< Psalms 78 >

1 A poem of Asaph give ear to! O people my instruction my incline ear your to [the] words of mouth my.
Èuj, narode moj, nauk moj, prigni uho svoje k rijeèima usta mojih.
2 I will open in a parable mouth my I will pour forth riddles from antiquity.
Otvoram za prièu usta svoja, kazaæu stare pripovijetke.
3 Which we have heard and we have known them and ancestors our they have recounted to us.
Što slušasmo i doznasmo, i što nam kazivaše oci naši,
4 Not we will hide - from descendants their to a generation later recounting [the] praises of Yahweh and might his and wonders his which he has done.
Neæemo zatajiti od djece njihove, naraštaju poznom javiæemo slavu Gospodnju i silu njegovu i èudesa koja je uèinio.
5 And he established a testimony - in Jacob and a law he appointed in Israel which he commanded ancestors our to make known them to children their.
Svjedoèanstvo podiže u Jakovu, i u Izrailju postavi zakon, koji dade ocima našim da ga predadu djeci svojoj;
6 So that they may know - a generation later children [who] they will be born they will arise and may they recount [them] to children their.
Da bi znao potonji naraštaj, djeca koja æe se roditi, pa i oni da bi kazivali svojoj djeci
7 So they may put in God confidence their and not they will forget [the] deeds of God and commandments his they will observe.
Da polažu na Boga nadanje svoje, i ne zaboravljaju djela Božijih, i zapovijesti njegove da drže;
8 And not they will be - like ancestors their a generation stubborn and rebellious a generation [which] not it directed heart its and [which] not it was faithful with God spirit its.
I da ne budu kao oci njihovi, rod nevaljao i uporan, rod koji ne bješe tvrd srcem svojim, niti vjeran Bogu duhom svojim.
9 [the] people of Ephraim [were] equipped of shooters of a bow they turned back on [the] day of battle.
Sinovi Jefremovi naoružani, koji strijeljaju iz luka, vratiše se natrag, kad bijaše boj.
10 Not they kept [the] covenant of God and in law his they refused to walk.
Ne saèuvaše zavjeta Božijega, i po zakonu njegovu ne htješe hoditi.
11 And they forgot deeds his and wonders his which he had shown them.
Zaboraviše djela njegova, i èudesa, koja im je pokazao,
12 Before ancestors their he did wonder[s] in [the] land of Egypt [the] region of Zoan.
Kako pred ocima njihovijem uèini èudesa u zemlji Misirskoj, na polju Soanu;
13 He split open [the] sea and he brought through them and he made to stand up [the] waters like a heap.
Razdvoji more, i provede ih, od vode naèini zid;
14 And he guided them by the cloud by day and all the night by [the] light of a fire.
I vodi ih danju oblakom, i svu noæ svijetlijem ognjem;
15 He split open rocks in the wilderness and he gave [them] to drink like deeps much.
Raskida stijene u pustinji, i poji ih kao iz velike bezdane;
16 And he brought out streams from a rock and he made to flow down like rivers water.
Izvodi potoke iz kamena, i vodi vodu rijekama.
17 And they repeated again to sin to him by rebelling against [the] Most High in the dry region.
Ali oni još jednako griješiše njemu, i gnjeviše višnjega u pustinji.
18 And they put to [the] test God in heart their by requesting food for selves their.
I kušaše Boga u srcu svom, ištuæi (jela) po volji svojoj,
19 And they spoke against God they said ¿ is he able God to arrange a table in the wilderness.
I vikaše na Boga, i rekoše: “može li Bog zgotoviti trpezu u pustinji?
20 There! he struck a rock - and they flowed out waters and torrents they overflowed ¿ also food is he able to give or? will he prepare meat for people his.
Evo! on udari u kamen, i poteèe voda, i rijeke ustadoše; može li i hljeba dati? hoæe li i mesa postaviti narodu svojemu?”
21 Therefore - he heard Yahweh and he was furious and fire it was kindled in Jacob and also anger it went up in Israel.
Gospod èu i razljuti se, i oganj se razgorje na Jakova, i gnjev se podiže na Izrailja.
22 For not they trusted in God and not they trusted in salvation his.
Jer ne vjerovaše Bogu i ne uzdaše se u pomoæ njegovu.
