< Acts 25 >

1 When Festus was come into the province after thre dayes he ascended fro Cesarea vnto Ierusalem.
anantaraM phIShTo nijarAjyam Agatya dinatrayAt paraM kaisariyAto yirUshAlamnagaram Agamat|
2 Then enformed him the hye prestes and the chefe of the Iewes of Paul. And they besought him
tadA mahAyAjako yihUdIyAnAM pradhAnalokAshcha tasya samakShaM paulam apAvadanta|
3 and desired faveour agaynst him that he wold sende for him to Ierusalem: and layde awayte for him in the waye to kill him.
bhavAn taM yirUshAlamam Anetum Aj nApayatviti vinIya te tasmAd anugrahaM vA nChitavantaH|
4 Festus answered that Paul shuld be kept at Cesarea: but that he him selfe wold shortly departe thither.
yataH pathimadhye gopanena paulaM hantuM tai rghAtakA niyuktAH| phIShTa uttaraM dattavAn paulaH kaisariyAyAM sthAsyati punaralpadinAt param ahaM tatra yAsyAmi|
5 Let the therfore (sayd he) which amoge you are able to do it come doune with vs and accuse him if ther be eny faute in the man.
tatastasya mAnuShasya yadi kashchid aparAdhastiShThati tarhi yuShmAkaM ye shaknuvanti te mayA saha tatra gatvA tamapavadantu sa etAM kathAM kathitavAn|
6 When he had taried there moare then ten dayes he departed vnto Cesarea and the nexte daye sate doune in the iudgemet seate and commaunded Paul to be brought.
dashadivasebhyo. adhikaM vilambya phIShTastasmAt kaisariyAnagaraM gatvA parasmin divase vichArAsana upadishya paulam Anetum Aj nApayat|
7 When he was come the Iewes which were come fro Ierusalem came aboute him and layde many and greveous complayntes agaynst Paul which they coulde not prove
paule samupasthite sati yirUshAlamnagarAd AgatA yihUdIyalokAstaM chaturdishi saMveShTya tasya viruddhaM bahUn mahAdoShAn utthApitavantaH kintu teShAM kimapi pramANaM dAtuM na shaknuvantaH|
8 as longe as he answered for him selfe that he had nether agaynst the lawe of the Iewes nether agaynst the temple nor yet agaynst Cesar offended eny thinge at all.
tataH paulaH svasmin uttaramidam uditavAn, yihUdIyAnAM vyavasthAyA mandirasya kaisarasya vA pratikUlaM kimapi karmma nAhaM kR^itavAn|
9 Festus willinge to do the Iewes a pleasure answered Paul and sayde: wilt thou goo to Ierusalem and there be iudged of these thinges before me?
kintu phIShTo yihUdIyAn santuShTAn karttum abhilaShan paulam abhAShata tvaM kiM yirUshAlamaM gatvAsmin abhiyoge mama sAkShAd vichArito bhaviShyasi?
10 Then sayd Paul: I stonde at Cesars iudgemet seate where I ought to be iudged. To ye Iewes have I no harme done as thou verely well knowest.
tataH paula uttaraM proktavAn, yatra mama vichAro bhavituM yogyaH kaisarasya tatra vichArAsana eva samupasthitosmi; ahaM yihUdIyAnAM kAmapi hAniM nAkArSham iti bhavAn yathArthato vijAnAti|
11 If I have hurte them or comitted eny thinge worthy of deeth I refuse not to dye. If none of these thinges are where of they accuse me no man owght to delyver me to them. I appeale vnto Cesar.
ka nchidaparAdhaM ki nchana vadhArhaM karmma vA yadyaham akariShyaM tarhi prANahananadaNDamapi bhoktum udyato. abhaviShyaM, kintu te mama samapavAdaM kurvvanti sa yadi kalpitamAtro bhavati tarhi teShAM kareShu mAM samarpayituM kasyApyadhikAro nAsti, kaisarasya nikaTe mama vichAro bhavatu|
12 Then spake Festus with deliberacion and answered. Thou hast appealed vnto Cesar: vnto Cesar shalt thou goo.
tadA phIShTo mantribhiH sArddhaM saMmantrya paulAya kathitavAn, kaisarasya nikaTe kiM tava vichAro bhaviShyati? kaisarasya samIpaM gamiShyasi|
13 After a certayne dayes kinge Agrippa and Bernice came vnto Cesarea to salute Festus.
kiyaddinebhyaH param AgripparAjA barNIkI cha phIShTaM sAkShAt karttuM kaisariyAnagaram Agatavantau|
14 And when they had bene there a good ceason Festus rehersed Paules cause vnto ye kynge sayinge: ther is a certayne man left in preson of Felix
tadA tau bahudinAni tatra sthitau tataH phIShTastaM rAjAnaM paulasya kathAM vij nApya kathayitum Arabhata paulanAmAnam ekaM bandi phIlikSho baddhaM saMsthApya gatavAn|
15 about whom when I came to Ierusalem the hye prestes and elders of the Iewes enformed me and desyred to have iudgement agaynst him.
