< San Juan 20 >

1 Y finenana na jaane gui semana, gui egaan anae ti claro, si Maria Magdalena mato gui naftan, ya jalie y acho na manajanao gui naftan.
Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been moved from the entrance.
2 Entonses malago ya malag as Simon Pedro, yan y otro disipulo ni güinaeya as Jesus, ya ilegña nu sija: Jachule y Señot gui naftan ya jame ti intingo mano nae japolo.
So she ran to tell Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved, “They've taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don't know where they've put him.”
3 Manmapos si Pedro yan y otro disipulo, ya manmato gui naftan.
Then Peter and the other disciple went to the tomb.
4 Ya manmalago sija y dos umetnon: ya y otro disipulo malago chadigña qui si Pedro, ya mato finenana gui naftan.
The two of them were running together, but the other disciple ran faster and reached the tomb first.
5 Ya ñumejon ya jaatan, ya jalie y magago lenso na mapolo; lao ti jumalom.
He bent down, and looking in he saw the grave-clothes lying there, but he didn't go in.
6 Entonses mato si Simon Pedro ni dumadalalag güe, ya jumalom gui naftan, ya jalie y magago lenso na mapolo,
Then Simon Peter arrived after him and went right into the tomb. He saw the linen grave-clothes lying there,
7 Ya y magago sudario na gaegue gui jilo y iluña, ti mapolo yan y palo magago, lao y otro lugat na mabalulutan.
and that the cloth that had been on Jesus' head wasn't with the other grave-clothes but had been folded and placed on its own.
8 Entonses jumalom locue ayo y otro disipulo, ni guine mato finenana gui naftan; ya jalie yan jajonggue.
Then the other disciple who had reached the tomb first went inside as well.
9 Sa ti matutungo trabia y tinigue, na janesesita na güiya ucajulo guine entalo manmatae.
He looked around and believed it was true—for up till then they hadn't understood the Scripture that Jesus had to rise from the dead.
10 Ayo nae manalo y disipulo sija guato gui guimañija.
Then the disciples went back to where they were staying.
11 Ya si Maria gaegue güije gui san jiyong, jijot y naftan ya tumatanges; ya tumanges, ñumejon papa y jaatan y sanjalom y naftan;
But Mary stayed outside the tomb crying, and as she was crying, she bent down and looked into the tomb.
12 Ya jalie dos angjet na minagagon apaca, na manmatatachong, y uno gui para y ilo, y otro para y adeng, anae y tataotao Jesus guine mapolo.
She saw two angels in white, one sitting at the head and the other at the foot of where Jesus' body had been lying.
13 Ya ilegñija nu güiya: Palaoan, jafa na tumatanges jao? Ylegña nu sija: Sa jafa muna jachule y Señotjo, ya ti jutungo mano nae japolo.
“Why are you crying?” they asked her. She answered, “Because they've taken my Lord away, and I don't know where they've put him.”
14 Anae jasangan este, tumalo tate, ya jalie si Jesus, güije na tomotojgue, lao ti jatungo cao güiya si Jesus.
After she'd said this, she turned round and saw Jesus standing there, but she didn't realize it was Jesus.
15 Ylegña nu güiya si Jesus: Palaoan, jafa na tumatanges jao? Jaye unaliligao? Pineloña na ayo na taotao y taotao y güetta, ilegña nu guiya: Señot, yaguin jago chumule, sangane yo mano nae unpolo, ya juchule güe.
“Why are you crying?” he asked her. “Who are you looking for?” Assuming he was the gardener, she said to him, “Sir, if you've taken him away, tell me where you've put him so I can go and get him.”
16 Ylegña nu güiya si Jesus: Maria! Jabira guiya güiya ya, ilegña gui Hebreo na finijo: Raboni! cumequeilegña, Maestro;
Jesus said to her, “Mary!” She turned to him and said, “Rabboni,” which means “Teacher” in Hebrew.
17 Ylegña nu güiya si Jesus: Chamo yo pumapacha; sa asta pago ti cajulo yo gui as Tata; lao janao para y mañelujo ya unsangane sija, na jucajulo gui Tatajo ya yan Tatamiyo, y Yuusjo yan y Yuusmiyo.
