< Ester 1 >

1 Di Susan, ibukota Persia, Ahasyweros memerintah sebagai raja. Kerajaannya terdiri dari 127 provinsi, mulai dari India sampai ke Sudan.
And it came to pass in the days of Achashverosh, of the same Achashverosh who reigned, from India even unto Ethiopia, over a hundred and seven and twenty provinces,
In those days, when this king Achashverosh was sitting on the throne of his kingdom, which was in Shushan the capital,
3 Pada tahun ketiga pemerintahannya, Raja Ahasyweros mengadakan pesta besar untuk semua pembesar dan pegawainya. Para panglima Persia dan Media hadir juga pada pesta itu, begitu juga para gubernur dan para pejabat tinggi provinsi.
That, in the third year of his reign, he made a feast unto all his princes and his servants, the army of Persia and Media, the nobles and the princes of the provinces who were near him:
4 Enam bulan lamanya raja memamerkan kekayaan istananya dan kemegahan serta keagungan kerajaannya.
When he showed the riches and the glory of his kingdom, and the brilliance [and] the splendor of his greatness, during many days, a hundred and eighty days.
5 Setelah itu raja mengadakan pesta lagi untuk seluruh rakyat di Susan, baik kaya maupun miskin. Pesta itu berlangsung seminggu penuh dan diadakan di taman istana raja.
And when these days were completed, the king made unto all the people that were found in Shushan the capital, unto every one, from the great even to the small, a feast of seven days, in the court of the garden of the king's palace;
6 Halaman istana dihias dengan gorden dari kain lenan berwarna biru dan putih, diikat dengan tali lenan halus dan disangkutkan pada gelang-gelang perak yang terpasang di tiang-tiang pualam. Di bawahnya ditempatkan dipan-dipan emas dan perak di atas lantai yang berhiaskan pualam putih, hablur merah, kulit mutiara yang berkilap dan batu pirus biru.
[Where were] white, green, and blue [hangings], fastened with cords of fine linen and purple, on rollers of silver and pillars of marble; couches of gold and silver, upon a pavement of green, and white, and yellow, and black marble.
7 Raja menyediakan anggur berlimpah-limpah yang dihidangkan dalam piala-piala emas beraneka ragam.
And they gave them to drink in vessels of gold, —the vessels being diverse one from the other, —and the royal wine was in abundance, according to the ability of the king.
8 Para tamu tidak dibatasi anggurnya atau dipaksa minum. Raja telah memberi perintah kepada para pelayan istana, supaya setiap tamu dilayani menurut keinginannya masing-masing.
And the drinking was, according to the [king's] order, without compulsion; for so had the king enjoined on all the officers of his house, to do according to the pleasure of every man.
9 Sementara itu Wasti, permaisuri raja, juga mengadakan pesta untuk para wanita di dalam istana.
Also Vashti the queen made a feast for the women, in the royal house which belonged to king Achashverosh.
10 Pada hari yang ketujuh, raja minum-minum sampai merasa gembira sekali. Sebab itu ia memanggil ketujuh pejabat khusus yang menjadi pelayan pribadinya; mereka adalah Mehuman, Bizta, Harbona, Bigta, Abagta, Zetar dan Karkas.
On the seventh day, when the heart of the king was merry with wine, he commanded Mehuman, Biztha, Charbona, Bigtha, and Abagtha, Zethar, and Carcass, the seven chamberlains that served in the presence of king Achashverosh,
11 Ia menyuruh mereka membawa ke hadapannya Ratu Wasti dengan mahkota kerajaan di atas kepalanya. Ratu cantik sekali, dan raja hendak memamerkan kecantikannya kepada para pembesar dan semua tamunya.
To bring Vashti the queen before the king [ornamented] with the royal crown, to show the people and the princes her beauty; for she was handsome in appearance.
12 Tetapi ketika para pelayan itu menyampaikan perintah raja kepada Ratu Wasti, ratu tidak mau datang, sehingga raja marah sekali.
But queen Vashti refused to come at the word of the king brought by the hand of the chamberlains; and the king was very wroth, and his fury burnt in him.
