Aionian Verses

All of his children came to try to comfort him, but he did not pay attention to what they said. He said, “No, I will still be mourning/crying when I die and go to be with my son.” So Joseph’s father continued to cry because of what had happened to his son. (Sheol h7585)
Sothely whanne hise fre children weren gaderid to gidere, that thei schulden peese the sorewe of the fadir, he nolde take counfort, but seide, Y schal go doun in to helle, and schal biweile my sone. And the while Jacob contynude in wepyng, (Sheol h7585)
But Jacob said, “No, I will not let my son go down there with you. His [older] brother is dead, and he is the only [one of my wife Rachel’s] sons who is left! If something harms him while you are traveling, you would cause me, a gray-haired old man, to die because of sorrow.” (Sheol h7585)
And Jacob seide, My sone schal not go doun with you; his brother is deed, he aloone is left; if ony aduersite schal bifalle `to hym in the lond to which ye schulen go, ye schulen lede forth myn hoore heeris with sorewe to hellis. (Sheol h7585)
I am an old gray-haired man. If you take this other one from me, too, and something harms him, you would cause me to die because of my sorrow.’ (Sheol h7585)
if ye taken also this sone, and ony thing bifallith to hym in the weye, ye schulen lede forth myn hoor heeris with morenyng to hellis. (Sheol h7585)
If he sees that the boy is not with us when we return to him, he will die. We will cause our gray-haired father to die because of his sorrow. (Sheol h7585)
and he se that the child is not with vs, he schal die, and thi seruauntis schulen lede forth hise hoor heeris with sorewe to hellis. (Sheol h7585)
But if Yahweh does something that has never happened before, if he causes the ground [that is under their feet] to open up and swallow these men [and their families] and all their possessions, and they fall into the opening and are buried while they are still alive, then you will know that these men have insulted Yahweh.” (Sheol h7585)
the Lord sente not me; but if the Lord doith a newe thing, that the erthe opene his mouth, and swolewe hem, and alle thingis that perteynen to hem, and thei goen doun quyke in to helle, ye schulen wite that thei blasfemeden the Lord. (Sheol h7585)
They fell into the opening in the ground while they were still alive, and all their possessions fell into the opening also. They disappeared, and the ground closed back up again. (Sheol h7585)
and thei yeden doun quike in to helle, and weren hilid with erthe, and perischiden fro the myddis of the multitude. (Sheol h7585)
I will be very angry, and I will destroy them like a fire that will burn on the earth and all the way down to the place where dead people are [MET]; that fire will destroy the earth and everything that grows on it, and it will even burn what is down under the mountains. (Sheol h7585)
Fier, that is, peyne maad redi to hem, is kyndlid in my stronge veniaunce, and it schal brenne `til to the laste thingis of helle; and it schal deuoure the lond with his fruyt, and it schal brenne the foundementis of hillis. (Sheol h7585)
Yahweh, you cause some people to die, and you restore some people who are almost dead. For some people, [it seems that they will soon] go to where the dead people are, but you cause them to become healthy again. (Sheol h7585)
The Lord sleeth, and quikeneth; he ledith forth to hellis, and bryngith ayen. (Sheol h7585)
I thought that I would die; it was as though death wrapped ropes around me; it was as though I was in a trap where I would surely die. [PRS, MET] (Sheol h7585)
The coordis of helle cumpassiden me; the snaris of deeth camen bifor me. (Sheol h7585)
Because you are wise, do to him what you think is best [for you to do], but do not allow him to become old [MTY] and then die [IDM] peacefully. (Sheol h7585)
Therfor thou schalt do by thi wisdom, and thou schalt not lede forth his hoornesse pesibli to hellis. (Sheol h7585)
But now you must [LIT] surely punish him. You are a wise man, so you will know what you should do to him. He is an old man [MTY], but be sure that he [loses/sheds] a lot of blood when you kill him [MTY].” (Sheol h7585)
nyle thou suffre hym to be vnpunyschid; forsothe thou art a wise man, and thou schalt wite what thou schalt do to hym, and thou schalt lede forth hise hoor heeris with blood to hellis. (Sheol h7585)
Like [SIM] clouds (disperse/break up) and then disappear, people [die and] descend to the place where dead people are, and they do not return; (Sheol h7585)
As a cloude is wastid, and passith, so he that goith doun to helle, schal not stie; (Sheol h7585)
[What there is to know about God] is greater than [the distance from earth to] heaven; so there is no way [RHQ] that you can [understand it all]. It is greater than [the distance from here to] the place of the dead; so it is impossible for you [RHQ] to know it all. (Sheol h7585)
He is hiyere than heuene, and what schalt thou do? he is deppere than helle, and wherof schalt thou knowe? (Sheol h7585)
[“Yahweh, ] I wish that you would put me safely in the place of the dead and forget about me until you are no longer angry with me. I wish that you would decide how much time I would spend there, and then remember [that] I [am there]. (Sheol h7585)
Who yiueth this to me, that thou defende me in helle, and that thou hide me, til thi greet veniaunce passe; and thou sette to me a tyme, in which thou haue mynde on me? (Sheol h7585)
If my home will be the place where dead people are, where will I sleep in the darkness? (Sheol h7585)
If Y `susteyne, ether suffre pacientli, helle is myn hous; and Y haue arayede my bed in derknessis. (Sheol h7585)
After I descend to the place where the dead are, (will I be able to confidently expect anything good there?/I certainly will not be able to confidently expect anything good there.) [RHQ] [It will be as though] [RHQ] I and the things I hope for will descend with me into the dust [where the dead are].” (Sheol h7585)
Alle my thingis schulen go doun in to deppeste helle; gessist thou, whether reste schal be to me, nameli there. (Sheol h7585)
Wicked people enjoy having good things all the time that they are alive, and they die quietly/peacefully and go down to the place of the dead. (Sheol h7585)
Thei leden in goodis her daies; and in a point thei goen doun to hellis. (Sheol h7585)
Just like the snow melts away when it is hot and there is no rain, those who have sinned disappear into the place where dead people are. (Sheol h7585)
Passe he to ful greet heete fro the watris of snowis, and the synne of hym `til to hellis. (Sheol h7585)
God knows all about [those who are in] the place of the dead; there is nothing down there that prevents God from seeing what is there. (Sheol h7585)
Helle is nakid bifor hym, and noon hilyng is to perdicioun. (Sheol h7585)
I will not be able to praise you after I die [RHQ]; No one in the place of the dead praises you. (Sheol h7585)
For noon is in deeth, which is myndful of thee; but in helle who schal knouleche to thee? (Sheol h7585)
Wicked people will all [die and] be buried in their graves, and [their spirits] will go to be with all those who have (forgotten about/rejected) you. (Sheol h7585)
Synneris be turned togidere in to helle; alle folkis, that foryeten God. (Sheol h7585)
because you, Yahweh, will not allow my soul/spirit to remain in the place where the dead people are; you will not allow me, your godly one, to stay there. (Sheol h7585)
For thou schalt not forsake my soule in helle; nether thou schalt yyue thin hooli to se corrupcioun. (Sheol h7585)
[It was as though] the place where dead people are had ropes that were wrapped around me, or [it was as though] there was a trap [MET] that would [seize and] kill me. (Sheol h7585)
The sorewis of helle cumpassiden me; the snaris of deeth `bifor ocupieden me. (Sheol h7585)
You saved/restored me when I was dying [MTY]. I was nearly dead, but you caused me to get well again. (Sheol h7585)
Lord, thou leddist out my soule fro helle; thou sauedist me fro hem that goen doun into the lake. (Sheol h7585)
Yahweh, I call out to you, so do not allow me to be disgraced. I desire that wicked people will be disgraced; I want them to [soon die and] go down to the place where the dead people are. (Sheol h7585)
be Y not schent, for Y inwardli clepide thee. Unpitouse men be aschamed, and be led forth in to helle; (Sheol h7585)
They are certain to die just like sheep, when a shepherd leads them away to be slaughtered. [PRS, MET] In the morning righteous people will rule over them, and then [those wealthy people will die and] their bodies will quickly decay in their graves; they will be where dead people are, far from their homes. (Sheol h7585)
As scheep thei ben set in helle; deth schal gnawe hem. And iust men schulen be lordis of hem in the morewtid; and the helpe of hem schal wexe eld in helle, for the glorie of hem. (Sheol h7585)
But it is certain that God will rescue me so that I am not kept in the place of the dead. (Sheol h7585)
Netheles God schal ayenbie my soule from the power of helle; whanne he schal take me. (Sheol h7585)
I desire/hope that my enemies will die suddenly; while they are still young, cause them to go down to the place where the dead people are. They they think evil things. (Sheol h7585)
Deth come on hem; and go thei doun quyk in to helle. For weiwardnessis ben in the dwelling places of hem; in the myddis of hem. (Sheol h7585)
You faithfully love me very much; you have prevented me from [dying and going to] the place where dead people are. (Sheol h7585)
For thi merci is greet on me; and thou deliueridist my soule fro the lower helle. (Sheol h7585)
I have experienced many troubles/difficulties, and I am about to die [MTY] and go where dead people are. (Sheol h7585)
For my soule is fillid with yuels; and my lijf neiyede to helle. (Sheol h7585)
No one can [RHQ] keep on living and never die; (No one can [RHQ] avoid going/Everyone will go) to the place of the dead. (Sheol h7585)
Who is a man, that schal lyue, and schal not se deth; schal delyuere his soule fro the hond of helle? (Sheol h7585)
Everything around me [MET] caused me to think that I would die; I was very afraid that I would [die and go to] the place where dead people are. I was very distressed/worried and afraid. (Sheol h7585)
The sorewis of deth cumpassiden me; and the perelis of helle founden me. I foond tribulacioun and sorewe; (Sheol h7585)
If I went up to heaven, you would be there. If I lay down in the place where the dead people are, you would be there. (Sheol h7585)
If Y schal stie in to heuene, thou art there; if Y schal go doun to helle, thou art present. (Sheol h7585)
Like a log that is split and cut into small pieces [SIM], their shattered bones will be scattered [on the ground] near [other] graves. (Sheol h7585)
for tho weren myyti. As fatnesse is brokun out on the erthe; oure bonys ben scatered niy helle. Lord, Lord, (Sheol h7585)
We will kill them [HYP] and get rid of them completely, [just] like [people who are buried in] graves are gone forever. While they are in good health, we will send them to the place where dead people are. (Sheol h7585)
swolowe we him, as helle swolowith a man lyuynge; and al hool, as goynge doun in to a lake; we schulen fynde al preciouse catel, (Sheol h7585)
If you go where she goes [MTY], you will go down to where the dead people are. Her steps will lead you straight to the grave. (Sheol h7585)
Hir feet gon doun in to deeth; and hir steppis persen to hellis. (Sheol h7585)
The road to her house is the road to the grave. Those who enter her bedroom [PRS] will die as a result. (Sheol h7585)
The weies of helle is hir hous; and persen in to ynnere thingis of deeth. (Sheol h7585)
But men who go to those women’s houses do not know that those who have gone there are now dead; they have descended down into the deepest parts of the place where dead people are. (Sheol h7585)
And wiste not that giauntis ben there; and the gestis `of hir ben in the depthis of helle. Sotheli he that schal be applied, ether fastned, to hir; schal go doun to hellis. For whi he that goith awei fro hir; schal be saued. (Sheol h7585)
Yahweh knows [what is happening in] the place where dead people [DOU] are, so he certainly knows [RHQ] what people are thinking. (Sheol h7585)
Helle and perdicioun ben open bifor the Lord; hou myche more the hertis of sones of men. (Sheol h7585)
Wise people walk on a road that leads up to a long life; they do not walk on a road that leads down to the place where dead people are. (Sheol h7585)
The path of lijf is on a lernyd man; that he bowe awei fro the laste helle. (Sheol h7585)
and it may save them from [going to] the place where dead people are. (Sheol h7585)
Thou schalt smyte hym with a yerde, and thou schalt delyuere his soule fro helle. (Sheol h7585)
[It is as though] the place where the dead people are is always wanting more people to [die and] come there; and humans [SYN] are always wanting to acquire more things, [too]. (Sheol h7585)
Helle and perdicioun schulen not be fillid; so and the iyen of men moun not be fillid. (Sheol h7585)
The place where the dead people are; women who do not have any children; ground that needs water/rain; and a fire that always needs more wood. (Sheol h7585)
helle, and the mouth of the wombe, and the erthe which is neuere fillid with water; but fier seith neuere, It suffisith. (Sheol h7585)
Whatever you are able to do, do it with all your energy, because [some time you will die], and in the place of the dead where you are going, no one works or plans to do anything or knows anything or is wise. (Sheol h7585)
Worche thou bisili, what euer thing thin hond mai do; for nether werk, nether resoun, nethir kunnyng, nether wisdom schulen be at hellis, whidir thou haastist. (Sheol h7585)
Keep me [close to you], like [SIM] a seal on your heart, [or] like [SIM] a bracelet on your arm. Our love [for each other] is as powerful as death, it is as enduring as the grave. [It is as though] our love [for each other] bursts into flames and burns like a hot fire. (Sheol h7585)
Set thou me as a signet on thin herte, as a signet on thin arm; for loue is strong as deth, enuy is hard as helle; the laumpis therof ben laumpis of fier, and of flawmes. (Sheol h7585)
