< Mark 12 >

1 Then Jesus told [those Jewish leaders] a parable. [He wanted to show what God would do to those who rejected the former prophets and himself. He said], “A certain man planted a vineyard. He built a fence around it [in order to protect it]. He made a stone tank [to collect the juice that] they would press [out of the grapes]. He also built a tower [for someone to sit in to guard his vineyard]. Then he leased the vineyard to some men to care for it and [to] give him some of the [grapes] in return. Then he went away to another country.
И поче им говорити у причама: Посади човек виноград, и огради плотом, и ископа пивницу, и начини кулу, и даде га виноградарима, па оде.
2 When the time came to harvest the [grapes], he sent a servant to the men [who were taking care of the vineyard] in order to receive from them his share of the grapes that the vineyard had produced.
И кад дође време, посла к виноградарима слугу да прими од виноградара од рода виноградског.
3 But [after the servant arrived], they grabbed him and beat him, and they did not give him any fruit. Then they sent him away.
А они ухвативши слугу избише га, и послаше празна.
4 Later the one who owned the vineyard sent another servant to them. But they beat that one on his head, and they insulted him.
И опет посла к њима другог слугу; и оног бише камењем и разбише му главу, и послаше га срамотног.
5 Later he sent another servant. That man they killed. They mistreated many other servants [whom he sent]. Some they beat and some they killed.
И опет посла другог; и оног убише; и многе друге, једне избише, а друге побише.
6 The man still had one other [person with him]. It was his son. He loved him very much. So, finally he sent his son to them because he thought that they would respect him [and give him some of the grapes].
Још дакле имаше јединог свог милог сина, посла и њега најпосле к њима говорећи: Постидеће се сина мог.
7 But [when they saw his son coming], those men who were looking after the vineyard said to each other, ‘Look! Here comes the man who will some day inherit the vineyard! So let’s kill him in order that this vineyard will be ours!’
А виноградари рекоше у себи: Ово је наследник, ходите да га убијемо, и нама ће остати очевина његова.
8 They seized him and killed him. Then they threw his body outside the vineyard.
И ухватише га, и убише, и избацише га напоље из винограда.
9 So (do you know what the man who owns the vineyard will do?/I will tell you what the man who owns the vineyard will do [RHQ]). He will come, and he will kill those evil men who were taking care of his vineyard. Then he will arrange for other people to take care of it.
Шта ће дакле учинити господар од винограда? Доћи ће и погубиће виноградаре, и даће виноград другима.
10 [Now think carefully about these words], which you have read [in] the Scriptures: The men who were building the building rejected one stone. But others [put that same stone in its proper place, and] it has become the most important stone in the building [MET]!
Зар нисте читали у писму ово: Камен који одбацише зидари, онај поста глава од угла;
11 The Lord has done this, and we marvel as we look at it.”
То би од Господа и дивно је у нашим очима?
12 Then [the Jewish leaders] realized that he was accusing them when he told this story [about what those wicked people did]. So they wanted to seize him. But they were afraid of what the crowds [would do if they did that]. So they left him and went away.
И гледаху да Га ухвате, али се побојаше народа; јер разумеше да за њих говори причу; и оставивши Га одоше.
13 The [Jewish leaders] sent to [Jesus] some Pharisees [who thought that the Jews should pay only the tax that their own Jewish authorities required people to pay]. They also sent some members of the party that supported Herod [Antipas and the Roman government]. They wanted to make Jesus say something wrong [that would make one of those groups very angry with him].
И послаше к Њему неке од фарисеја и Иродоваца да би Га ухватили у речи.
14 After they arrived, they said to him [deceivingly], “Teacher, we know that you [teach] the truth. We also know that you are not concerned about [what] people [say about you, even if an important person does not like what you say]. Instead, you teach truthfully what God wants [us to do]. So [tell us what you think about this matter: ] Is it right that we pay taxes to the Roman government, or not [MTY]? Should we pay the taxes, or should we not pay them?”
А они дошавши рекоше Му: Учитељу! Знамо да си истинит, и да не мариш ни за кога; јер не гледаш ко је ко, него заиста путу Божјем учиш; треба ли ћесару давати харач или не? Хоћемо ли дати, или да не дамо?
15 Jesus knew that they did not really want to know [what God wanted them to do]. So he said to them, “(I [know that] you are [just] trying to make me say something wrong for which you can arrest me./Why are you [just] trying to make me say something wrong for which you can arrest me?) [RHQ] [But I will answer your question anyway]. Bring me a coin so that I might [ask you something after] I look at it.”
