< Hebrews 13 >

1 The charite of britherhod dwelle in you, and nyle ye foryete hospitalite;
KOMAIL tengedi ong limpok en saulang!
2 for bi this summen plesiden to aungels, that weren resseyued to herborewe.
Komail der monokela, en apwali men kairu kan. Pwe i me akai kasamoki tounlang kai, ap sasa.
3 Thenke ye on boundun men, as ye weren togidere boundun, and of trauelinge men, as ye silf dwellinge in the body.
Komail tamanda me salidi kan, due pein komail salidier, o irail me kaankamekam, due pein komail, me memaureki pali war.
4 `Wedding is in alle thingis onourable, and bed vnwemmed; for God schal deme fornicatouris and auouteris.
Karos en wauneki inau en papaud o los en sosamin, a me nenek o kamal akan Kot me pan kotin kadeik ong irada.
5 Be youre maneres withoute coueitise, apaied with present thingis; for he seide, Y schal not leeue thee,
Komail der norok moni, a komail insenemauki me mi re omail. Pwe a kotin masanier: I sota pan muei sang uk de kase uk ala.
6 nether forsake, so that we seie tristily, The Lord is an helpere to me; Y schal not drede, what a man schal do to me.
Ari, kitail ap aima ong indinda: Kaun o sauas pa i, i sota pan masak, pwe da me aramas amen pan kak wiai ong ia?
7 Haue ye mynde of youre souereyns, that han spokun to you the word of God; of whiche `biholde ye the goyng out of lyuynge, and sue ye the feith of hem,
Tamatamanda omail saunpadak kan, me kawewe ong komail er masan en Kot, alale sang arail poson, o madamadaua imwin arail wiawia.
8 Jhesu Crist, yistirdai, and to dai, he is also into worldis. (aiōn g165)
Iesus Kristus me duedueta, aio, ran wet, o kokolata. (aiōn g165)
9 Nyle ye be led awei with dyuerse `techingis, and straunge. For it is best to stable the herte with grace, not with metis, whiche profitiden not to men wandringe in hem.
Komail ender wukiwukki sili padak likam akai; pwe pai kasampwal eu, mongiong atail en tengetengela, me kin wiauiki mak, a kaidin ni kisin manga, me so kadepa ong, me kin apapwali.
10 We han an auter, of which thei that seruen to the tabernacle, han not power to ete.
Atail pei saraui mia, me sota mau ong, irail en tungole sang, me kin papa nan im likau.
11 For of whiche beestis the blood is borun in for synne in to hooli thingis bi the bischop, the bodies of hem ben brent with out the castels.
Pwe war en man akan, me ntar wisikilong ong nan pera saraui ren samero lapalap aki dip, isiser likin kanim.
12 For which thing Jhesu, that he schulde halewe the puple bi his blood, suffride with out the gate.
Iduen Iesus, pwen kasarauiala aramas akan ki nta, kamekamela likin kanim.
13 Therfor go we out to hym with out the castels, berynge his repreef.
Kitail ari en koie lang re a likin kanim o iang i kankaururla.
14 For we han not here a citee dwellynge, but we seken a citee to comynge.
Pwe sota atail kanim potopot met, a kitail raparapaki eu, me mi mo’tail.
15 Therfor bi hym offre we a sacrifice of heriyng euere more to God, that is to seye, the fruyt of lippis knoulechinge to his name.
Kitail ari poden mairongki kaping ong Kot ren (Iesus); iei wan kilin aua, me kadededa mar a.
16 And nyle ye foryete wel doynge, and comynyng; for bi siche sacrifices God is disserued.
Wiawia mau o kisakis, komail der monokela, pwe i mairong me Kot kotin kupura.
17 Obeie ye to youre souereyns, and be ye suget to hem; for thei perfitli waken, as to yeldinge resoun for youre soulis, that thei do this thing with ioie, and not sorewinge; for this thing spedith not to you.
Peiki ong omail kaun akan o duki ong irail! Pwe re kin tauli kin ngen omail, duen me pan pakasaui ren Kot, pwe ren wiawia mepukat ni peren, a so ni insensued, pwe i me sapai ong komail.
18 Preie ye for vs, and we tristen that we han good conscience in alle thingis, willynge to lyue wel.
Kapakapa kin kit. Se kin peren kida atail insen mau, o se kin nantiong wiawia mau ren aramas karos.
19 More ouer Y biseche you to do, that Y be restorid the sunnere to you.
I panaui komail en porisok wia met, pwe i en kak pitipit pwaralang komail.
20 And God of pees, that ladde out fro deth the greet scheepherd of scheep, in the blood of euerlastinge testament, oure Lord Jhesu Crist, (aiōnios g166)
A Kot en popol, me kotin kaiasadar Silepan sip lapalap, iei atail Kaun Iesus sang ren me melar akan, ki ntan inau soutuk, (aiōnios g166)
21 schape you in al good thing, that ye do the wille of hym; and he do in you that thing that schal plese bifor hym, bi Jhesu Crist, to whom be glorie in to worldis of worldis. Amen. (aiōn g165)
I en kotin kamaui komail en kapwaiada kupur a o song en wiawia mau ren Iesus Kristus. I me udan lingan kokolata! Amen. (aiōn g165)
22 And, britheren, Y preie you, that ye suffre a word of solace; for bi ful fewe thingis Y haue writun to you.
Ri ai kan, i panaui komail, peiki ong ai panau wet. Pwe i inting wong komail er motomot.
23 Knowe ye oure brother Tymothe, that is sent forth, with whom if he schal come more hastili, Y schal se you.
Komail asa, ri atail Timoteus saladokelar; ma a pan madang dong ia, i pan iang i kilang komail.
24 Grete ye wel alle youre souereyns, and alle hooli men. The britheren of Italie greten you wel.
Ranamau ong omail kaun akan karos o me saraui kan karos. Men Italien kan ar ranamau wong komail.
25 The grace of God be with you alle. Amen.
Mak en mi re omail karos!

< Hebrews 13 >