< Matthew 10 >

1 And he called his. xii. disciples vnto hym and gave them power over vnclene sprites to cast them oute and to heale all maner of sicknesses and all maner of deseases.
Yesu aliwaita wanafunzi wake kumi na wawili, akawapa uwezo wa kutoa pepo wachafu na kuponya magonjwa na maradhi yote.
2 The names of the. xii. Apostles are these. The fyrst Simon called also Peter: and Andrew his brother. Iames the sonne of zebede aud Ihon his brother.
Majina ya hao mitume kumi na wawili ni haya: wa kwanza ni Simoni aitwae Petro, na Andrea ndugu yake; Yakobo mwana wa Zebedayo, na Yohane ndugu yake;
3 Philip and Bartlemew. Thomas and Mathew the Publican. Iames the sonne of Alphe and Lebbeus otherwyse called Taddeus.
Filipo na Bartholomayo, Thoma na Mathayo aliyekuwa mtoza ushuru; Yakobo mwana wa Alfayo, na Thadayo;
4 Simon of Cane and Iudas Iscarioth which also betrayed hym.
Simoni Mkanaani, na Yuda Iskarioti ambaye alimsaliti Yesu.
5 These. xii. sent Iesus and comaunded them sayinge: Go not in to ye wayes yt leade to the gentyls and in to ye cities of ye Samaritans enter ye not.
Yesu aliwatuma hao kumi na wawili na kuwapa maagizo haya: “Msiende kwa watu wa mataifa mengine, wala msiingie katika mji wa Wasamaria.
6 But go rather to ye lost shepe of the housse of Israel.
Ila nendeni kwa watu wa Israeli waliopotea kama kondoo.
7 Go and preach sayinge: yt the kyngdome of heve is at hande.
Mnapokwenda hubirini hivi: Ufalme wa mbinguni umekaribia.
8 Heale the sicke clense the lepers rayse the deed caste oute the devils. Frely ye have receved frely geve agayne.
Ponyeni wagonjwa, fufueni wafu, takaseni wenye ukoma, toeni pepo. Mmepewa bure, toeni bure.
9 Posses not golde nor silver nor brassse yn youre gerdels
Msichukue mifukoni mwenu dhahabu, wala fedha, wala sarafu za shaba.
10 nor yet scrip towardes your iorney: nether two cotes nether shues nor yet a staffe. For the workma is worthy to have his meate.
Msichukue mkoba wa kuombea njiani, wala koti la ziada, wala viatu, wala fimbo. Maana mfanyakazi anastahili riziki yake.
11 In to whatsoever cite or toune ye shall come enquyre who ys worthy yn it and there abyde till ye goo thence.
“Mkiingia katika mji wowote au kijiji, tafuteni humo mtu yeyote aliye tayari kuwakaribisheni, na kaeni naye mpaka mtakapoondoka mahali hapo.
12 And whe ye come in to an housse salute ye same.
Mnapoingia nyumbani wasalimuni wenyeji wake.
13 And yf the housse be worthy youre peace shall come apon it. But yf it be not worthy youre peace shall retourne to you agayne.
Kama wenyeji wa nyumba hiyo wakiipokea salamu hiyo, basi, amani yenu itakaa pamoja nao. Lakini ikiwa hawaipokei, basi amani yenu itawarudia ninyi.
14 And whosoever shall not receave you nor will heare youre preachynge: when ye departe oute of yt housse or that cite shake of the duste of youre fete.
Kama mtu yeyote atakataa kuwakaribisheni au kuwasikilizeni, basi mtokapo katika nyumba hiyo au mji huo, yakung'uteni mavumbi miguuni mwenu kama onyo kwao.
15 Truly I say vnto you: it shalbe easier for the londe of zodoma and Gomorra in the daye of iudgement then for that cite.
Kweli nawaambieni, Siku ya hukumu mji huo utapata adhabu kubwa kuliko ile iliyoipata miji ya Sodoma na Gomora.
16 Beholde I sende you forthe as shepe amoge wolves. Be ye therfore wyse as serpetes and innocent as doves.
“Sasa, mimi nawatuma ninyi kama kondoo kati ya mbwa mwitu. Muwe na busara kama nyoka, na wapole kama njiwa.
17 Beware of men for they shall deliver you vp to ye cousels and shall scourge you in their synagoges.
Jihadharini na watu, maana watawapeleka ninyi mahakamani na kuwapiga viboko katika masunagogi yao.
18 And ye shall be brought to the heed rulers and kynges for my sake in witnes to them and to the gentyls.
Mtapelekwa mbele ya watawala na wafalme kwa sababu yangu, mpate kutangaza Habari Njema kwao na kwa mataifa.
19 But when they delyver you vp take no thought how or what ye shall speake for yt shalbe geve you eve in that same houre what ye shall saye.
Basi, watakapowapeleka ninyi mahakamani, msiwe na wasiwasi mtasema nini au namna gani; wakati utakapofika, mtapewa la kusema.
20 For it is not ye that speke but ye sprite of your father which speaketh in you.
Maana si ninyi mtakaosema, bali ni Roho wa Baba yenu asemaye ndani yenu.
21 The brother shall betraye the brother to deeth and the father the sonne. And the chyldre shall aryse agaynste their fathers and mothers and shall put them to deethe:
“Ndugu atamsaliti ndugu yake auawe, na baba atamsaliti mwanawe, nao watoto watawashambulia wazazi wao na kuwaua.
