< Mark 13 >

1 While Jesus was leaving the Temple [area], one of his disciples said to him, “Teacher, look at how marvelous [these] huge stones [in the walls are] and how wonderful [these] buildings [are]!”
И кад излажаше из цркве рече Му један од ученика Његових: Учитељу! Гле какво је камење, и каква грађевина!
2 Jesus said to him, “[Yes], these buildings that you are looking [at] [RHQ] [are wonderful], but I [want to tell you something about] them. They will [soon] be destroyed {[Foreign invaders] will destroy [them]} [completely, with the result that] no stone here [in this Temple area] will be left on top of another stone.”
И одговарајући Исус рече му: Видиш ли ову велику грађевину? Ни камен на камену неће овде остати који се неће разметнути.
3 After they arrived on Olive [Tree] Hill across [the valley] from the Temple, Jesus sat down. When Peter, James, John, and Andrew were alone with him, they asked him,
И кад сеђаше на гори Маслинској према цркви, питаху Га самог Петар и Јаков и Јован и Андрија:
4 “Tell us, when will [that] happen [to the buildings of the Temple? Tell us what will happen that will show us that all these things that God has planned] are about to be finished {that [God] is about to finish all these things [that he has planned]}.”
Кажи нам кад ће то бити? И какав ће знак бити кад ће се то све свршити?
5 Jesus replied to them, “[I cannot give you a simple answer to your questions. All I will say is], beware that no one deceives you [concerning what will happen]!
А Исус одговарајући им поче говорити: Чувајте се да вас ко не превари.
6 Many people will come and say (that I sent them/that they have my authority) [MTY]. They will say, ‘I am [the Messiah]!’ They will deceive many people.
Јер ће многи доћи у моје име говорећи: Ја сам; и многе ће преварити.
7 Whenever people tell you about wars [that are close] or wars that are far away, do not be troubled. [God has said] that those things must happen. [But when they do happen, do not think] that [God] will finish all [that he has planned] at that time!
А кад чујете ратове и гласове о ратовима, не плашите се; јер треба да то буде; али то још није последак.
8 [Groups who live in various] countries will fight each other, and various governments will fight each other. There will also be [big] earthquakes in various places; and there will be famines. Yet, [when these things happen, people will have only just begun to suffer. The first things that they suffer will be like] the first pains a woman [suffers] who is about to bear a child. [They will suffer much more after that].
Устаће народ на народ и царство на царство; и земља ће се трести по свету; и биће глади и буне. То је почетак страдања.
9 Be ready for [what people will do to you at that time]. Because [you believe in] me, they will arrest you and put you on trial before the religious councils. (In the synagogues/In the Jewish meeting places), you will be beaten {others will beat you}. You will be put {[People will put] you} [on trial] in the presence of high government authorities. As a result, you will be able to tell them [about me].
А ви се чувајте; јер ће вас предавати у судове и по зборницама биће вас, и пред краљеве и цареве изводиће вас мене ради за сведочанство њима.
10 My good message must be proclaimed {[You] must proclaim my good message} to [people in] all people-groups before [God finishes all that he has planned].
И у свим народима треба да се најпре проповеди јеванђеље.
11 And when people arrest you in order to prosecute you [because you believe in me], do not worry before that happens about what you will say. Instead, say what [God] puts into your mind at that time. Then it will not be [just] you who will be speaking. It will be the Holy Spirit [who will be speaking through you].
А кад вас поведу да предају, не брините се унапред шта ћете говорити, нити мислите; него шта вам се да у онај час оно говорите; јер ви нећете говорити него Дух Свети.
12 [Other evil things will happen]: People [who do not believe in me] will (betray/help others seize) their brothers [and sisters] in order that [the government] can execute them. Parents [will betray] their children, and children will betray their parents so that [the government] will kill their parents.
И предаће брат брата на смрт и отац сина, и устаће деца на родитеље и побиће их.
13 [In general], you will be hated by most [HYP] people {most [HYP] people will hate you} because [you believe in] me. But all you who continue [to trust in me strongly] until your life is finished will be saved {[God] will save all you who continue [to trust in me strongly] until your life ends}.
И сви ће омрзнути на вас имена мог ради. Али који претрпи до краја благо њему.
14 [During that time] the disgusting [thing/person that the prophet Daniel described] will enter the Temple. It/He will defile [the Temple when he enters it and will cause people to abandon it. When you see it/him standing there] where it/he should not be, [you should run away quickly] (May everyone who is reading this pay attention to [this warning from Jesus]!) [At that time] those people who are in Judea [district] must flee to [higher] hills.
А кад видите мрзост опустошења, за коју говори пророк Данило, да стоји где не треба (који чита да разуме): тада који буду у Јудеји нека беже у горе;
15 Those people who are outside their houses must not enter their houses in order to get anything [before they run away].
