< Acts 9 >

1 But Saul still breathing out threats and murder toward the disciples of the Lord, having gone to the high priest,
Zvino Sauro, achiri kufema kutyisa nekuuraya akamirisana nevadzidzi vaIshe, wakaenda kumupristi mukuru,
2 requested from him letters in Damascus to the synagogues, so that if any he shall find of the way being men both and women, bound he may bring [them] to Jerusalem.
akakumbira kwaari magwaro ekuenda Dhamasiko kumasinagoge, kuti kana awana chero venzira iyo vese varume nevakadzi, avauise vakasungwa kuJerusarema.
3 In now proceeding it came to pass [as] he [is] drawing near to Damascus, suddenly (also *N(k)O*) him flashed around a light (from *N(k)O*) heaven;
Zvino pakufamba, wakaswedera kuDhamasiko; zvino kamwe-kamwe kwakapenya kwakamupoteredza chiedza kubva kudenga;
4 And having fallen on the ground he heard a voice saying to him; Saul Saul, why Me do you persecute?
zvino wakawira pasi, akanzwa inzwi richiti kwaari: Sauro, Sauro, unondishushirei?
5 He said then; Who are You, Lord? And [He said] (Lord said: *k*) I myself am Jesus whom you yourself are persecuting (hard to you to stingers to kick; *K*)
Zvino akati: Ndimwi ani, Ishe? Ishe ndokuti: Ndini Jesu waunoshusha iwe; zvinokuremera kukavana nezvibayo.
6 (they tremble then and were astonished he said Lord what me you desire to do and the Lord [said] to him *K*) (But *NO*) do rise up and do enter into the city, and it will be told you (that *N(o)*) (what *NK(o)*) you it behooves to do.
Achidederawo nekushamisika wakati: Ishe, chii chamunoda kuti ndiite? Ishe ndokuti kwaari: Simuka upinde muguta, zvino uchaudzwa zvaunofanira kuita.
7 And the men those traveling with him had stood speechless, hearing indeed the voice, no one however seeing.
Zvino varume vaifamba naye vakamira vasina remuromo, vachinzwa inzwi, asi vasingaoni munhu.
8 Rose up then (*k*) Saul from the ground, opened (however *NK(o)*) the eyes of him (no [thing] *N(k)O*) he was seeing; Leading by the hand then him they brought [him] to Damascus.
Zvino Sauro akasimuka kubva pasi; asi meso ake azarurwa, haana kuona munhu. Zvino vakamubata ruoko, vakamuuisa kuDhamasiko.
9 And he was days three without seeing and neither did he eat nor drink.
Akava nemazuva matatu asingaoni, uye asingadyi kana kunwa.
10 There was now a certain disciple in Damascus named Ananias, And said to him in a vision the Lord; Ananias. And he said; Behold me myself, Lord.
Zvino pakange pane umwe mudzidzi paDhamasiko wainzi Ananiasi; Ishe ndokuti kwaari muchiratidzo: Ananiasi! Zvino akati: Tarirai ndiri pano Ishe.
11 And the Lord to him [said]; (Having risen up *NK(o)*) do go into the street which is being called Straight and do seek in [the] house of Judas Saul named of Tarsus; Behold for he is praying
Ishe ndokuti kwaari: Simuka uende munzira yemuguta inonzi Yakarurama, ugobvunza mumba maJudhasi munhu anonzi Sauro, weTaso; nokuti tarira anonyengetera,
12 and he saw a man in a vision Ananias named having come and having put on him (the *no*) (hands, *N(K)O*) so that he may see again.
uye waona muchiratidzo murume anonzi Ananiasi achipinda nekuisa ruoko paari, kuti aonezve.
13 Answered but (*k*) Ananias; Lord, (I have heard *N(k)O*) from many concerning man this, how many evils to the saints of You he did in Jerusalem;
Asi Ananiasi wakapindura akati: Ishe, ndakanzwa nevazhinji zvemurume uyu, zvakakura sei zvakaipa zvaakaitira vatsvene venyu paJerusarema;
14 and here he has authority from the chief priests to bind all those calling on the name of You.
uye pano ane simba kubva kuvapristi vakuru, kusunga vese vanodana zita renyu.
15 Said however to him the Lord; do go, for a vessel of choice is to Me this [man] to carry the name of Me before (the *o*) Gentiles (and *no*) also kings [the] sons then of Israel.