22 and ye shall be hated of all me for my name. But he that endureth to the ende shalbe saved.
Watu wote watawachukieni kwa sababu ya jina langu. Lakini atakayevumilia mpaka mwisho, ataokolewa.
23 When they persecute you in one cite flye in to another. I tell you for a treuth ye shall not fynysshe all yt cities of Israel tyll ye sonne of man be come.
“Watu wakiwadhulumu katika mji mmoja, kimbilieni mji mwingine. Kweli nawaambieni, hamtamaliza ziara yenu katika miji yote ya Israeli kabla Mwana wa Mtu hajafika.
24 The disciple ys not above hys master: nor yet ye servaut above his lorde.
“Mwanafunzi si mkuu kuliko mwalimu wake, wala mtumishi si mkuu kuliko bwana wake.
25 It is ynough for the disciple to be as hys master ys and that the servaunt be as his lorde ys. yf they have called the lorde of the housse beelzebub: how moche more shall they call them of his housholde so?
Yatosha mwanafunzi kuwa kama mwalimu wake, na mtumishi kuwa kama bwana wake. Ikiwa wamemwita mkubwa wa jamaa Beelzebuli, je hawatawaita watu wengine wa jamaa hiyo majina mabaya zaidi?
26 Feare the not therfore. There is no thinge so close that shall not be openned and no thinge so hyd that shall not be knowen.
“Basi, msiwaogope watu hao. Kila kilichofunikwa kitafunuliwa, na kila kilichofichwa kitafichuliwa.
27 What I tell you in dercknes that speake ye in lyght. And what ye heare in the eare that preache ye on the housse toppes.
Ninalowaambieni ninyi katika giza, lisemeni katika mwanga; na jambo mlilosikia likinong'onezwa, litangazeni hadharani.
28 And feare ye not them which kyll the body and be not able to kyll the soule. But rather feare hym which is able to destroye bothe soule and body into hell. (Geenna g1067)
Msiwaogope wale wauao mwili, lakini hawawezi kuiua roho. Afadhali zaidi kumwogopa yule awezaye kuuangamiza mwili pamoja na roho katika moto wa Jehanamu. (Geenna g1067)
29 Are not two sparowes solde for a farthinge? And none of them dothe lyght on the grounde with out youre father.
Shomoro wawili huuzwa kwa senti tano. Lakini hata mmoja wao haanguki chini bila kibali cha Baba yenu.
30 And now are all the heeris of youre heedis numbred.
Lakini kwa upande wenu, hata nywele za vichwa vyenu zimehesabiwa zote.
31 Feare ye not therfore: ye are of more value then many sparowes.
Kwa hiyo msiogope; ninyi mu wa thamani kuliko shomoro wengi.
32 Who soever therfore shall knowledge me before men hym will I knowledge also before my father which is in heuen.
“Kila mtu anayekiri hadharani kwamba yeye ni wangu, mimi pia nitamkiri mbele ya Baba yangu aliye mbinguni.
33 But whoso ever shall denye me before men hym will I also denye before my father which is in heven.
Lakini yeyote atakayenikana hadharani, nami nitamkana mbele ya Baba yangu aliye mbinguni.
34 Thynke not that I am come to sende peace into the erth. I came not to send peace but a swearde.
“Msidhani kwamba nimekuja kuleta amani duniani. Sikuja kuleta amani bali upanga.
35 For I am come to set a man at varyaunce ageynst hys father and the doughter ageynst hyr mother and the doughterlawe ageynst her motherlawe:
Maana nimekuja kuleta mafarakano kati ya mtu na baba yake, kati ya binti na mama yake, kati ya mkwe na mkwe wake.
36 And a mannes fooes shalbe they of hys owne housholde.
Na maadui wa mtu ni watu wa nyumbani mwake.
37 He that lovith hys father or mother more then me is not mete for me. And he that loveth his sonne or doughter more then me is not mete for me.
“Ampendaye baba au mama yake kuliko anipendavyo mimi, hanistahili. Ampendaye mwana au binti kuliko mimi, hanistahili.
38 And he yt taketh not his crosse and foloweth me ys not mete for me.
Mtu asiyechukua msalaba wake na kunifuata, hanistahili.
39 He that fyndeth hys lyfe shall lose it: and he that losith hys lyfe for my sake shall fynde it.
Anayeyashikilia maisha yake, atayapoteza; lakini anayeyapoteza maisha yake kwa ajili yangu, atayapata.
40 He that receavith you receavith me: and he that receavith me receavith him that sent me.
“Anayewakaribisha ninyi, ananikaribisha mimi; na anayenikaribisha mimi, anamkaribisha yule aliyenituma.
41 He that receavith a prophet in ye name of a prophet shall receave a prophetes rewarde. And he that receavith a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receave the rewarde of a righteous man.
Anayemkaribisha nabii kwa sababu ni nabii, atapokea tuzo la nabii. Anayemkaribisha mtu mwema kwa sababu ni mtu mwema, atapokea tuzo la mtu mwema.
42 And whosoever shall geve vnto one of these lytle ones to drincke a cuppe of colde water only in the name of a disciple: I tel you of a trueth he shall not lose his rewarde.
Kweli nawaambieni, yeyote atakayempa mmojawapo wa wadogo hawa kikombe cha maji baridi kwa sababu ni mfuasi wangu, hatakosa kamwe kupata tuzo lake.”

< Matthew 10 >