< Hebrews 10 >

1 For the lawe hauinge a schadewe of good thingis `that ben to come, not the ilke image of thingis, mai neuer make men neiyinge perfit bi the ilke same sacrifices, which thei offren without ceessing bi alle yeeris;
PWE kapung o iei motan dipisou en mur, a kaidin pein mom en dipisou, a sota kak kaunsok kilar mairong ota irail, me kin wia ir ada ni par karos.
2 ellis thei schulden haue ceessid to be offrid, for as myche as the worschiperis clensid onys, hadden not ferthermore conscience of synne.
A ma iei, arail mairong pan dukedi, pwe solar kataman pan dip en irail, me apwali mairong;
3 But in hem mynde of synnes is maad bi alle yeris.
Pwe mepukat kin wiaui, pwen katamanda dip ni par karos.
4 For it is impossible that synnes be doon awei bi blood of boolis, and of buckis of geet.
Pwe ntan kau ol o kut sota kak wa sang dip akan.
5 Therfor he entrynge in to the world, seith, Thou woldist not sacrifice and offryng; but thou hast schapun a bodi to me;
Ari, ni a kotin pwara dong sappa, masani: Mairong o kisakis komui sota kotin mauki, a komui kotiki ong ia er pali war ai.
6 brent sacrificis also for synne plesiden not to thee.
Kom sota peren kida mairong isis o mairong men tom.
7 Thanne Y seide, Lo! Y come; in the bigynnyng of the book it is writun of me, that Y do thi wille, God.
I ap inda: Kilang, I kokodo, nan puk o me intingidier duen ngai, pwen kapwaiada kupur omui, Maing Kot.
8 He seiynge bifor, That thou woldist not sacrificis, and offringis, and brent sacrifices for synne, ne tho thingis ben plesaunt to thee, whiche ben offrid bi the lawe,
Mas a masanier: Mairong, o kisakis, o mairong isis, o mairong men tom, kom sota kotin mauki, o kom sota kupur peren ki mepukat, me wiauier duen kapung o.
9 thanne Y seide, Lo! Y come, that Y do thi wille, God. He doith awei the firste, that he make stidfast the secounde.
Ap pil masanier: Kilang, I pwara don kapwaiada kupur omui. A kotiki sang men mas, pwen kapwaiada men mur.
10 In which wille we ben halewid bi the offring of the bodi of Crist Jhesu onys.
Ni kupur wet kitail kasarauilar ki mairong en war en Iesus Kristus pan me pak.
11 And ech prest is redi mynystrynge ech dai, and ofte tymes offringe the same sacrifices, whiche moun neuere do awei synnes.
Samero karos me kasapwiladar, pwen apwali dodok ni ran karos o purepure mairong ota, me so kak lapwada dip akan.
12 But this man offringe o sacrifice for synnes, for euere more sittith in the riythalf of God the fadir;
A men et, me kotin mairongki pan mepak dip akan, ap kaipokedi ni pali maun en Kot kokolata.
13 fro thennus forth abidinge, til hise enemyes ben put a stool of hise feet.
O a kotin auiaui, lao a imwintiti pan wiala utipan aluwilu a kan.
14 For bi oon offring he made perfit for euere halewid men.
Pwe a kotin kaunsokila tom ta ieu karos, me pan kasarauila.
15 And the Hooli Goost witnessith to vs; for aftir that he seide, This is the testament,
Ngen saraui pil kotin kadede ong kitail duen mepukat, pwe murin a kotin masanier:
16 which Y schal witnesse to hem after tho daies, the Lord seith, in yyuynge my lawes in the hertis of hem, and in the soulis of hem Y schal aboue write hem;
Iet inau, me I pan wiai ong irail murin ran pukat, me Kaun o kotin masanier: I pan ki ong mongiong arail ai kapung, o I pan intingiedi ong nan ngen arail.
17 and now Y schal no more thenke on the synnes and the wickidnessis of hem.
Dip arail, o arail sapung kan I solar pan tamanda.
18 And where remyssioun of these is, now is ther noon offring for synne.
A ma re lapwadar, ap solar mairong en dip pan wiaui.
19 Therfor, britheren, hauynge trist in to the entring of hooli thingis in the blood of Crist,
Ari ri ai kan, ma a muei ong kitail er, en pedelong ong nan pera saraui ki ntan Iesus,
20 which halewide to vs a newe weie, and lyuynge bi the hiling, that is to seie,
Pwe a kotin wiai ong kitail er al en maur kap pot et lel pali lan likau ki uduk a.
