< Luke 10 >

1 After now these things appointed the Lord (also *ko*) others seventy (two *NO*) and sent them in two [by] two before [the] face of Himself into every city and place where was soon He Himself to go.
Pale godova o Gospod odredisardas aver eftavardeš thaj duj učenikonen thaj bičhalda len po dujen angle peste ande svako gav thaj ande svako than kaj kamlas te džal.
2 He was saying (then *N(K)O*) to them; The indeed harvest [is] plentiful, however the workmen [are] few; do pray earnestly therefore to the Lord of the harvest that workmen (He may send out *N(k)O*) into the harvest of Him.
Majsigo so bičhalda len phendas lenđe: “E žetva si bari, a radnikurja si cara. Molisaren e Gospodare katar e žetva te bičhalel e radnikonen ande piri žetva.
3 do go; behold (I myself *k*) I send forth you as lambs in [the] midst of wolves.
Džan! Ake, bičhalav tumen sago e bakhroren maškar e ruva.
4 Neither do carry purse nor bag (nor *N(k)O*) sandals, and no one on the road may greet.
Na inđaren tumenca ni love, ni trasta, ni so pođina. Dromesa na te hasaren tumari vrjama gajda kaj pozdravina e theme thaj ćerena svato lenca.
5 Into whatever now maybe (you may enter *N(k)O*) house first do say: Peace to the house this.
Ande savo god ćher den, prvo phenen: ‘Miro akale ćherešće!’
6 And if (indeed *k*) there shall be a son of peace, (will rest *N(k)O*) upon him the peace of you; lest however except yet to you it will return.
Te avilo okote vareko dostojno palo tumaro miro, tumaro miro ačhela pe leste. A ako naj khonik dostojno tumaro miro boldelape tumende.
7 In [the] same now house do remain eating and drinking the [things supplied] by them; worthy [is] for the workman of the wages of him (is. *k*) Not do move from house to house.
Kana aven ande varesosko ćher, na naćhen andar o ćher ande aver ćher, ačhen pe jek than han thaj pijen sa so inkalen angle tumende. Kaj o radniko zaslužil piri poćin.”
8 And into whatever (now *k*) maybe city you may enter, and they may receive you, do eat the [things] set before you
Kana den ande savo gav thaj primin tumen, han so ponudin tumen.
9 And do heal in it [the] sick and do say to them; Has drawn near to you the kingdom of God.
Sastaren e nasvalen save si ande godova gav thaj phenen lenđe: Akaleja pašilo tumenđe e Devlesko carstvo!
10 Into whatever now maybe city (you may enter, *N(k)O*) and not they may receive you, having gone out into the streets of it do say;
A kana den ande varesavo gav thaj či primin tumen, inkljen pe lešće sokača thaj phenen:
11 Even the dust which having clung to us out of the city of you (to the feet *NO*) we wipe off against you; yet this do know that has drawn near (upon you *K*) the kingdom of God.
Čak vi o praho andar tumaro gav, savo astardape pale amare pungre, khosas amendar sago o znako kaj o Del sudila tumenđe. Ali kava džanen: Pašilo tumenđe e Devlesko carstvo!
12 I say (now *k*) to you that for Sodom in the day that more tolerable it will be than city for that.
Phenav tumenđe: Ando đes e sudosko majloće avela e themešće andar e Sodoma nego e themešće andar akava gav.
13 Woe to you Chorazin! Woe to you Bethsaida! For if in Tyre and Sidon (had been *N(k)O*) the miracles having taken place in you, long ago then would in sackcloth and ashes (sitting *N(k)O*) they would have repented.
Teško tumenđe manušalen andar o gav Horazin! Teško tumenđe manušalen andar o gav Vitsaida! Kaj te e čudurja save dogodisajle tumende dogodisajle sas ando rumome gava o Tiro thaj o Sidon, e manuša andar godola gava već dumut obratisajlesas thaj bešlinesas ande hrapavo thaj neudobne drze ando praho sago znako palo pokajanje.
14 But for Tyre and for Sidon more tolerable will it be in the judgment than for you.
Ali e manušenđe andar o gav Tiro thaj andar o Sidon po sudo avela majloće nego tumenđe.
