< 詩篇 45 >

1 わが心はうるはしき事にてあふる われは王のために詠たるものをいひいでん わが舌はすみやけく寫字人の筆なり
Unto the end. For those who will be changed. To the sons of Korah, toward understanding. A Canticle for the Beloved. My heart has uttered a good word. I speak of my works to the king. My tongue is like the pen of a scribe who writes quickly.
2 なんぢは人の子輩にまさりて美しく文雅そのくちびるにそそがる このゆゑに神はとこしへに汝をさいはひしたまへり
You are a brilliant form before the sons of men. Grace has been poured freely into your lips. Because of this, God has blessed you in eternity.
3 英雄よなんぢその劍その榮その威をこしに佩べし
Fasten your sword to your thigh, O most powerful one.
4 なんぢ眞理と柔和とただしきとのために威をたくましくし勝をえて乗すすめ なんぢの右手なんぢに畏るべきことををしへん
With your splendor and your excellence extended, proceed prosperously, and reign for the sake of truth and meekness and justice, and so will your right hand lead you wondrously.
5 なんぢの矢は鋭して王のあたの胸をつらぬき もろもろの民はなんぢの下にたふる
Your arrows are sharp; the people will fall under you, with the hearts of the enemies of the king.
6 神よなんぢの寳座はいやとほ永くなんぢの國のつゑは公平のつゑなり
Your throne, O God, is forever and ever. The scepter of your kingdom is a scepter of true aim.
7 なんぢは義をいつくしみ惡をにくむ このゆゑに神なんぢの神はよろこびの膏をなんぢの侶よりまさりて汝にそそぎたまへり
You have loved justice and hated iniquity. Because of this, God, your God, has anointed you, before your co-heirs, with the oil of gladness.
8 なんぢの衣はみな沒薬蘆薈肉桂のかをりあり 琴瑟の音ざうげの諸殿よりいでて汝をよろこばしめたり
Myrrh and balsam and cinnamon perfume your garments, from the houses of ivory. From these, they have delighted you:
9 なんぢがたふとき婦のなかにはもろもろの王のむすめあり 皇后はオフルの金をかざりてなんぢの右にたつ
the daughters of kings in your honor. The queen assisted at your right hand, in clothing of gold, encircled with diversity.
10 女よきけ目をそそげ なんぢの耳をかたぶけよ なんぢの民となんぢが父の家とをわすれよ
Listen, daughter, and see, and incline your ear. And forget your people and your father’s house.
11 さらば王はなんぢの美麗をしたはん 王はなんぢの主なりこれを伏拝め
And the king will desire your beauty. For he is the Lord your God, and they will adore him.
12 ツロの女は贈物をもてきたり民間のとめるものも亦なんぢの惠をこひもとめん
And the daughters of Tyre will entreat your countenance with gifts: all the rich men of the people.
13 王のむすめは殿のうちにていとど榮えかがやき そのころもは金をもて織なせり
All the glory of the daughter of its king is inside, in golden fringes,
14 かれは鍼繍せる衣をきて王のもとにいざなはる 之にともなへる處女もそのあとにしたがひて汝のもとにみちびかれゆかん
clothed all around with diversities. After her, virgins will be led to the king. Her neighbors will be brought to you.
15 かれらは歓喜と快樂とをもていざなはれ斯して王の殿にいらん
They will be brought with gladness and exultation. They will be led into the temple of the king.
16 なんぢの子らは列祖にかはりてたち なんぢはこれを全地に君となさん
For your fathers, sons have been born to you. You will establish them as leaders over all the earth.
17 我なんぢの名をよろづ代にしらしめん この故にもろもろの民はいやとほ永くなんぢに感謝すべし
They will remember your name always, for generation after generation. Because of this, people will confess to you in eternity, even forever and ever.

< 詩篇 45 >