21 his fleisch, and we hauynge the greet preest on the hous of God,
A ma atail samero kasampwal en tanpas en Kot mia.
22 neiye we with very herte in the plente of feith; and be oure hertis spreined fro an yuel conscience, and oure bodies waischun with clene watir,
Kitail ap pan pwaralang i ni melel en mongiong atail, o poson melel, o usupeki mongiong atail, o maio sang insen sued, o widenki pil makelekel war atail,
23 and holde we the confessioun of oure hope, bowinge to no side; for he is trewe that hath made the biheeste.
O kitail en tengedi ong atail kadede en kaporopor o der wukiwuk sili, pwe i me melel, me kotikida inau o.
24 And biholde we togidere in the stiring of charite and of good werkis; not forsakinge oure gadering togidere,
O kitail en apwali nan pung atail ni atail kainong iong limpok o wiawia mau kan.
25 as it is of custom to sum men, but coumfortinge, and bi so myche the more, bi hou myche ye seen the dai neiyynge.
O kitail ender dukedi sang atail mod ong kaudok pena, duen me kin wiaui ren akai. A kitail en nantiong panau pena, pwe komail kilang, me ran o me korendor.
26 Forwhi now a sacrifice for synnes is not left to vs, that synnen wilfuli, aftir that we han take the knowyng of treuthe.
Pwe ma kitail inong iong wia dip, murin atail marainiki melel, solar mairong men tom ki dip atail,
27 Forwhi sum abiding of the dom is dreedful, and the suyng of fier, which schal waste aduersaries.
A kitail pan mimieta ni atail masak kadeik apwalia o ongiong en kisiniai, me pan karosela imwintiti kan.
28 Who that brekith Moises lawe, dieth withouten ony merci, bi tweine or thre witnessis;
Ma amen pan tiakedi kapung en Moses, a sota pan diar mak, pwe a pan kamela, ma saunkadede riamen de silimen mia.
29 hou myche more gessen ye, that he disserueth worse turmentis, which defouleth the sone of God, and holdith the blood of the testament pollut, in which he is halewid, and doith dispit to the spirit of grace?
Ari, da me komail lamelame, duen me pan tiakedi Sapwilim en Kot, o kasaminela ntan inau kap, me a kasarauilar o lalaue Ngen en mak, a so pan kalokolok laud sang irail?
30 For we knowen him that seide, To me veniaunce, and Y schal yelde. And eft, For the Lord schal deme his puple.
Pwe kitail asa i, me masanier: Ikepa ai dok, I pan depuki ong. O pil eu: Kaun o pan kotin kapung ong sapwilim a aramas akan.
31 It is ferdful to falle in to the hondis of God lyuynge.
Nan meid kalom, en lodi ong ni lim en Kot ieias.
32 And haue ye mynde on the formere daies, in which ye weren liytned, and suffriden greet strijf of passiouns.
A komail tamanda ran en mas oko murin omail marainlar, ap dadaurata ni omail kalokolok laud.
33 And in the `tothir ye weren maad a spectacle bi schenschipis and tribulaciouns; in an othir ye weren maad felowis of men lyuynge so.
Ni omail kenkaurur sansal o pan kidau o kamekam, o ni omail riane kin ir, me pil lel mesued.
34 For also to boundun men ye hadden compassioun, and ye resseyueden with ioye the robbyng of youre goodis, knowinge that ye han a betere and a dwellinge substaunce.
Pwe komail iangaki me salidi kan ni ar kalokolok, o komail pil pereperen ni omail kapwa kan kulia wei sang, pwe komail asa, me komail aneki dipisou en lang, me mau sang o me sota pan sorela.
35 Therfor nyle ye leese youre trist, which hath greet rewarding.
Komail ari der kasela omail liki, me pan kareda katingpa lapalap.
36 For pacience is nedeful to you, that ye do the wille of God, and bringe ayen the biheest.
Pwe kanongama me mau ong komai, pwen kapwaiada kupur en Kot o konodi inau o.
37 For yit a litil, and he that is to comynge schal come, and he schal not tarie.
Ansau tar kis, me onoper pan pwarado, a sota pan pwand.
38 For my iust man lyueth of feith; that if he withdrawith hym silf, he schal not plese to my soule.
A me pung o pan maureki poson, a ngen i sota pan peren kida, ma a pan pure wei sang.
39 But we ben not the sones of withdrawing awei in to perdicioun, but of feith in to getynge of soule.
A kitail sota kisan ir, me pure wei sang, ap lokidokila, a kisan irail, me kin poson ap kamaur ngen arail.

< Hebrews 10 >