13 Raja mempunyai kebiasaan untuk minta pendapat para ahli mengenai persoalan hukum dan adat. Sebab itu dipanggilnya para penasihatnya yang mengetahui apa yang harus dilakukan dalam perkara semacam itu.
Then said the king to the wise men, who knew [the occurrences of] the times; for so [came] every affair of the king before all acquainted with law and state institutions;
14 Para penasihat yang paling sering dipanggil raja ialah: Karsena, Setar, Admata, Tarsis, Meres, Marsena dan Memukan. Mereka adalah pejabat-pejabat Persia dan Media yang mempunyai kedudukan tertinggi di kerajaan.
And those next unto him were Carshena, Shethar, Admatha, Tharshish, Meress, Marsena, and Memuchan, the seven princes of Persia and Media, who could see [at all times] the king's face, who sat in the first rank in the kingdom:
15 Kata raja kepada ketujuh orang itu, "Aku telah mengutus pelayan-pelayanku kepada Ratu Wasti untuk menyuruh dia datang kepadaku. Tetapi ia tidak mau. Menurut hukum, tindakan apa yang harus kita ambil terhadap dia?"
What should according to law be done with queen Vashti; because she had not fulfilled the order of king Achashverosh by the hand of the chamberlains?
16 Maka kata Memukan kepada raja dan para pembesar, "Dengan perbuatan itu, bukan Baginda saja yang telah dihina oleh Ratu Wasti, melainkan semua pegawai Baginda, bahkan setiap orang laki-laki di kerajaan ini!
Then said Memuchan before the king and the princes, Not against the king alone hath Vashti the queen done wrong, but also against all the princes, and against all the people that are in all the provinces of king Achashverosh.
17 Sebab perbuatan ratu itu akan diketahui oleh semua wanita, dan mereka akan meremehkan suaminya masing-masing. Mereka akan berkata bahwa Baginda telah memerintahkan Ratu Wasti untuk menghadap, tetapi sang ratu tidak mau datang.
For the conduct of the queen will go abroad unto all the women, so that they will despise their husbands in their eyes, when it shall be reported, King Achashverosh ordered Vashti the queen to be brought into his presence, but she came not.
18 Jadi, bilamana istri-istri para pembesar di Persia dan Media mendengar hal itu, pasti mereka akan segera memberitahukannya kepada suami mereka masing-masing. Akibatnya ialah, istri akan melawan perintah suaminya dan suami akan memarahi istrinya.
And even this day will the ladies of Persia and Media, who have heard of the conduct of the queen, say this unto all the princes of the king; and there will arise too much contempt and quarrel.
19 Oleh sebab itu, kami mohon supaya Baginda mengambil keputusan bahwa Ratu Wasti tidak boleh lagi menghadap Baginda. Keputusan itu harus dijadikan undang-undang Persia dan Media, supaya tak mungkin dicabut kembali. Setelah itu, berikanlah kedudukan Ratu Wasti kepada wanita lain yang lebih baik dari dia.
If it please the king, let there go forth a royal order from him, and let it be written among the laws of the Persians and the Medes, that no one transgress it, That Vashti come no more before king Achashverosh: and let the king give her royal dignity unto another that is better than she.
20 Bilamana keputusan Baginda itu telah tersebar di seluruh kerajaan yang luas ini, setiap istri akan menghormati suaminya, baik kaya maupun miskin."
And when the king's decree which he will make shall be published throughout all his kingdom, however great it is: all the wives will show respect to their husbands, unto every one, from the great even to the small.
21 Usul Memukan itu disetujui oleh raja dan para pembesar, maka raja segera melaksanakannya.
And the speech was pleasing in the eyes of the king and of the princes; and the king did according to the speech of Memuchan.
22 Ia mengirim surat perintah kepada semua provinsi kerajaan, dalam bahasa dan tulisan provinsi itu masing-masing. Perintah itu berbunyi bahwa di dalam setiap rumah tangga, suamilah yang harus menjadi kepala, dan yang patut mengambil segala keputusan.
And he sent letters unto all the provinces of the king, unto every province according to its writing, and to every people according to its language, that every man should bear rule in his own house, however he may speak according to the language of his people.

< Ester 1 >