[It is as though] [PRS] the place where the dead people are is eagerly looking for more Israeli people, opening its mouth to swallow them, and a huge number of people will be thrown into that place, including their leaders as well as a noisy crowd of people who enjoy living in Jerusalem. (Sheol h7585)
Therfor helle alargide his soule, and openyde his mouth with outen ony ende; and strong men therof, and the puple therof, and the hiy men, and gloriouse men therof, schulen go doun to it. (Sheol h7585)
[He said to tell him], “Request me, Yahweh your God, to do something that will enable you to be sure [that I will help/protect you]. What you request can be [from a place that is] as high as the sky or as low as the place where the dead people are.” (Sheol h7585)
and seide, Axe thou to thee a signe of thi Lord God, in to the depthe of helle, ethir in to heiythe aboue. (Sheol h7585)
The dead people are [PRS] are eagerly waiting for you to come to the place where they are. The spirits of the world leaders will be delighted to welcome you; those who were kings of many nations [before they died] will stand up [to welcome you]. (Sheol h7585)
Helle vndur thee is disturblid for the meeting of thi comyng; he schal reise giauntis to thee; alle the princes of erthe han rise fro her seetis, alle the princes of naciouns. (Sheol h7585)
You were very proud and powerful, [but all] that ended when you died, along with the sounds of harps [being played in your palace]. [Now in your grave] maggots will be under you [like a sheet] [MET], and worms will cover you [like a blanket] [MET]. (Sheol h7585)
Thi pride is drawun doun to hellis, thi deed careyn felle doun; a mouyte schal be strewyd vndur thee, and thin hilyng schal be wormes. (Sheol h7585)
[But you were not able to do that]; instead, you were carried down to your grave, and you went to the place where the dead people are. (Sheol h7585)
Netheles thou schalt be drawun doun to helle, in to the depthe of the lake. (Sheol h7585)
You [boast] saying, “We have made an alliance with [the leaders of Egypt], so we will not be killed [in battles]; we will never go to the place where the dead people are. When the [army of Assyria] attacks us, they will never defeat us, because we have made [an agreement with Egypt] to protect us!” [But that agreement consists of] a lot of lies [DOU]. (Sheol h7585)
For ye seiden, We han smyte a boond of pees with deth, and we han maad couenaunt with helle; a scourge flowynge whanne it schal passe, schal not come on vs, for we han set a leesyng oure hope, and we ben kyuered with a leesyng. (Sheol h7585)
I will annul/destroy the agreement that you made [with the leaders of Egypt]. You thought that [because of that agreement] you would not be killed, and you would not go to the place where the dead are. [But] when the vast [army of Assyria] overwhelms you like a flood, they will trample you into the ground. (Sheol h7585)
and youre couenaunt with helle schal not stonde; whanne the scourge flowynge schal passe, ye schulen be to it in to defoulyng. (Sheol h7585)
I thought to myself, “Is it necessary for me to die and go to the place where the dead people are during this time of my life when I am still strong? Is Yahweh going to rob me of the remaining years that I [should live]?” (Sheol h7585)
I seide, in the myddil of my daies Y schal go to the yatis of helle. Y souyte the residue of my yeeris; (Sheol h7585)
Dead people [MTY] cannot praise you; they cannot sing to praise you. Those who have descended to their graves cannot confidently expect you to faithfully [do things for them]. (Sheol h7585)
For not helle schal knowleche to thee, nethir deth schal herie thee; thei that goon doun in to the lake, schulen not abide thi treuthe. (Sheol h7585)
You have given [fragrant] oil and lots of perfume to your god Molech, and you sent messengers to distant countries [to find other gods to worship]; you [even tried to] send [messengers] to the place of the dead [to search for new gods]. (Sheol h7585)
and ournedist thee with kyngis oynement, and thou multipliedist thi pymentis; thou sentist fer thi messangeris, and thou art maad low `til to hellis. (Sheol h7585)
This is what I, Yahweh the Lord, say: ‘When that great tree was cut down, [it was as though] the springs that watered it mourned for it, because I caused the plentiful water [from the springs] to dry up. I caused [the mountains in] Lebanon to become black, and all the trees there to wither. (Sheol h7585)
The Lord God seith these thingis, In the dai whanne he yede doun to hellis, Y brouyte yn mourenyng; Y hilide hym with depthe of watris, and I forbede his flodis, and Y refreynede many watris. The Liban was sori on him, and alle the trees of the feeld (Sheol h7585)
I caused the people of other nations to tremble when they heard that tree fall to the ground. [They realized] that it would decay, like all people who die and are buried decay. And all the [leaders of other countries represented by] other beautiful trees in my garden in Eden and in Lebanon, were like beautiful trees [that were very proud]. They were ones which had roots that grew down deep into the [ground where there was plenty of] water. They were comforted when [the king represented by] [MET] that cedar tree was there with them in the place where the dead people are. (Sheol h7585)
weren shakun of the soun of his falling. I mouide togidere hethene men, whanne Y ledde hym doun to helle, with hem that yeden doun in to the lake. And alle trees of likyng, noble trees, and ful cleere in the Liban, alle that weren moistid with watris, weren coumfortid in the loweste lond. (Sheol h7585)
The [leaders of other countries represented by] [MET] trees that grew in the shade of the huge tree, [the allies of] the great nation [that the cedar tree represents], had also joined those who had been killed by the sword and gone down to where the dead people are. (Sheol h7585)
For whi also thei schulen go doun with hym to helle, to slayn men with swerd; and the arm of ech man schal sitte vndur the schadewyng place of hym, in the myddis of naciouns. (Sheol h7585)
In the place where the dead people are, mighty leaders [of other countries] will [make fun of the people of Egypt] and say, “They have come here to lie with us godless people who were killed by our enemies’ swords!”’ (Sheol h7585)
The myytieste of stronge men schulen speke to hym, fro the myddis of helle, whiche with her helperis yeden doun, and slepten vncircumcidid, and slayn bi swerd. (Sheol h7585)
They will surely [RHQ] not be buried honorably like the soldiers who have died, whose shields were buried with their corpses, whose swords were placed on their skulls in the graves. While those godless people were alive, they had caused many people in the land to be terrified, so they were punished for their sins. (Sheol h7585)
And thei schulen not slepe with stronge men, and fallynge doun, and vncircumcidid, that yeden doun in to helle with her armuris, and puttiden her swerdis vndur her heedis. And the wickidnessis of hem weren in the boonys of hem, for thei weren maad the drede of stronge men in the lond of lyuynge men. (Sheol h7585)
I certainly will not [RHQ] save you from being killed and from going to the place where the dead people are. I will [RHQ] cause you to be afflicted by plagues and to die and be buried in graves. I will not be merciful [to you]. (Sheol h7585)
Y schal delyuere hem fro the hoond of deeth, and Y schal ayenbie hem fro deth. Thou deth, Y schal be thi deth; thou helle, Y schal be thi mussel. (Sheol h7585)
If they dig deep pits in the ground, or if they try to climb up to the sky [in order to escape], I will reach out and grab them. (Sheol h7585)
If thei schulen go doun til to helle, fro thennus myn hond schal lede out hem; and if thei schulen `stie til in to heuene, fro thennus Y schal drawe hem doun. (Sheol h7585)
Jonah said, “Yahweh, when I was greatly distressed [here], I prayed to you, and you heard what I [prayed]. When I was [about to descend way down into] the place where dead people go, you heard me when I called out [for you to help/save me]. (Sheol h7585)
and seide, Y criede to God of my tribulacioun, and he herde me; fro the wombe of helle Y criede, and thou herdist my vois. (Sheol h7585)
If people [trust in their wealth], they will deceive themselves, and proud people are never able to rest. [It is as though] the greedy people [of Babylonia open their mouths] as wide as the place where dead people are, and they never have enough, like [the place where] dead people go never has enough dead people [PRS]. The [armies of Babylonia] conquer many nations for themselves, and capture all their people. (Sheol h7585)
And as wyn disseyueth a man drynkynge, so schal the proude man be, and he schal not be maad feir; for as helle he alargide his soule, and he is as deth, and he is not fillid; and he schal gadere to hym alle folkis, and he shal kepe togidere to hym alle puplis. (Sheol h7585)
But what I say to you is this: [If you are] angry with someone, [God] will judge you. If you say to someone, ‘[You are worthless],’ the Jewish Council will judge you. If you [hate someone], and say to them 'You fool!' you. yourself, will be in danger of being thrown into the fires in hell. (Geenna g1067)
But Y seie to you, that ech man that is wrooth to his brothir, schal be gilti to doom; and he that seith to his brother, Fy! schal be gilti to the counseil; but he that seith, Fool, schal be gilti to the fier of helle. (Geenna g1067)
If because of what you see [MTY] you [are tempted to] sin, [stop looking at those things! Even if you have to] gouge out one of your eyes and throw it away [HYP] [to avoid sinning, do it!] It is good [that you not sin and] as a result [go to heaven, even though while you are still here on earth] you lack one [or both of] your eyes. But it is not good [that you continue to have two eyes and sin and, as a result, God] sends your whole body to hell. (Geenna g1067)
That if thi riyt iye sclaundre thee, pulle hym out, and caste fro thee; for it spedith to thee, that oon of thi membris perische, than that al thi bodi go in to helle. (Geenna g1067)
If you are [tempted to] use one of your hands to sin [MTY], [stop using your hand. Even if you have to] cut your hand off and throw it away [to avoid sinning, do it] [HYP]! It is good [that you do not sin and as a result you go to heaven, even though while you are still here on earth] you lack one [or both] of your [hands]. But it is not good [that you sin and, as a result, God] sends your whole body to hell.” (Geenna g1067)
And if thi riyt hond sclaundre thee, kitte hym aweye, and caste fro thee; for it spedith to thee that oon of thi membris perische, than that al thi bodi go in to helle. (Geenna g1067)
Do not be afraid of people who [are able to] kill your body [SYN] but are not able to destroy your soul. Instead, fear [God because] he is able to destroy both a [person’s] body and a [person’s] soul in hell. (Geenna g1067)
And nyle ye drede hem that sleen the bodi; for thei moun not sle the soule; but rather drede ye hym, that mai lese bothe soule and bodi in to helle. (Geenna g1067)
[also have something to say to] you [people who live in] Capernaum [city] [MTY]. (Do not [think that] you will be honored {that [God] will honor you} in heaven!/Do you think that you will be honored {that [God] will honor you} in heaven?) [RHQ] [That will not happen! On the contrary, after you die, you will be sent] {[God] will send you} down into the place where [sinful people] will be punished {he will punish sinful people} [forever. God destroyed the ancient city of] Sodom [because the people who lived in that city were extremely wicked]. If I had performed in [Sodom the miracles that I performed in your city, the people there would have turned away from their wicked behavior and] their [city] [MET] would still exist now [MTY]. But you, [although I did miracles in your city, you did not turn from your wicked behavior]. (Hadēs g86)
And thou, Cafarnaum, whethir thou schalt be arerid vp in to heuene? Thou shalt go doun in to helle. For if the vertues that ben don in thee, hadden be don in Sodom, perauenture thei schulden haue dwellid `in to this dai. (Hadēs g86)
[God is willing to] forgive people who criticize [me], the One who came from heaven. But I [warn you that] those who say evil things about what the Holy Spirit [does] will not be forgiven {[God] will not forgive people who speak evil words about what the Holy Spirit [does]}. They will not be forgiven {[He] will not forgive them} now, and they will never be forgiven {[he] will never forgive them}.” (aiōn g165)
And who euere seith a word ayens mannus sone, it shal be foryouun to him; but who that seieth a word ayens the Hooli Goost, it shal not be foryouun to hym, nether in this world, ne in `the tothir. (aiōn g165)
[Some people are like the soil that had the roots of] thorny [weeds] in it. They hear God’s message, but they desire to be rich, [so they] worry [only] about [MTY, PRS] material things. As a result, they [PRS] forget [God’s] message, and they do not do [IDM] the things that God wants them to do. (aiōn g165)
But he that is sowun in thornes, is this that heerith the word, and the bisynesse of this world, and the fallace of ritchessis strangulith the word, and it is maad with outen fruyt. (aiōn g165)
The enemy who sowed the weed seeds represents the devil. The [time when the reapers will] harvest [the grain] represents the time when the world will end. The reapers represent the angels. (aiōn g165)
the enemye that sowith hem is the feend; and the ripe corn is the endyng of the world, the reperis ben aungels. (aiōn g165)
The weeds are gathered and burned. {The reapers gather the weeds. Then they burn them.} That represents [the judging of people, which God will do] when the world will end. [It will be like this]: (aiōn g165)
Therfor as taris ben gaderid togidere, and ben brent in fier, so it shal be in the endyng of the world. (aiōn g165)
[What they did in separating the good fish from the bad ones] is like [what will happen to people] when the world ends. The angels will come [to where God is judging people], and will separate the wicked [people] from the righteous [ones]. (aiōn g165)
So it schal be in the endyng of the world. Aungels schulen go out, and schulen departe yuel men fro the myddil of iuste men. (aiōn g165)