Asi Ishe wakati kwaari: Enda, nokuti iye mudziyo wakasarudzwa kwandiri, kutakurira zita rangu pamberi pevahedheni nemadzimambo, nevana vaIsraeri;
16 I myself for will show to him how much it behooves him for the name of Me to suffer.
nokuti ini ndichamuratidza kuti anofanira kutambura zvakadini nekuda kwezita rangu.
17 Went away then Ananias and entered into the house, and having laid upon him the hands he said; Saul Brother, the Lord has sent me, Jesus the [One] having appeared to you on the road by which you were coming, that you may see again and you may be filled [of the] Spirit Holy.
Zvino Ananiasi wakaenda ndokupinda mumba, ndokuisa maoko pamusoro pake akati: Sauro hama, Ishe wandituma, Jesu wakaonekwa kwauri munzira yawakauya nayo, kuti uonezve uye uzadzwe neMweya Mutsvene.
18 And immediately fell of him from the eyes (as *N(k)O*) scales, he regained his sight also (immediately *K*) And having risen up he was baptized,
Zvino pakarepo kwakawa mumeso ake zvinenge mafunurwa, akaonazve pakarepo, uye asimuka wakabhabhatidzwa.
19 and having taken food (he strengthened. *NK(o)*) He was now (Saul *k*) with those in Damascus [the] disciple, s days [for] some;
Zvino wakati agamuchira kudya akawana simba. Sauro wakavawo nevadzidzi vaiva paDhamasiko mamwe mazuva.
20 And immediately in the synagogues he was proclaiming (Jesus, *N(K)O*) that He is the Son of God.
Zvino pakarepo wakaparidza Kristu mumasinagoge, kuti iye Mwanakomana waMwari.
21 Were amazed then all those hearing and were saying; Surely this is the [one] having caused havoc (in *N(k)O*) Jerusalem those calling on name this? And here for this he had come that bound them he may bring to the chief priests.
Asi vese vakazvinzwa vakashamisika ndokuti: Ko uyu haasi iye waiparadza avo vaidana zita iri muJerusarema here, uye akauyira izvozvo pano, kuti avatinhire vakasungwa kuvapristi vakuru?
22 Saul however all the more was empowered and was confounding the Jews those dwelling in Damascus, proving that this is the Christ.
Asi Sauro wakaramba achisimbiswa, akavhiringidza VaJudha vaigara paDhamasiko, achibudisa pachena kuti uyu ndiye Kristu.
23 When now were passed days many, plotted together the Jews to execute him;
Zvino mazuva mazhinji akati azadziswa, VaJudha vakarangana pamwe chete kuti vamuuraye;
24 became known however to Saul the plot of them. (They were themselves watching now *N(k)O*) (also *no*) the gates by day and also night, so that him they may execute;
asi zano ravo rakazikanwa kuna Sauro. Vakarindawo masuwo masikati neusiku, kuti vamuuraye;
25 having taken however the disciples (of him *NO*) by night through the wall they let down him having lowered [him] in a basket.
asi vadzidzi vakamutora usiku, vakamuburusa neparusvingo vachimuburusa ari mudengu.
26 Having arrived then (Saul *k*) (in *NK(o)*) Jerusalem (he was trying *N(k)O*) to join to the disciples; And all were afraid of him not believing that he is a disciple.
Zvino Sauro wakati asvika kuJerusarema, akaidza kuzvibatanidza kuvadzidzi; asi vese vaimutya, vasingatendi kuti mudzidzi.
27 Barnabas however having taken him he brought [him] to the apostles and he related to them how on the road he had seen the Lord and that He had spoken to him and how in Damascus he had spoken boldly in the name of Jesus.
Asi Bhanabhasi wakamutora akamuuisa kuvaapositori, ndokurondedzera kwavari kuti wakaona Ishe sei munzira, uye kuti wakange ataura kwaari, uye kuti wakataura akashinga sei paDhamasiko muzita raJesu.
28 And he was with them coming in and going out (in *N(k)O*) Jerusalem,
Zvino wakava navo achipinda nekubuda paJerusarema,
29 (and *k*) speaking boldly in the name of the Lord (Jesus, *K*) He was speaking also and he was debating with the Hellenists; but they were seeking to execute him.
ndokutaura akashinga muzita raIshe Jesu, akataura achipikisa VaHerenisiti; asi vakaidza kumuuraya.
