< ヘブル人への手紙 8 >

1 第二款 キリストは其司祭職の執行を以て舊約の司祭に優り給ふ 今言ふ所の要點は是なり、即ち我等の有する大司祭は天に於て至大[なる稜威]の玉座の右に坐し給ひ、
To sum up what I have been saying: — Such is the High Priest that we have, one who ‘has taken his seat at the right hand’ of the throne of God’s Majesty in Heaven,
2 聖所の役者にして、人の立てしにはあらで主の立て給ひし、眞の幕屋の役者にて在す。
where he ministers in the Sanctuary, in that true Tabernacle set up by the Lord and not by man.
3 夫総て大司祭の立てらるるは、供物と犠牲とを献げん為なれば、彼も亦必ず献ぐべき何者かを有し給はざるべからず。
Every High Priest is appointed for the purpose of offering gifts and sacrifices to God; it follows, therefore, that this High Priest must have some offering to make.
4 若地上に居給はば司祭と成り給はざるべし、其は律法に從ひて供物を献ぐる人々既にあればなり。
If he were, however, still upon earth, he would not even be a priest, since there are already priests who offer the gifts as the Law directs.
5 此人々は、在天の事物の模、及び影に奉事するのみ、恰もモイゼが幕屋を造らんとせし時に告げられしが如し、曰く、「看よ、何事も山に於て汝に示されし模型に從ひて之を為せ」と。
(These priests, it is true, are engaged in a service which is only a copy and shadow of the heavenly realities, as is shown by the directions given to Moses when he was about to construct the Tabernacle. ‘Look to it,’ are the words, ‘that thou make every part in accordance with the pattern shown thee on the mountain.’)
6 然れど我等の大司祭が現に尚善き聖役を得給ひしは、尚善き約束を以て保證せられたる、尚善き契約の仲介者たるに應じてなり。
But Jesus, as we see, has obtained a ministry as far excelling theirs, as the Covenant of which he is the intermediary, based, as it is, on better promises, excels the former Covenant.
7 蓋彼第一の契約に缺點なかりせば、第二のものを立つる餘地なかるべしと雖も、
If that first Covenant had been faultless, there would have been no occasion for a second.
8 [神]人々を咎めて曰ひけるは、「主曰く、看よ、日來らんとす、而して我イスラエルの家の上、又ユダの家の上に新約を全うすべし、
But, finding fault with the people, God says — ‘“Behold, a time is coming,” says the Lord, “When I will ratify a new Covenant with the People of Israel and with the People of Judah —
9 是我が彼等の先祖をエジプトの地より救出さんとて其手を取りし時、之に為しし約の如きものに非ず、蓋彼等は我約に止らざりしかば、我も亦彼等を顧みざりき、と主曰へり。
Not such a Covenant as I made with their ancestors On the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt. For they did not abide by their Covenant with me, And therefore I disregarded them,” says the Lord.
10 即ち主曰はく、彼日の後、イスラエルの家に我が立てんとする約は斯なり、我律法を其精神に置き、之を其心に書記さん、而して我は彼等に神と成り、彼等は我に民と成るべし。
“This is the Covenant that I will make with the People of Israel After those days,” says the Lord. “I will impress my laws on their minds, And will inscribe them on their hearts; And I will be their God, And they shall be my People.
11 又各其近き者、其兄弟に教へて、主を知れと言ふ事あらじ、其は小き者より大いなる者に至るまで悉く我を知るべければなり。
There shall be no need for every man to instruct his fellow-citizen, Or for a man to say to his Brother ‘Learn to know the Lord’; For every one will know me, From the lowest to the highest.
12 蓋我彼等の不義を憫み、曾て其罪を記憶せざるべし」と。
For I will be merciful to their wrong-doings, And I will no longer remember their sins.”’
13 然て新と曰へば、前のものを舊とし給ひしなり、舊にして老衰せるものは亡に近し。
By speaking of a ‘new’ Covenant, God at once renders the former Covenant obsolete; and whatever becomes obsolete and loses its force is virtually annulled.

< ヘブル人への手紙 8 >