I will also tell you this: You are Peter, [which means rock]. [You are like] a rock. What you [and your fellow apostles teach] (OR, [what] you [do]) [will be like a foundation on which I] will create congregations of people who [believe in] me. And the demons [PRS], [who live] where the dead people who lived evil lives are, will not be able to [come and] prevent [MET] [me from doing] that.” (Hadēs g86)
And Y seie to thee, that thou art Petre, and on this stoon Y schal bilde my chirche, and the yatis of helle schulen not haue miyt ayens it. (Hadēs g86)
So, if you [are wanting to use] one of your hands or feet to sin, [stop using that hand or foot! Even if you have to] cut it off [to avoid sinning, do it] [MET]! It is good [that you not sin and] go where you will live [with God eternally, even though while you are still here on earth] you are maimed or lame and do not have a hand or a foot. But it is not good that you continue to have your two hands and two feet [and do] [MTY] [the sinful things you want to, and as a result], you are thrown into [hell], where there is eternal fire burning. (aiōnios g166, questioned)
And if thin hoond or thi foot sclaundreth thee, kitte it of, and caste awei fro thee. It is betere to thee to entre to lijf feble, ethir crokid, than hauynge tweyne hoondis or twey feet to be sent in to euerlastynge fier. (aiōnios g166)
If what you see you [makes you want] to sin, [stop looking at those things! Even if you have to] gouge out one of your eyes and throw it away [to avoid sinning, do it] [HYP]! It is good [that you not sin and] go where you will live [with God eternally, even though while you are still here on earth] you have only one eye. But it is not good that you continue to have your two eyes [and do the sinful things you want to, and as a result], you are thrown {God throws you} into hell where there is eternal fire burning.” (Geenna g1067)
And if thin iye sclaundre thee, pulle it out, and caste awei fro thee. It is betere to thee with oon iye to entre in to lijf, thanne hauynge tweyn iyen to be sent in to the fier of helle. (Geenna g1067)
[As Jesus was walking along, a young] man approached him and said [to him], “Teacher, what good [deeds] must I do in order to live [with God] eternally?” (aiōnios g166)
And lo! oon cam, and seide to hym, Good maister, what good schal Y do, that Y haue euerlastynge lijf? (aiōnios g166)
[God will reward] those who, because of being my [disciples], have left [behind] a house or plot of ground, [their] brothers, [their] sisters, their father, their mother, their children, [or any other family] [MTY] [members]. [God] will give them 100 times [as many benefits as they have given up]. And they will live [with God] eternally. (aiōnios g166)
And euery man that forsakith hous, britheren or sistren, fadir or modir, wijf ethir children, or feeldis, for my name, he schal take an hundrid foold, and schal welde euerlastynge lijf. (aiōnios g166)
He saw a fig tree near the road. [So he went over to it to pick some figs to eat]. But when he got close, he saw that there were no [figs on the tree]. There were only leaves on it. So [to illustrate how God would punish the nation of Israel], he said to the fig tree, “May you never again produce figs!” As a result, the fig tree withered that night. (aiōn g165)
And he saye a fige tree bisidis the weie, and cam to it, and foond no thing ther ynne but leeues oneli. And he seide to it, Neuer fruyt come forth of thee, in to with outen eende, And anoon the fige tre was dried vp. (aiōn g165)
“You are hypocrites, you men who teach the [Jewish] laws and you Pharisees! Your punishment will be terrible, because you exert yourselves very much to get [even] one person to believe what you teach. For instance, you travel across seas and lands [to distant places] in order to do that. And [as a result], when one person [believes what you teach], you make that person much more deserving to go to hell than you yourselves [deserve to].” (Geenna g1067)
Wo to you, scribis and Farisees, ypocritis, that goon aboute the see and the loond, to make o prosilite; and whanne he is maad, ye maken hym a sone of helle, double more than ye ben. (Geenna g1067)
[You people are so wicked] You are [as dangerous as poisonous] snakes [DOU, MET]! (You [foolishly] think that you will escape being punished in hell!/Do you [foolishly] think that you will escape when [God] punishes [wicked people] in hell?) [RHQ] (Geenna g1067)
Ye eddris, and eddris briddis, hou schulen ye fle fro the doom of helle? (Geenna g1067)
[Later], as Jesus was sitting alone on [the slope of] Olive [Tree] Hill, [we] disciples went to him and asked him, “When will this happen [to the buildings of the Temple? Also, tell us what will happen to indicate that you are about to] come again, and [to indicate] that this world is ending?” (aiōn g165)
And whanne he satte on the hille of Olyuete, hise disciplis camen to hym priueli, and seiden, Seie vs, whanne these thingis schulen be, and what token of thi comyng, and of the ending of the world. (aiōn g165)
Then I will say to those on my left, ‘You people who have been cursed [by God] {whom God has cursed}, leave me! Go into the eternal fire that God has prepared for (the devil/Satan) and his angels! (aiōnios g166)
Thanne the kyng schal seie also to hem, that schulen be on his lefthalf, Departe fro me, ye cursid, in to euerlastynge fijr, that is maad redi to the deuel and hise aungels. (aiōnios g166)
Then those people [on my left] will go away to the place where [they] will be punished {[God] will punish them} eternally, but the righteous people will go to where they will live forever [with God].” (aiōnios g166)
And these schulen goo in to euerlastynge turment; but the iust men schulen go in to euerlastynge lijf. (aiōnios g166)
Teach them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember that [by the Spirit] I will be with you always, until the end of [this] age.” (aiōn g165)
techynge hem to kepe alle thingis, what euer thingis Y haue comaundid to you; and lo! Y am with you in alle daies, in to the ende of the world. (aiōn g165)
But if anyone speaks evil words about what the Holy Spirit [does], [God] will never forgive that. That person’s guilt will remain with him forever.” (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
But he that blasfemeth ayens the Hooli Goost, hath not remissioun in to with outen ende, but he schal be gilty of euerlastynge trespas. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
they desire to be rich, and they desire to own many other things. So they worry [only] about material things. The result is that they forget [God’s] message and they do not do [the things that God wants them to do]. (aiōn g165)
and disese of the world, and disseit of ritchessis, and othir charge of coueytise entrith, and stranglith the word, and it is maad with out fruyt. (aiōn g165)
[So], if you are [wanting to use one of] [MTY, PRS] [your hands to sin, stop using your hand! Even if you have to] cut your hand off and throw it away [to avoid sinning, do it] [HYP]! It is good that you not sin and that you live eternally, [even though you lack one of] your hands [while you are here on earth]. But it is not good that you sin and as a result God throws your whole body into hell. There the fires never go out! (Geenna g1067)
And if thin hoond sclaundre thee, kitte it awey; it is betere to thee to entre feble in to lijf, than haue two hondis, and go in to helle, in to fier that neuer schal be quenchid, (Geenna g1067)
If you are [wanting to use] one of [PRS] your feet to sin, [stop using your foot! Even if you have to] cut off your foot [to avoid sinning, do it] [HYP]! It is good that you not sin and live eternally, [even though] you lack one of your feet [while you are here on earth]. But it is not good that you sin and go to hell. (Geenna g1067)
And if thi foote sclaundre thee, kitte it of; it is betere to thee to entre crokid in to euerlastynge lijf, than haue twei feet, and be sent in to helle of fier, that neuer schal be quenchid, (Geenna g1067)
If because of what you see [MTY, PRS] you are tempted to sin, [stop looking at those things]! Even if you have to gouge out your eye and throw it away [HYP] [to avoid sinning, do it! It is good that you not sin and live eternally, even though you lack one of] your eyes [while you are here on earth]. But it is not good that you sin and, as a result, God puts your whole body in hell. (Geenna g1067)
That if thin iye sclaundre thee, cast it out; it is betere to thee to entre gogil iyed in to the reume of God, than haue twey iyen, and be sent in to helle of fier, where the worme of hem dieth not, (Geenna g1067)
As Jesus was starting to travel [again with his disciples], a [young] man ran up to him. He knelt before Jesus and then he asked him, “Good teacher, what must I do to have eternal life/in order to live [with God] eternally?” (aiōnios g166)
And whanne Jhesus was gon out in the weie, a man ranne bifore, and knelide bifor hym, and preiede hym, and seide, Good maister, what schal Y do, that Y resseyue euerlastynge lijf? (aiōnios g166)
will receive in this life 100 times as much [as they left behind. That will include houses and people as dear as] brothers and sisters and mothers and children, and plots of ground. Furthermore, although people will persecute them [here on earth because they believe in me], in the future age [they] will ([have] eternal life/live [with God] eternally). (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
which schal not take an hundrid fold so myche now in this tyme, housis, and britheren, and sistris, and modris, and children, and feeldis, with persecuciouns, and in the world to comynge euerlastynge lijf. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
[But to illustrate how God would punish the nation of Israel, ] he said to the tree, “No one shall ever eat from you again [because you will no longer bear figs].” The disciples heard what he said. (aiōn g165)
And Jhesus answeride and seide to it, Now neuer ete ony man fruyt of thee more. And hise disciplis herden; (aiōn g165)
He will be the King of [the] Jews, the descendants [MTY] of [your ancestor] Jacob, forever. He will rule as king forever!” (aiōn g165)
and he schal regne in the hous of Jacob with outen ende, and of his rewme schal be noon ende. (aiōn g165)
He promised to Abraham and all our other ancestors who descended from him that he would act mercifully toward them forever.” (aiōn g165)
as he hath spokun to oure fadris, to Abraham and to his seed, in to worldis. (aiōn g165)
Long ago God caused his prophets to say that he would do that. (aiōn g165)
As he spak bi the mouth of hise hooli prophetis, that weren fro the world. (aiōn g165)
[The demons] kept begging [Jesus] that he would not command them to go into the deep place [where God punishes demons]. (Abyssos g12)
And thei preyden hym, that he schulde not comaunde hem, that thei schulden go in to helle. (Abyssos g12)
[I also have something to say to] you [people who live in] Capernaum [city]. (Do not [think that you will be honored] {[that God] will honor you} in heaven!/Do you [think that you will be honored] {[that God] will honor you} in heaven?) [RHQ] [That will not happen! On the contrary], [after you die, God] will send you down to the place where [sinful people] will be punished [forever]!” (Hadēs g86)
And thou, Cafarnaum, art enhaunsid `til to heuene; thou schalt be drenchid `til in to helle. (Hadēs g86)
[One day as Jesus was teaching people], a man was there who had studied carefully the laws that [God gave Moses]. He wanted to ask Jesus a difficult question. So he stood up and asked, “Teacher, what shall I do in order to live [with God] forever?” (aiōnios g166)
And lo! a wise man of the lawe ros vp, temptynge hym, and seiynge, Maister, what thing schal Y do to haue euerlastynge lijf? (aiōnios g166)
But I will warn you about the one that you should truly be afraid of. You should be afraid of [God], because he not only has [the power to] cause people to die, he has the power to throw them into hell afterward! Yes, he is truly the one that you should be afraid of! (Geenna g1067)
But Y schal schewe to you, whom ye schulen drede; drede ye hym, that aftir he hath slayn, he hath power to sende in to helle. And so Y seie to you, drede ye hym. (Geenna g1067)
When his master [heard what the manager had done], he admired the dishonest manager for the clever thing he had done. [The truth] is that the ungodly people in this world act more wisely toward other people than godly people [MET] act. (aiōn g165)
And the lord preiside the baili of wickydnesse, for he hadde do prudentli; for the sones of this world ben more prudent in her generacioun than the sones of liyt. (aiōn g165)
[So] I tell you [(pl)] this: Use the money that you have [here] on earth to help others so that they will become your friends. Then when [you die and] you cannot [take] any money with you, [God and his angels] will welcome you into a home [in heaven] that will last forever. (aiōnios g166)
And Y seie to you, make ye to you freendis of the ritchesse of wickidnesse, that whanne ye schulen fayle, thei resseyue you in to euerlastynge tabernaclis. (aiōnios g166)
In the place where dead people wait [for God to judge them], he was suffering great pain. He looked up and saw Abraham far away, and he saw Lazarus sitting close to Abraham. (Hadēs g86)
and was biried in helle. And he reiside hise iyen, whanne he was in turmentis, and say Abraham afer, and Lazarus in his bosum. (Hadēs g86)
A [Jewish] leader asked [Jesus], “Good teacher, what shall I do in order to have eternal life?” (aiōnios g166)
And a prince axide hym, and seide, Goode maister, in what thing doynge schal Y weilde euerlastynge lijf? (aiōnios g166)
will receive in this life many times as much [as they left]. And in the future age they will (live eternally [with God]/ have eternal life).” (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
and schal not resseyue many mo thingis in this tyme, and in the world to comynge euerlastynge lijf. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
Jesus replied to them, “Men who live here in this world take wives, or are given wives [by their parents] {their [parents] choose wives [for them]}. (aiōn g165)
And Jhesus seide to hem, Sones of this world wedden, and ben youun to weddyngis; (aiōn g165)
But the men whom God considers worthy of [being in heaven after] they become alive again will not be married. (aiōn g165)
but thei that schulen be had worthi of that world, and of the `risyng ayen fro deeth, nethir ben wedded, (aiōn g165)