А Он, знајући њихово лицемерје, рече им: Што ме кушате? Донесите ми новац да видим
16 After they brought him a coin, he asked them, “Whose picture is [on] this [coin]? And [whose] name [is on it]?” They replied, “It is a picture and the name of Caesar, [the man who rules the Roman government].”
А они донесоше. И рече им: Чији је ово образ и натпис? А они Му рекоше: Ћесарев.
17 Then Jesus said to them, “[That is correct, so] give to the government [MTY] what they [require], and give to God what he [requires].” They were [frustrated at his answer but] amazed at what he said, [because they were not able to accuse him of anything because of what he said].
И одговарајући Исус рече им: Подајте ћесарево ћесару, а Божје Богу. И чудише Му се.
18 [Men who belong to the] Sadducee [sect] deny that people become alive again after they die. [In order to discredit] Jesus [by ridiculing the idea that people will live again, some of] them came to him and asked him,
И дођоше к Њему садукеји који кажу да нема васкрсења, и запиташе Га говорећи:
19 “Teacher, Moses wrote for us [Jews] that if a man who has no children dies, his brother should marry the dead man’s widow. [Then if those two bear children, everyone will consider that those children are the] children of the man who died, [and in that way the dead man will continue to have descendants].
Учитељу! Мојсије нам написа: Ако коме брат умре и остави жену а деце не остави, да брат његов узме жену његову и да подигне семе брату свом.
20 [So here is an example]. There were seven boys [in one family]. The oldest one married [a woman], but [he and his wife] did not bear any children. Then he [later] died.
Седам браће беше: и први узе жену, и умре без порода.
21 The second [brother followed this law and] married that woman and he, too, did not bear any children. Then he [later] died. The third [brother did] like [his other brothers did. But he also did not bear any children, and later died].
И други узе је, и умре, и ни он не остави порода; тако и трећи.
22 Eventually all seven [brothers married that woman, one by one], but they had no children, and one by one they died. Afterwards the woman died, too.
И узеше је седморица, и не оставише порода. А после свих умре и жена.
23 Therefore, [if it were true what some people say, that people will become alive again after they die], whose wife do you think that woman will be when people become alive again? ([Keep in mind that] she was married to all seven [brothers]!/She was married to all seven [brothers, so how can anyone decide] [RHQ]?)”
О васкрсењу дакле кад устану кога ће од њих бити жена? Јер је за седморицом била.
24 Jesus replied to them, “You are certainly wrong [RHQ]. You do not know [what they have written in] the Scriptures [about this]. You also do not understand God’s power [to make people alive again].
И одговарајући Исус рече им: Зато ли се ви варате што не знате писма ни силе Божје?
25 [That woman will not be the wife of any of them], because when people have become alive again, instead of men having wives and women having husbands, they will be like the angels in heaven, [who do not marry].
Јер кад из мртвих устану, нити ће се женити ни удавати, него су као анђели на небесима.
26 But as to people becoming alive again after they die, in the book that Moses [wrote, he said something about people who have died] that I am sure that you have read [RHQ]. When Moses [was looking at] the bush [that was burning], God said to him, ‘I am the God whom Abraham [worships] and the God whom Isaac [worships] and the God whom Jacob [worships].’
А за мртве да устају нисте ли читали у књигама Мојсијевим како му рече Бог код купине говорећи: Ја сам Бог Авраамов, и Бог Исаков, и Бог Јаковљев?
27 It is not dead people who worship God. It is living people who worship him. [Abraham, Isaac and Jacob died long before Moses lived, but God said that they were still worshipping him, so we know their spirits were still alive]! So your [claim that dead people do not become alive again] is very wrong.”
Није Бог Бог мртвих, него Бог живих. Ви се дакле врло варате.
28 A man who taught the [Jewish] laws heard their discussion. He knew that Jesus answered the question well. So he stepped forward and asked Jesus, “Which commandment is the most important?”
И приступи један од књижевника који их слушаше како се препиру, и виде да им добро одговара, и запита Га: Која је прва заповест од свих?
29 Jesus answered, “The most important commandment is this: ‘Listen, [you people of] Israel! [You must worship] the Lord, our God, our only Lord.
А Исус одговори му: Прва је заповест од свих: Чуј Израиљу, Господ је Бог наш Господ једини;
30 [You must show that you love him in all the ways that you live] Show it in all that you want and feel, in all that you think, and in all that you do!’
