraniyawa ya ce, “Ka bar mutanena su tafi, domin su yi mini sujada.”
2 But if you still refuse, and you retain them,
In ka ƙi ka bar su su tafi, kana ta riƙonsu,
3 behold, my hand will be over your fields. And a very grievous pestilence will be upon the horses, and the donkeys, and the camels, and the oxen, and the sheep.
hannun Ubangiji zai kawo muguwar annoba a kan dabbobinka a gona, a kan dawakanka, da jakuna da raƙuma, da kuma a kan shanunka da tumaki da awaki.
4 And the Lord will cause a miracle between the possessions of Israel and the possessions of the Egyptians, so that nothing at all will perish from those things which belong to the sons of Israel.”
Amma Ubangiji zai raba tsakanin dabbobin Isra’ila da na Masar, saboda kada wata dabbar Isra’ilawa ta mutu.’”
5 And the Lord appointed a time, saying: “Tomorrow, the Lord will accomplish this word in the land.”
Sai Ubangiji ya sa lokaci ya ce, “Gobe Ubangiji zai yi wannan a ƙasar.”
6 Therefore, the Lord accomplished this word the next day. And all the animals of the Egyptians died. Yet truly, of the animals of the sons of Israel, nothing at all perished.
Kashegari Ubangiji ya yi haka. Dukan dabbobin Masarawa suka mutu, amma babu dabba guda ta Isra’ilawan da ta mutu.
7 And Pharaoh sent to see; neither was there anything dead of those things that Israel possessed. And the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, and he did not release the people.
Fir’auna ya aiki mutane su bincika, sai suka tarar babu dabba guda ta Isra’ilawan da ta mutu. Duk da haka zuciyar Fir’auna ta taurare, bai kuwa bar mutanen su tafi ba.
8 And the Lord said to Moses and to Aaron: “Take handfuls of ashes from the oven, and let Moses sprinkle it into the air, in the sight of Pharaoh.
Sa’an nan Ubangiji ya ce wa Musa da Haruna, “Ɗibi tokar matoya cike da tafin hannuwanku, Musa kuwa zai watsa tokar sama a gaban Fir’auna.
9 And let there be dust upon all the land of Egypt. For there will be sores and swelling pustules on men and on beasts, throughout the entire land of Egypt.”
Za tă zama ƙura bisa dukan ƙasar Masar, sai marurai masu zafi su fiffito bisa mutane da dabbobi a dukan ƙasar.”
10 And they took ashes from the oven, and they stood in the sight of Pharaoh, and Moses sprinkled it in the air. And there came sores with swelling pustules on men and on beasts.
Sai suka ɗibi tokar matoya, suka tsaya a gaban Fir’auna, Musa ya watsa ta a iska, sai marurai masu zafi suka fiffito bisa mutane da dabbobi.
11 Neither could the sorcerers stand in the sight of Moses, because of the sores that were on them and on all the land of Egypt.
Bokaye suka kāsa tsayawa a gaban Musa saboda maruran da suke bisansu da a kan dukan Masarawa.
12 And the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he did not listen to them, just as the Lord said to Moses.
Amma Ubangiji ya taurare zuciyar Fir’auna, bai kuwa saurare Musa da Haruna ba kamar yadda Ubangiji ya riga ya ce wa Musa.
13 And the Lord said to Moses: “Rise up in the morning, and stand in the sight of Pharaoh, and you will say to him: ‘Thus says the Lord God of the Hebrews: Release my people to sacrifice to me.
Sa’an nan Ubangiji ya ce wa Musa, “Tashi da sassafe, ka sadu da Fir’auna, ka ce masa, ‘Ga abin da Ubangiji, Allah na Ibraniyawa ya ce, Ka bar mutanena su tafi don su yi mini sujada,
14 For at this turn, I will send all my plagues upon your heart, and upon your servants, and upon your people. So may you know that there is no one like me in all the earth.
ko kuwa a wannan lokaci zan aika da cikakkiyar annoba mai ƙarfi a kanka da a kan fadawanka da mutanenka, domin ka san cewa ba kama da ni a dukan duniya.
15 For now, extending my hand, I shall strike you and your people with pestilence, and you will perish from the earth.
Gama da ni kaina na miƙa hannuna na buge ka da jama’arka da annoba, ai, da an hallaka ku a duniya ƙaƙaf.
16 But it was for this reason that I appointed you, so that I may reveal my strength by you, and so that my name may be described throughout all the earth.
Amma na bar ka ka rayu domin in nuna maka ikona, domin kuma sunana yă zama abin darajantawa a dukan duniya.
17 Do you still retain my people, and are you still unwilling to release them?
Har yanzu kana gāba da mutanena, ba ka kuma bar su su tafi ba.
18 So then, tomorrow, at this same hour, I will rain down exceedingly great hail, such as has not been in Egypt from the day that it was founded, even until this present time.
Saboda haka, gobe war haka, zan sa a yi ƙanƙara mai tsananin gaske, irin wadda Masar ba tă taɓa gani ba tun kahuwarta, har yă zuwa yanzu.
19 Therefore, send immediately and gather together your cattle, and all that you have in the field. For men and beasts, and all things that will be found outside, not gathered in from the fields, and on which the hail will fall, shall die.’”