As a result, everyone who believes/trusts in me will have eternal life.” (aiōnios g166)
that ech man that bileueth in hym, perische not, but haue euerlastynge lijf. (aiōnios g166)
God loved us people [MTY] in the world so much that he gave his only Son [as a sacrifice for us], in order that everyone who believes in him would not be separated from God forever. Instead, they would have eternal life. (aiōnios g166)
For God louede so the world, that he yaf his `oon bigetun sone, that ech man that bileueth in him perische not, but haue euerlastynge lijf. (aiōnios g166)
Those who trust in [God’s] Son have eternal life. But those who reject God’s Son will never have [eternal] life. Instead, God is angry with them [and he will surely punish them]. (aiōnios g166)
He that bileueth in the sone, hath euerlastynge lijf; but he that is vnbileueful to the sone, schal not se euerlastynge lijf, but the wraththe of God dwellith on hym. (aiōnios g166)
But those who drink the water that I will give them will never be thirsty again. On the contrary, the water that I give them will become in their inner beings like a spring of water that will enable them to have eternal life.” (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
but he that drynkith of the watir that Y schal yyue hym, schal not thirste with outen ende; but the watir that Y schal yyue hym, schal be maad in hym a welle `of watir, spryngynge vp in to euerlastynge lijf. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
[If you help them to accept my message], I will reward you [MET], [as an owner of a field] pays those who harvest the crops. Because of your work, people will gain eternal life.’ [I have been telling people God’s message. That is like] [MET] a man who plants seeds. [You will help people to accept my message. That will be like] [MET] harvesting crops. [When that happens], both you and I will rejoice. (aiōnios g166)
And he that repith takith hire, and gaderith fruyt in to euerlastynge lijf; that bothe he that sowith, and he that repith, haue ioye togidere. (aiōnios g166)
Listen to this carefully: Those who hear my message and believe that [God] is the one who sent me have eternal life. [God will] not (condemn them/say that he will punish them). They are no longer separated from God. Instead, they have [eternal] life. (aiōnios g166)
Treuli, treuli, Y seie to you, that he that herith my word, and bileueth to hym that sente me, hath euerlastynge lijf, and he cometh not in to doom, but passith fro deeth in to lijf. (aiōnios g166)
You carefully study (OR, Study) the Scriptures, because you think that by [studying] them you will [find the way to] have eternal life. And those Scriptures tell people about me! (aiōnios g166)
Seke ye scripturis, in which ye gessen to haue euerlastynge lijf; and tho it ben, that beren witnessyng of me. (aiōnios g166)
Stop desiring food that will soon spoil! Instead, desire to get [spiritual] food that will last forever! Yearn for eternal life! That is what I, the one who came from heaven, will give you. God [my] Father has shown that he approves of me [enabling me to do that].” (aiōnios g166)
Worche ye not mete that perischith, but that dwellith in to euerlastynge lijf, which mete mannys sone schal yyue to you; for God the fadir hath markid hym. (aiōnios g166)
[Long ago in the desolate area when those who were bitten by snakes looked at the bronze replica of a snake, they were healed] [MET]. What my Father wants is that [similarly] everyone who looks at [what] I [have done] and believes in me will have eternal life. I will cause them to become alive again (on the last day/on the day [when I judge everyone]) [MTY].” (aiōnios g166)
And this is the wille of my fadir that sente me, that ech man that seeth the sone, and bileueth in hym, haue euerlastynge lijf; and Y schal ayen reyse hym in the laste dai. (aiōnios g166)
Listen to this carefully: Everyone who believes ([my message/in me]) has eternal life. (aiōnios g166)
Sotheli, sotheli, Y seie to you, he that bileueth in me, hath euerlastynge lijf. (aiōnios g166)
I am the one who came down from heaven to enable people to have [spiritual] life. If people take what I will give them, they will live forever. What I will give them is my flesh, which I will give to [all the people in] [MTY] the world in order that they may have [spiritual] life.” (aiōn g165)
Y am lyuynge breed, that cam doun fro heuene. If ony man ete of this breed, he schal lyue withouten ende. And the breed that Y schal yyue, is my fleisch for the lijf of the world. (aiōn g165)
Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will cause them to become alive again at (the last day/the [judgment] day), (aiōnios g166)
He that etith my fleisch, and drynkith my blood, hath euerlastynge lijf, and Y schal ayen reise hym in the laste dai. (aiōnios g166)
[I am] the true bread that came down from heaven. Although our ancestors ate [manna], they [later] died [anyway]. But those who eat this bread will live forever.” (aiōn g165)
This is breed, that cam doun fro heuene. Not as youre fadris eten manna, and ben deed; he that etith this breed, schal lyue withouten ende. (aiōn g165)
Simon Peter replied to him, “Lord, [we] will not [leave you], [because] (there is no other person [like you] to whom we can go!/what other person is there like [you] to whom we can go?) [RHQ] You have the message about eternal life! (aiōnios g166)
And Symount Petre answeride to hym, Lord, to whom schulen we gon? Thou hast wordis of euerlastynge lijf; (aiōnios g166)
A slave is not a permanent member of a family. But a son is a member of a family forever. [Similarly, you say you are members of God’s family because you are descendants of Abraham, but really, because you are like slaves of your sinful desires, you are no longer permanent members of God’s family]. (aiōn g165)
And the seruaunt dwellith not in the hows with outen ende, but the sone dwellith with outen ende. (aiōn g165)
But the truth is that anyone who obeys what I say will never die!” (aiōn g165)
Treuli, treuli, Y seie to you, if ony man kepe my word, he schal not taste deth with outen ende. (aiōn g165)
Then the Jewish [leaders] [SYN], [thinking that he was talking about ordinary death and not about spiritual death], said to him, “Now we are sure that a demon [controls] you! Abraham and the prophets died [long ago]! But you say that anyone who obeys what you teach will never die! (aiōn g165)
Therfor the Jewis seiden, Now we han knowun, that thou hast a deuel. Abraham is deed, and the prophetis, and thou seist, If ony man kepe my word, he schal not taste deth withouten ende. (aiōn g165)
No one has ever enabled a man to see who was blind when he was born [like I was]. That has never happened since the world began! (aiōn g165)
Fro the world it is not herd, that ony man openyde the iyen of a blynd borun man; but this were of God, (aiōn g165)
I will give them eternal life. No one will separate them from me, not ever. No one shall ever pull them away from belonging to me. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
And Y yyue to hem euerelastynge lijf, and thei schulen not perische with outen ende, and noon schal rauysche hem fro myn hoond. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
Furthermore, all those who believe in me while they are alive, [their souls] will not die [forever]. Do you believe that?” (aiōn g165)
and ech that lyueth, and bileueth in me, schal not die with outen ende. Bileuest thou this thing? (aiōn g165)
Anyone who strongly wants to keep on living [here on earth] will surely lose his life forever. But anyone who is willing to die [HYP] [for my sake] will surely gain eternal life. (aiōnios g166)
He that loueth his lijf, schal leese it; and he that hatith his lijf in this world, kepith it in to euerlastynge lijf. (aiōnios g166)
[Someone in] the crowd answered him, “We understand from the Scriptures that the Messiah will live forever. So why do you say that the one who came from heaven, [who is the Messiah], will be lifted up {that [men] will lift up the one who came from heaven, [who is the Messiah], } on a cross? What kind of man who came from heaven are you [talking about]? (OR, That’s not the [kind] of Messiah [we are expecting]!)” (aiōn g165)
And the puple answeride to hym, We han herd of the lawe, that Crist dwellith with outen ende; and hou seist thou, It bihoueth mannys sone to be arerid? Who is this mannus sone? (aiōn g165)
I know that [paying attention to] what he has instructed us [leads to] eternal life. So whatever I say is exactly (OR, only) what [my] Father has told me to say.” (aiōnios g166)
And Y woot, that his maundement is euerlastynge lijf; therfor tho thingis that Y speke, as the fadir seide to me, so Y speke. (aiōnios g166)
Peter said, “I will never, ever, [allow you to] wash my feet!” Jesus replied to him, “If I do not wash you, you cannot continue (to be my [disciple/to belong to] me).” (aiōn g165)
Petre seith to hym, Thou schalt neuere waische my feet. Jhesus answeride to hym, If Y schal not waische thee, thou schalt not haue part with me. (aiōn g165)
Then I myself will request [my] Father, and he will send you someone else who will (encourage/be like a legal counsel for) you. (aiōn g165)
And Y schal preye the fadir, and he schal yyue to you another coumfortour, to dwelle with you with outen ende, (aiōn g165)
You gave me authority over all people, in order that I might enable all those whom you chose [to come] to me to live eternally. (aiōnios g166)
As thou hast youun to hym power on ech fleisch, that al thing that thou hast youun to hym, he yyue to hem euerlastynge lijf. (aiōnios g166)
[The way for people] to live eternally is for them to know that you are the only true God, and to know that [I], Jesus, am the Messiah, the one you have sent. (aiōnios g166)
And this is euerlastynge lijf, that thei knowe thee very God aloone, and whom thou hast sent, Jhesu Crist. (aiōnios g166)
You will not allow my spirit to remain in the place where the dead are. You will not [even] let my body decay, [because] I am devoted to you and always obey [you]. (Hadēs g86)
For thou schalt not leeue my soule in helle, nethir thou schalt yiue thin hooli to se corrupcioun. (Hadēs g86)
David knew beforehand [what God would do], so he [was able to] say that God would cause the Messiah to live again [after he died]. He said that God would not let the Messiah remain in the place of the dead, nor let his body decay.” (Hadēs g86)
he seynge afer spak of the resurreccioun of Crist, for nether he was left in helle, nether his fleisch saiy corrupcioun. (Hadēs g86)
Jesus must stay in heaven until the time when God will cause all that he has created to become new. Long ago God promised [to do that, and] he chose holy prophets to tell [that to people]. (aiōn g165)
Whom it bihoueth heuene to resseyue, in to the tymes of restitucioun of alle thingis, which the Lord spak bi the mouth of hise hooli prophetis fro the world. (aiōn g165)
Then, speaking very boldly, Paul and Barnabas said [to those Jewish leaders], “[We two] had to speak the message from God [about Jesus] to you [Jews] first [before we proclaim it to non-Jews, because God commanded us to do that. But] you are rejecting God’s message. [By doing that], you have shown that you are not worthy (to have eternal life/to live eternally [with God]). [Therefore], we are leaving [you, and now we] will go to the non-Jewish people [to tell them the message from God]. (aiōnios g166)
Thanne Poul and Barnabas stidfastli seiden, To you it bihofte first to speke the word of God; but for ye putten it awei, and han demyd you vnworthi to euerlastinge lijf, lo! we turnen to hethen men. (aiōnios g166)
While the non-Jewish people were listening [to those words], they began to rejoice, and they repeatedly said that the message about the Lord [Jesus] was wonderful. And all of the non-Jewish people whom [God] had chosen (to have eternal [life/to live eternally with God]) believed [the message about the Lord Jesus]. (aiōnios g166)
And hethen men herden, `and ioieden, and glorifieden the word of the Lord; and bileueden, as manye as weren bifore ordeyned to euerlastinge lijf. (aiōnios g166)
I [caused my people to know about them] long ago.” (aiōn g165)
Fro the world, the werk of the Lord is knowun to the Lord. (aiōn g165)
[People] cannot see what God is like. But ever since he created the world, by means of what he created he has clearly revealed what he is like. He has made clear to everyone that he has always been able to do very powerful things. [Therefore, we should recognize that] God is powerful, [completely different from all that he created]. So no one has a basis for saying, [“We never knew about God].” (aïdios g126)
For the vnuysible thingis of hym, that ben vndurstondun, ben biholdun of the creature of the world, bi tho thingis that ben maad, yhe, and the euerlastynge vertu of hym and the godhed, so that thei mowe not be excusid. (aïdios g126)
Also, they [chose to worship] false [gods] instead (of admitting/of choosing to believe) what is true [about] God. They worshipped and served things [that God] created instead of [worshipping and serving God himself], the one who created [everything. They did this even though] he [deserves that those he created] would forever praise him. Amen!/May it be so! (aiōn g165)
The whiche chaungiden the treuthe of God in to leesyng, and herieden and serueden a creature rathere than to the creatoure, that is blessid in to worldis of worldis. (aiōn g165)
[Specifically], some people, by continuing to doing good things, strive to be highly honored [by God] [DOU] and to receive a life that will not end. [God will reward them by enabling them] to live forever. (aiōnios g166)
sotheli to hem that ben bi pacience of good werk, glorie, and onour, and vncorrupcioun, to hem that seken euerlastynge lijf; (aiōnios g166)
He did that in order that just like people everywhere inevitably sin, [which results in their] dying [MET, PRS], people everywhere might inevitably experience God’s acting kindly towards them in a way they do not deserve [MET, PRS] by [erasing the record of their sins]. [The result is that people can] live eternally because of what Jesus Christ our Lord [did for them]. (aiōnios g166)
grace was more plenteuouse. That as synne regnede in to deth, so grace regne bi riytwisnesse in to euerlastynge lijf, bi `Crist Jhesu oure Lord. (aiōnios g166)
