< Torati 7 >

1 Wakati Yahwe Mungu wenu atuleta katika nchi ambayo mnaenda kuimiliki na kuwaondoa mataifa mengi mbele zenu- Mhiti, Mgirgashi na Mwamori, na Mkanaani, na Mperizi, Mhivi, Myebusi- mataifa saba makubwa na yenye nguvu kuliko wewe.
When Adonai your God brings you into the land where you go to possess it, and casts out many nations before you, the Hittite [Descendant of Trembling fear], the Girgashite, the Amorite [Descendants of Talkers], the Canaanite [Descendant of Humbled], the Perizzite [Descendant of Belonging to village], the Hivite [Wicked], and the Jebusite [Descendants of Thresher], seven nations greater and mightier than you;
2 Na wakati Yahwe Mungu wenu awapa ninyi ushindi juu yao pindi mnakutana nao katika vita, mtawashambulia, basi mnapaswa kuwateketeza kabisa. Hamtafanya agano nao, wala kuonesha huruma kwao.
and when Adonai your God delivers them up before you, and you strike them; then you shall utterly destroy them. You shall make no covenant with them, nor show mercy to them;
3 Wala hamtapanga ndoa zozote pamoja nao, hamtawatoa binti zenu kwa vijana wao, na hamtawachukua binti zao kwa vijana wenu.
neither shall you make marriages with them. You shall not give your daughter to his son, nor shall you take his daughter for your son.
4 Kwa kuwa watawabadilisha vijana wenu kutonifuata mimi, ili kwamba waweze kuabudu miungu yao. Kwa hiyo hasira ya Yahwe itawashwa dhidi yenu na atawaangamiza haraka.
For he will turn away your son from following me, that they may abad ·serve· other deities. So Adonai’s anger would be kindled against you, and he would destroy you quickly.
5 Hivi ndivyo mtakavyo washughulikia nao; mtavunja madhabahu zao, vunja nguzo zao za mawe katika vipande, kata chini ncha za Asherahi, na kuzichoma sanamu za kutupwa.
But you shall deal with them like this. You shall break down their altars, dash their pillars in pieces, and cut down their Asherah poles, and burn their engraved images with fire.
6 Kwa kuwa wewe ni taifa uliyetengwa kwa Yahwe Mungu wako. Amekuchagua wewe kuwa watu kwa ajili yake kumiliki, zaidi ya watu wengine wote ambao wako katika uso wa dunia.
For you are a holy people to Adonai your God. Adonai your God has chosen you to be a le'am segulah ·people of special treasure· for his own possession, above all peoples who are on the face of the earth.
7 Yahwe hakuweka upendo wake juu yenu au kuwachagua kwa sababu mlikuwa zaidi katika idadi kuliko watu wowote, kwa kuwa mlikuwa wachache kuliko watu wote-
Adonai didn’t set his chasak ·to set one’s affection, to make bands· on you, nor choose you, because you were more in number than any people; for you were the fewest of all peoples:
8 Lakini kwa sababu anawapenda ninyi, anataka kushika kiapo alichoapa kwa baba zenu. Huyu ni Yahwe aliyewatoa kwa mkono wa uweza na kuwakomboa kutoka nyumba ya utumwa, kutoka mkono wa Farao, mfalme wa Misri.
but because Adonai loves you, and because he desires to keep the oath which he swore to your fathers, Adonai has brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you out of the house of bondage, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt [Abode of slavery].
9 Kwa hiyo tambua ya kuwa Yahwe Mungu wako-ni Mungu, Mungu mwaminifu, anayetunza maagano na uaminifu kwa vizazi elfu kwa wale wanaompenda na kuyashika maagizo yake,
Know therefore that Adonai your God himself is God, the faithful God, who keeps covenant and cheshed ·loving-kindness· with them who 'ahav ·affectionately love· him and keep his mitzvot ·instructions· to a thousand generations,
10 lakini huwalipa wale wanaomchukia kwa sura zao, kuwaangamiza, hatakuwa na huruma kwa yeyote anayemchukia; atamlipa kwa uso wake.
and repays those who hate him to their face, to destroy them. He will not be slack to him who hates him. He will repay him to his face.
11 Kwa hiyo utashika maagizo, amri, na sheria ninazokuamuru leo, ili kwamba uzifanye.
You shall therefore keep the mitzvot ·instructions·, the statutes, and the judgments, which I enjoin you today, to do them.
12 Kama mtasikiliza maagizo haya, kuyashika na kuyafanya, itakuwa Yahwe Mungu wenu atawashika pamoja na agano na uaminifu ambao aliapa kwa baba zenu.
It shall happen, because you sh'ma ·hear obey· these judgments, and keep and do them, that Adonai your God will keep with you the covenant and the cheshed ·loving-kindness· which he swore to your fathers.