23 And he commanded clouds above and [the] doors of heaven he opened.
Tada zapovjedi oblacima odozgo, i otvori vrata nebeska,
24 And he rained down on them manna to eat and [the] grain of heaven he gave to them.
I pusti, te im podaždje mana za jelo, i hljeb nebeski dade im.
25 Bread of mighty [ones] he ate everyone food he sent to them to satiety.
Hljeba anðelskoga jeðaše èovjek; posla im (jela) do sitosti.
26 He led out an east wind in the heavens and he led forth by strength his a south wind.
Pusti nebom ustoku, i navede silom svojom jug;
27 And he rained down on them like dust meat and like [the] sand of [the] seas bird[s] of wing.
I kao prahom zasu ih mesom, i kao pijeskom morskim pticama krilatim;
28 And he made [them] fall in [the] midst of camp his around dwelling his.
Pobaca ih sred okola njihova, oko šatora njihovijeh.
29 And they ate and they were satisfied exceedingly and desire their he brought to them.
I najedoše se i dade im što su željeli.
30 Not they had become estranged from desire their still food their [was] in mouth their.
Ali ih još i ne proðe želja, još bješe jelo u ustima njihovijem,
31 And [the] anger of God - it went up in them and he killed among vigorous ones their and [the] young men of Israel he made bow down.
Gnjev se Božji podiže na njih i pomori najjaèe meðu njima, i mladiæe u Izrailju pobi.
32 In all this they sinned again and not they believed in wonders his.
Preko svega toga još griješiše, i ne vjerovaše èudesima njegovijem.
33 And he brought to an end in futility days their and years their in sudden terror.
I pusti, te dani njihovi prolaziše uzalud, i godine njihove u strahu.
34 If he killed them and they sought him and they returned and they sought earnestly God.
Kad ih ubijaše, onda pritjecahu k njemu, i obraæahu se i iskahu Boga;
35 And they remembered that God [was] rock their and God Most High [was] redeemer their.
I pominjahu da je Bog obrana njihova, i višnji izbavitelj njihov.
36 And they deceived him with mouth their and with tongue their they lied to him.
Laskahu mu ustima svojima, i jezikom svojim lagahu mu.
37 And heart their not [was] steadfast with him and not they were faithful in covenant his.
A srce njihovo ne bješe njemu vjerno, i ne bijahu tvrdi u zavjetu njegovu.
38 And he [was] compassionate - he atoned for iniquity and not he destroyed [them] and he increased to turn back anger his and not he stirred up all rage his.
Ali on bješe milostiv, i pokrivaše grijeh, i ne pomori ih, èesto ustavljaše gnjev svoj, i ne podizaše sve jarosti svoje.
39 And he remembered that [were] flesh they a wind [which] goes and not it returns.
Opominjaše se da su tijelo, vjetar, koji prolazi i ne vraæa se.
40 How often! they rebelled against him in the wilderness they grieved him in a desolate place.
Koliko ga puta rasrdiše u pustinji, i uvrijediše u zemlji gdje se ne živi!
41 And they returned and they put to [the] test God and [the] holy [one] of Israel they pained.
Sve nanovo kušaše Boga, i sveca Izrailjeva dražiše.
42 Not they remembered hand his [the] day when he ransomed them from [the] opponent.
Ne sjeæaše se ruke njegove i dana, u koji ih izbavi iz nevolje,
43 When he performed in Egypt signs his and wonders his in [the] region of Zoan.
U koji uèini u Misiru znake svoje i èudesa svoja na polju Soanu;
44 And he turned into blood canals their and streams their not they drank!
I provrže u krv rijeke njihove i potoke njihove, da ne mogoše piti.
45 He sent among them a swarm of flies and it devoured them and frog[s] and it ruined them.
Posla na njih bubine da ih kolju, i žabe da ih more.
46 And he gave to the locust produce their and [the] result of toil their to the locust.
Ljetinu njihovu dade crvu, i muku njihovu skakavcima.
47 He killed with hail vine[s] their and sycamore-fig trees their with a flood.
Vinograde njihove pobi gradom, i smokve njihove slanom.
48 And he delivered up to hail cattle their and livestock their to lightning bolts.
Gradu predade stoku njihovu, i stada njihova munji.