But you have been freed {[God] has freed you} from [letting the desire to] sin control you. You have become [as though you are] [MET] the slaves of God. So now the result is that God has caused you to completely belong to him and, as a result, you will live eternally. (aiōnios g166)
But now ye delyuered fro synne, and maad seruauntis to God, han your fruyt in to holinesse, and the ende euerlastinge lijf. (aiōnios g166)
[What people receive for] sinning [is that they are] eternally separated from God. That is [like] wages that [people receive] [MET]. But what God gives us is a gift. What he gives us is that we live eternally because of [our relationship with] (OR, because [we are united to]) Christ Jesus our Lord. (aiōnios g166)
For the wagis of synne is deth; the grace of God is euerlastynge lijf in Crist Jhesu our Lord. (aiōnios g166)
It was our ancestors, [Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, whom God chose to found our nation]. And, [most importantly], it was from us Israelites that the Messiah received his human nature. [Nevertheless, most of my fellow Israelites have rejected Christ], who is the one who controls all things! He is God, the one who is worthy that we praise him forever! This is true! (OR, Amen!) (aiōn g165)
whos ben the fadris, and of which is Crist after the fleisch, that is God aboue alle thingis, blessid in to worldis. (aiōn g165)
“Or [you should not think inwardly], ‘(Someone will have to go down and enter the place where [the spirits] of dead persons are!/Who will go down and enter the place where [the spirits] of dead persons are?)’ [RHQ]” That is to say, someone will have to [go down and] bring Christ up [from there to bring the message of salvation to us. You should not say that because Christ has already come down to save us, and has already become alive after he died]! (Abyssos g12)
or who schal go doun in to helle? that is, to ayenclepe Crist fro deth. (Abyssos g12)
God has declared and proved that all people, [both Jews and non-Jews] [MET], disobey ([him/his laws]). He has declared that because he wants to act mercifully towards us all. (eleēsē g1653)
For God closide alle thingis togidere in vnbileue, that he haue mercy on alle. (eleēsē g1653)
God [is the one who created] all things. He is also the one who [sustains all things]. The reason that he created them was that [everything he created might praise] him. May [all people] honor him forever! (May it be so!/Amen!) (aiōn g165)
For of hym, and bi hym, and in hym ben alle thingis. To hym be glorie in to worldis. Amen. (aiōn g165)
Do not let anything non-Christian determine how you should act. Instead, let God change your [way of life] by making your way of thinking new, in order that you may know what he wants you to do. That is, you will know what is good, and you will know what pleases [God], and you will know how to be all that he wants you to be. (aiōn g165)
And nyle ye be confourmyd to this world, but be ye reformed in newnesse of youre wit, that ye preue which is the wille of God, good, and wel plesynge, and parfit. (aiōn g165)
As [I] proclaim [the good message about] Jesus Christ, [I tell about God], the one who is able to strengthen you [spiritually]. I also proclaim the [truth] that was not revealed {which [God] did not reveal} in all previous ages/times (aiōnios g166)
And onour and glorie be to hym, that is myyti to conferme you bi my gospel, and prechyng of Jhesu Crist, bi the reuelacioun of mysterie holdun stylle in tymes euerlastinge; (aiōnios g166)
but which has now been {which [he] has now} revealed. [I, along with others, have proclaimed] what the prophets wrote [about Christ]. We are doing what the eternal God commanded [us(exc)/me to do]. We want [people in] all ethnic groups to know [Christ] so that they can believe [in him] and obey [him]. (aiōnios g166)
which mysterie is now maad opyn bi scripturis of prophetis, bi the comaundement of God with outen bigynnyng and endyng, to the obedience of feith in alle hethene men, the mysterie (aiōnios g166)
[I desire that by] Jesus Christ [enabling us, we] will forever praise the one who alone is God, who alone is [truly] wise. (May it be so!/Amen!) (aiōn g165)
knowun bi Jhesu Crist to God aloone wiss, to whom be onour and glorie in to worldis of worldis. Amen. (aiōn g165)
So, do you know [what God thinks] about what [RHQ] people who [IRO] consider themselves to be wise and scholars and philosophers say? [He does not pay attention to what they say, because] [RHQ] he has shown clearly that what unbelievers [think is] [IRO] wise is [not wise at all], but is really foolish. (aiōn g165)
Where is the wise man? where is the wise lawiere? where is the purchasour of this world? Whether God hath not maad the wisdom of this world fonned? (aiōn g165)
I do teach a message that people who are [spiritually] mature [consider to] be wise. But I do not teach a message that unbelievers [consider to be] wise. I also do not teach a message that unbelieving rulers in the world consider to be wise. [What they think about it does not matter], because [some day] (they will lose their power/not be ruling any more). (aiōn g165)
For we speken wisdom among perfit men, but not wisdom of this world, nether of princes of this world, that ben distried; (aiōn g165)
Instead, I teach about what God planned wisely [long ago]. It is something that people did not know about previously because [God] did not reveal it previously. But God determined before he created the world that he would greatly benefit us by his wise plan. (aiōn g165)
but we speken the wisdom of God in mysterie, `which wisdom is hid; which wisdom God bifor ordeynede bifor worldis in to oure glorie, (aiōn g165)
None of those who rule this world knew that wise plan. If they had known it, they would not have nailed our wonderful Lord to the cross. (aiōn g165)
which noon of the princes of this world knew; for if thei hadden knowe, thei schulden neuere haue crucified the Lord of glorie. (aiōn g165)
Some among you think that you are wise because unbelievers thought you were wise previously. Stop deceiving yourselves. [If you really want to be wise, by accepting what God considers to be wise] you should [be willing to let unbelievers consider that you are] foolish [IRO]. (aiōn g165)
No man disseyue hym silf. If ony man among you is seyn to be wiys in this world, be he maad a fool, that he be wijs. (aiōn g165)
So if [I, Paul, think that by] eating a certain food I might cause a fellow believer to be ruined spiritually, I will never eat such food again. I do not want to cause any fellow believer (to be ruined spiritually/to stop believing in Christ). [And you should] ([do as I do/imitate my example]). (aiōn g165)
Wherfor if mete sclaundrith my brother, Y schal neuere ete fleisch, lest Y sclaundre my brothir. (aiōn g165)
All those things [that happened to our ancestors long ago] are examples for us. [Moses] wrote those things to warn us [who are living at this time which is near the end]. We are the people for whom God has done [the things that he decided to do in] the previous periods of time. (aiōn g165)
And alle these thingis felliden to hem in figure; but thei ben writun to oure amendyng, in to whiche the endis of the worldis ben comun. (aiōn g165)
Death [APO] will not win a victory over us. Death will not be able to hurt us. (Hadēs g86)
Deth, where is thi victorie? Deth, where is thi pricke? (Hadēs g86)
[Satan, who is] the one [who rules] this world, controls the thoughts of those unbelievers. He prevents them from understanding the message about how wonderful Christ is. [They are not able to understand that] Jesus is like God [in every way]. (aiōn g165)
in which God hath blent the soulis of vnfeithful men of this world, that the liytnyng of the gospel of the glorie of Crist, which is the ymage of God, schyne not. (aiōn g165)
[I know that] all these troubles that [happen to us in this life are] not significant and will not last forever. [When we think of] the glorious things [that God is preparing] for us [to enjoy] forever [in heaven], all [our suffering now] is not important. (aiōnios g166)
But that liyt thing of oure tribulacioun that lastith now, but as it were by a moment, worchith in vs ouer mesure an euerlastynge birthin in to the heiynesse of glorie; (aiōnios g166)
That is why we say, “We will not continue thinking about [all the suffering that we] are experiencing now. Even though [we] cannot see [all the things that God has prepared for us in heaven], those are what we should be thinking about.” [That is how we should think], because [all these troubles] that [we(exc)] have [now] will last only a short time. But what [we will have in heaven], what [we] cannot see [now], will last forever. (aiōnios g166)
while that we biholden not tho thingis that ben seyn, but tho that ben not seyn. For tho thingis that ben seyn, ben but durynge for a schort tyme; but tho thingis that ben not seyn, ben euerlastynge. (aiōnios g166)
We know that [these bodies] we live in [here in this world are like] [MET] tents. [They are like temporary living/dwelling places]. [So we should not be concerned about what happens to our bodies]. We know that if we are killed {if [someone] kills us}, God will give us [permanent living places. Those permanent living places] [MET] will not be houses that people have made. They [will be new bodies in which we will live forever] in heaven. (aiōnios g166)
And we witen, that if oure ertheli hous of this dwellynge be dissoluyd, that we han a bildyng of God, an hous not maad bi hondis, euerlastynge in heuenes. (aiōnios g166)
[Those who give willingly and cheerfully will be rewarded like the man about whom] it is written {[about whom] (someone/the Psalmist) wrote} in the Scriptures, He generously [helps others], [he gives to those] who are poor. [God will remember] the good things that he did, [and reward him with] good things forever. (aiōn g165)
as it is writun, He delide abrood, he yaf to pore men, his riytwisnesse dwellith withouten ende. (aiōn g165)
God, who is the Father of our [(inc)] Lord Jesus, and who is the one [whom we should] praise forever, knows that I am not lying [about this]. (aiōn g165)
God and the fadir of oure Lord Jhesu Crist, that is blessid in to worldis, woot that Y lie not. (aiōn g165)
Christ offered himself [as a sacrifice] in order that [he might remove the guilt for] our sins. He did that in order that he might enable us to not [do the evil things that people who do not know him] do. [He did this] because God, who is our Father, wanted it. (aiōn g165)
that yaf hym silf for oure synnes, to delyuere vs fro the present wickid world, bi the wille of God and of oure fadir, (aiōn g165)
[I pray that people will] praise God forever. (May it be so!/Amen!) (aiōn g165)
to whom is worschip and glorie in to worldis of worldis. Amen. (aiōn g165)
[God] will punish eternally those who do what their self-directed natures urge them to do. But those who please [God’s] Spirit will live forever [with God] because of what [God’s] Spirit does for them. (aiōnios g166)
For he that sowith in his fleisch, of the fleisch he schal repe corrupcioun; but he that sowith in the spirit, of the spirit he schal repe euerelastynge lijf. (aiōnios g166)
[There], Christ is the supreme ruler over every powerful spirit of every level of authority. His rank is much higher than any powerful spirit can receive, not only now, but forever. (aiōn g165)
aboue ech principat, and potestat, and vertu, and domynacioun, and aboue ech name that is named, not oneli in this world, but also in the world to comynge; (aiōn g165)
You were acting in the same [evil] way as those who oppose Christ [MTY] act. That is, you were behaving in the [evil] ways [that Satan wanted you to behave]. He rules over evil spiritual beings that no person can see [MTY]. He is the spirit who now powerfully controls the people who disobey God. (aiōn g165)
in which ye wandriden sum tyme aftir the cours of this world, aftir the prince of the power of this eir, of the spirit that worchith now in to the sones of vnbileue; (aiōn g165)
in order that he might show to everyone at all times in the future that he has acted toward us in an extremely kind way because of what Christ Jesus [did for us]. (aiōn g165)
that he schulde schewe in the worldis aboue comynge the plenteuouse ritchessis of his grace in goodnesse on vs in Crist Jhesu. (aiōn g165)
and to enable everyone to understand clearly how God accomplished what he planned. God, who created everything, [has now revealed] this message, which he never revealed to anyone before. (aiōn g165)
and to liytne alle men, which is the dispensacioun of sacrament hid fro worldis in God, that made alle thingis of nouyt; (aiōn g165)
That is what God had always planned, and it is what he accomplished by what our Lord Jesus [has done]. (aiōn g165)
bi the bifore ordinaunce of worldis, which he made in Crist Jhesu oure Lord. (aiōn g165)
Because of our relationship with Christ Jesus, may all (believers/those who belong to him) praise him forever. (Amen!/May it be so!) (aiōn g165)
to hym be glorie in the chirche, and in Crist Jhesu, in to alle the generaciouns of the world of worldis. Amen. (aiōn g165)
You must do this because the fighting that we [believers] do is not only against human beings [SYN]. Instead, we are also fighting against evil spirits who rule and have authority over all that is evil [MET] in the world. And we are fighting against evil spirits who are in heavenly places (OR, everywhere). (aiōn g165)
For whi stryuyng is not to vs ayens fleisch and blood, but ayens princis and potestatis, ayens gouernours of the world of these derknessis, ayens spiritual thingis of wickidnesse, in heuenli thingis. (aiōn g165)
[So], praise God our Father forever and ever! Amen! (aiōn g165)
But to God and oure fadir be glorie in to worldis of worldis. (aiōn g165)
[We did not know this message previously; that is, God] concealed it from [the people who lived in all] the previous ages, but he has now revealed it to his people. (aiōn g165)
the priuyte, that was hid fro worldis and generaciouns. But now it is schewid to his seyntis, (aiōn g165)
[Our Lord Jesus] will forbid them from ever coming near to him and near to the glory which he has [because he is so] powerful (OR, the glory that is manifested by his power). He will cause those people to suffer forever. (aiōnios g166)
