< Acts 11 >

1 And the Apostles and the brethren that were thorowout Iewry harde saye that the hethen had also receaved the worde of God.
itthaM bhinnadeshIyalokA apIshvarasya vAkyam agR^ihlan imAM vArttAM yihUdIyadeshasthapreritA bhrAtR^igaNashcha shrutavantaH|
2 And when Peter was come vp to Ierusalem they of the circumcision reasoned wyth him
tataH pitare yirUshAlamnagaraM gatavati tvakChedino lokAstena saha vivadamAnA avadan,
3 sayinge: Thou wentest in to men vncircumcised and atest with them.
tvam atvakChedilokAnAM gR^ihaM gatvA taiH sArddhaM bhuktavAn|
4 Then Peter began and expounded ye thinge in order to the sayinge:
tataH pitara AditaH kramashastatkAryyasya sarvvavR^ittAntamAkhyAtum ArabdhavAn|
5 I was in the cyte of Ioppa prayinge and in a traunce I sawe a vision a certen vessell descende as it had bene a large lynnyn clothe let doune from hevin by the fower corners and it cam to me.
yAphonagara ekadAhaM prArthayamAno mUrchChitaH san darshanena chaturShu koNeShu lambanamAnaM vR^ihadvastramiva pAtramekam AkAshadavaruhya mannikaTam AgachChad apashyam|
6 Into the which when I had fastened myn eyes I consydered and sawe fowerfoted beastes of ye erth and vermen and wormes and foules of the ayer.
pashchAt tad ananyadR^iShTyA dR^iShTvA vivichya tasya madhye nAnAprakArAn grAmyavanyapashUn urogAmikhecharAMshcha dR^iShTavAn;
7 And I herde a voyce sayinge vnto me: aryse Peter sley and eate.
he pitara tvamutthAya gatvA bhuMkShva mAM sambodhya kathayantaM shabdamekaM shrutavAMshcha|
8 And I sayd: God forbyd lorde for nothinge comen or vnclene hath at eny tyme entred into my mouth.
tatohaM pratyavadaM, he prabho netthaM bhavatu, yataH ki nchana niShiddham ashuchi dravyaM vA mama mukhamadhyaM kadApi na prAvishat|
9 But the voyce answered me agayne from heven cout not thou those thinges come which god hath clensed.
aparam Ishvaro yat shuchi kR^itavAn tanniShiddhaM na jAnIhi dvi rmAmpratIdR^ishI vihAyasIyA vANI jAtA|
10 And this was done thre tymes. And all were takin vp agayne into heven.
triritthaM sati tat sarvvaM punarAkAsham AkR^iShTaM|
11 And beholde immediatly ther were thre men come vnto the housse where I was sent from Cesarea vnto me.
pashchAt kaisariyAnagarAt trayo janA mannikaTaM preShitA yatra niveshane sthitohaM tasmin samaye tatropAtiShThan|
12 And the sprete sayde vnto me that I shuld go with them with out doutinge. Morover the sixe brethren accompanyed me: and we entred into the mas housse.
tadA niHsandehaM taiH sArddhaM yAtum AtmA mAmAdiShTavAn; tataH paraM mayA sahaiteShu ShaDbhrAtR^iShu gateShu vayaM tasya manujasya gR^ihaM prAvishAma|
13 And he shewed vs how he had sene an angell in his housse which stod and sayde to him: Send men to Ioppa and call for Symon named also Peter:
sosmAkaM nikaTe kathAmetAm akathayat ekadA dUta ekaH pratyakShIbhUya mama gR^ihamadhye tiShTan mAmityAj nApitavAn, yAphonagaraM prati lokAn prahitya pitaranAmnA vikhyAtaM shimonam AhUyaya;
14 he shall tell the wordes wherby both thou and all thyne housse shalbe saved.
tatastava tvadIyaparivArANA ncha yena paritrANaM bhaviShyati tat sa upadekShyati|
15 And as I begane to preach ye holy goost fell on them as he dyd on vs at the begynninge.
ahaM tAM kathAmutthApya kathitavAn tena prathamam asmAkam upari yathA pavitra AtmAvarUDhavAn tathA teShAmapyupari samavarUDhavAn|
16 Then came to my remembrauce ye wordes of the Lorde how he sayde: Iohn baptised with water but ye shalbe baptysed with the holy goost.
tena yohan jale majjitavAn iti satyaM kintu yUyaM pavitra Atmani majjitA bhaviShyatha, iti yadvAkyaM prabhuruditavAn tat tadA mayA smR^itam|
17 For as moche then as God gave the lyke gyftes as he dyd vnto vs when we beleved on the Lorde Iesus Christ: what was I that I shuld have with stonde God?
ataH prabhA yIshukhrIShTe pratyayakAriNo ye vayam asmabhyam Ishvaro yad dattavAn tat tebhyo lokebhyopi dattavAn tataH kohaM? kimaham IshvaraM vArayituM shaknomi?
