< Yobu 15 >

1 Pamenepo Elifazi wa ku Temani anayankha kuti,
Then Eliphaz the Temanite answered, and said,
2 “Kodi munthu wanzeru angayankhe ndi mawu achabechabe otere, kapena angakhutitse mimba yake ndi mphepo yotentha yochokera kummawa?
Should a wise man make answer with vain knowledge, and fill himself with the east wind?
3 Kodi angathe kutsutsa ndi mawu opanda pake, kapena kuyankhula mawu opanda phindu?
Should he reason with unprofitable talk, or with speeches with which he can do no good?
4 Koma iwe ukuchepetsa zoopa Mulungu ndipo ukutchinga zodzikhuthulira kwa Mulungu.
Yea, thou do away with fear, and hinder devotion before God.
5 Tchimo lako ndiye likuyankhulitsa pakamwa pakopo; ndipo watengera mayankhulidwe a atambwali.
For thine iniquity teaches thy mouth. And thou choose the tongue of the crafty.
6 Pakamwa pakopo ndiye pakukutsutsa osati pakamwa panga; milomo yakoyo ikukutsutsa.
Thine own mouth condemns thee, and not I. Yes, thine own lips testify against thee.
7 “Kodi ndiwe munthu woyamba kubadwa? Kodi unalengedwa mapiri asanalengedwe?
Are thou the first man who was born? Or were thou brought forth before the hills?
8 Kodi unali mʼgulu la alangizi a Mulungu? Kodi ukudziyesa wanzeru ndiwe wekha?
Have thou heard the secret counsel of God? And do thou limit wisdom to thyself?
9 Kodi iwe umadziwa chiyani chimene ife sitichidziwa? Kodi iwe uli ndi chidziwitso chanji chimene ife tilibe?
What do thou know, that we do not know? What do thou understand, which is not in us?
10 Anthu a imvi ndi okalamba ali mbali yathu, anthu amvulazakale kupambana abambo ako.
With us are both the gray-headed and the very aged men, much older than thy father.
11 Kodi mawu otonthoza mtima ochokera kwa Mulungu sakukukwanira, mawu oyankhula mofatsawa kwa iwe?
Are the consolations of God too small for thee, even the word that is gentle toward thee?
12 Chifukwa chiyani ukupsa mtima, ndipo chifukwa chiyani ukutuzula maso ako,
Why does thy heart carry thee away? And why do thine eyes flash,
13 moti ukupsera mtima Mulungu ndi kuyankhula mawu otero pakamwa pako?
that against God thou turn thy spirit, and let words go out of thy mouth?
14 “Kodi munthu nʼchiyani kuti nʼkukhala woyera mtima kapena wobadwa mwa amayi nʼchiyani kuti nʼkukhala wolungama mtima?
What is man, that he should be clean? And he who is born of a woman, that he should be righteous?
15 Ngati Mulungu sakhulupirira ngakhale angelo ake, ngakhale zakumwamba sizoyera pamaso pake,
Behold, he puts no trust in his holy ones. Yea, the heavens are not clean in his sight.
16 nanga kuli bwanji munthu amene ndi wonyansa ndi wa njira zokhotakhota, amene kuchita zoyipa kuli ngati kumwa madzi.
How much less one who is abominable and corrupt, a man who drinks iniquity like water!
17 “Mvetsera kwa ine ndipo ndidzakufotokozera; ndilole ndikuwuze zimene ndaziona,
I will show thee. Hear thou me, and that which I have seen I will declare,
18 zimene anandiphunzitsa anthu anzeru, sanandibisire kalikonse kamene anamva kuchokera kwa makolo awo.
which wise men have told from their fathers, and have not hid it,
19 (Ndi kwa iwowa kumene dziko lino linaperekedwa pamene panalibe mlendo wokhala pakati pawo).
to whom alone the land was given, and no stranger passed among them:
20 Munthu woyipa amavutika ndi masautso masiku onse a moyo wake, munthu wankhanza adzavutika zaka zake zonse.
The wicked man travails with pain all his days, even the number of years that are laid up for the oppressor.
21 Amamva mawu owopsa mʼmakutu mwake, pamene zonse zikuoneka ngati zili bwino, anthu achifwamba amamuthira nkhondo.
A sound of terrors is in his ears. In prosperity the destroyer shall come upon him.
22 Iye sakhulupirira kuti angathe kupulumuka ku mdima wa imfa; iyeyo ndi woyenera kuphedwa.
He does not believe that he shall return out of darkness. And he is awaited by the sword.
23 Amangoyendayenda pali ponse kunka nafuna chakudya; amadziwa kuti tsiku la mdima lili pafupi.
He wanders abroad for bread, saying, Where is it? He knows that the day of darkness is ready at his hand.
24 Masautso ndi nthumanzi zimamuchititsa mantha kwambiri; zimamugonjetsa iye monga imachitira mfumu yokonzekera kukathira nkhondo,
Distress and anguish make him afraid. They prevail against him as a king ready to the battle.
25 chifukwa iye amatambasula dzanja lake kuyambana ndi Mulungu ndipo amadzitama yekha polimbana ndi Wamphamvuzonse.
Because he has stretched out his hand against God, and behaves himself proudly against the Almighty.
26 Amapita mwa mwano kukalimbana naye atanyamula chishango chochindikala ndi cholimba.
He runs upon him with a stiff neck, with the thick studs of his bucklers,
27 “Ngakhale nkhope yake ndi yonenepa ndipo mʼchiwuno mwake muli mnofu wambiri,
because he has covered his face with his fatness, and gathered fat upon his loins.
28 munthuyo adzakhala mʼmizinda yowonongeka ndi mʼnyumba zosayenera kukhalamo anthu, nyumba zimene zikugwa ndi kuwonongeka.
And he has dwelt in desolate cities, in houses which no man inhabited, which were ready to become heaps.
29 Iye sadzalemeranso ndipo chuma chake sichidzakhalitsa, ngakhale minda yake sidzabala zipatso pa dziko lapansi.
He shall not be rich, neither shall his substance continue, neither shall their possessions be extended on the earth.
30 Iyeyo sadzapulumuka mu mdimamo; lawi lamoto lidzawumitsa nthambi zake, ndipo mpweya wochokera mʼkamwa mwa Mulungu udzamusesa.
He shall not depart out of darkness. The flame shall dry up his branches, and by the breath of God's mouth he shall go away.
31 Asadzinyenge yekha podalira zinthu zachabechabe, pakuti pa mapeto pake sadzaphulapo kanthu.
Let him not trust in vanity, deceiving himself. For vanity shall be his recompense.
32 Iye adzalandira malipiro ake nthawi yake isanakwane, ndipo nthambi zake sizidzaphukanso.
It shall be accomplished before his time, and his branch shall not be green.
33 Iye adzakhala ngati mtengo wamphesa wopululidwa zipatso zake zisanapse, adzakhala ngati mtengo wa olivi umene wayoyola maluwa ake.
He shall shake off his unripe grape as the vine, and shall cast off his flower as the olive tree.
34 Pakuti anthu osapembedza Mulungu adzakhala osabala ndipo moto udzapsereza nyumba za onse okonda ziphuphu.
For the company of the hypocrites shall be barren, and fire shall consume the tents of bribery.
35 Iwo amalingalira zaupandu ndipo amachita zoyipa; mtima wawo umakonzekera zachinyengo.”
They conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity, and their heart prepares deceit.

< Yobu 15 >