15 And you yourself Capernaum (not *N(k)O*) to (*k*) heaven (will you be lifted up? *N(k)O*) to (*no*) Hades (you will be brought down. *N(k)O*) (Hadēs g86)
Vi tumen manušalen andar o Kafarnaum! Zar džiko nebo avena vazdine? Džiko than kaj si e mule haradona kaj si o tunjariko thaj e jag. (Hadēs g86)
16 The [one] hearing you Me hears, and the [one] rejecting you Me myself rejects; the [one] now Me myself rejecting he rejects the [One] having sent Me.
Pale godova phendas e učenikonenđe: “Ko tumende čhol kan, mande čhol kan. Ko tumen odbacil man odbacil, a ko man odbacil, odbacil okoles savo bičhalda man.”
17 Returned then the seventy (two *NO*) with joy saying; Lord, even the demons are subject to us through the name of You.
Kana e eftavardeš thaj duj učenikurja boldine pes bahtale phendine: “Gospode, čak vi e bilačhe duhurja pokorinpes angle amende ande ćiro alav!”
18 He said then to them; I was beholding Satan as lightning out of the heaven having fallen.
A o Isus phendas lenđe: “Dikhlem e benđenđe poglavica sar perel sar e munja andar o nebo.
19 Behold (I have given *N(k)O*) you the authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions and upon all the power of the enemy, and no [thing] you certainly not (may injure. *NK(o)*)
Ake dijem tumen vlast te uštaven pe sapa thaj pe škorpijonurja thaj pe sa e sila e dušmaješći thaj khanči či naškodila tumenđe.
20 Yet in this not do rejoice that the spirits to you are subjected; do rejoice however (more *K*) that the names of you (have been written *N(k)O*) in the heavens.
Ali na raduin tumen kaj e bilačhe duhurja pokorinpe tumenđe, Ali raduin tumen zbog godova kaj si tumare alava ramome ande Devlesko svitak ando nebo.”
21 In [the] same hour He rejoiced (in *n*) the Spirit (*N(k)O*) (Holy *N(K)O*) and said; I fully consent to You, Father, Lord of the heaven and of the earth, for You have hidden these things from wise and intelligent and revealed them to little children. yes O Father, for thus well-pleasing was it before You.
Ande godova časo o Isus pherdo bah ando Sveto Duho phendas: “Slaviv tut, Dade, tut savo san Gospodari e nebosko thaj e phuvjako, kaj garadan ćiro čačipe katar okola save smatrin pes mudre thaj umne, a objavisardan e ciknenđe. Ej Dade! Gajda tuće sviđosajlo.
22 (and having turned to disciples said *K*) All things to Me was delivered by the Father of Mine, And no [one] knows who is the Son only except the Father, and who is the Father only except the Son and to whom (maybe *NK(o)*) shall resolve the Son to reveal [Him].
Mungro Dad sa dija man thaj khonik či džanel ko si o Čhavo, nego samo o Dad; niti ko si o Dad osim o Čhavo thaj okova kašće o Čhavo godova kamel te objavil.”
23 And having turned to the disciples in private He said; Blessed [are] the eyes which are seeing what you see!
Askal boldape ke učenikurja kana sas korkoro lenca thaj phendas lenđe: “Blago e manušenđe save dićhen okova so tumare jakha dićhen!
24 I say for to you that many prophets and kings desired to see what you yourselves see and not saw, and to hear what you hear and not heard.
Phenav tumenđe: But prorokurja thaj e carurja kamline te dićhen man thaj te ašunen man, ali či dikhline man thaj či ašundine man!”
25 And behold a lawyer certain stood up testing Him (and *ko*) saying; Teacher, what having done life eternal will I inherit? (aiōnios g166)
Jekhvar uštilo jek sikavno e Mojsiješće zakonestar te probil e Isuse thaj phučlas: “Sikavneja, so trubul te ćerav te dobiv večno trajo?” (aiōnios g166)
26 And He said to him; In the law what has been written? How read you?
A vo phendas lešće: “So ramol ando Mojsijesko zakono? So okote čitosardan?”
27 And answering he said; 'You will love [the] Lord the God of you with all the heart of you and (with all the soul *N(k)O*) of you and (with all the strength *N(k)O*) of you and (with all the mind *N(k)O*) of you’, and The neighbour of you as yourself.’
Askal o manuš phendas “Čumide e Gospode Devle ćire saste ileja, ćire saste dušava, ćire saste snagasa ćire saste gođasa, thaj volisar ćire pašutne sago kaj volis korkoro tut!”