yirUshAlami mama sthitikAle mahAyAjako yihUdIyAnAM prAchInalokAshcha tam apodya tamprati daNDAj nAM prArthayanta|
16 To whom I answered: It is not the maner of the Romayns to delyver eny man that he shuld perisshe before that he which is accused have the accusars before him and have licence to answer for him selfe concerninge ye cryme layde agaynst him:
tatoham ityuttaram avadaM yAvad apodito janaH svApavAdakAn sAkShAt kR^itvA svasmin yo. aparAdha Aropitastasya pratyuttaraM dAtuM suyogaM na prApnoti, tAvatkAlaM kasyApi mAnuShasya prANanAshAj nApanaM romilokAnAM rIti rnahi|
17 whe they were come hidder wt out delaye on the morowe I sate to geve iudgement and comaunded ye ma to be brought forthe.
tatasteShvatrAgateShu parasmin divase. aham avilambaM vichArAsana upavishya taM mAnuSham Anetum Aj nApayam|
18 Agaynst who when ye accusers stode vp they brought none accusacion of soche thinges as I supposed:
tadanantaraM tasyApavAdakA upasthAya yAdR^isham ahaM chintitavAn tAdR^ishaM ka nchana mahApavAdaM notthApya
19 but had certayne questions agaynst him of their awne supersticion and of one Iesus which was ded: whom Paul affirmed to be alyve.
sveShAM mate tathA paulo yaM sajIvaM vadati tasmin yIshunAmani mR^itajane cha tasya viruddhaM kathitavantaH|
20 And be cause I douted of soche maner questions I axed him whyther he wolde goo to Ierusalem and there be iudged of these matters.
tatohaM tAdR^igvichAre saMshayAnaH san kathitavAn tvaM yirUshAlamaM gatvA kiM tatra vichArito bhavitum ichChasi?
21 Then when Paul had appealed to be kept vnto the knowledge of Cesar I commaunded him to be kept tyll I myght sende him to Cesar.
tadA paulo mahArAjasya nikaTe vichArito bhavituM prArthayata, tasmAd yAvatkAlaM taM kaisarasya samIpaM preShayituM na shaknomi tAvatkAlaM tamatra sthApayitum AdiShTavAn|
22 Agrippa sayd vnto Festus: I wolde also heare ye man my selfe. To morowe (sayde he) thou shalt heare him.
tata AgrippaH phIShTam uktavAn, ahamapi tasya mAnuShasya kathAM shrotum abhilaShAmi| tadA phIShTo vyAharat shvastadIyAM kathAM tvaM shroShyasi|
23 And on ye morowe when Agrippa was come and Bernice with greate pompe and were entred into the counsell housse with the captaynes and chefe men of the cite at Festus commaundement Paul was brought forth.
parasmin divase Agrippo barNIkI cha mahAsamAgamaM kR^itvA pradhAnavAhinIpatibhi rnagarasthapradhAnalokaishcha saha militvA rAjagR^ihamAgatya samupasthitau tadA phIShTasyAj nayA paula AnIto. abhavat|
24 And Festus sayde: kynge Agrippa and all men which are heare present wt vs: ye se this man about whom all the multitude of the Iewes have bene with me both at Ierusalem and also here cryinge that he ought not to lyve eny lenger.
tadA phIShTaH kathitavAn he rAjan Agrippa he upasthitAH sarvve lokA yirUshAlamnagare yihUdIyalokasamUho yasmin mAnuShe mama samIpe nivedanaM kR^itvA prochchaiH kathAmimAM kathitavAn punaralpakAlamapi tasya jIvanaM nochitaM tametaM mAnuShaM pashyata|
25 Yet founde I nothinge worthy of deeth that he had comitted. Neverthelesse seinge that he hath appealed to Cesar I have determined to sende him.
kintveSha janaH prANanAsharhaM kimapi karmma na kR^itavAn ityajAnAM tathApi sa mahArAjasya sannidhau vichArito bhavituM prArthayata tasmAt tasya samIpaM taM preShayituM matimakaravam|
26 Of whom I have no certayne thinge to wryte vnto my lorde. Wherfore I have brought him vnto you and specially vnto the kynge Agrippa that after examinacion had I myght have sumwhat to wryte.
kintu shrIyuktasya samIpam etasmin kiM lekhanIyam ityasya kasyachin nirNayasya na jAtatvAd etasya vichAre sati yathAhaM lekhituM ki nchana nishchitaM prApnomi tadarthaM yuShmAkaM samakShaM visheShato he AgripparAja bhavataH samakSham etam Anaye|
27 For me thynketh it vnreasonable for to sende a presoner and not to shewe the causes which are layde agaynst him.
yato bandipreShaNasamaye tasyAbhiyogasya ki nchidalekhanam aham ayuktaM jAnAmi|

< Acts 25 >