13 Atawapenda, atawabariki, na kuwazidisha, pia atabariki tunda la miili yenu na tunda la ardhi yenu, nafaka zenu, divai mpya, mafuta yenu, atazidisha mifugo na kundi lako la mifugo michanga, katika nchi ambayo aliapa kwa baba zenu kuwapa.
He will 'ahav ·affectionately love· you, bless you, multiply you. He will also bless the fruit of your body and the fruit of your ground, your grain and your new wine and your oil, the increase of your livestock and the young of your flock, in the land which he swore to your fathers to give you.
14 Mtabarikiwa zaidi kuliko watu wengine wote; hapatakuwa na mwanaume asiyekuwa na mtoto au mwanamke tasa miongoni mwenu au miongoni mwa mifugo.
You shall be blessed above all peoples. There shall not be male or female barren among you, or among your livestock.
15 Yahwe atawaondolea magonjwa yote; hakuna magonjwa mabaya ya Misri ambayo mnayajua yatawekwa juu yenu, Lakini atayaweka kwa wote wanaowachukia ninyi.
Adonai will take away from you all sickness; and none of the evil diseases of Egypt [Abode of slavery], which you know, will he put on you, but will lay them on all those who hate you.
16 Mtayaondoa makundi ya watu wote ambayo Yahwe Mungu wenu awapa ushindi, na jicho lenu halitawaonea huruma. Na hamtaabudu miungu yao, kwa kuwa huo utakuwa mtego kwenu.
You shall consume all the peoples whom Adonai your God shall deliver to you. Your eye shall not pity them: neither shall you abad ·serve· their deities; for that would be a snare to you.
17 Kama mtasema kwenye mioyo, Haya mataifa ni mengi zaidi kuliko mimi; nitawezaje kuwafukuza?
If you shall say in your heart, “These nations are more than I; how can I dispossess them?”
18 Usiwaogope; utakumbuka akilini Yahwe nini Mungu wenu alifanya kwa Farao na Misri yote?
you shall not be afraid of them. You shall remember well what Adonai your God did to Pharaoh, and to all Egypt [Abode of slavery];
19 Mateso makuu ambayo macho yenu yaliona, ishara, maajabu, mkono wa uweza, mkono ulionyoshwa ambao Yahwe Mungu wenu alivyowatoa. Yahwe Mungu wenu atafanya kile kile kwa watu wote ambao mnawaogopa.
the great trials which your eyes saw, the signs, the wonders, the mighty hand, and the outstretched arm, by which Adonai your God brought you out. So shall Adonai your God do to all the peoples of whom you are afraid.
20 Zaidi ya yote, Yahwe Mungu wenu atatuma nyigu miongoni mwao, mpaka wale waliobaki na wale wanaojificha wenyewe mbele yenu waangamizwa mbele ya uwepo wenu.
Moreover Adonai your God will send the hornet among them, until those who are left, and hide themselves, perish from before you.
21 Hamtatishikeni nao, kwa kuwa Yahwe Mungu wenu yuko miongoni mwenu, Mungu mkuu na wa kuogofya.
You shall not be scared of them; for Adonai your God is among you, a great and awesome God.
22 Yahwe Mungu wenu atayaondoa mataifa mbele zenu kidogo kidogo. Hamtayashinda yote kwa wakati mmoja, au wanyama wa mwitu watakuwa wengi karibu yenu.
Adonai your God will cast out those nations before you little by little. You may not consume them at once, lest the animals of the field increase on you.
23 Lakini Yahwe Mungu wenu atawapa ninyi ushindi dhidi yao wakati mkutanapo vitani; atawachanganya kwa kiasi kikubwa mpaka wameangamizwa.
But Adonai your God will deliver them up before you, and will confuse them with a great confusion, until they are destroyed.
24 Atawaweka wafalme wao chini ya utawala wenu, na mtafanya jina lao kuangamia toka chini ya mbingu. Hakuna atakayeweza kusimama mbele yenu, mpaka muwaangamize.
He will deliver their kings into your hand, and you shall make their name perish from under the sky. No one will be able to stand before you, until you have destroyed them.
25 Utazichoma sanamu za kuchonga za miungu yao- usitamani madini ya fedha au dhahabu yanayofunika na kuichukua kwa ajili yenu, kwa sababu mkifanya, mtanaswa nayo-kwa kuwa ni chukizo kwa Yahwe Mungu wenu.
You shall burn the engraved images of their deities with fire. You shall not covet the silver or the gold that is on them, nor take it for yourself, lest you be snared in it; for it is an abomination to Adonai your God.
26 Hamtaleta chukizo lolote ndani ya nyumba zenu na kuanza kuiabudu. Mtachukizwa kabisa na kuchukia kwa kuwa imetengwa kwa ajili ya uharibifu.
You shall not bring an abomination into your house, and become a devoted thing like it. You shall utterly detest it, and you shall utterly abhor it; for it is a devoted thing.

< Torati 7 >