Whiche schulen suffre euere lastinge peynes, in perischinge fro the face of the Lord, and fro the glorie of his vertu, (aiōnios g166)
Our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God, our Father, loves us and encourages us and causes us to confidently expect [to receive] the eternal things that [he has promised to give to us] as a result of [Christ] acting kindly toward us in a way we did not deserve. (aiōnios g166)
And oure Lord Jhesu Crist him silf, and God oure fadir, which louyde vs, and yaf euerlastinge coumfort and good hope in grace, (aiōnios g166)
Yet Christ Jesus acted mercifully to me in order that he might demonstrate [to people that he is perfectly patient with them]. He did that by his being patient with me, one who has sinned worse than everyone else. He wanted what he did for me (to be an example/to demonstrate his patience) to people who would [later] believe in him, and as a result would live forever. (aiōnios g166)
But therfor Y haue getun merci, that Crist Jhesu schulde schewe in me first al pacience, to the enfourmyng of hem that schulen bileue to hym in to euerlastinge lijf. (aiōnios g166)
I desire that people will honor and praise the only [true] God forever! Even though no one can see him, he is the King who rules for all time, who will never die! (Amen!/That is true!) (aiōn g165)
And to the king of worldis, vndeedli and vnvysible God aloone, be onour and glorie in to worldis of worldis. Amen. (aiōn g165)
Try earnestly and with all your energy/strength [MET] to live in accordance with what you believe. [Continue to do your tasks well in order that] you will know for sure that you will live eternally. Remember that [God] chose you to [live with him], and that when many elders were listening you said strongly ([what you believe/that you trust in Christ]). (aiōnios g166)
Stryue thou a good strijf of feith, catche euerlastinge lijf, in to which thou art clepid, and hast knoulechid a good knouleching bifor many witnessis. (aiōnios g166)
He is the only one who will never die, [and he lives in heaven surrounded by] light [that is so bright that] no one can approach it! He is the one whom no person has ever seen and whom no person is able to see! My desire is that all people will honor him and that he [will rule] powerfully [MTY] forever! (May it be so!/Amen!) (aiōnios g166)
Which aloone hath vndeedlynesse, and dwellith in liyt, to which no man may come; whom no man say, nether may se; to whom glorie, and honour, and empire be with out ende. Amen. (aiōnios g166)
Tell [the believers] who are rich here in this present world that they should not be proud, and that they should not trust in their many [possessions], because they cannot be certain [how long they will have them]. Teach them that instead of [trusting in their wealth, they should trust] in God. He is the one who generously gives us everything we have in order that we may enjoy it. (aiōn g165)
Comaunde thou to the riche men of this world, that thei vndurstonde not hiyli, nether that thei hope in vncerteynte of richessis, but in the lyuynge God, that yyueth to vs alle thingis plenteuously to vse; (aiōn g165)
[God] saved us and chose us to conduct our lives in a pure way. It was not our doing good deeds/actions [that caused him to do this for us—something] that we did not deserve. Instead, before (time began/he created the world) he purposed/planned to [be kind to us] as a result of what Christ Jesus [would do for us]. (aiōnios g166)
that delyueride vs, and clepide with his hooli clepyng, not after oure werkis, but bi his purpos and grace, that is youun in Crist Jhesu bifore worldli tymes; (aiōnios g166)
Therefore I [willingly] endure all [that I am suffering] for the sake of those [whom God has] chosen. [I do this] in order that Christ Jesus will save them, too, and that they will be forever with [him in the] glorious [place where he is]. (aiōnios g166)
Therfor Y suffre alle thingis for the chosun, that also thei gete the heelthe, that is in Crist Jhesu, with heuenli glorie. (aiōnios g166)
[I say that] because Demas has left me. He wanted very much [the good things that he might enjoy] [MTY] in this world [right now], and so he went to Thessalonica [city]. Crescens [went to serve the Lord] in Galatia [province], and Titus went to Dalmatia [district]. (aiōn g165)
For Demas, louynge this world, hath forsakun me, and wente to Tessalonyk, Crescens in to Galathi, Tite in to Dalmacie; (aiōn g165)
[Therefore, I am sure that] the Lord will rescue me from everything that is truly evil and will bring me safely to heaven, where he rules. Praise him forever! (Amen!/May it be so!) (aiōn g165)
And the Lord delyueride me fro al yuel werk, and schal make me saaf in to his heuenly kingdom, to whom be glorie in to worldis of worldis. (aiōn g165)
[As a result of my doing these things, his people] confidently expect that God will cause them to live forever. God, who never lies, promised before he created the world that [his people] would live forever. (aiōnios g166)
in to the hope of euerlastinge lijf, which lijf God that lieth not, bihiyte bifore tymes of the world; (aiōnios g166)
God teaches/tells us [PRS] how to stop doing what he dislikes, and to stop desiring the things that (ungodly people/people who habitually do things that do not please God) desire [MTY]. He wants us to control our behavior and to do what is right and to do what pleases him while we live in this present age/time. (aiōn g165)
and tauyte vs, that we forsake wickidnesse, and worldli desyris, lyue sobreli, and iustli, `and piteuousli in this world, (aiōn g165)
He wanted to erase the record of our sins even though we did not deserve that, and he wanted us to receive all that [God desires] to give us. [These are the things that we] confidently expect to receive when we live [with him] eternally. (aiōnios g166)
that we iustified bi his grace, ben eiris by hope of euerlastinge lijf. (aiōnios g166)
Perhaps the reason that [God permitted] Onesimus to be separated from {to leave} you for a little while was that [he would believe in Christ, and as a result] you would have him (back/with you) forever! (aiōnios g166)
For perauenture therfor he departide fro thee for a tyme, that thou schuldist resseyue hym with outen ende; (aiōnios g166)
But now when this final age [is beginning], God has communicated to us [just once] by means of what (his Son/the man who was also God) [said and did. God] appointed him in order that he would possess everything [that truly belongs to God. God also appointed] him in order that he would create the universe. (aiōn g165)
laste in these daies he hath spoke to vs bi the sone; whom he hath ordeyned eir of alle thingis, and bi whom he made the worldis. (aiōn g165)
But on the other hand, [in the Scriptures it is written that God said] this to his Son: You [(sg)] who are [also] God will rule forever [MTY], and you will reign righteously over your kingdom [MTY]. (aiōn g165)
But to the sone he seith, God, thi trone is in to the world of world; a yerde of equite is the yerde of thi rewme; (aiōn g165)
And he also said [to Christ what the Psalmist wrote] in another Scripture passage, You are a priest eternally just like Melchizedek was a priest. (aiōn g165)
As `in anothere place he seith, Thou art a prest with outen ende, aftir the ordre of Melchisedech. (aiōn g165)
By becoming (all [that] God intended him to be/perfect), [he has now] become fully qualified [to be our Supreme Priest. As a result, he is the one who saves] eternally all who obey him. (aiōnios g166)
and he brouyt to the ende is maad cause of euerlastinge heelthe to alle that obeischen to hym, (aiōnios g166)
[I am referring to the teaching about what] various [Jewish and Christian] rituals for purifying people [signify. I am referring to the teaching about how elders enable people to receive spiritual gifts by] laying hands [on them] [MTY]. [I am referring to the teaching that God will] ([cause] those who have died to live again/raise people from the dead). And [I am referring to the teaching that God] will judge [some people and punish them] eternally. (aiōnios g166)
and of teching of baptimys, and of leiynge on of hondis, and of risyng ayen of deed men, and of the euerlastinge doom. (aiōnios g166)
They have experienced that God’s message is good. And by what they have experienced [now], they know how [God will work] powerfully in the future. If those people reject [the message about Christ], it will not be possible for anyone to persuade them to turn away from their sinful behavior again! (aiōn g165)
and netheles han tastid the good word of God, and the vertues of the world to comynge, (aiōn g165)
Jesus went [into God’s presence] ahead of us [(inc)] to [help] us when he became a Supreme Priest eternally in the way that Melchizedek was a Supreme Priest. (aiōn g165)
where the bifore goere, Jhesus, that is maad bischop with outen ende bi the ordre of Melchisedech, entride for vs. (aiōn g165)
[We know this] since [God] confirmed it in [the Scripture passage in which he said to his Son], You [(sg)] are a priest eternally just like Melchizedek was a priest. (aiōn g165)
For he witnessith, That thou art a preest with outen ende, bi the ordre of Melchisedech; (aiōn g165)
However, when he [appointed Christ to be a priest], it was by these words that [the Psalmist wrote in Scripture]: The Lord has solemnly declared [to the Messiah], —and he will not change his mind— “You will be a priest forever!” (aiōn g165)
but this preest with an ooth, bi hym that seide `to hym, The Lord swoor, and it schal not rewe hym, Thou art a preest with outen ende, bi the ordre of Melchisedech; (aiōn g165)
But because [Jesus] lives eternally, he will continue to be a Supreme Priest forever. (aiōn g165)
but this, for he dwellith with outen ende, hath an euerlastynge preesthod. (aiōn g165)
[We need a Supreme Priest like] him, because in the laws [that God gave Moses] [PRS] the ones who would be appointed to be priests would be men who tended [to sin easily]. But [God] solemnly [declared] [PRS] after [he had given] his laws [to Moses] that [he would appoint] (his Son/the man who is also God) [to be a Supreme Priest. Now] ([his Son/the man who is also God]) has forever become all that God intends him to be. (aiōn g165)
And the lawe ordeynede men prestis hauynge sijknesse; but the word of swering, which is after the lawe, ordeynede the sone perfit with outen ende. (aiōn g165)
[When a Supreme Priest goes into the inner room in the tent each year, he takes] goats’ blood and calves’ blood [to offer as a sacrifice]. But Christ did not [do that. It was as though] he went into that very holy place only once, taking his own blood with him. By doing that, he eternally redeemed us. (aiōnios g166)
not of this makyng, nether bi blood of goot buckis, or of calues, but bi his owne blood, entride onys in to the hooli thingis, that weren foundun bi an euerlastinge redempcioun. (aiōnios g166)
[So, because we know what] Christ [accomplished when] his blood flowed [when he died for us] [PRS, MTY], we will be very certain that we are not guilty [of having] done those things [that those who are spiritually] dead do. [As a result], we can serve God, who is all-powerful. [The priests always offer to God animals] with no defects. Similarly, when Christ offered himself [as a sacrifice] to God, he was sinless [MET]. He did that as a result of [God’s] eternal Spirit [helping him]. (aiōnios g166)
hou myche more the blood of Crist, which bi the Hooli Goost offride hym silf vnwemmyd to God, schal clense oure conscience fro deed werkis, to serue God that lyueth? (aiōnios g166)
[By] dying [for us], [Christ] ([redeemed/] free from the penalty for their sins) even those who disobeyed the [conditions of] (OR, [during the time of]) the first covenant. So, [because] no [one could be made perfect by obeying the old covenant], now Christ establishes [between God and people] a new covenant. He does that in order that those whom God has chosen may eternally have [the blessings that God] has promised them. (aiōnios g166)
And therfor he is a mediatour of the newe testament, that bi deth fallinge bitwixe, in to redempcioun of tho trespassyngis that weren vndur the formere testament, thei that ben clepid take the biheest of euerlastinge eritage. (aiōnios g166)
[If that were so], he would have needed to suffer [and shed his blood] repeatedly since [the time when God] created the world. But instead, in this final age, [Christ] has appeared once in order that by sacrificing himself he could cause [that people] no longer will be [punished for their] sins. (aiōn g165)
ellis it bihofte hym to suffre ofte fro the bigynnyng of the world; but now onys in the ending of worldis, to distruccioun of synne bi his sacrifice he apperide. (aiōn g165)
It is because we trust in God that we understand that he formed the universe by commanding [it to exist]. The result is that the things that we see were not made from things that already existed. (aiōn g165)
Bi feith we vndurstonden that the worldis weren maad bi Goddis word, that visible thingis weren maad of vnuysible thingis. (aiōn g165)
Jesus Christ [is] the same now as he was previously, and he will be the same forever. (aiōn g165)
Jhesu Crist, yistirdai, and to dai, he is also into worldis. (aiōn g165)
Jesus [provides for us], [protects us, and guides us as] a great shepherd does for his sheep [MET]. And God, who gives us [inner] peace, brought our Lord Jesus back to life. By doing that, God ratified his eternal covenant with us by the blood [that flowed from Jesus when he died on the] cross. (aiōnios g166)
And God of pees, that ladde out fro deth the greet scheepherd of scheep, in the blood of euerlastinge testament, oure Lord Jhesu Crist, (aiōnios g166)
So I pray that God will equip you with everything good [that you need in order] that you may do the things that he desires. May he accomplish in our lives whatever he considers pleasing as a result of Jesus Christ [equipping us]. May Jesus Christ be praised forever. (Amen!/May it be so!) (aiōn g165)
schape you in al good thing, that ye do the wille of hym; and he do in you that thing that schal plese bifor hym, bi Jhesu Crist, to whom be glorie in to worldis of worldis. Amen. (aiōn g165)
