< James 3 >

1 Not many [of you] teachers do become brothers of mine, knowing that greater judgment we will receive.
Musava vadzidzisi vazhinji, hama dzangu, muchiziva kuti tichagamuchira kutongwa kukuru.
2 In many ways for we stumble all; If anyone in what he says not does stumble, this one [is] a perfect man, able to bridle indeed all the body.
Nokuti tese tinogumburwa pazvinhu zvizhinji. Kana umwe asingagumburwi pashoko, ndiye murume wakaperedzerwa, anogona kudzorawo muviri wese.
3 (If *NO*) (now *N(K)(o)*) of the horses bits into the mouths we put (for *N(k)O*) to obey them us, even all the body of them we turn about.
Tarira, tinoisa matomu mumiromo yemabhiza kuti atiteerere, ndokutenderedza muviri wawo wese.
4 Behold also the ships, so great being and by winds strong being driven, are turned about by a very small rudder where (ever *k*) the impulse [of the one] who is steering (decides. *N(k)O*)
Tarirai, nezvikepe, kunyange zviri zvikuru zvakadai, uye zvichitinhwa nemhepo dzine simba, zvinonangiswa nechidzoreso chidiki diki, chero kupi kunodikanwa nechishuwo chemufambisi.
5 Thus also the tongue a small member is and exceeding things it boasts. Behold (a great *N(k)O*) fire how great a forest it kindles;
Rwakadarowo rurimi rwuri mutezo mudiki, uye rwunozvirumbidza zvikuru. Tarirai, moto mudiki unotungidza matanda akakura sei!
6 Also the tongue [is] a fire, the world of iniquity (thus *k*) The tongue is set among the members of us which is defiling all the body and setting on fire the course of nature and [itself] being set on fire by hell. (Geenna g1067)
Nerurimi moto, nyika yeuipi; ndizvo zvakaita rurimi rwakaiswa pakati pemitezo yedu, rwunosvibisa muviri wese, nekutungidza nzira yeupenyu, uye rwunotungidzwa negehena. (Geenna g1067)
7 All for kinds of beasts both and of birds, of creeping things both and things of the sea is subdued and he has been subdued by the race human;
Nokuti marudzi ese emhuka neeshiriwo, neezvesewo zvinokambaira neezvisikwa zvegungwa anopingudzwa uye akapingudzwa nechisikirwo chevanhu;
8 the but tongue no [one] to subdue is able of men; ([it is] an unruly *N(k)O*) evil, full of poison deadly.
asi hakuna munhu anogona kupingudza rurimi; uipi husingadzoreki, rwuzere nechepfu inouraya.
9 With it we bless the (Lord *N(K)O*) and Father and with it we curse men those according to [the] likeness of God having been made;
Narwo tinorumbidza Mwari uye Baba, narwowo tinotuka vanhu vakaitwa nemufananidzo waMwari;
10 Out of the same mouth proceed forth blessing and cursing. Not ought, brothers of Mine, these things so to be.
mumuromo umwewo munobva kurumbidza nekutuka. Hazvina kufanira, hama dzangu, izvi zvive saizvozvo.
11 surely not ever the spring out of the same opening pours forth [both] fresh and bitter?
Chitubu chingadzutura pamuromo umwe chinonaka nechinovava here?
12 Surely not is able, brothers of mine, a fig tree olives to produce Or a vine figs? (thus *k*) (Nor *N(k)O*) (spring *K*) of salt (and *k*) fresh to produce water.
Hama dzangu, muonde unogona kubereka maorivhi here, kana muzambiringa maonde? Saizvozvo hakuna chitubu chinobudisa mvura inovava neinonaka.
13 Who [is] wise and understanding among you? he should show out of the good conduct the works of him in [the] humility of wisdom.
Ndiani wakachenjera neanonzwisisa pakati penyu? Ngaaratidze nemufambiro wakanaka mabasa ake neunyoro hweuchenjeri.
14 If however jealousy bitter you have and self-interest in the heart of you, not do boast [of it] and do lie against the truth.
Asi kana mune godo rinovava nerukave mumoyo wenyu, musazvirumbidza nekurevera chokwadi nhema.
15 Not is this the wisdom from above coming down, but [is] earthly unspiritual demonic.
Uhu hausi uchenjeri hunoburuka kubva kumusoro, asi hwenyika, hwechisikirwo, hweudhimoni.
16 Where for jealousy and self-interest [exist], there [will be] disorder and every evil thing.
Nokuti pane godo nerukave, ndipo pane nyongano nekuita kwese kwakaipa.
17 But the from above wisdom first indeed pure is, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and of fruits good, impartial, (and *k*) sincere.
Asi uchenjeri hunobva kumusoro pakutanga hwakachena, kozouya kuva nerugare, kunyorova, kuteerera, kuzara netsitsi nezvibereko zvakanaka, husina kutsaura, uye husina kunyengera.
18 [The] fruit moreover (*k*) of righteousness in peace is sown by those making peace.
Uye chibereko chekururama chinodzvarwa murugare kune vanoita rugare.

< James 3 >