< ヘブル人への手紙 6 >

1 然れば我等は、キリストに関する教の初歩を措きて、死せる業よりの改心、神に於る信仰、
WHEREFORE, desisting from initiatory discourse respecting Christ, let us advance towards perfection; not again laying a foundation of repentance from dead works, and faith in God,
2 及び諸洗禮、按手禮、死者の復活、永遠の審判等に関する教の基礎を再び築く事を為ずして、尚完全なる事に進まん、 (aiōnios g166)
of the doctrine of ablutions, and of imposition of hands, and of the resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. (aiōnios g166)
3 神許し給はば我等は之を為すべし。
And so we will do, if God permit.
4 蓋一度照らされて、天の賜を味ひ、聖霊の分配にも與り、
For it is not possible to renew again unto repentance those who have been once illuminated, and have tasted the celestial gift, and have been made partakers of the Holy Ghost,
5 且神の善き御言と來世の勢力とを味ひながら、 (aiōn g165)
and have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, (aiōn g165)
6 堕落したる人々は、己が罪として神の御子を再び十字架に釘け、之を辱め奉る者なれば、更に改心する様一新せらるる事を得ず。
and yet have fallen away: for they crucify again to themselves the Son of God, and expose him to public infamy.
7 即ち土屡其上に降來る雨を吸入れて、耕す人を益すべき草を生ずれば、神より祝福を受くと雖も、
For the earth which imbibes the rain which often falls upon it, and bringeth forth herbage suitable for those by whom it is cultured, receiveth a blessing from God;
8 荊棘と薊とを生ずれば、棄てられて詛はるるに近く、其終は焼かるべきのみ。
but if it produceth thorns and thistles, it is abandoned, and near the curse of barrenness, whose end will be for burning.
9 至愛なる者よ、我等は斯く言ふと雖も、汝等に就きては尚善くして救霊に近からん事を希望す。
But, beloved, we are persuaded concerning you that things are better, and connected with salvation, though we thus speak.
10 蓋神は、汝等が曾て聖徒等に供給し、今も尚供給しつつあるに、汝等の業と汝等が御名に對して顕はしし愛とを忘れ給ふ如き、不義なる者には在さず。
For God is not unjust, to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have demonstrated in his name, having ministered assistance to the saints, and still ministering.
11 我等の望む所は、汝等が各希望を全うするまで、始終同様の励を顕し、
But we earnestly desire that every one of you do manifest the same diligence, in order to obtain the full assurance of hope unto the end:
12 怠慢に流れずして、信仰と忍耐とを以、約束の世嗣と成るべき人々に倣う者と成らん事是なり。
that ye be not slothful, but imitators of those who, by faith and long suffering, are inheriting the promises.
13 蓋神アブラハムに約し給ひし時、己より大いにして指して以て誓ふべきものなきが故に、御自らを指して、誓ひて、
For God when he gave the promise to Abraham forasmuch as he had nothing greater to swear by, sware by himself,
14 曰く、「我祝して汝を祝せん、殖して汝を殖さん」と。
saying, “Verily, blessing, I will bless thee, and multiplying, I will multiply thee.”
15 斯てアブラハム忍耐を以て待御約束の事を得たり。
And so after long patient waiting he obtained the promise.
16 即ち人々は最も大いなるものを指して誓ひ、又保證と成る誓は其一切の論を決す。
For men indeed swear by something greater than themselves; and an oath for confirmation is with them conclusive in all disputes.
17 斯の如く、神は約束の世嗣たる人々に對て、其規定の變ぜざる事を尚十分に示さんとて、誓を加へ給ひしなり。
And thus God, designing more abundantly to demonstrate to the heirs of promise the immutability of his will, pledged himself by oath,
18 是備へられたる希望を捉へんとして倚縋り奉りたる我等に、神の僞り給ふ能はざる二の動かざる事を以て、最も強き慰を得させ給はん為なり。
that by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold on the hope set before us;
19 此希望は、安全にして堅固なる魂の碇として我等之を保ち、
which, as an anchor for our soul, we hold both sure and stedfast, and entering into the sanctuary within the vail,
20 更にイエズスが限なくメルキセデクの如き大司祭と為られて、我等の為に先駆として入り給ひし幕屋の中までも、[此希望は]入るものなり。 (aiōn g165)
into which the forerunner for us is entered, even Jesus, made after the order of Melchisedec an high-priest for ever. (aiōn g165)

< ヘブル人への手紙 6 >