< Hebrews 12 >

1 Therfor we that han so greet a cloude of witnessis put to, do we awei al charge, and synne stondinge aboute vs, and bi pacience renne we to the batel purposid to vs,
ARI, pweki saunkadede pukat, me ras ong dapok kalaimun eu, me kapil pena kitail, kitail en meui sang katoutou patail o dip, me kin kolekole kitail, ap dadaurata tang ni weir, me mi mo’tail.
2 biholdinge in to the makere of feith, and the perfit endere, Jhesu; which whanne ioye was purposid to hym, he suffride the cros, and dispiside confusioun, and sittith on the riythalf of the seet of God.
Ududial Iesus, me tapi pan o kaimwisoke pan atail poson, me sota kotin kupukupure peren me moa, ap kotin kanongama ni lopu, mamaleki kanamenokpa, ap kotidi ni pali maun en mol en Kot.
3 And bithenke ye on hym that suffride siche `ayen seiynge of synful men ayens hym silf, that ye be not maad wery, failinge in youre soulis.
Komail tamanda i, me wonewei ni kaupa ren me dipan akan, pwe komail ender pangada o ngen omail ender luetala.
4 For ye ayenstoden not yit `til to blood, fiytyng ayens synne.
Pwe komail saikenta kelail ong en palian dip, me kareda kamela.
5 And ye han foryet the coumfort that spekith to you as to sones, and seith, My sone, nyle thou dispise the teching of the Lord, nether be thou maad weri, the while thou art chastisid of hym.
O komail monokelar kamait pa’mail, me padaki ong komail ni tiak en seri: Nai ol, koe der rongarongan soreki kapung en Kaun o, o der luetalar ni a pan kotin kapung uk ala.
6 For the Lord chastisith hym that he loueth; he betith euery sone that he resseyueth.
Pwe Kaun o kin kotin kame, me a kin pok ong o kin kaloke seri karos, me a pan sapwilimaneki.
7 Abide ye stille in chastising; God proferith hym to you as to sones. For what sone is it, whom the fadir chastisith not?
A ma komail pan kanongama ong kalokolok, nan Kot kin kotin wiai ong komail duen ong sapwilim a kan. Pwe ia seri men, me sam a sota kin kaloke?
8 That if ye `ben out of chastising, whos parteneris ben ye alle maad, thanne ye ben auowtreris, and not sones.
A ma komail sota pan kalokolok dueta irail karos, nan kaidin komail seri, pwe sota sam omail.
9 And aftirward we hadden fadris of oure fleisch, techeris, and we with reuerence dredden hem. Whethir not myche more we schulen obeische to the fadir of spiritis, and we schulen lyue?
A ma sam atail en pali uduk kaloke kitail er, o kitail masak irail, iaduen, kitail sota pan peik kaualap ong Sam en ngen akan, pwen memaur kila?
10 And thei in tyme of fewe dayes tauyten vs bi her wille; but this fadir techith to that thing that is profitable, in resseyuynge the halewing of hym.
Pwe irail kaloke kitail ran me malaulau, duen insen arail, a i pwen kamaui kitail la, pwe kitail en tungole kisan a saraui.
11 And ech chastisyng in present tyme semeth to be not of ioye, but of sorewe; but aftirward it schal yelde fruyt of riytwisnesse moost pesible to men exercisid bi it.
A kalokolok karos kaidin likamata peren, ni a pan lel ong kitail, pwe insensued, a mur a pan kareda wan pung o popol ong ir me anlar.
12 For whiche thing reise ye slowe hondis,
Komail ari kakelada pa o pukie omail luet akan.
13 and knees vnboundun, and make ye riytful steppis to youre feet; that no man haltinge erre, but more be heelid.
O kakeki wei nä omail, pwe me sikilikil ender pirokala sang al o, a ren kelailada.
14 Sue ye pees with alle men, and holynesse, with out which no man schal se God.
Nantiong popol ong amen amen o saraui; a ma so, sota me pan kak kilang Kaun o.
