< マタイの福音書 21 >

1 第一項 イエズスエルザレムに歓迎せられ給ふ イエズスの一行エルザレムに近づき、橄欖山の麓なるベトファゲに至りし時、イエズス二人の弟子を遣はさんとして、
When they had almost reached Jerusalem, having come as far as Bethphage, on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent on two disciples.
2 曰ひけるは、汝等向の邑に往け、然らば直に繋げる牝驢馬の其子と共に居るに遇はん、其を解きて我に牽來れ。
“Go to the village facing you,” he said, “and you will immediately find an ass tethered, with a foal by her side; untie her, and lead her here for me.
3 若人ありて汝等に語はば、主之を要すと云へ、然らば直に許すべし、と。
And, if any one says anything to you, you are to say this — ‘The Master wants them’; and he will send them at once.”
4 総て此事の成れるは、預言者によりて云はれし事の成就せん為なり、
This happened in fulfilment of these words in the Prophet —
5 曰く「シオンの女に云へ、看よ汝の王柔和にして、牝驢馬と其子なる小驢馬とに乗りて汝に來る」と。
‘Say to the daughter of Zion — “Behold, thy King is coming to thee, Gentle, and riding on an ass, and on the foal of a beast of burden.”’
6 弟子等往きてイエズスの命じ給ひし如くに為し、
So the disciples went and did as Jesus had directed them.
7 牝驢馬と其子とを牽來り、己が衣服を其上に敷き、イエズスを是に乗せたるに、
They led the ass and the foal back, and, when they had put their cloaks on them, he seated himself upon them.
8 群衆夥しく己が衣服を道に敷き、或人々は樹の枝を伐りて道に敷きたり。
The immense crowd of people spread their cloaks in the road, while some cut branches off the trees, and spread them on the road.
9 先に立ち後に從へる群衆呼はりて、ダヴィドの裔にホザンナ。主の名によりて來るものは祝せられ給へ。最高き處までホザンナと云ひ居れり。
The crowds that led the way, as well as those that followed behind, kept shouting: “God save the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! God save him from on high!”
10 斯てイエズスエルザレムに入り給ひしに、是は抑誰なるぞ、と町挙りて動揺きけるが、
When he had entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred, and asked —
11 人民は、是ガリレアのナザレトより出でたる預言者イエズスなり、と云ひ居れり。
“Who is this?”, to which the crowd replied — “This is the Prophet Jesus from Nazareth in Galilee.”
12 第二項 エルザレムに於るイエズスの所業 イエズス神殿に入り給ひて、殿内にて売買する人を悉く遂出だし、兩替屋の案と鳩売る人々の腰掛とを倒して、
Jesus went into the Temple Courts, and drove out all those who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money-changers, and the seats of the pigeon-dealers,
13 彼等に曰ひけるは、録して「我家は祈の家と稱へらるべし」とあるに、汝等は之を強盗の巣窟と為せり、と。
and said to them: “Scripture says ‘My House shall be called a house of prayer’; but you are making it ‘a den of robbers.’”
14 斯て瞽者跛者等、神殿にてイエズスに近づきしかば、是等を醫し給へり。
While he was still in the Temple Courts, some blind and some lame people came up to him, and he cured them.
15 然るに司祭長律法學士等、イエズスの為し給へる奇蹟と、ダヴィドの裔にホザンナと殿内に呼はる兒等とを見て憤り、
But, when the Chief Priests and the Teachers of the Law saw the wonderful things that Jesus did, and the boys who were calling out in the Temple Courts “God save the Son of David!”, they were indignant,
16 彼に向ひて云ひけるは、汝彼等の云ふ所を聞くや、と。イエズス是に曰ひけるは、然り「孩兒と乳兒との口に賛美を全うし給へり」とあるを汝等曾て読まざりしか、と。
and said to him: “Do you hear what these boys are saying?” “Yes,” answered Jesus; “but did you never read the words — ‘Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou hast called forth perfect praise’?”
