< Mark 2 >

1 And eft he entride in to Cafarnaum, aftir eiyte daies.
MURIN ran akai a ap pil kotilong ong Kapernaum, ap loki sili me a kotikot nan im o.
2 And it was herd, that he was in an hous, and many camen to gidir, so that thei miyten not be in the hous, ne at the yate. And he spak to hem the word.
Me toto ap madanga pena, im o lao koidala o pil likin im o. A ap kotin kawewe ong ir masan o.
3 And there camen to hym men that brouyten a man sijk in palesie, which was borun of foure.
Irail ari poto dong re a, wa kodo me somau rerer men, roan pa men.
4 And whanne thei myyten not brynge hym to Jhesu for the puple, thei vnhileden the roof where he was, and openede it, and thei leten doun the bed in which the sijk man in palesie laye.
Irail sota kak kai dong impa pweki pokon o. Re ap palang pasang pon im o, wasa a kotikot ia; irail lao palang pasang ap kakiredi ro o, me somau o mi poa.
5 And whanne Jhesus hadde seyn the feith of hem, he seide to the sijk man in palesie, Sone, thi synnes ben foryouun to thee.
Iesus lao mangi ar poson, ap masani ong me somau rerer o: Nai, dip om akan lapwa sang uk er!
6 But there weren summe of the scribis sittynge, and thenkynge in her hertis,
Ari, saunkawewe kai momod wasa o, mongemongloleki:
7 What spekith he thus? He blasfemeth; who may foryyue synnes, but God aloone?
Da me men et lokelokaia? A lalaue. Is me kak lapwada dip akan, pwe amen ta, Kot?
8 And whanne Jhesus hadde knowe this bi the Hooli Goost, that thei thouyten so with ynne hem silf, he seith to hem, What thenken ye these thingis in youre hertis?
Iesus ari madang angiada nan kupur a duen ar mongemonglole, ap kotin masani ong irail: Da me komail mongemongloleki?
9 What is liyter to seie to the sijk man in palesie, Synnes ben foryouun to thee, or to seie, Ryse, take thi bed, and walke?
Ia me mangai ren indai ong me somau rerer: Dip om akan lapwa sang uk er, de inda: Uda, ale ki om, kowei?
10 But that ye wite that mannus sone hath power in erthe to foryyue synnes, he seide to the sijk man in palesie, Y seie to thee,
A pwe komail en asa, me Nain aramas me manaman ong lapwada dip akan nin sappa, iei me a kotin masanieki ong me somau rerer:
11 ryse vp, take thi bed, and go in to thin hous.
I indai ong uk: Uda! Al eki om! U ko ong ni im om!
12 And anoon he roos vp, and whanne he hadde take the bed, he wente bifor alle men, so that alle men wondriden, and onoureden God, and seiden, For we seien neuer so.
I ari madang uda, ale ki, aluwei mo’rail karos. Irail karos ari malamalaua kila, kapinga Kot inda: Se saikenta man kilang meakot et!
13 And he wente out eftsoone to the see, and al the puple cam to hym; and he tauyte hem.
I ari pil kotila liman sed o. Irail karos ap pokon dong i, i ari kotin kawewe ong irail.
14 And whanne he passide, he saiy Leuy `of Alfei sittynge at the tolbothe, and he seide to hym, Sue me. And he roos, and suede hym.
A lao kotin daulul wasa o, ap masani Lewi, nain Alpäus, a momod ni wasan nopwei, ap masani ong i: Idauen ia do! I ari uda idauenla i.
15 And it was doon, whanne he sat at the mete in his hous, many pupplicans and synful men saten togidere at the mete with Jhesu and hise disciplis; for there weren many that folewiden hym.
Kadekadeo a lao kaipokedi konot nan im a, saunopwei o me dipan akan me toto iang Iesus o sapwilim a tounpadak kan konokonot; pwe irail me toto, me idauen i.
