< Romana 10 >

1 O ry longo, ty salalan-troko naho ty halaliko aman’ Añahare ty am’ Israele, le t’ie ho rombaheñe.
Britheren, the wille of myn herte and mi biseching is maad to God for hem in to helthe.
2 Ataliliko t’ie maringatse ho aman’ Añahare, fe tsy an-kilala;
But Y bere witnessyng to hem, that thei han loue of God, but not aftir kunnyng.
3 ie tsy nahafoniñe ty hamarentanen’ Añahare, te mone nipay ty hañoreñañe ty a’ iareo, ie tsy niambane ami’ty havantañan’ Añahare.
For thei vnknowynge Goddis riytwisnesse, and sekynge to make stidefast her owne riytfulnesse, ben not suget to the riytwisnesse of God.
4 I Norizañey ro firefea’ i Hake, hañavantañe ze hene mpiato.
For the ende of the lawe is Crist, to riytwisnesse to ech man that bileueth.
5 Nabeja’ i Mosè ty havañonañe mifototse amy Hake, te: Hitakatse haveloñe ama’e t’indaty mañorike aze.
For Moises wroot, For the man that schal do riytwisnesse that is of the lawe, schal lyue in it.
6 Mbore manao ty hoe ty havantañañe mifototse am-patokisañe: Ko manao ty hoe añ’arofo ao: Ia ty hionjoñe mb’ andindìm-b’eo (hampizotso i Norizañey).
But the riytwisnesse that is of bileue, seith thus, Seie thou not in thin herte, Who schal stie in to heuene? that is to seie, to lede doun Crist;
7 ke: Ia ty hizotso mb’an-tsikeokeok’ao? (hampitroatse i Norizañey an-kavilasy). (Abyssos g12)
or who schal go doun in to helle? that is, to ayenclepe Crist fro deth. (Abyssos g12)
8 Aa inom-barè ty enta’e? Marine azo i tsaray, am-palie’o ao vaho añ’arofo’o ao, Ie i tsaram-patokisañe taroñe’aiy,
But what seith the scripture? The word is nyy in thi mouth, and in thin herte; this is the word of bileue, which we prechen.
9 t’ie mitaroñe i Talè Iesoà am-palie, vaho iatoa’o an-troke ao te vinañon’ Añahare amo havilasio, le ho rombahen-drehe.
That if thou knoulechist in thi mouth the Lord Jhesu Crist, and bileuest in thin herte, that God reiside hym fro deth, thou schalt be saaf.
10 Toe añ’arofo ao ty atokisa’ ondaty hanjoa’e havantañañe, vaho am-palie ty hitaroña’e, hitendreha’e rombake.
For bi herte me bileueth to riytwisnesse, but bi mouth knowleching is maad to helthe.
11 Hoe i Sokitse Masiñey, Tsy ho salatse ze miato ama’e.
For whi the scripture seith, Ech that bileueth in hym, schal not be confoundid.
12 Tsy eo ty mampiambake ty Jiosy ami’ty Grika; raike ty Talè’ iabikey; matarike amo hene mikanjy azeo.
And ther is no distinccioun of Jew and of Greke; for the same Lord of alle is riche in alle, that inwardli clepen hym.
13 fa Hene ho rombaheñe ze mikanjy ty tahina’ i Talè.
For ech man `who euere schal inwardli clepe the name of the Lord, schal be saaf.
14 Akore ty hahakanjia’ iareo ty tsy natokisa’ iareo? akore ty hahatokisa’ iareo ty tsy nijanjiñañe? vaho akore ty hahajanjiña’ iareo te tsy amam-pitaroñe?
Hou thanne schulen thei inwardli clepe hym, in to whom thei han not bileued? or hou schulen thei bileue to hym, whom thei han not herd? Hou schulen thei here, with outen a prechour?
15 Akore ty hitaroña’ iareo te tsy niraheñe? Pinatetse ao ty hoe: Hoke! ty hafanjàka o fandiam-pinday talili-soan-draha soao!
and hou schulen thei preche, but thei be sent? As it is writun, Hou faire ben the feet of hem that prechen pees, of hem that prechen good thingis.
16 Fe tsy hene nañaoñe i talili-soay, fa hoe t’Isaia: O Talè, ia ty niantoke i entam-bola’aiy?
But not alle men obeien to the gospel. For Ysaie seith, Lord, who bileuede to oure heryng?
17 Aa le am-pijanjiñañe ty fatokisañe, le an-tsaontsi’ i Norizañeiy ty fijanjiñañe.
Therfor feith is of heryng, but heryng bi the word of Crist.
18 Fa hoe iraho: ke t’ie tsy nahajanjiñe? Hete! Fa nanitsike ty tane toy ty fiarañanaña’ iareo, naho pak’añ’olo’ ty voatse toy ty saontsi’ iareo.
But Y seie, Whether thei herden not? Yhis, sothely the word of hem wente out in to al the erthe, and her wordis in to the endis of the world.
19 Le hoe iraho: Hera tsy nifohi’ Israele? Hoe heike t’i Mosè: Hampikirañeko anahareo ty tsy fifelehañe, ty fifeheañe tsy mahilala ro hampibosehako anahareo
But Y seie, Whether Israel knewe not? First Moyses seith, Y schal lede you to enuye, that ye ben no folc; that ye ben an vnwise folc, Y schal sende you in to wraththe.
20 Hoe t’Isaia am-pahavaniañe: Nizoe’ o tsy nipay ahio iraho, Naho nitojo am’ondaty tsy nañontane ahio.
And Ysaie is bold, and seith, Y am foundun of men that seken me not; opynli Y apperide to hem, that axiden not me.
21 Fe hoe re ty am’ Israele: Lomoñandro iraho nañitsi-tañañe am’ ondaty manjehatse naho mitangingiñeo.
But to Israel he seith, Al dai Y streiyte out myn hondis to a puple that bileuede not, but ayen seide me.

< Romana 10 >