< Mark 14 >

1 It was only two days before the [people] ([celebrated/started to celebrate]) [for one week the] festival [which they called] Passover. During those days they also celebrated the festival of (Unleavened Bread/[eating] bread that had no yeast in it). The chief priests and the men who taught the [Jewish] laws were planning how they could seize Jesus secretly. [They wanted to accuse him in front of the Roman authorities] so that they would execute him.
Беху пак још два дана до пасхе и до дана пресних хлебова; и тражаху главари свештенички и књижевници како би Га из преваре ухватили и убили.
2 But they were saying to one another, “We must not [do it] during the celebration, because, [if we do it then], the people will [be very angry with us and] riot!”
Али говораху: Не о празнику, да се не би народ побунио.
3 Jesus was at Bethany [town] in the house of Simon, whom [Jesus had healed from] leprosy. While they were eating, a woman came [to him]. [She was carrying] a stone jar that contained expensive [fragrant] perfume called nard. She opened the jar and then she poured the perfume on Jesus’ head.
И кад беше Он у Витанији у кући Симона губавог и сеђаше за трпезом, дође жена са скленицом многоценога мира чистог нардовог, и разбивши скленицу изливаше Му на главу.
4 One of the people [who were present] became angry and said to the others, “([It is terrible that she] wasted that perfume!/[Why did she] waste that perfume?) [RHQ]
А неки се срђаху говорећи: Зашто се то миро просипа тако?
5 It could have been sold {[We] could have sold it} for (a huge amount of money/an amount of money for which a person works for a year), and then [the money] could have been given {[we] could have given [the money]} to poor people!” So he rebuked her.
Јер се могаше за њ узети више од триста гроша и дати сиромасима. И викаху на њу.
6 But Jesus said, “Stop [scolding] her! She has done to me what I [consider to be] very appropriate/delightful. So (you should not bother her!/why do you bother her?) [RHQ]
А Исус рече: Оставите је; шта јој сметате? Она учини добро дело на мени.
7 You will always have poor people among you. So you can help them whenever you want to. But I will not [be here among] you much longer. [So it is good for her to show now that she appreciates me].
Јер сиромахе имате свагда са собом, и кад год хоћете можете им добро чинити; а мене немате свагда.
8 [It is appropriate that] she has done what she was able to do. [It is as if she knew that I was going to die soon] and has anointed my body for their burying it.
Она шта може, учини: она помаза напред тело моје за укоп.
9 I will tell you this: Wherever the good message [about me] is preached {people preach the good message} throughout the world, what she has done will be told {people will tell others what she has done [to me]}, and as a result people will remember her.”
Заиста вам кажем: где се год успроповеда јеванђеље ово по свему свету, казаће се и то за спомен њен.
10 Then Judas Iscariot (OR, Judas, the man from Kerioth [Town]) went to the chief priests in order to [talk to them about] helping them to seize Jesus. He did that [even though] he was one of the twelve [disciples]
И Јуда Искариотски, један од дванаесторице оде ка главарима свештеничким да им Га изда.
11 When they heard [what he was willing to do for them], they were very happy. They promised that they would give him [a large amount of] money [for doing that. Judas agreed, so they gave him the money]. As a result, he [began] watching for an opportunity (to betray Jesus/to enable Jesus’ enemies to seize him).
А они чувши обрадоваше се, и обрекоше му новце дати: и тражаше згоду да Га изда.
12 [Two days later], when they killed the lambs [for the] festival at the beginning of the week when [people ate] bread that had no yeast in it, Jesus’ disciples said to him, “Where do you want us to go and prepare the meal for the Passover [celebration] in order that you can eat it [with us]?”
И у први дан пресних хлебова, кад клаху пасху, рекоше Му ученици Његови: Где ћеш да идемо да Ти зготовимо пасху да једеш?
13 So he [chose] two of his disciples [to prepare everything]. He said to them, “Go into [Jerusalem] city. A man will meet you, who will be carrying a large jar full of water. Follow him.
И посла двојицу од ученика својих и рече им: Идите у град, и срешће вас човек који носи воду у крчагу; идите за њим,
14 When he enters [a house], say to the man who owns the house, ‘[Our] teacher wants us to prepare [the meal of] the Passover celebration so that he can eat it with us his disciples. (Please show us the room that he [arranged with you about]./Where is the room that he [arranged with you about]?) [RHQ]’
И где уђе кажите господару од оне куће: Учитељ вели: Где је гостионица где ћу јести пасху с ученицима својим?
15 He will show you a large room that is on the upper floor [of the house]. It will be furnished and ready [for us to eat a meal in it]. Then prepare the meal there for us.”
И он ће вам показати велику собу прострту готову: онде нам зготовите.
16 So the [two] disciples left. They went into the city and found [everything] to be just like he had told them. They prepared the [meal for] the Passover [celebration, and then returned to Jesus and the other disciples].