18 when they hearde this they helde their peace and gloryfied God sayinge: then hath God also to the gentyls graunted repentaunce vnto lyfe.
kathAmetAM shruvA te kShAntA Ishvarasya guNAn anukIrttya kathitavantaH, tarhi paramAyuHprAptinimittam IshvaronyadeshIyalokebhyopi manaHparivarttanarUpaM dAnam adAt|
19 They which were scattryd abroade thorow the affliccion that arose aboute Steven walked thorow oute tyll they came vnto Phenices and Cypers and Antioche preachynge ye worde to no man but vnto the Iewes only.
stiphAnaM prati upadrave ghaTite ye vikIrNA abhavan tai phainIkIkuprAntiyakhiyAsu bhramitvA kevalayihUdIyalokAn vinA kasyApyanyasya samIpa Ishvarasya kathAM na prAchArayan|
20 Some of them were men of Cypers and Syrene which when they were come into Antioche spake vnto the Grekes and preched the Lorde Iesus.
aparaM teShAM kuprIyAH kurInIyAshcha kiyanto janA AntiyakhiyAnagaraM gatvA yUnAnIyalokAnAM samIpepi prabhoryIshoH kathAM prAchArayan|
21 And the honde of the Lorde was with them and a greate nombre beleved and turned vnto the Lorde.
prabhoH karasteShAM sahAya AsIt tasmAd aneke lokA vishvasya prabhuM prati parAvarttanta|
22 Tydinges of these thinges came vnto ye eares of the congregacion which was in Ierusalem. And they sente forth Barnabas that he shuld go vnto Antioche.
iti vArttAyAM yirUshAlamasthamaNDalIyalokAnAM karNagocharIbhUtAyAm AntiyakhiyAnagaraM gantu te barNabbAM prairayan|
23 Which when he was come and had sene the grace of God was glad and exhorted them all that with purpose of hert they wolde continually cleave vnto ye Lorde.
tato barNabbAstatra upasthitaH san IshvarasyAnugrahasya phalaM dR^iShTvA sAnando jAtaH,
24 For he was a good man and full of the holy goost and of faythe: and moche people was added vnto the Lorde.
sa svayaM sAdhu rvishvAsena pavitreNAtmanA cha paripUrNaH san ganoniShTayA prabhAvAsthAM karttuM sarvvAn upadiShTavAn tena prabhoH shiShyA aneke babhUvuH|
25 Then departed Barnabas to Tarsus for to seke Saul.
sheShe shaulaM mR^igayituM barNabbAstArShanagaraM prasthitavAn| tatra tasyoddeshaM prApya tam AntiyakhiyAnagaram Anayat;
26 And when he had founde him he brought him vnto Antioche. And it chaunsed yt a whole yere they had their conversacion with the congregacio there and taught moche people: in so moche that the disciples of Antioche were the fyrst that were called Christen.
tatastau maNDalIsthalokaiH sabhAM kR^itvA saMvatsaramekaM yAvad bahulokAn upAdishatAM; tasmin AntiyakhiyAnagare shiShyAH prathamaM khrIShTIyanAmnA vikhyAtA abhavan|
27 In those dayes came Prophetes fro Ierusalem vnto Antioche.
tataH paraM bhaviShyadvAdigaNe yirUshAlama AntiyakhiyAnagaram Agate sati
28 And ther stode vp one of them named Agabus and signified by the sprete that ther shuld be great derth throughoute all the worlde which came to passe in ye Emproure Claudius dayes.
AgAbanAmA teShAmeka utthAya AtmanaH shikShayA sarvvadeshe durbhikShaM bhaviShyatIti j nApitavAn; tataH klaudiyakaisarasyAdhikAre sati tat pratyakSham abhavat|
29 Then the disciples every man accordinge to his abilite purposed to sende socoure vnto the brethren which dwelt in Iewry.
tasmAt shiShyA ekaikashaH svasvashaktyanusArato yihUdIyadeshanivAsinAM bhratR^iNAM dinayApanArthaM dhanaM preShayituM nishchitya
30 Which thinge they also dyd and sent it to the elders by the hondes of Barnabas and Saul.
barNabbAshaulayo rdvArA prAchInalokAnAM samIpaM tat preShitavantaH|

< Acts 11 >