“Don't hold onto me,” Jesus said to her, “for I haven't yet ascended to my Father; but go to my brothers and tell them I am ascending to my Father and your Father, my God and your God.”
18 Mato si Maria Magdalena ya jasangane y disipulo sija: Esta julie y Señot; ya jaftaemano sinangane güe nu este na güinaja.
So Mary Magdalene went and told the disciples, “I've seen the Lord,” and she explained to them what he had said to her.
19 Ya anae esta pupuenge, güije mismo na jaane, y finenana gui semana, ya y petta manmajujuchom, güije nae mangaegue y disipulo sija manetnon sa manmaañao ni Judio sija, mato si Jesus, ya tumojgue güe gui talo ya ilegña nu sija: Pas ugaegue guiya jamyo.
That evening, on the first day of the week, as the disciples were meeting together behind locked doors because they were afraid of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “May you have peace.”
20 Ya anae munjayan jasangan este, manfinanue ni canaeña yan y calaguagña. Ayo nae manmagof y disipulo sija anae malie y Señot.
After this greeting he showed them his hands and his side. The disciples were full of joy to see the Lord.
21 Ya si Jesus ilegña nu sija talo: Pas ugaegue guiya jamyo; taemanoja si Tata ni tumago yo, taegüije locue jutago jamyo.
“May you have peace!” Jesus told them again. “In the same way the Father sent me, so I'm sending you.”
22 Ya anae munjayan jasangan este, manguaefe gui jiloñija ya ilegña nu sija: Resibe jamyo y Espirito Santo.
Saying this, he breathed on them, and told them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.
23 Y inasie ni y isaoñija, sija ufanmaasie; ya iyonñija y indetiene sija ufanmadetiene.
If you forgive anyone's sins, they are forgiven; if you hold them unforgiven, unforgiven they remain.”
24 Ya si Tomas, uno gui dose, na mafananaan si Didimo, taegüe guiya sija anae mato si Jesus.
One of the twelve disciples, Thomas, who was called the Twin, wasn't with them when Jesus came.
25 Ya ilegñija nu güiya y palo disipulo: Y Señot guinin talie. Lao ilegña nu sija: Yaguin ti julie gui canaeña y señat y lilog sija, ya junajalom y calalotjo gui señat y lilog, yan ti junajalom y canaejo gui calaguagña, ti jujonggue.
So the other disciples told him, “We've seen the Lord.” But he replied, “I won't believe it unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger in them, and put my hand in his side.”
26 Ya despues di manmalofan ocho na jaane, anae disipulo sija mangaegue talo gui sanjalom, mañisija yan si Tomas. Mato si Jesus, macandalo y petta, ya sumaga gui entalo ya ilegña: Pas ugaegue guiya jamyo.
One week later the disciples were together inside the house; and Thomas was with them. The doors were closed, and Jesus came and stood among them. “May you have peace!” he said.
27 Ayo nae ilegña as Tomas: Namamaela güine mague y calolotmo, ya unlie y canaejo; ya namamaela güine mague y canaemo, ya unnajalom gui calaguagmo; ya chamo tataeinangoco, lao unjonggue.
Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and look at my hands. Put your hand in the wound on my side. Stop doubting and trust in me!”
28 Entonses si Tomas manope ya ilegña nu güiya: Señotjo yan Yuusjo.
“My Lord and my God!” Thomas responded.
29 Ylegña nu güiya si Jesus: Pot y unlie yo, Tomas, na unjonggue yo: mandichoso ayo sija y ti manmanlie, lao manmanjonggue.
“You trust in me because you've seen me,” Jesus told him. “Happy are those that haven't seen me yet still trust in me.”
30 Magajet, megae sija na señat palo na jafatinas si Jesus gui menan y disipuluña na ti matugue güine na leblo:
Jesus did many other miraculous signs while he was with his disciples that are not recorded in this book.
31 Lao este sija manmatugue para injenggue na si Jesus, güiya si Cristo, Lajin Yuus; ya anae injenggue, guaja jamyo taejinecog la linâlâ pot y naanña.
But these are written down here so that you may trust that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by trusting in him as he is you will have life.

< San Juan 20 >