И изађоше ученици Његови, и дођоше у град, и нађоше као што им каза, и уготовише пасху.
17 When it was evening, Jesus arrived [at that house] with the twelve [disciples].
И кад би увече, дође са дванаесторицом.
18 As they were all sitting there [and eating], Jesus said, “Listen carefully to this: One of you will enable my enemies to seize me. Specifically, it is one of you who [will do this in spite of the fact that he] is eating with me [right now]!”
И кад сеђаху за трпезом и јеђаху рече Исус: Заиста вам кажем: један од вас, који једе са мном, издаће ме.
19 The disciples became very sad and they said to him one by one, “Surely (it is not I!/I am not the one, am I?) [RHQ]”
А они се забринуше, и стадоше говорити један за другим: Да не ја? И други: Да не ја?
20 Then he said to them, “It is one of [you] twelve [disciples], the one who is dipping [bread] into the [sauce in the] dish along with me.
А Он одговарајући рече им: Један од дванаесторице који умочи са мном у зделу.
21 It is certain that [I], the one who came from heaven, will [die], because that is what has been {what [the prophets] have} written about me. But there will be terrible [punishment] for the man by whom I will be betrayed {who will (betray me/help my enemies to seize me)}! In fact, it would be better for that man if he had never been born!”
Син човечји дакле иде као што је писано за Њега; али тешко оном човеку који изда Сина човечјег; боље би му било да се није родио онај човек.
22 While they were eating, he took [a flat loaf of] bread and thanked God for it. Then he broke it [into pieces] and gave it to them and said to them, “This [bread represents] [MET] my body. Take it [and eat it].”
И кад јеђаху узе Исус хлеб и благословивши преломи га, и даде им, и рече: Узмите, једите; ово је тело моје.
23 Afterwards, he took a cup [that contained wine] and thanked [God for it]. Then he gave it to them, and then, as they all drank from it,
И узе чашу и давши хвалу даде им; и пише из ње сви.
24 he said to them, “This [wine represents] [MET] my blood, which is about to be shed {which is about to flow from my body} [when my enemies kill me]. With this blood I [will sign] the agreement [that God has made to forgive the sins of] many people.
И рече им: Ово је крв моја новог завета која ће се пролити за многе.
25 I want you to know this: I will not drink any more wine in this way until the time when I drink it with a new [meaning] when I begin to rule as a king.”
Заиста вам кажем: више нећу пити од рода виноградског до оног дана кад ћу га пити новог у царству Божјем.
26 After they sang a hymn, they went out toward Olive [Tree] Hill.
И отпојавши хвалу изађоше на гору Маслинску.
27 [While they were on their way], Jesus said to them, “It has been {[The prophets] have} written [in the Scriptures that God said about me], ‘I will kill the shepherd and his sheep will scatter.’ [Those words will come true. When they are about to capture me], all of you will leave me and run away.
И рече им Исус: Сви ћете се ви саблазнити о мене ову ноћ; јер је писано: ударићу пастира и овце ће се разбећи.
28 But after I have been made {[God] has made me} alive again, I will go ahead of you to Galilee [district and meet you there].”
Али по васкрсењу свом, ја идем пред вама у Галилеју.
29 Then Peter said to him, “Perhaps all the [other disciples] will leave you, but not I! I will not [leave you]!”
А Петар Му рече: Ако се и сви саблазне, али ја нећу.
30 Then Jesus said to him, “The truth is that this very night, before the rooster crows a second time, you yourself will deny three times [that you know] me!”
И рече му Исус: Заиста ти кажем: ноћас док двапут петао не запева три пута ћеш ме се одрећи.
31 But Peter replied strongly, “Even if they kill me [as I defend] you, I will never deny [that I know] you!” And all [the other disciples] said the same thing.
А он још више говораше: Да бих знао с Тобом и умрети нећу Те се одрећи. Тако и сви говораху.
32 [On the way], Jesus and the disciples came to the place that [people] call Gethsemane. Then he said to [some/eight of] his disciples, “Stay here while I pray!”
И дођоше у село које се зове Гетсиманија, и рече ученицима својим: Седите овде док ја идем да се помолим Богу.
33 Then he took Peter, James, and John with him. He became extremely distressed, and he said to them,
И узе са собом Петра и Јакова и Јована, и забрину се и поче тужити.
34 “I [SYN] am very sorrowful. [It is as if] I were about to die. [You men] remain here and stay awake!”
И рече им: Жалосна је душа моја до смрти; почекајте овде, и стражите.
35 He went a bit further and threw himself on the ground. Then he prayed that if it were possible, he would not [have to suffer] [MTY].
И отишавши мало паде на земљу, и мољаше се да би Га мимоишао час, ако је могуће.