И који буде на крову да не силази у кућу, нити да улази да узме шта из куће своје;
16 Those who are [working] in a field must not return [to their houses] in order to get [additional] clothes [before they flee].
И који буде у пољу да се не враћа натраг да узме хаљину своју.
17 But I feel very sorry for women who will be pregnant and women who will be nursing their babies in those days, [because it will be very difficult for them to run away]
Али тешко труднима и дојиљама у те дане!
18 In those days people will suffer very severely. People have never suffered like that since the time when God first created the world until now; and people will not [suffer that way] again. [So] pray that [this painful time] will not happen in (winter/the rainy season), [when it will be hard to travel].
Него се молите Богу да не буде бежање ваше у зиму.
Јер ће у дане те бити невоља каква није била од почетка створења које је Бог створио до сад, и неће ни бити.
20 If the Lord [God] had not [decided that he would] shorten that time [when people suffer so much], everyone would die. But he has [decided to] shorten that time because [he is concerned about you] people whom he has chosen [DOU].
И да Господ не скрати дане нико не би остао; али изабраних ради, које изабра, скратио је дане.
21 [At that time people who will] falsely [say that they are] Messiahs and prophets will appear. Then they will perform many kinds (of miracles/of things that ordinary people cannot do) [DOU]. They will even try to deceive [you] people whom God has chosen, [but they will not] be able to do that. So at that time if someone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or [if someone says], ‘Look, he is over there!’ do not believe it!
Тада ако вам ко рече: Ево овде је Христос, или: Ено онде, не верујте.
Јер ће изаћи лажни Христоси и лажни пророци, и показаће знаке и чудеса да би преварили, ако буде могуће, и изабране.
23 Be alert! Remember that [I] have warned you about all this before [it happens.]
Али ви се чувајте: ето вам све казах напред.
24 After the time when people suffer like that, the sun will become dark, the moon will not shine,
Али у те дане, после те невоље, сунце ће помрчати, и месец своју светлост изгубити.
25 the stars will fall from the sky, and all things in the sky will be shaken {[God will cause] all things in the sky to shake}.
И звезде ће спадати с неба и силе небеске покренути се.
26 Then people will see [me], the one who came from heaven, coming through the clouds powerfully and gloriously.
И тада ће угледати Сина човечјег где иде на облацима са силом и славом великом.
27 Then I will send out my angels in order that they gather together the people whom [God] has chosen from [everywhere, and that includes] all the most remote places on earth [IDM, DOU].
И тада ће послати анђеле своје и сабраће изабране своје од четири ветра, од краја земље до краја неба.
28 Now I [want you to] learn something from this parable about [the way] fig trees [grow]. [In this area], when their buds become tender and their leaves begin to sprout, you know that summer is near.
А од смокве научите се причи: кад се већ њена грана помлади и стане листати, знате да је близу лето.
29 Similarly, when you see [what I have just described] happening, you yourselves will know that it is very near [the time for me to return] [MTY]. [It will be as though I am] already at the door [HEN].
Тако и ви кад видите ово да се збива, знајте да је близу код врата.
30 Keep this in mind: You have observed the things that I have done and said, but all of those events [that I have just told you about] will happen before all of you will die.
Заиста вам кажем да овај нараштај неће проћи док се ово све не збуде.
31 You can [be certain that] these things [that I have prophesied] will happen. [You can be more certain of that than] you can [be certain that] the earth and what is in the sky will stay in place.
Небо и земља проћи ће, али речи моје неће проћи.
32 But no one knows the exact time [when I will return]. The angels in heaven also do not know. Even [I do not know.] Only my Father knows.
А о дану том или о часу нико не зна, ни анђели који су на небесима, ни Син, до Отац.
33 So be ready, [like people who are waiting for an important man to come], because you do not know when that time will come [when all these events will happen]!
Пазите, стражите и молите се Богу; јер не знате кад ће време настати.
34 When a man who wants to travel [to a distant place] is [about to] leave his house, he tells his servants that they should manage the house. [He tells] each one what he should do. Then he tells the doorkeeper to be ready [for his return].
Као што човек одлазећи остави кућу своју, и да слугама својим власт, и свакоме свој посао; и вратару заповеди да стражи.
35 [That man must always be] ready, [because he does not know whether] his master will return in the evening, at midnight, when the rooster crows, or at dawn. [Similarly], you also must [always] be ready, because you do not know [when I will return].
Стражите дакле; јер не знате кад ће доћи господар од куће, или увече или у по ноћи, или у петле, или ујутру;
36 [May it not happen that] when I come suddenly, I will find that you are not ready!
Да не дође изненада и да вас не нађе, а ви спавате.
37 These words that I am saying to you [disciples] I am saying to everyone [who believes in me: Always] be ready!” [That is what Jesus warned his disciples].
А шта вам кажем, свима кажем: стражите.

< Mark 13 >