17 斯て彼等を離れ、街を出でてベタニアに往き、其處に宿り給へり。
Then he left them, and went out of the city to Bethany, and spent the night there.
18 明朝街に返る時飢ゑ給ひしが、
The next morning, in returning to the city, Jesus became hungry;
19 路傍に一本の無花果樹を見て其の下に至り給ひしに、葉の外に何物をも見ざりしかば、是に向ひて、汝何時までも果らざれ、と曰ひしに、無花果樹忽ち枯れたり。 (aiōn g165)
and, noticing a solitary fig tree by the road-side, he went up to it, but found nothing on it but leaves. So he said to it: “Never again shall fruit be gathered off you.” And suddenly the fruit tree withered up. (aiōn g165)
20 弟子等見て感嘆し、如何にして速に枯れたるぞ、と云ひしに、
When the disciples saw this, they exclaimed in astonishment: “How suddenly the fig tree withered up!”
21 イエズス答へて曰ひけるは、我誠に汝等に告ぐ、汝等若信仰ありて躊躇せずば、啻に之を無花果樹に為すべき耳ならず、假令此山に向ひて、汝自抜けて海に入れと云ふとも亦然成らん。
“I tell you,” replied Jesus, “if you have faith, without ever a doubt, you will do what not only what has been done to the fig tree, but, even if you should say to this hill ‘Be lifted up and hurled into the sea!’ it would be done.
22 総て祈りの中に信じて求むる事は、汝等悉く之を受けん、と。
And whatever you ask for in your prayers will, if you have faith, be granted you.”
23 イエズス神殿に至りて教へつつ居給ひけるに、司祭長及民間の長老等、近づきて云ひけるは、汝何の権を以て是等の事を為すぞ、又誰か此権を汝に與へしぞ。
After Jesus had come into the Temple Courts, the Chief Priests and the Councillors of the Nation came up to him as he was teaching, and said: “What authority have you to do these things? Who gave you this authority?”
24 イエズス答へて曰ひけるは、我も一言汝等に問はん、汝等之を語らば、我も亦何の権を以て之を行ふかを汝等に告げん。
“I, too,” said Jesus in reply, “will ask you one question; if you will give me an answer to it, then I, also, will tell you what authority I have to act as I do.
25 ヨハネの洗禮は何處よりなりしぞ、天よりか将人よりか、と。彼等相共に慮りて、
It is about John’s baptism. What was its origin? divine or human?” But they began arguing among themselves: “If we say ‘divine,’ he will say to us ‘Why then did not you believe him?’
26 若天よりと云はば、何故に彼を信ぜざりしかと云はるべく、若人よりと云はば、人皆ヨハネを預言者とせると以て民衆に憚りありとし、
But if we say ‘human,’ we are afraid of the people, for every one regards John as a Prophet.”
27 終にイエズスに答へて、我等之を知らず、と云ひしかば、イエズス亦曰ひけるは、我も何の権を以て是等の事を行ふかを汝等に告げず。
So the answer they gave Jesus was — “We do not know.” “Then I,” he said, “refuse to tell you what authority I have to do these things.
28 汝等之を如何に思ふぞ。或人二人の子ありしが、長男に近づきて、子よ、今日我葡萄畑に往きて働け、と云ひけるに、
What do you think of this? There was a man who had two sons. He went to the elder and said ‘Go and work in the vineyard to-day my son.’
29 彼答へて、否と云ひしも、遂に後悔して往きたり。
‘Yes, sir,’ he answered; but he did not go.
30 又次男に近づきて同じ様に云ひけるに、彼答へて、父よ我往く、と云ひしも遂に往かざりき。
Then the father went to the second son, and said the same. ‘I will not,’ he answered; but afterwards he was sorry and went.
