< Psalms 36 >

1 To the choirmaster - of [the] servant of Yahweh of David. [the] utterance of Transgression to wicked [person] [is] in [the] midst of heart my not [the] fear of God [is] to before eyes his.
Bezakoniku je bezbožna rijeè u srcu; nema straha Božijega pred oèima njegovijem.
2 For he flatters himself in own eyes his to find iniquity his to hate [it].
Ali laže sebi u oèi, mjesto da prizna svoje bezakonje i omrzne na nj.
3 [the] words of Mouth his [are] wickedness and deceit he has ceased to act prudently to do good.
Rijeèi su usta njegovijeh nepravda i lukavstvo, neæe da se opameti da tvori dobro.
4 Wickedness - he plans on bed his he takes his stand on a way not good evil not he rejects.
Bezakonje smišlja na postelji svojoj, stoji na putu rðavom, zlo mu nije mrsko.
5 O Yahweh [is] in the heavens covenant loyalty your faithfulness your [is] to [the] clouds.
Gospode! do neba je milost tvoja, i istina tvoja do oblaka.
6 Righteousness your - [is] like [the] mountains of God (judgments your *L(P)*) [are] [the] deep great humankind and animal[s] you deliver O Yahweh.
Pravda je tvoja kao gore Božije, sudovi tvoji bezdana velika; ljude i stoku ti èuvaš, Gospode!
7 How! precious [is] covenant loyalty your O God and [the] children of humankind in [the] shadow of wings your they take refuge!
Kako je dragocjena milost tvoja, Bože! sinovi ljudski u sjenu krila tvojih ne boje se.
8 They take their fill! from [the] fatness of house your and [the] river of delights your you give to drink them.
Hrane se od izobila doma tvojega, i iz potoka sladosti svojih ti ih napajaš.
9 For [is] with you a fountain of life in light your we see light.
Jer je u tebe izvor životu, tvojom svjetlošæu vidimo svjetlost.
10 Prolong covenant loyalty your to [those who] know you and righteousness your to [people] upright of heart.
Raširi milost svoju na one koji te znadu, i pravdu svoju na dobra srca.
11 May not it come to me [the] foot of pride and [the] hand of wicked [people] may not it make wander me.
Ne daj da stane na mene noga ohola, i ruka bezbožnièka da me zaljulja.
12 There they have fallen [those who] do wickedness they were pushed down and not they were able to rise.
Onamo neka padnu koji èine bezakonje, neka se stropoštaju i ne mogu ustati.

< Psalms 36 >