36 He said, “O my Father, [because] you are able to do everything, rescue me so that I do not have to suffer [now] [MTY]! But do not [do] what I want. Instead, [do] what you want!”
И говораше: Ава Оче! Све је могуће Теби; пронеси чашу ову мимо мене; али опет не како ја хоћу, него како Ти.
37 Then he returned and found his [disciples] sleeping. He [woke them up and] said, “Simon! ([I am disappointed that] you fell asleep and that you were not able to stay awake for just a short time!/[Why is it that] you fell asleep and that you were not able to stay awake for just one hour?) [RHQ]”
И дође и нађе их где спавају, и рече Петру: Симоне! Зар спаваш? Не може ли једног часа постражити?
38 [And he said to them], “You want [to do what I say], but you are not strong enough [MTY] [to actually do it]. So keep awake and pray in order that you can resist when [something like this] tempts you!”
Стражите и молите се Богу да не паднете у напаст; јер је дух срчан али је тело слабо.
39 Then he went away again and prayed again what he prayed before.
И опет отишавши помоли се Богу оне исте речи говорећи.
40 When he returned, he found that they were sleeping again because they were [so] sleepy that they could not keep their eyes open. [Because they were ashamed], they did not know what to say to him [when he awakened them].
И вративши се нађе их опет где спавају; јер им беху очи отежале; и не знаху шта би Му одговорили.
41 [Then he went and prayed again]. He returned a third time; [and he found them sleeping again]. He [woke] all of [them and] said to them, “([I am disappointed that you are] sleeping again!/[Why are you] sleeping again?) [RHQ] [You have slept] enough. The time [for me to suffer] is about to begin. Look! Someone is about to enable sinful men to seize me, the one who came from heaven.
И дође трећи пут, и рече им: Једнако спавате и почивате; доста је; дође час; ево се предаје Син човечји у руке грешницима.
42 [So] get up! Let’s go [toward him] Look! Here comes the one who is enabling them to seize me!”
Устаните да идемо; ево издајник се мој приближи.
43 While he was still speaking, Judas [arrived]. [Even though he was] one of [Jesus’] twelve [disciples], he came [to enable Jesus’ enemies to seize him]. A crowd who carried swords and clubs was with him. The [leaders of] the Jewish Council had sent them.
И одмах, док Он још говораше, дође Јуда, један од дванаесторице, и с њим људи многи с ножевима и с кољем од главара свештеничких и од књижевника и старешина.
44 [Judas], who was (betraying Jesus/helping Jesus’ enemies to seize him), had [previously] told this crowd, “The man whom I kiss is the one [whom you want. When I kiss him], seize him and lead him away [while you guard him] carefully.”
И издајник Његов даде им знак говорећи: Кога ја целивам онај је: држите га, и водите га чувајући.
45 So, when Judas arrived, he immediately went to Jesus and said, “My teacher!” Then he kissed Jesus [on his neck/cheek].
И дошавши одмах приступи к Њему, и рече: Рави! Рави! И целива Га.
46 Then [the crowd] seized Jesus.
А они метнуше руке своје на Њ и ухватише Га.
47 But one of the [disciples] who was standing nearby drew his short sword. He struck the servant of the high priest with it [to kill him, but he only] cut off his ear.
А један од оних што стајаху онде извади нож те удари слугу поглавара свештеничког, и одсече му ухо.
48 Jesus said to them, “([It is ridiculous that] you come [here to seize] me with swords and clubs, as if I were a bandit!/Have you come [here to seize] me with swords and clubs, as if I were a bandit [RHQ]?) Day after day I was with you in the Temple [courtyard] teaching [the people] Why did you not seize me then? [But this is happening] in order that [what the prophets have written in] the Scriptures [about me] may be fulfilled {may happen}.”
И одговарајући Исус рече им: Као на хајдука изашли сте с ножевима и с кољем да ме ухватите,
А сваки дан сам био код вас у цркви и учио, и не ухватисте ме. Али да се збуде писмо.
50 All [the disciples at once] left him and ran away.
И оставивши Га, ученици сви побегоше.
51 At that time, (a young man/I) was following Jesus. He/[I was] wearing only a linen cloth around his/my body. The crowd seized him/me.
И за Њим иђаше некакав младић огрнут платном по голом телу; и ухватише оног младића.
52 But, [as he/I pulled away from them], he/I left behind the linen cloth [in their hands], and then he/I ran away naked.
А он оставивши платно го побеже од њих.
53 The men [who had seized] Jesus led him away to [the house where] the supreme priest [lived]. All of the Jewish Council were gathering [there].
И доведоше Исуса к поглавару свештеничком, и стекоше се к њему сви главари свештенички и књижевници и старешине.
54 Peter followed Jesus at a distance. He went into the courtyard [of the house] where the supreme priest [lived], and sat there with the men who guarded [the house of the supreme priest]. He was warming himself beside a fire.
