< ヘブル人への手紙 4 >

1 然れば我等の懼るべきは、或は其安息に入の御約束を措きて、汝等の中に之に達せざる者ありとせらるる事是なり。
We must, therefore, be very careful, though there is a promise still standing that we shall enter upon God’s Rest, that none of you even appear to have missed it.
2 其は我等が福の音を得たること彼等と等しけれども、彼等が聞きし話の其身に益せざりしは、聞ける人々に於て信仰に合せざりし故なり。
For we have had the Good News told us just as they had. But the Message which they heard did them no good, since they did not share the faith of those who were attentive to it.
3 蓋信じたる我等は安息に入るべき者なり、曾て、「我怒りて彼等は我安息に入らじと誓えり」、と曰ひしが如し。抑其安息は、開闢の事業の成就せし時より成れり。
Upon that Rest we who have believed are now entering. As God has said — ‘In my wrath I swore — “They shall never enter upon my Rest;”’ Although God’s work was finished at the creation of the world;
4 蓋或篇に七日目に就きて曰く、「神七日目に其凡ての事業を息み給へり」と、
for, in a passage referring to the seventh day, you will find these words — ‘God rested upon the seventh day after all his work.’
5 又此篇に曰はく、「彼等は我安息に入らじ」と。
On the other hand, we read in that passage — ‘They shall never enter upon my Rest.’
6 然れば彼安息に入るべき人々尚在りて、前に福の音を得し人々、不信仰によりて之等に入らざりしが故に、
Since, then, there is still a promise that some shall enter upon this Rest, and since those who were first told the Good News did not enter upon it, because of their disbelief,
7 神は斯の如く久しきを経て、ダヴィドを以て更に「今日」と云ふ日を定め給ひしなり。即ち「汝等今日其聲を聞かば、心を頑固にすること勿れ」、と既に謂はれしが如し。
again God fixed a day. ‘To-day,’ he said, speaking after a long interval through the mouth of David, in the passage already quoted — ‘If to-day you hear God’s voice Harden not your hearts.’
8 蓋若ヨズエにして彼等に安息を得しめしならば、神は尚其後他の日を指して曰ふ事なかりしならん。
Now if Joshua had given ‘Rest’ to the people, God would not have spoken of another and later day.
9 然れば神の民に殘れる安息あり、
There is, then, a Sabbath-Rest still awaiting God’s People.
10 其は神の安息に入りたる人も、恰も神の己が事業を息み給ひしが如く、自ら事業を息みたればなり。
For he who enters upon God’s Rest does himself rest after his work, just as God did.
11 是故に彼不信仰の例に倣ひて堕落する者なからん為に、我等は急ぎて此安息に入る事を努むべきなり。
Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter upon that Rest, so that none of us fall through such disbelief as that of which we have had an example.
12 蓋神の御言は活きて効能あり、所有兩刃の剣よりも鋭くして、霊魂と精神と、又関節と骨髄との境に達し、心の思と志とを分つ。
God’s Message is a living and active power, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing its way till it penetrates soul and spirit — not the joints only but the very marrow — and detecting the inmost thoughts and purposes of the mind.
13 又凡て被造物として神の御前に見えざるはなく、其御目前には萬物赤裸にして露なり、我等は必ず其審判を受くべし。
There is no created thing that can hide itself from the sight of God. Everything is exposed and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we have to give account.
14 第一款 キリストは其御身を以て舊約の司祭に優り給ふ 第二項 舊新兩約に於る司祭職の比較 然れば我等は、天に入り給ひたる偉いなる大司祭、即ち神の御子イエズスを有するが故に、堅く[信仰の]宣言を保つべきなり。
We have, then, in Jesus, the Son of God, a great High Priest who has passed into the highest Heaven; let us, therefore, hold fast to the Faith which we have professed.
15 其は我等が有せる大司祭は、我等の弱點を勞り得給はざる者に非ずして、罪を除くの外、萬事に於て、我等と同じく試みられ給へる者なればなり。
Our High Priest is not one unable to sympathise with our weaknesses, but one who has in every way been tempted, exactly as we have been, but without sinning.
16 故に我等は慈悲を蒙らん為、又適切なる助となるべき恩寵を見出さん為に、憚りなく恩寵の玉座に至り奉るべし。
Therefore, let us draw near boldly to the Throne of Love, to find pity and love for the hour of need.

< ヘブル人への手紙 4 >