[Just like a fire damages a forest] [MET], when we say things that are evil, [we harm many people]. What we say [MTY] reveals that we are very evil. What we say contaminates/defiles everything that we think and do [PRS, MET]. [Just like a flame of fire easily] causes [the whole surrounding area] [MET] to burn, what we say [MTY] can cause [others] to want to do evil. It is the devil himself [MTY] who causes us to say evil things. (Geenna g1067)
And oure tunge is fier, the vniuersite of wickidnesse. The tunge is ordeyned in oure membris, which defoulith al the bodi; and it is enflawmed of helle, and enflawmeth the wheel of oure birthe. (Geenna g1067)
[I ask you to do this, because you now have] a new life [MET]. It was not [by means of] something that will perish that you received this new life. Instead, it was [by means of] something that will last forever; that is, by believing the life-giving and enduring message of God. (aiōn g165)
And be ye borun ayen, not of corruptible seed, `but vncorruptible, bi the word of lyuynge God, and dwellynge in to with outen ende. (aiōn g165)
but God’s message endures/lasts forever. This message [that endures/lasts] is the message [about Christ] that was proclaimed to you. (aiōn g165)
but the word of the Lord dwellith with outen ende. And this is the word, that is prechid to you. (aiōn g165)
Those who speak [to the congregation] should do that as though they are speaking the [very] words of God. Those who do kind things to others should do it with the strength that God gives them, in order that God may be honored by all this {that all this may honor God} as Jesus Christ [enables us to do it. I pray that we will] praise [God] (OR, [Jesus]) and allow him [to rule over us] forever. (May it be so!/Amen!) (aiōn g165)
If ony man spekith, speke he as the wordis of God; if ony man mynystrith, as of the vertu which God mynystrith; that God be onourid in alle thingis bi Jhesu Crist oure Lord, to whom is glorie and lordschip in to worldis `of worldis. (aiōn g165)
God is the one who kindly helps us in every [situation], and [he is the one] who chose us to share his eternal glory/greatness [in heaven] because of our relationship with Christ. [And] after you have suffered for a while [because of things that people do to harm you], he will remove your spiritual defects/imperfections, he will strengthen you [spiritually] [DOU], and he will support you [emotionally]. (aiōnios g166)
And God of al grace, that clepide you in to his euerlastinge glorie, you suffrynge a litil, he schal performe, and schal conferme, and schal make sad. (aiōnios g166)
[I pray/desire that] he will [rule] powerfully forever. (May it be so!/Amen!) (aiōn g165)
To hym be glorie and lordschip, in to worldis of worldis. Amen. (aiōn g165)
and [God] will very wholeheartedly welcome you into the place where our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will rule [his people] forever. (aiōnios g166)
For thus the entryng in to euerlastynge kyngdom of oure Lord and sauyour Jhesu Crist, schal be mynystrid to you plenteuousli. (aiōnios g166)
God destroyed [LIT] the angels who sinned. He threw them into the worst place in hell and imprisoned them [there] in darkness in order to keep them there until he judges [and punishes them]. (Tartaroō g5020)
For if God sparide not aungels synnynge, but bitook hem to be turmentid, and to be drawun doun with boondis of helle in to helle, to be kept in to dom; (Tartaroō g5020)
[Instead, live in such a manner that you] experience more and more our Savior Jesus Christ being kind [to you], and that you get to know him [better and better]. 2 Peter 3:18b [I pray/desire that Jesus Christ] will be honored both now and forever! (aiōn g165)
But wexe ye in the grace and the knowyng of oure Lord Jhesu Crist and oure Sauyour; to hym be glorie now and in to the dai of euerlastyngnesse. Amen. (aiōn g165)
Because he came here [to the earth] and we have seen him, we proclaim to you clearly that the one whom we have seen is the [one who] has always lived. He was [previously] with his Father in heaven, but he came to live among us. (aiōnios g166)
and the lijf is schewid. And we sayn, and we witnessen, and tellen to you the euerlastynge lijf, that was anentis the fadir, and apperide to vs. (aiōnios g166)
The [godless people in] the world [MTY], along with what they desire, will disappear, but those who do what God wants [them to do] will live forever! You know that it is now the final period of this age when there are liars who deny that Jesus is God’s Chosen One. But you have the power of God’s Spirit and you know what is true and what is false. So continue to live according to the true message that you heard when you began to believe in Christ, in order that you may continue to live united both to God’s Son and to the Father. (aiōn g165)
And the world schal passe, and the coueitise of it; but he that doith the wille of God, dwellith with outen ende. (aiōn g165)
And what God told us is that [he will cause us] to live forever! (aiōnios g166)
And this is the biheeste, that he bihiyte to vs euerlastinge lijf. (aiōnios g166)
Those who hate [any of] their fellow believers, [God considers] [MET] them [to be] murderers. And you know that no murderer has eternal life. (aiōnios g166)
Ech man that hatith his brother, is a man sleere; and ye witen, that ech mansleere hath not euerlastinge lijf dwellinge in hym. (aiōnios g166)
This is what [God] says [to us]: “I have given you eternal life!” We will live forever if we have a close relationship with his Son. (aiōnios g166)
And this is the witnessyng, for God yaf to you euerlastinge lijf, and this lijf is in his sone. (aiōnios g166)
I have written this [letter] to you who believe that Jesus is [MTY] (God’s Son/the one who is also God) in order that you may know that you have eternal life. (aiōnios g166)
I write to you these thingis, that ye wite, that ye han euerlastynge lijf, which bileuen in the name of Goddis sone. (aiōnios g166)
We also know that (God’s Son/the one who is also God) has come [to us], and [we know] that he has enabled us to know God, the one who is really/truly God. So now we have a close relationship with [God because] we belong to Jesus Christ, the one who is the (Son of/man who is also) God. Jesus Christ is truly God, and [he is the one who enables us to have] eternal life. (aiōnios g166)
And we witen, that the sone of God cam in fleisch, and yaf to vs wit, that we know veri God, and be in the veri sone of hym. This is veri God, and euerlastynge lijf. (aiōnios g166)
All of us [believe God’s] true message. It is in our ([inner beings/hearts]) and we will continue [to believe it] forever! (aiōn g165)
for the treuthe that dwellith in you, and with you schal be with outen ende. (aiōn g165)
And there were [many] angels to [whom God assigned/gave positions of authority in heaven]. But many did not continue to rule with authority [in those positions]. Instead, they abandoned the place that [God] gave them to live [in heaven]. So God has put those angels in chains forever in the darkness [in hell. They will stay there] until the great day when [God] will judge [and punish] them. (aïdios g126, questioned)
And he reseruede vndur derknesse aungels, that kepten not her prinshod, but forsoken her hous, in to the dom of the greet God, in to euerlastynge bondis. (aïdios g126)
Similarly, the people who lived [MTY] in Sodom and Gomorrah [cities] and the nearby cities committed sexual immorality. They sought all kinds of sexual relations that differ [from what God permits. So God destroyed their cities. What happened to those people and those angels] shows that [God will] punish [people, such as the ones who teach false doctrine], in the eternal fire [of hell]. (aiōnios g166, questioned)
As Sodom, and Gomorre, and the nyy coostid citees, that in lijk maner diden fornycacioun, and yeden awei aftir othir fleisch, and ben maad ensaumple, suffrynge peyne of euerelastinge fier. (aiōnios g166)
They are [restless] [MET], [like] the pounding waves of the ocean. [Just like] waves [produce foul-smelling] foam on the shore, [those teachers of false doctrine do] shameful [MTY] [deeds. We cannot depend/rely on them to show us how to conduct our lives] [MET], [just like we cannot depend/rely on] (meteors/falling stars) [to show us the way when we travel]. [God] has reserved intense darkness for them forever [in hell]. (aiōn g165, questioned)
wawis of the woode see, fomynge out her confusiouns; errynge sterris, to whiche the tempest of derknessis is kept with outen ende. (aiōn g165)
Keep conducting your lives in [a way that is appropriate for those whom] God loves. Keep constantly expecting that our Lord Jesus Christ will [act] mercifully toward you. Keep expecting that until [the time when we begin] living eternally [with him]. (aiōnios g166)
and kepe you silf in the loue of God, and abide ye the merci of oure Lord Jhesu Crist in to lijf euerlastynge. (aiōnios g166)
He is the only true God. He has saved us as a result of what Jesus Christ our Lord [did for us]. God was glorious and great and mighty and he [ruled] with great authority before time began. [He is still like that], and [he will remain like that] forever! (Amen!/That is true!) (aiōn g165)
bi Jhesu Crist oure Lord, be glorie, and magnefiyng, empire, and power, bifore alle worldis, `and now and in to alle worldis of worldis. Amen. (aiōn g165)
He is [the one who] has caused us to become people whose lives God rules, and he has made us to be priests [who serve] God his Father. [As a result of this, we acknowledge that] Jesus Christ is eternally divine and eternally powerful. (Amen!/That is true!) (aiōn g165)
and made vs a kyngdom, and preestis to God and to his fader; to hym be glorie and empire in to worldis of worldis. (aiōn g165)
I am the living one. Although I died, I am alive again and will live forever! I have [the power to cause people] to die, and I have authority over the place where all the dead people [are]. (aiōn g165, Hadēs g86)
and Y am alyue, and Y was deed; and lo! Y am lyuynge in to worldis of worldis, and Y haue the keyes of deth and of helle. (aiōn g165, Hadēs g86)
The living [creatures praise], honor [DOU], and thank the one who sits on the throne, the one who lives forever. (aiōn g165)
And whanne tho foure beestis yauen glorie, and honour, and blessing to hym that sat on the trone, that lyueth in to worldis of worldis, (aiōn g165)
Whenever they do that, the 24 elders (prostrate themselves/kneel down) before the one who sits on the throne, and they worship him, the one who lives forever. They lay their crowns in front of the throne and sing: (aiōn g165)
the foure and twenti eldre men fellen doun bifor hym that sat on the trone, and worschipiden hym that lyueth in to worldis of worldis. And thei casten her corouns bifor the trone, and seiden, (aiōn g165)
I also heard every creature that is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and on the ocean, every creature in all those places, saying (OR, singing): “We must forever praise and honor the one who sits on the throne and the one who is like a lamb, May they reign with complete power forever!” (aiōn g165)
And ech creature that is in heuene, and that is on erthe, and vndur erthe, and the see, and whiche thingis ben in it, Y herde alle seiynge, To hym that sat in the trone, and to the lomb, blessyng, and onour, and glorie, and power, in to worldis of worldis. (aiōn g165)
This time I saw a pale horse [come out]. The one who sat on it is named ‘[The one who causes] death [PRS]’, and [the one that is named ‘The place where dead people go’] accompanied him. [God] gave them authority over one quarter of the people on earth to incite them to kill each other with weapons [SYN], and also authority to kill them (by [causing them to] starve, by [their causing them to become] sick from epidemics, and by [their causing them to be attacked by] wild animals. (Hadēs g86)
And lo! a pale hors; and the name was Deth to hym that sat on hym, and helle suede hym. And power was youun to hym on foure partis of the erthe, for to sle with swerd, and with hungur, and with deth, and with beestis of the erthe. (Hadēs g86)
They said, “May it be so! [We(exc)] praise, thank, and honor [you], our [(exc)] God, forever! [We(exc) acknowledge] that you are completely wise, the powerful one, who is forever able to accomplish everything he wants to. (May everyone acknowlege that it is so!/Amen!)” (aiōn g165)
and seiden, Amen! Blessyng, and clerenesse, and wisdom, and doynge of thankingis, and honour, and vertu, and strengthe to oure God, in to worldis of worldis. Amen. (aiōn g165)
The fifth angel blew his trumpet. Then I saw [an evil angel. He was like] a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. He was given {[Someone] gave him} the key to the shaft [that descended] ([to] the underworld/[to] the deep dark pit). (Abyssos g12)
And the fyuethe aungel trumpide; and Y say, that a sterre hadde falle doun fro heuene in to erthe; and the keye of the pit of depnesse was youun to it. (Abyssos g12)
When he opened that shaft, smoke arose from it like smoke from a huge burning furnace. The smoke prevented [anyone from seeing] the sky and the light of the sun. (Abyssos g12)
And it openede the pit of depnesse, and a smoke of the pit stiede vp, as the smoke of a greet furneis; and the sunne was derkid, and the eir, of the smoke of the pit. (Abyssos g12)
The king who ruled over them was the angel of the underworld. His name in the Hebrew language is Abaddon. In the Greek language it is Apollyon. [Both of] those names [mean ‘Destroyer’]. (Abyssos g12)
And thei hadden on hem a kyng, the aungel of depnesse, to whom the name bi Ebrew is Laabadon, but bi Greek Appollion, and bi Latyn `he hath a name `Extermynans, that is, a distriere. (Abyssos g12)
and he asked the one who lives forever, the one who created heaven and everything that is in it, [who created] the earth and everything that is in it, and [who created] the ocean and everything that is in it, to affirm that what he said was true. [He said that he] would surely no longer delay [what he had planned to do]. (aiōn g165)
and swoor bi hym that lyueth in to worldis of worldis, that maad of nouyt heuene, and tho thingis whiche ben in it, and the erthe, and tho thingis that ben in it, and the see, and tho thingis that ben in it, that time schal no more be. (aiōn g165)
When they have finished proclaiming [to people the message from God], the beast that comes up (from the underworld/from the deep dark pit) will attack them, overcome them, and kill them. (Abyssos g12)