31 此二人の中孰か父の旨を成したるぞ、と。彼等長男なりと云ひしかば、イエズス曰ひけるは、我誠に汝等に告ぐ、税吏と娼妓とは汝等よりも先に神の國に入らん。
Which of the two sons did as his father wished?” “The second,” they said. “I tell you,” added Jesus, “that tax-gatherers and prostitutes are going into the Kingdom of God before you.
32 其はヨハネ義の道を以て汝等に來りしに、汝等彼を信ぜず、税吏と娼妓とは却て彼を信じたりしを、汝等之を見ても猶後悔せず、終に彼を信ぜざりければなり。
For when John came to you, walking in the path of righteousness, you did not believe him, but tax-gatherers and prostitutes did; and yet you, though you saw this, even then were not sorry, nor did you believe him.
33 又一の喩を聞け、或家父葡萄畑を作りて籬を繞らし、中に酪穴を堀り、物見台を建て、之を小作人等に貸して遠方へ旅立ちしが、
Listen to another parable. A man, who was an employer, once planted a vineyard, put a fence round it, dug a winepress in it, built a tower, and then let it out to tenants and went abroad.
34 果時近づきしかば、其果を受取らせんとて、僕等を小作人の許に遣はししに、
When the time for the vintage drew near, he sent his servants to the tenants, to receive his share of the produce.
35 小作人其僕を捕へて、一人を殴ち、一人を殺し、一人に石を投付けたり。
But the tenants seized his servants, beat one, killed another, and stoned a third.
36 更に他の僕等を先よりも多く遣はししに、彼等之をも同じ様に遇へり。
A second time the owner sent some servants, a larger number than before, and the tenants treated them in the same way.
37 終に、我子をば敬ふならんとて、其子を遣はししに、
As a last resource he sent his son to them. ‘They will respect my son,’ he said.
38 小作人此子を見て語合ひけるは、是相続人なり、來れかし之を殺さん、而して我等其家督を獲ん、と。
But the tenants, on seeing his son, said to each other ‘Here is the heir! Come, let us kill him, and get his inheritance.’
39 斯て其子を捕へ、葡萄畑より逐出して殺せり。
So they seized him, and threw him outside the vineyard, and killed him.
40 然れば葡萄畑の主來らん時、此小作人等を如何に處置すべきか。
Now, when the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants?”
41 彼等云ひけるは、惡人を容赦なく亡ぼし、季節に果を納むる他の小作人に其葡萄畑を貸さん。
“Miserable wretches!” they exclaimed, “he will put them to a miserable death, and he will let out the vineyard to other tenants, who will pay him his share of the produce at the proper times.”
42 イエズス彼等に曰ひけるは、汝等曾て聖書に於て読まざりしか、「家を建つるに棄てられたる石は隅の首石となれり、是主の為し給へる事にて、我等の目には不思議なり」とあり。
Then Jesus added: “Have you never read in the Scriptures? — ‘The very stone which the builders despised — Has now itself become the corner-stone; This corner-stone has come from the Lord, and is marvellous in our eyes.’
43 然れば我汝等に告ぐ、神の國は汝等より奪はれ、其果を結ぶ人民に與へらるべし。
And that, I tell you, is why the Kingdom of God will be taken from you, and given to a nation that does produce the fruit of the Kingdom.
44 凡此石の上に墜つる人は砕けん、又此石誰の上に隕つるも之を微塵にせん、と。
Yes, and he who falls on this stone will be dashed to pieces, while any one on whom it falls — it will scatter him as dust.”
45 司祭長ファリザイ人等イエズスの喩を聞きて、其己等を斥して曰へるを暁り、
After listening to these parables, the Chief Priests and the Pharisees saw that it was about them that he was speaking;
46 之を捕へんと謀りしが、群衆彼を預言者とせるを以て之を懼れたり。
yet, although eager to arrest him, they were afraid of the crowds, who regarded him as a Prophet.

< マタイの福音書 21 >