< Ayub 3 >

1 Kemudian Ayub mulai berbicara dan mengutuki hari kelahirannya, katanya,
After this time Job opened his mouth, and cursed his day.
2 "Ya Allah, kutukilah hari kelahiranku, dan malam aku mulai dikandung ibuku!
And Job commenced, and said,
Oh that the day whereon I was born might perish, and the night when it was said, There hath been a male child conceived.
4 Ya Allah, jadikanlah hari itu gelap, hapuskan dari ingatan-Mu hingga lenyap; janganlah Engkau biarkan pula cahaya cerah menyinarinya.
May that day be [covered with] darkness; may not God from above inquire for it, and may no light beam upon it.
5 Jadikanlah hari itu hitam kelam, gelap gulita, kabur dan suram; liputilah dengan awan dan mega, tudungilah dari sinar sang surya.
Oh that darkness and the shadow of death might defile it; may a cloud rest upon it; may the blackness of the day terrify it.
6 Hendaknya malam itu dihilangkan dari hitungan tahun dan bulan; jangan lagi dikenang, jangan pula dibilang.
Yon night — let darkness seize upon it; let it not be united to the days of the year; let it not come into the number of the [periods lighted by the] moon.
7 Biarlah malam itu penuh kegelapan tiada kemesraan, tiada kegembiraan.
Lo, may that night be solitary, let no song of joy occur thereon.
8 Hai orang perdukunan dan pengendali Lewiatan, timpalah hari itu dengan sumpah dan kutukan;
Let those denounce it that curse the day, who are ready to raise up their mourning cry.
9 jangan sampai bintang kejora bersinar, jangan biarkan sinar fajar memancar! Biarlah malam itu percuma menunggu datangnya hari dan harapan yang baru.
Let the stars of its twilight be darkened; let it hope for light, and there be none; and let it not behold the eyelids of the morning-dawn;
10 Terkutuklah malam celaka ketika aku dilahirkan bunda, dan dibiarkan menanggung sengsara.
Because God closed not against me the doors of the womb, and thus concealed trouble from my eyes.
11 Mengapa aku tidak mati dalam rahim ibu, atau putus nyawa pada saat kelahiranku?
Why did I not die [the moment I issued] from the womb, and [why] was I not born merely to perish at once?
12 Mengapa aku dipeluk ibuku dan dipangkunya, serta disusuinya pada buah dadanya?
Wherefore were knees ready to receive me? and for what purpose were breasts there that I might suck?
13 Sekiranya pada saat itu aku berpulang, maka aku tidur dan mengaso dengan tenang,
For now should I be lying still and be quiet; I should sleep: then would I be at rest,
14 seperti para raja dan penguasa dahulu kala, yang membangun kembali istana zaman purba.
With kings and counsellors of the earth, who build up ruined places for themselves;
15 Aku tertidur seperti putra raja, yang mengisi rumahnya dengan perak kencana.
Or with princes possessing gold, who fill their houses with silver;
16 Mengapa aku tidak lahir tanpa nyawa supaya tidurku lelap dan terlena?
Or as an untimely birth, hidden [from view] I should not exist; as infants that never have seen the light;
17 Di sana, di dalam kuburan, penjahat tidak melakukan kejahatan, dan buruh yang habis tenaga dapat melepaskan lelahnya.
There [where] the wicked cease from troubling; and where the exhausted weary are at rest;
18 Juga tawanan merasa lega, bebas dari hardik para penjaga.
[Where] the prisoners repose together, [and] they hear no more the taskmaster's voice.
19 Di sana semua orang sama: yang tenar dan yang tidak ternama. Dan para budak bebas akhirnya.
The small with the great is there, and the servant free from his master.
20 Mengapa manusia dibiarkan terus hidup sengsara? Mengapa terang diberi kepada yang duka?
Wherefore giveth He now light to the labor-laden, and life unto the bitter in soul?
21 Mereka lebih suka kuburan daripada harta, menanti maut, tapi tak kunjung tiba.
Who wait for death, which [cometh] not; and who dig for it sooner than for hidden treasures;
22 Kebahagiaan baru dapat dirasakan bila mereka mati dan dikuburkan.
Who would rejoice even to exulting, who would be glad could they but find a grave?
23 Masa depan mereka diselubungi oleh Allah, mereka dikepung olehnya dari segala arah.
[Why is light given] to a man whose way is hidden, and around whom God hath placed a fence?
24 Gantinya makan aku mengeluh, tiada hentinya aku mengaduh.
For before my food cometh my groaning, and like the water are poured forth my loud complaints.
25 Segala yang kucemaskan, menimpa aku, segala yang kutakuti, melanda aku.
Because what I greatly dreaded is come upon me, and what I apprehended is come unto me.
26 Bagiku tiada ketentraman, aku menderita tanpa kesudahan."
I have had no safety, and no quiet, and no rest; and [now] harrowing trouble is come.

< Ayub 3 >