30 Having known [it] however the brothers brought down him to Caesarea and sent away him to Tarsus.
Asi hama dzakati dzazviziva dzikamuburusira Kesariya, ndokumutumira kuTaso.
31 (the *N(k)O*) indeed then (church *N(K)O*) throughout all of Judea and Galilee and Samaria (had *N(k)O*) peace, (being edified *N(k)O*) and (going on *N(k)O*) in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit (it were multiplied. *N(k)O*)
Naizvozvo kereke paJudhiya yese neGarirea neSamaria dzikava nerugare, dzikavakwa, dzikawedzerwa, dzichifamba mukutya Ishe nemunyaradzo yeMweya Mutsvene.
32 It came to pass that now Peter passing through all [quarters] descending also to the saints those inhabiting Lydda.
Zvino zvakaitika Petro achigura nzvimbo dzese, akaburukirawo kuvatsvene vakange vagere paRidha.
33 He found then there a man certain named Aeneas for years eight lying on (a bed *N(k)O*) who was paralyzed.
Akawanapo umwe munhu wainzi Eneasi, wakange arere panhovo makore masere, akafa mitezo.
34 And said to him Peter; Aeneas, heals you Jesus (*k*) Christ; do rise up and do make the bed for yourself. And immediately he rose up;
Petro ndokuti kwaari: Eneasi, Jesu Kristu anokuporesa; simuka, uzviwaridzire. Zvino akasimuka pakarepo.
35 And saw him all those inhabiting Lydda and (Sharon, *NK(o)*) who turned to the Lord.
Zvino vese vakange vagere Ridha neSaroni vakamuona, vakatendeukira kuna Ishe.
36 In Joppa now certain there was a disciple named Tabitha, which being translated is called Dorcas; She was full of works good and of alms that she was doing;
Zvino paivapo paJopa umwe mudzidzikadzi wainzi Tabhita, ndiko kuti Dhokasi kana zvichitsanangurwa; uyo wakange azere nemabasa akanaka nemabasa erudo aaiita.
37 It came to pass however in the days those [that] having become sick she to die; Having washed [her] then put [her] they in an upper room.
Zvino zvakaitika mumazuva iwayo kuti iye akarwara ndokufa; vakati vamushambidza, vakamuradzika mukamuri yekumusoro.
38 Near now being Lydda to Joppa the disciples having heard that Peter is in it, sent two men to him imploring; Not (you may delay *N(k)O*) coming to (us. *N(K)O*)
Zvino Ridha zvarakange riri pedo neJopa, vadzidzi vakange vanzwa kuti Petro wakange aripo, vakatumira kwaari varume vaviri, vachikumbira zvikuru kuti asanonoka kuuya kwavari.
39 Having risen up then Peter went with them; who having arrived they brought [him] into the upper room, And stood by him all the widows weeping and showing [the] tunics and garments how much was making with them being Dorcas.
Zvino Petro wakasimuka akaenda navo; akati asvika vakamuisa kuimba yekumusoro, uye chirikadzi dzese dzikamirapo naye dzichichema dzichiratidza nguvo refu nezvipfeko Dhokasi zvaakange aita achiri navo.
40 Having put then outside all Peter and having bowed the knees he prayed; And having turned to the body he said; Tabitha, do arise. And she opened the eyes of her and having seen Peter she sat up.
Asi Petro wakavabudisira panze vese akafugama akanyengetera; ndokutendeukira kumutumbi, akati: Tabhita, muka! Akazarura meso ake; zvino wakati achiona Petro, akagara.
41 Having given then to her [his] hand he raised up her; Having called then the saints and the widows he presented her living.
Zvino wakamupa ruoko, akamusimudza; ndokuti adana vatsvene nechirikadzi, akamuisa pamberi pavo achirarama.
42 Known then it became throughout all of Joppa, and believed many on the Lord.
Zvino zvikazikanwa paJopa yese; vazhinji ndokutenda kuna Ishe.
43 It came to pass then days many staying (he *ko*) in Joppa with a certain Simon a tanner.
Zvino zvikaitika kuti wakagara mazuva mazhinji paJopa neumwe Simoni musuki wematehwe.

< Acts 9 >