16 And scribis and Farisees seynge, that he eet with pupplicans and synful men, seiden to hise disciplis, Whi etith and drynkith youre maystir with pupplicans and synneris?
Ari, ni en saunkawewe o Parisär akan ar kilang a kotin iang me dipan o saunopwei kan konokonot, irail ap indai ong sapwilim a tounpadak kan: Da me a iangki saunopwei o me dipan akan konot o kaker eki?
17 Whanne this was herd, Jhesus seide to hem, Hoole men han no nede to a leche, but thei that ben yuel at eese; for Y cam not to clepe iust men, but synneris.
Ni en Iesus angiada, ap kotin masangi ong irail: Me kelail akan sota mau ong saunwini pwe me somau ta. I sota kodon ekeredo me pung kan, a me dipan akan.
18 And the disciplis of Joon and the Farisees weren fastynge; and thei camen, and seien to hym, Whi fasten the disciplis of Joon, and the Farisees fasten, but thi disciplis fasten not?
En Ioanes a tounpadak kan o Parisär akan kin kaisesol. Irail ari kodo potoan ong i: Da me en Ioanes a tounpadak kan kin kaisesol, o en Parisär ar tounpadak kan, a sapwilim omui tounpadak kan sota kin kaisesol?
19 And Jhesus seide to hem, Whether the sones of sposailis moun faste, as longe as the spouse is with hem? As long tyme as thei haue the spouse with hem, thei moun not faste.
Iesus ap kotin masani ong irail: Da, toun kamadip en kapapaud pan kak kaisesol ni en ol kamod a iang irail? Ni en ol kamod a iang irail, re sota pan kak kaisesol.
20 But daies schulen come, whanne the spouse schal be takun awei fro hem, and thanne thei schulen faste in tho daies.
A ansau kokodo, me ol kamod pan wisike sang irail, iei ran o, me re pan kaisesol.
21 No man sewith a patche of newe clooth to an elde clooth, ellis he takith awei the newe patche fro the elde, and a more brekyng is maad.
Sota amen me pan deik ong likau kap ni likau maring, pwe likau kap pan dei sang likau maring, por o ap pan laudela.
22 And no man puttith newe wyn in to elde botelis, ellis the wyn schal breste the botels, and the wyn schal be sched out, and the botels schulen perische. But newe wyn schal be put into newe botels.
Pil sota amen me kin deuke kida ed maring wain kap, pwe wain o de ter pasang ed o, wain o ari wudokila, ed o ola. A wain kap mau ong nan ed kap.
23 And it was doon eftsoones, whanne the Lord walkid in the sabotis bi the cornes, and hise disciplis bigunnen to passe forth, and plucke eeris of the corn.
Kadekadeo a kotin weid nan mat en korn ni ran en sapat. Sapwilim a tounpadak kan ap dondolung kowei wan korn.
24 And the Farisees seiden to hym, Lo! what thi disciplis doon in sabotis, that is not leeueful.
Parisär oko ap indai ong i: Kilang, da me irail wia ni sapat me sota pung, en wiaui?
25 And he seide to hem, Radden ye neuer what Dauid dide, whanne he hadde nede, and he hungride, and thei that weren with hym?
A kotin masani ong irail: Komail sota wadoker, me Dawid wiadar, ni a men kaualap, o a men manga, i o me iang i?
26 Hou he wente in to the hous of God, vndur Abiathar, prince of prestis, and eete looues of proposicioun, which it was not leeueful to ete, but to preestis aloone, and he yaf to hem that weren with hym.
Duen a pedelong ong nan tanpas en Kot ni muein Apiatar samero lapalap, o kangala prot mairong o nek ong irail, me iang i, me sota pung aramas en tungole, samero kan eta?
27 And he seide to hem, The sabat is maad for man, and not a man for the sabat;
A ap kotin masani ong irail: Sapat me wiaui ong aramas a kaidik aramas ong sapat.
28 and so mannus sone is lord also of the sabat.
I me Nain aramas pil udan kaun en sapat.

< Mark 2 >