И Петар иде за Њим издалека до у двор поглавара свештеничког, и сеђаше са слугама, и грејаше се код огња.
55 The chief priests and all the rest of the Jewish council [had already] tried to find people who would tell lies about Jesus [in order that they could convince the Roman authorities] to execute him. But they did not succeed,
А главари свештенички и сва скупштина тражаху на Исуса сведочанства да Га убију; и не нађоше;
56 because, although many people spoke lies about him, they contradicted each other.
Јер многи сведочаху лажно на Њега и сведочанства не беху једнака.
57 [Finally], some stood up and accused him falsely by saying,
И једни уставши сведочаху на Њега лажно говорећи:
58 “We heard him when he said, ‘I will destroy this Temple that was built by men, and then within three days I will build another temple (without help from anyone else/that human hands will not build).’”
Ми смо чули где он говори: Ја ћу развалити ову цркву која је рукама начињена, и за три дана начинићу другу која неће бити рукама начињена.
59 But, what [some of] these men said also did not agree with [what others of them said].
И ни ово сведочанство њихово не беше једнако.
60 Then the supreme priest [himself] stood up in front of them and said to Jesus, “Are you not going to reply? What [do you say about] all the things that they are saying in order to accuse you?”
И уставши поглавар свештенички на среду запита Исуса говорећи: Зар ништа не одговараш што ови на тебе сведоче?
61 But Jesus was silent and did not reply [DOU]. Then the supreme priest [tried again]. He asked him, “Are you the Messiah? [Do you say that you are] (the Son of God/the man who is also God)?”
А Он ћуташе и ништа не одговараше. Опет поглавар свештенички запита и рече: Јеси ли ти Христос, Син Благословенога?
62 Jesus said, “I am. Furthermore, you will see me, the one who came from heaven, [ruling] beside God, who is completely powerful. [You will also see me] coming down through the clouds in the sky!”
А Исус рече: Јесам; и видећете Сина човечјег где седи с десне стране Силе и иде на облацима небеским.
63 [In response to Jesus’ words], the supreme priest tore his outer garment. [That was their custom to show that he was shocked that Jesus had said that he was equal to God]. Then he said, “We certainly do not [RHQ] need any [more] people who will testify [against this man],
А поглавар свештенички раздре своје хаљине, и рече: Шта нам требају више сведоци?
64 [because] you have heard what he said against God! [He claimed to be equal with God] Therefore, what have you decided?” They all said that Jesus was guilty and deserved (to be executed/that they should kill him).
Чусте хулу на Бога; шта мислите? А они сви казаше да је заслужио смрт.
65 Then some of them began spitting on Jesus. They put a blindfold on him, and then they began striking him and saying to him, “[If you are] a prophet, tell us [who hit you]!” And those who were guarding Jesus struck him with their hands.
И почеше једни пљувати на Њ, и покривати Му лице, и ћушати Га, и говорити Му: Прореци; и слуге Га бијаху по образима.
66 While Peter was outside in the courtyard [of the supreme priest’s house], one of the girls who worked for the supreme priest came [near him].
И кад беше Петар доле на двору, дође једна од слушкиња поглавара свештеничког,
67 When she saw Peter warming himself [beside the fire], she looked at him [closely]. Then she said, “You also were with Jesus, that man from Nazareth [town]!”
И видевши Петра где се греје погледа на њ и рече: И ти си био с Исусом Назарећанином.
68 But he denied it by saying, “I do not know or understand [DOU] what you are talking about!” Then he went away [from there] to the gate [of the courtyard].
А он се одрече говорећи: Не знам нити разумем шта ти говориш. И изађе напоље пред двор: и петао запева.
69 [The] servant girl saw him there and said to the people who were standing nearby, “This man is one of [those who have been with that man they arrested].”
И опет, кад га виде слушкиња, поче говорити онима што стајаху онде: Овај је од њих.
70 But he denied it again. After a little while, one of those who were standing there said to Peter again, “[The way you speak shows that] you also are from Galilee [district]. So it is certain that you are one of those [who accompanied Jesus!]”
А он се опет одрицаше. И мало затим опет они што стајаху онде рекоше Петру: Ваистину си од њих: јер си Галилејац, и говор ти је онакав.
71 But he began to exclaim, “I do not know the man that you are talking about! Because God knows that I am speaking truthfully, may he punish me [if I am lying]!”
А он се поче клети и преклињати: Не знам тог човека за кога ви говорите.
72 Immediately the rooster crowed a second time. Then Peter remembered what Jesus had said to him [before], “Before the rooster crows a second time, you will deny three times [that you know me.” When he realized that he had denied it three times], he started crying.
И други пут запева петао. И опомену се Петар речи што му рече Исус: Док петао двапут не запева одрећи ћеш ме се трипут. И стаде плакати.

< Mark 14 >