And whanne thei schulen ende her witnessing, the beeste that stieth vp fro depnesse, schal make batel ayens hem, and schal ouercome hem, and schal sle hem. (Abyssos g12)
Then the seventh angel blew [his trumpet]. Angels in heaven shouted loudly, “Our Lord [God] and the Messiah [whom he has appointed] can now govern [everyone in] [MTY] the world, and they will continue to rule people forever!” (aiōn g165)
And the seuenthe aungel trumpide, and grete voicis weren maad in heuene, and seiden, The rewme of this world is maad `oure Lordis, and of Crist, his sone; and he schal regne in to worldis of worldis. (aiōn g165)
I saw another angel that was flying between the sky and heaven. He was bringing [God’s] eternal good message [to earth], in order that he might proclaim it to people who live on the earth. He will proclaim it to every nation, [to every] tribe, [to speakers of every] language [MTY], and [to every] people-[group]. (aiōnios g166)
And Y say another aungel, fliynge bi the myddil of heuene, hauynge an euerlastinge gospel, that he schulde preche to men sittynge on erthe, and on ech folk, and lynage, and langage, and puple; (aiōnios g166)
The smoke [from the fire] that torments them will rise forever. [They will] be tormented {[God will] torment them} continually, day and night. [That is what will happen to] the people who worship the beast and its image and who allow its name to be marked on them {allow [its agent] to mark them with its name}.” (aiōn g165)
And the smoke of her turmentis schal stie vp in to the worldis of worldis; nether thei han reste dai and niyt, whiche worschipiden the beeste and his ymage, and yf ony man take the carect of his name. (aiōn g165)
One of the four living [creatures] gave [each of] the seven angels a golden bowl, filled with [wine/liquid. That wine/liquid symbolized] that God, who lives forever, would severely punish [rebellious people]. (aiōn g165)
And oon of the foure beestis yaf to the seuene aungels seuene goldun viols, ful of the wraththe of God, that lyueth in to worldis of worldis. (aiōn g165)
The beast that you saw [lived] previously. Eventually God will destroy him, but now he is dead. He is [about to] come up (from the underworld/from the deep dark pit). [When] the beast who had previously lived, and who then had died, reappears, the people who live on the earth will be amazed. [They are people whose] names were not in the book in which are written the names of people [who will] have eternal life. [The angels have been writing those names in a list] (from the beginning of the world/from the time when the world began). (Abyssos g12)
The beeste which thou seist, was, and is not; and sche schal stie fro depnesse, and sche schal go `in to perisching. And men dwellinge in erthe schulen wondre, whos names ben not writun in the book of lijf fro the makinge of the world, seynge the beeste, that was, and is not. (Abyssos g12)
[The crowd] shouted a second time saying: (Hallelujah!/Praise God!) The smoke of the fire that is burning the cities will rise forever! (aiōn g165)
And eft thei seiden, Alleluya. And the smoke of it stieth vp, in to worldis of worldis. (aiōn g165)
The beast and the false prophet were captured {[He] captured the beast and the false prophet}. The false prophet is the one who had performed miracles in the beast’s presence. By doing that he had deceived the people who had accepted the beast’s mark [on their foreheads] and who worshipped its image. The beast and the false prophet were thrown {[He] threw the beast and the one who falsely said that he spoke messages that came directly from God} alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur. (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
And the beeste was cauyt, and with hir the false prophete, that made signes bifor hir; in whiche he disseyuede hem that token the carect of the beeste, and that worschipiden the ymage of it. These tweyne weren sent quyke in to the pool of fier, brennynge with brymstoon. (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
I saw an angel coming down from heaven. He had the key to the deep dark pit, and he was carrying a large chain in his hand. (Abyssos g12)
And Y say an aungel comynge doun fro heuene, hauynge the keie of depnesse, and a greet chayne in his hoond. (Abyssos g12)
The angel threw him into the deep dark pit. He shut [the door of the pit], locked it, and sealed it [to prevent anyone from opening it]. He did that in order that Satan might no longer deceive [the people of the] nations [MTY], until those 1,000 years are ended. After that [time], Satan must be released {[God/God’s angel] must release Satan} for a short time [in order that he can do what God has planned]. (Abyssos g12)
And he sente hym `in to depnesse, and closide on hym, that he disseyue no more the folkis, til a thousynde yeeris be fillid. Aftir these thingis it bihoueth hym to be vnboundun a litil tyme. (Abyssos g12)
The devil, who had deceived those people, will be thrown {[God’s angel] will throw the devil, who had deceived those people} into the lake of burning sulfur. [This is the same lake] into which both the beast and the false prophet had been [thrown] {[he] had [thrown] both the beast and the false prophet}. [As a result], they will continually suffer severely forever. (aiōn g165, Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
And the deuel, that disseyuede hem, was sent in to the pool of fier and of brymston, where bothe the beeste and fals prophetis schulen be turmentid dai and niyt, in to worldis of worldis. Amen. (aiōn g165, Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
[The people whose bodies were buried in the] sea [became alive again in order to stand before God’s throne]. Everyone who had been buried on the land (OR, Every person who was waiting in the place where dead people stay) [became alive again, in order to stand before the throne]. [God] judged each one of them according to what each one had done. (Hadēs g86)
And the see yaf his deed men, that weren in it; and deth and helle yauen her deed men, that weren in hem. And it was demed of ech, aftir the werkis of hem. (Hadēs g86)
All the unbelievers [PRS, MTY] —those who had been in the place where they waited after they died— [were thrown into the burning lake]. The burning lake is [the place in which people] die the second time. (Hadēs g86, Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
And helle and deth weren sent in to a poole of fier. `This is the secunde deth. (Hadēs g86, Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
The people whose [names] [MTY] are not in the book, the one [where God] has written [the names of people who] have [eternal] life, [were also thrown] {([God/God’s angel]) threw them also} [into the lake] of fire. (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
And he that was not foundun writun in the book of lijf, was sent in to the pool of fier. (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
But those who are cowardly, those who do not believe [in me], those [who do] detestable things, those who are murderers, those who sin sexually, those who commit sorcery, those who worship idols, and every liar, will [all suffer] in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. [Anyone who suffers in that lake] will be dying the second time.” (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
But to ferdful men, and vnbileueful, and cursid, and manquelleris, and fornycatouris, and to witchis, and worschiperis of idols, and to alle lieris, the part of hem shal be in the pool brennynge with fier and brymstoon, that is the secounde deth. (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
There will never again be night. [God’s servants] will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, because the Lord God will shine his light upon them. And they will rule forever. (aiōn g165)
And niyt schal no more be, and thei schulen not haue nede to the liyt of lanterne, nethir to liyt of sunne; for the Lord God schal lyytne hem, and thei schulen regne in to worldis of worldis. (aiōn g165)
Questioned verse translations do not contain Aionian Glossary words, but may wrongly imply eternal or Hell
My [committing adultery] would [produce in me a fire like] [MET] the fire that burns people in hell, and it would burn up everything that I own. (questioned)
If you go into houses of women who are like that, you will die [when you are still young]; the road [to their houses] leads to hell. (questioned)
They will look around the land and see only trouble/distress and darkness and things that cause them to despair. And [then] they will be thrown into the very black darkness [of hell]. (questioned)
Many of those who have died [EUP] will become alive again. Some of them will live eternally [with God], and some will be eternally shamed/disgraced [in hell]. (questioned)
“As for me, I [am not very important, because] I baptize you [only] with water. I [baptize you] because of your feeling sorry that you have sinned. But someone else will come soon who is very great; [he will do powerful deeds] (OR, [act powerfully]). [Because he is] superior to me, I am not worthy [even to do a menial task for him, such as] to carry his sandals. He will put [his] Holy Spirit [within] you [to truly change] the way you live [MET], and [he will judge others of you and punish you in] the fire [in hell]. (questioned)
“[Going to] where people live eternally [with God in heaven] is difficult. [It is like] going along a narrow road [PRS, MET] that leads to a narrow gate. Not many people find that way. [The way] that most [people take] is easy, [but it results in their being punished] {[God punishing them]} [in hell. That way is like a] wide road that people walk on [PRS, MET] until they reach the wide gate, but that road and that gate lead to where [they] will be destroyed {[God] will destroy them}. Many people enter that gate. So I [am telling you to leave the wide road and] enter the narrow gate [to heaven].” (questioned)
[And] all the trees that do not produce good fruit are chopped down and burned in a fire {people chop them down and burn them in a fire} [to get rid of them]. [Similarly], those who falsely claim to be prophets [will be thrown] {[God will throw false prophets]} [into the fires of hell]. (questioned)
But [the Jews] [IDM] [who should have allowed] God to rule over them will be sent to [hell, where there is] total darkness. And as a result, they will weep [because of their suffering] and will grind their teeth [because they will have severe pain] [MTY].” (questioned)
“You [people who live in] Chorazin [city] [MTY] and you [people who live in] Bethsaida [city] [MTY] will suffer terribly in hell! [I] did great miracles in your [cities, but you did not turn from your sinful behavior]. If the miracles that I performed in your [cities] had been done in [the ancient cities of] Tyre and Sidon, the [wicked people who lived there] long ago would have sat in ashes, wearing coarse cloth [to show that they were sorry for their sins]. (questioned)
They will throw those people into the fires of [hell]. There those people will weep and grind their teeth [because of the great pain that they are suffering]. (questioned)
They will throw the wicked people into the fire [in hell]. And those wicked people will weep and gnash their teeth [because of the intense pain they are suffering].” (questioned)
Do not pay any attention to [the Pharisees]. They [do not help people who do not know God’s truth] to [understand it, just like] blind guides [do not help] blind [people to perceive where they should go] [MET]. If a blind person [tries to] lead [another] blind person, they will both fall into a big hole [MET]. [Similarly, both the Pharisees and their disciples will end up in hell].” (questioned)
In the same way [that shepherds do not want one of] their [sheep to stray away], so [God], your Father in heaven, does not want [even] one of these children to go to hell.” (questioned)
John replied to them all, “No, [I am not]. I used [only] water when I baptized you. But [the Messiah] will soon come! He is far greater than I am. [He is so great that] I am not worthy to [be like his slave and] untie his sandals [MET] [like] a slave would do! He will put [his] Holy Spirit within [MTY] you [to truly change your lives], and [he will judge others of you and punish you in] the fire [MET] [in hell]. (questioned)
Not one! But, on the contrary, some of this crowd [have believed in him]. They do not know [the true teachings of] our laws! They will go to hell [for listening to him]!” (questioned)
But Peter said to him, “May you [(sg)] and your money go to hell, because you [mistakenly] think that you can buy [from us] what God [alone] gives to [people] (questioned)
If [the things that we have taught] are not valuable and long-lasting [MET], [we will not get a reward]. We will be saved {[God] will save us} [from hell], but [that is all that we will get. We will be like a man who] escapes from a fire [without saving any of his possessions]. (questioned)
And those people who died [EUP] [while they were trusting] in Christ will go to hell. (questioned)
To those who [are on the way to hell, our message is like] [MET] a foul smell [because it is about dying] and being separated from God forever. But, to those [on the way to heaven, the message that we teach is like] a pure fragrant smell, [because we tell them] that they will live [forever with God. As we think about that, we think] (no one is able [to do] such important work [for God!]/how can anyone be able [to do] such important work [for God]?) [RHQ] (questioned)
And by doing wicked [things], he will completely deceive those who will [certainly] (perish/go to hell). [He will deceive them] because they will have refused to love the true [message]. So they will not be saved {God will not save them}. (questioned)
These [teachers who each false things mislead/deceive people by promising what they cannot do], as [MET] dried-up springs [mislead/deceive people by causing them to expect to get water from them]. They [mislead/deceive people] [MET] just like clouds that are blown along by strong winds [mislead/deceive people by causing them to expect rain, but no rain falls. Therefore], God has reserved the darkness of hell [for those teachers of false doctrines]. (questioned)

ETT > Aionian Verses: 264, Questioned: 21
EWY > Aionian Verses: 264