28 He said then to him; Correctly you have answered; This do perform and you will live.
Pe godova phendas lešće o Isus: “Lačhe phendan. Godova ćer thaj avela tut večno trajo.”
29 But desiring (to justify *N(k)O*) himself he said to Jesus; And who is my neighbour?
Ali vo lija te sikavelpe pravedno, thaj phučla e Isuse: “A ko si mungro pašutno?”
30 Having taken [it] up (now *ko*) Jesus said; A man certain was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho and robbers fell among who both having stripped him and wounds having inflicted they went away having left [him] half dead (state. *k*)
A o Isus phendas: “Varesosko manuš fuljelas andar o Jerusalim ando gav savo akhardolas Jerihon. Thaj astardine les e razbojnikurja. Von čhudine lestar e drze, mardineles thaj đeletar. O manuš ačhilo te pašljol opaš mulo.
31 By chance now a priest certain was going down on the road that, and having seen him he passed by opposite.
Slučajno godole dromesa naćhelas varesosko židovsko rašaj, dikhlale thaj nakhlo gajda kaj zaobiđisarda les.
32 Likewise now also a Levite having come to the spot having come and having seen [him] passed by opposite.
A gajda vi o levito e rašajesko pomoćniko: nakhlo kotar, dikhlale thaj nakhlo paše leste.
33 A Samaritan however one journeying came to him, and having seen (him *ko*) was moved with compassion,
Varesosko putniko Samarijanco areslo dži leste, dikhla les, thaj sažalisajlo pe leste.
34 and having approached he bound up the wounds of him pouring on oil and wine. having put then him on [his] own beast he brought him to an inn and took care of him.
Avilo dži leste thaj thoda e rane lešće e uljesa thaj e molasa thaj paćarda len. Thaj čhutale pe piro magarco, inđardale ande gostijonica thaj pobrinisajlo pale leste.
35 And on the next day (having gone out *K*) having taken out he gave [them] two denarii to the innkeeper and said (to him: *k*) do take care of him, and (whatever more *NK(o)*) maybe you may expend, I myself on the returning of me will repay you.
Thejara o đes inkalda duj rupune lovora, dija len e gostijoničarešće thaj phendas: ‘Le sama pe leste. Ako so majbut potrošil, poćinava tuće kana boldava man.’”
36 Which (therefore *KO*) of these three a neighbour seems to you to have been of the [one] falling among the robbers?
Askal o Isus phučla les: “So phenes, savo katar akala ponašisajlo sago pašutno prema okova saves astardine e razbojnikurja?”
37 And he said; The [one] having shown compassion toward him. Said (then *N(k)O*) to him Jesus; do go and you yourself do act likewise.
A vo phendas: “Okova savo pomognisarda lešće.” Pe godova o Isus phenda lešće: “Dža thaj vi tu ćer gajda!”
38 (it came to pass *K*) In now the proceeding of them (and *ko*) He himself entered into a village certain. a woman now certain named Martha received Him (into *ko*) (the house *k(o)*) (of her *KO*)
Dok o Isus thaj lešće učenikurja gajda putuinas majdur prema o Jerusalim, dine ande varesosko gav. Okote sas varesavi manušnji savi akhardolas Marta, primisarda len ande piro ćher.
39 And she was a sister being called Mary. She also (having sat down at *N(k)O*) the feet of the (Lord *N(K)O*) was listening to the word of Him.
A sas lat phen savi akhardolas Marija. Voj bešelas dži ke Gospodešće pungre thaj ašunelas o alav lesko.
40 But Martha was distracted about much service. having come up now she said; Lord, not is it concerning to You that the sister of mine alone me (has left *NK(o)*) to serve? do speak therefore to her that me she may help!
A e Marta sas but zauzmime godolesa kaj poslužilas. Voj avili leste thaj phendas: “Gospode! Zar či maris kaj mungri phen mukla man korkoro te posluživ? Phen laće te pomožil man.”
41 Answering now He said to her the (Lord; *N(K)O*) Martha Martha, you are anxious and (troubled *N(k)O*) about many things,
A o Gospod phendas laće: “Marta, Marta! Na ha holji thaj uznemiritu pale but godova,
42 (few or *O*) one [thing] however is necessary: Mary (for *N(k)O*) the good portion has chosen which not will be taken away from (from *ko*) her.
a samo jek si važno. E Marija godova svatisardas thaj godova či lava latar.”

< Luke 10 >