Yanzu, ka ba da umarni a dawo da shanunku da kuma kome da kuke da shi wanda yake a gona zuwa gida, gama ƙanƙarar za tă kashe kowane mutum ko dabba wadda take a gona wadda ba a kawo cikin gida ba, sa’ad da ta fāɗo.’”
20 He who feared the word of the Lord among the servants of Pharaoh caused his servants and cattle to flee together into the houses.
Waɗansu daga cikin dattawan Fir’auna suka cika da tsoro saboda abin da Ubangiji ya faɗa, nan da nan suka shigo da dabbobinsu da bayinsu da sauri daga gona zuwa cikin gida.
21 But he who neglected the word of the Lord released his servants and cattle into the fields.
Amma waɗanda ba su kula da maganar Ubangiji ba, suka bar bayinsu da dabbobi a gona.
22 And the Lord said to Moses: “Extend your hand into the sky, so that there may be hail in the entire land of Egypt, on men, and on beasts, and on every plant of the field in the land of Egypt.”
Sa’an nan Ubangiji ya ce wa Musa, “Miƙa hannunka sama don a yi ƙanƙara a bisa dukan Masar, a bisa mutane da dabbobi, da bisa dukan abubuwan da suke girma a gonakin Masar.”
23 And Moses extended his staff into the sky, and the Lord sent thunder and hail, and also lightning dashing across the earth. And the Lord rained down hail upon the land of Egypt.
Da Musa ya miƙa sandansa sama, sai Ubangiji ya aiko da tsawa da ƙanƙara, da walƙiya har ƙasa. Ta haka Ubangiji ya yi ruwan ƙanƙara a bisa ƙasar Masar;
24 And the hail and intermingled fire drove on together. And it was of such magnitude as had never before been seen in the entire land of Egypt, from the time when that nation was formed.
ƙanƙara ta fāɗo, walƙiya kuma tana ta wulƙawa. Wannan ce ƙanƙara mafi munin da aka taɓa yi, a dukan ƙasar Masar, tun tarihin kahuwarta na zaman al’umma.
25 And the hail struck, throughout all the land of Egypt, everything that was in the fields, from man even to beast. And the hail struck down every plant of the field, and it broke every tree of the region.
Ko’ina a Masar ƙanƙara ta bugi duk abin da yake a gonaki, mutane da dabbobi, ta bugi duk ganyaye da suke a gonaki, ta kuma ragargaza kowane itace.
26 Only in the land of Goshen, where the sons of Israel were, did the hail not fall.
Wuri guda kaɗai da ba a yi ruwan ƙanƙara ba, shi ne yankin Goshen, inda Isra’ilawa suke.
27 And Pharaoh sent and called Moses and Aaron, saying to them: “I have sinned even until now. The Lord is just. I and my people are impious.
Sai Fir’auna ya aika a kira Musa da Haruna. Ya ce musu, “A wannan karo na yi zunubi. Ubangiji, shi ne da gaskiya, ni da mutane mu ke da kuskure.
28 Pray to the Lord, so that the thundering of God and the hail may cease, so that I may release you, and so that you may by no means remain here any longer.”
Ku roƙi Ubangiji, yă tsai da tsawar da ƙanƙarar. Ni kuwa na yi alkawari zan bar ku ku tafi, ba za ku ƙara tsayawa a nan ba.”
29 Moses said: “When I have departed from the city, I will extend my hands to the Lord, and the thunders will cease, and the hail will not be, so that you may know that the earth belongs to the Lord.
Musa ya amsa, “To, da kyau, da zarar na fita daga birnin, zan yi addu’a ga Ubangiji, tsawar za tă tsaya, ƙanƙarar kuma za tă daina, don ku sani cewa duniya ta Ubangiji ce.
30 But I know that both you and your servants do not yet fear the Lord God.”
Amma na san cewa kai da fadawanka, har wa yau ba ku ji tsoron Ubangiji Allah ba tukuna.”
31 And so, the flax and the barley were damaged, because the barley was growing, and the flax was already developing grains.
(Rama da sha’ir suka lalace, gama sha’ir ya riga ya nuna, rama kuwa tana fid da kai.
32 But the wheat and the spelt were not damaged, because they were late.
Alkama da gero kam, ba a hallaka su ba, gama lokacin nunansu bai yi ba tukuna.)
33 And Moses, departing from Pharaoh out of the city, reached out his hands toward the Lord. And the thunders and hail ceased, neither did there drop any more rain upon the land.
Sai Musa ya tashi daga gaban Fir’auna, ya fita daga birni. Da ya miƙa hannuwansa ta wajen Ubangiji, sai tsawa da ƙanƙara suka tsaya, kwararowar ruwa kuma ta ɗauke.
34 Then Pharaoh, seeing that the rain, and the hail, and the thunders had ceased, added to his sin.
Da Fir’auna ya ga cewa ruwa da ƙanƙara da tsawa sun daina, sai ya sāke yin zunubi. Shi da fadawansa, suka taurare zukatansu.
35 And his heart was weighed down, along with that of his servants, and it was hardened exceedingly. Neither did he release the sons of Israel, just as the Lord had instructed by the hand of Moses.
Ta haka zuciyar Fir’auna ta taurare, bai kuwa bar Isra’ilawa suka tafi ba, kamar yadda Ubangiji ya riga ya faɗa ta wurin Musa.

< Exodus 9 >