15 Biholde ye, that no man faile to the grace of God, that no roote of bittirnesse buriownynge vpward lette, and manye ben defoulid bi it;
O kalaka, pwe amen depa sota konodi mak en Kot, pwe karepen me sued ende pwaida, kawe komail, o me toto pan samin kila.
16 that no man be letchour, ether vnhooli, as Esau, which for o mete seelde hise firste thingis.
Pwe sota me pan nenek, de me sued amen due Esau, me netikila a soso ni kisin manga ta ieu.
17 For wite ye, that afterward he coueitinge to enherite blessing, was repreued. For he foond not place of penaunce, thouy he souyte it with teeris.
Pwe komail asa, duen muri, ni a men ale pai, a lokidokilar, pwe a sota kak diar ansaun kalula, me a roporopeki pil en mas a.
18 But ye han not come to the fier able to be touchid, and able to come to, and to the whirlewynd, and myst, and tempest, and soun of trumpe, and vois of wordis;
Pwe komail sota lel nana, me aramas kak doke, o me ingkingkon, o pil sota lel wasa rotorot, o wasa pong, o melimel.
19 which thei that herden, excusiden hem, that the word schulde not be maad to hem.
Pil sota lel ngil laud en koronete, de maod en lokaia, me irail, me rongadar, poeki, ender pur ong.
20 For thei beren not that that was seid, And if a beeste touchide the hil, it was stonyd.
Pwe re sota kak ong rong: O pil man amen, ma a pan sair nana o, a pan pakasuk.
21 And so dredeful it was that was seyn, that Moises seide, Y am a ferd, and ful of trembling.
Iduen kasansal a kamasak melel, pwe Moses masanier: I ap lomwineki o rerer.
22 But ye han come nyy to the hil Sion, and to the cite of God lyuynge, the heuenli Jerusalem, and to the multitude of many thousynde aungels,
A komail leler nana Sion, o kanim en Kot ieias, Ierusalem en lang, o pokon en tounlang ngederenia,
23 and to the chirche of the firste men, whiche ben writun in heuenes, and to God, domesman of alle, and to the spirit of iust perfit men,
O momodisou meseni, me mar arail kileledier nanlang, o ren Kot saunkapung en karos, o ren ngen en me pung kan me unsokelar.
24 and to Jhesu, mediatour of the newe testament, and to the sprenging of blood, `betere spekinge than Abel.
O ren Iesus sauntom en inau kap o ntan usup, me mau sang en Apel.
25 Se ye, that ye forsake not the spekere; for if thei that forsaken him that spak on the erthe, aschapide not, myche more we that turnen awei fro him that spekith to vs fro heuenes.
Komail kalaka, pwe komail depa sikinwei, me kin mamasani. Pwe ma irail sota kak pitila, me sikin wei i, me kotin padapadak ong irail nin sappa, nan melel, kitail sota pan kak pitila, ma kitail pan sikin wei i, me masan dong kitail sang nanlang.
26 Whos vois than mouyde the erthe, but now he ayen bihetith, and seith, Yit onys and Y schal moue not oneli erthe, but also heuene.
I ansau o kapitie kamokidada sappa. A met a kotin inauki masani: I pan pil kamokidada kaidin sappa eta, pwe pil nanlang.
27 And that he seith, Yit onys, he declarith the translacioun of mouable thingis, as of maad thingis, that tho thingis dwelle, that ben vnmouable.
A iet wewe en: I pan pil: Me mokidadar pan kawukila, pwe iei dipisou me wiauier, pwen ir, me sota kamokidada, en mimieta.
28 Therfor we resseyuynge the kingdom vnmouable, haue we grace, bi which serue we plesynge to God with drede and reuerence.
Kitail pan ale wei eu, me sota pan kak mokidada, i me kitail en dodok ong Kot duen me kon ong i, ni makelekel o masak.
29 For oure God is fier that wastith.
Pwe atail Kot kisiniai ngkon.

< Hebrews 12 >