49 He sent on them - [the] burning of anger his fury and indignation and trouble a band of angels of calamities.
Posla na njih ognjeni gnjev svoj, jarost, srdnju i mržnju, èetu zlijeh anðela.
50 He made level a path for anger his not he kept back from death life their and life their to the pestilence he delivered up.
Ravni stazu gnjevu svojemu, ne èuva duša njihovijeh od smrti, i život njihov predade pomoru.
51 And he struck down every firstborn in Egypt [the] beginning of manly vigor in [the] tents of Ham.
Pobi sve prvence u Misiru, prvi porod po kolibama Hamovijem.
52 And he led out like sheep people his and he led them like flock in the wilderness.
I povede narod svoj kao ovce, i vodi ih kao stado preko pustinje.
53 And he guided them to security and not they were afraid and enemies their it covered the sea.
Vodi ih pouzdano, i oni se ne bojaše, a neprijatelje njihove zatrpa more.
54 And he brought them to [the] territory of holiness his [the] mountain which it had acquired right [hand] his.
I dovede ih na mjesto svetinje svoje, na ovu goru, koju zadobi desnica njegova.
55 And he drove out from before them - nations and he made fall them by a measuring-line of inheritance and he caused to dwell in tents their [the] tribes of Israel.
Odagna ispred lica njihova narode; ždrijebom razdijeli njihovo dostojanje, i po šatorima njihovijem naseli koljena Izrailjeva.
56 And they put to [the] test and they rebelled against God Most High and testimonies his not they kept.
Ali oni kušaše i srdiše Boga višnjega i uredaba njegovijeh ne saèuvaše.
57 And they turned back and they acted treacherously like ancestors their they changed like a bow of deceit.
Odustaše i odvrgoše se, kao i oci njihovi, slagaše kao rðav luk.
58 And they provoked to anger him by high places their and by idols their they made jealous him.
Uvrijediše ga visinama svojim, i idolima svojim razdražiše ga.
59 He heard God and he was furious and he rejected exceedingly Israel.
Bog èu i razgnjevi se i rasrdi se na Izrailja veoma.
60 And he abandoned [the] tabernacle of Shiloh [the] tent [which] he had pitched among humankind.
Ostavi naselje svoje u Silomu, šator, u kojem življaše s ljudma.
61 And he gave to captivity strength his and splendor his in [the] hand of [the] opponent.
I opravi u ropstvo slavu svoju, i krasotu svoju u ruke neprijateljeve.
62 And he delivered up to the sword people his and with inheritance his he was furious.
I predade maèu narod svoj, i na dostojanje svoje zaplamtje se.
63 Young men its it consumed fire and young women its not they were praised.
Mladiæe njegove jede oganj, i djevojkama njegovijem ne pjevaše svatovskih pjesama;
64 Priests its by the sword they fell and widows its not they wept.
Sveštenici njegovi padaše od maèa, i udovice njegove ne plakaše.
65 And he awoke like a sleeper - [the] Lord like a warrior overcome from wine.
Najposlije kao iza sna probudi se Gospod, prenu se kao junak kad se napije vina.
66 And he struck opponents his backwards a reproach of perpetuity he gave to them.
I pobi neprijatelje svoje s leða, vjeènoj sramoti predade ih.
67 And he rejected [the] tent of Joseph and [the] tribe of Ephraim not he chose.
I ne htje šatora Josifova, i koljena Jefremova ne izabra.
68 And he chose [the] tribe of Judah [the] mountain of Zion which he loved.
Nego izabra koljeno Judino, goru Sion, koja mu omilje.
69 And he built like [the] high [things] sanctuary his like [the] earth [which] he founded it for ever.
I sagradi svetinju svoju kao gornje svoje stanove, i kao zemlju utvrdi je dovijeka.
70 And he chose David servant his and he took him from [the] folds of sheep.
I izabra Davida slugu svojega, i uze ga od torova ovèijih,
71 From after nursing [sheep] he brought him to shepherd Jacob people his and Israel inheritance his.
I od dojilica dovede ga da pase narod njegov, Jakova, i našljedstvo njegovo, Izrailja.
72 And he shepherded them according to [the] integrity of heart his and with [the] skill of hands his he led them.
I on ih pase èistijem srcem, i vodi ih mudrijem rukama.

< Psalms 78 >