И љуби Господа Бога свог свим срцем својим и свом душом својом и свим умом својим и свом снагом својом. Ово је прва заповест.
31 The next [most important commandment] is: ‘You must love people you come in contact with as much as you love yourself.’ No other commandment is more important than these two!”
И друга је као и ова: Љуби ближњег свог као самог себе. Друге заповести веће од ових нема.
32 The man said to Jesus, “Teacher, [you have answered] well. You correctly said that he is the only [God] and that there is no other God [we must worship/obey].
И рече Му књижевник: Добро, учитељу! Право си казао да је један Бог, и нема другог осим Њега;
33 You have also said correctly that we ([should/must show that we]) love God by all that we are, by all that we think, and by the way that we live. And you have said correctly that we must love (people with whom we come in contact/others) as much as we love ourselves. And you have also implied that doing these things [pleases God] more than offering/giving animals to him or burning [other] sacrifices.”
И љубити Га свим срцем и свим разумом и свом душом и свом снагом, и љубити ближњег као самог себе, веће је од свих жртава и прилога.
34 Jesus realized that this man had answered wisely. So he said to him, “[I perceive that] you will soon [decide to let] God rule your life.” After that, [the Jewish leaders] were afraid to ask him any more questions [like that to try to trap him].
А Исус видевши како паметно одговори рече му: Ниси далеко од царства Божјег. И нико више не смеше да Га запита.
35 [Later], while he was teaching in the Temple [courtyard], Jesus said [to the people], “These men who teach the [Jewish] laws, (they must be wrong when they say that the Messiah is [merely] a descendant of [King] David!/why do they say that the Messiah is [merely] a descendant of [King] David?) [RHQ]
И одговори Исус и рече учећи у цркви: Како говоре књижевници да је Христос син Давидов?
36 The Holy Spirit caused David himself to say [about the Messiah], God said to my Lord, ‘Sit here beside me at the place where I will highly honor you! Sit here while I completely defeat your enemies! [MTY]’
Јер сам Давид каза Духом Светим: Рече Господ Господу мом: Седи мени с десне стране, док положим непријатеље Твоје подножје ногама Твојим.
37 Therefore, [because] David himself calls [the Messiah] ‘my Lord,’ (the Messiah cannot be [just] a man who descended [from King David!]/how can the Messiah be [just] a man who descended [from King David]?) [RHQ] [He must be much greater than David]”! Many people listened to him gladly [as he taught those things].
Сам дакле Давид назива Га Господом, и откуда му је син? И многи народ слушаше Га с радошћу.
38 While Jesus was teaching [the people], he said to them, “Beware that you [do not act like] the men who teach our [Jewish] laws. They [like people to honor them, so] they put on long robes and walk around [in order to show people how important they are]. They also like people to greet them [respectfully] in the marketplaces.
И говораше им у науци својој: Чувајте се књижевника који иду у дугачким хаљинама, и траже да им се клања по улицама,
39 [They like to sit] in the most important seats in our (synagogue/Jewish meeting place). At festivals, [they like to sit in] the seats where the most honored people sit.
И првих места по зборницама, и зачеља на гозбама.
40 They (swindle/take for themselves) the houses [and property] of widows by cheating them. [Then] they pretend [that they are good] by praying long prayers [publicly. God] will certainly punish them severely!”
Ови што једу куће удовичке, и лажно се моле Богу дуго, биће још више осуђени.
41 [Later], Jesus sat down [in the Temple courtyard opposite the boxes in which people put offerings. As he was sitting there], he watched as all the people put money in the box. Many rich people put in large amounts [of money].
И седавши Исус према Божјој хазни гледаше како народ меће новце у Божју хазну. И многи богати метаху много.
42 Then a poor widow came along and put in two small copper coins, which had a very small value.
И дошавши једна сиромашна удовица метну две лепте, које чине један кодрант.
43 He gathered his disciples around him and said to them, “The truth is that these other people have a lot of money, [but] they gave [only a small part of it]. But this woman, who is very poor, has put in all the money that she had to pay for the things she needs. [So God considers that] this poor widow has put more money into the box than all the other people!”
И дозвавши ученике своје рече им: Заиста вам кажем: ова сиромашна удовица метну више од свих који мећу у Божју хазну.
Јер сви метнуше од сувишка свог; а она од сиротиње своје метну све што имаше, сву храну своју.

< Mark 12 >