< Acts 4 >

1 When are speaking now they to the people came upon them the (priests *NK(O)*) and the captain of the temple and the Sadducees,
Zvino vakati vachataura kuvanhu, vapristi nemutungamiriri wetembere neVaSadhusi vakavasvikira,
2 being distressed because of teaching of theirs to the people and [their] proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection (that *NK(o)*) out from [the] dead;
vachishungurudzika nokuti vanodzidzisa vanhu, nekuparidza kumuka kubva kuvakafa munaJesu.
3 and they laid on them the hands and put [them] in custody until the next day; it was for evening already.
Zvino vakaisa maoko pavari ndokuisa muchitokisi kusvikira mangwana; nokuti akange atova madekwani.
4 Many however of those having heard the word believed; and became the number of the men (about *N(k)O*) thousand five.
Asi vazhinji vevakanzwa shoko vakatenda; neuwandu hwevarume hwaiva zvuru zvinenge zvishanu.
5 It came to pass then on the next day assembling their rulers and (*no*) elders and (*no*) scribes
Zvino zvakaitika kuchiidza kuti kwakaungana vatungamiriri nevakuru nevanyori vavo paJerusarema,
6 (in *N(k)O*) Jerusalem and (Annas the high priest *N(k)O*) and (Caiaphas *N(k)O*) and (John *N(k)O*) and (Alexander *N(k)O*) and as many as were of descent high-priestly,
naAnasi mupristi mukuru, naKayafasi, naJohwani, naArekizandira, nevese vaiva vehama dzemupristi mukuru.
7 And having placed them in the midst they were inquiring; In what power or in what name did this you yourselves?
Zvino vakati vavamisa pakati, vakabvunza vachiti: Izvi imwi mazviita nesimba ripi kana nezita ripi?
8 Then Peter having been filled with [the] Spirit Holy said to them; Rulers of the people and elders (of Israel *K*)
Ipapo Petro azedzwe neMweya Mutsvene wakati kwavari: Vatongi vevanhu, nevakuru VaIsraeri;
9 if we ourselves this day are being examined as to a good work [to the] man ailing, by what [means] he has been healed,
kana isu tichibvunzurudzwa nhasi pamusoro pebasa rakanaka kumunhu asina simba, kuti iye waponeswa nei,
10 known it should be to all you and to all the people of Israel that in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth whom you yourselves crucified, whom God raised out from [the] dead, in Him this [man] has stood before you sound.
ngazvizikanwe kwamuri mese, nekuvanhu vese veIsraeri, kuti nezita raJesu Kristu muNazareta, wamakaroverera pamuchinjikwa imwi, Mwari waakamutsa kubva kuvakafa, naye munhu uyu amire pano pamberi penyu apora.
11 This is the stone which having been rejected by you the (builders, *N(k)O*) which has become into head of [the] corner.’
Uyu ndiye ibwe rakazvidzwa nemwi vavaki, razova musoro wekona.
12 And not there is in other no [one] the salvation; (not *N(k)O*) for name is there another under heaven which given among men by which it behooves to be saved us.
Uye hakuna ruponeso kune umwezve; nokuti hakuna rimwe zita pasi pedenga rakapiwa pakati pevanhu, ratinofanira kuponeswa naro.
13 Seeing now the of Peter boldness and of John and having grasped that men unschooled they are and ordinary, they were astonished, They were recognizing then them that with Jesus they were being,
Zvino vakati vachiona kusatya kwaPetro naJohwani, uye vachinzwisisa kuti vaiva vanhu vasina kudzidza uye vasina ruzivo, vakashamisika; ndokuvaziva kuti vaiva naJesu.
14 (And *N(k)O*) the man beholding with them already standing who healed, no [thing] they had to contradict.
Asi vachiona munhu wakange aporeswa amire navo, vakashaiwa chavangapikisa.
15 Having commanded however them outside the Council to go, (they were confering *N(k)O*) with one another
Zvino vakati vavaraira kuti vabude kunze kwedare remakurukota, vakarangana pakati pavo,
16 saying; What (shall we do *N(k)O*) to the men these? for truly for a noteworthy sign has come to pass through them to all those inhabiting Jerusalem [is] evident, and not we are able (to deny [it]; *N(k)O*)
vachiti: Tichaitei kuvanhu ava? Nokuti zviri pachena kune vese vagere Jerusarema kuti chiratidzo chinozikanwa chaitwa navo, uye hatigoni kuzviramba.
17 But that not on further it may spread among the people, (threats *K*) (let us warn *NK(o)*) them no longer to speak in name this to no man.
Asi kuti zvirege kunyanya kuparadzirwa pakati pevanhu, ngativayambirei zvikuru kuti varege kuchizotaura nemunhu upi neupi muzita iri.
18 And having called them they commanded (them *k*) at not to speak nor to teach in the name of Jesus.
Vakabva vavadana, vakavaraira kuti varege kutongotaura kana kudzidzisa muzita raJesu.
19 But Peter and John answering said to them; Whether right it is before God to you to listen rather than God, you should judge.
Asi Petro naJohwani vakapindura vakati kwavari: Gurai, kana zvakarurama pamberi paMwari kuteerera imwi kupfuura Mwari.
20 not we are able for we ourselves what we have seen and we heard not to speak.
Nokuti isu hatigoni kusataura zvatakaona nekunzwa.
21 And having further threatened [them] they let go them nothing finding the how (they may punish *NK(o)*) them, on account of the people, because all were glorifying God for that having happened.
Zvino vakati vawedzera kuvavhundudzira, vakavaregedza, vasingawani chinhu kuti vangavaranga sei nekuda kwevanhu; nokuti vese vairumbidza Mwari pamusoro pezvakaitika.
22 of years for he was more than forty-the man on whom had taken place sign this of healing.
Nokuti munhu wakange apfuura makore makumi mana wakange aitirwa chiratidzo ichi chekuporesa.
23 Having been let go now they came to [their] own and reported as much as to them the chief priests and the elders had said.
Vakati varegedzwa vakaenda kune vekwavo, vakanopira zvese vapristi vakuru nevakuru zvavakange vataura kwavari.
24 And having heard with one accord they lifted up [their] voice to God and said; Sovereign Lord, You yourself (God *K*) who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all that [is] in them,
Zvino ivo vakati vanzwa vakasimudzira inzwi kuna Mwari nemoyo umwe, vakati: Tenzi, imwi Mwari makaita denga nenyika negungwa nezvese zviri mazviri;
25 who (of the father of us *NO*) through ([the] Spirit Holy *NO*) through [the] mouth of David (the *k*) servant of You having spoken: so why so why did rage [the] Gentiles and peoples did devise vain things?
makareva nemuromo waDhavhidhi, muranda wenyu muchiti: Nemhaka yei vahedheni vachiita bope, nevanhu vachifunga zvisina maturo?
26 Took [their] stand the kings of the earth and the rulers were gathered together themselves against the Lord and against the Christ of Him.’
Madzimambo enyika akasimuka, nevatungamiriri vakaungana pamwe chete kumirisana naIshe nekumirisana naKristu wake.
27 Were gathered together for in truth (in the city this *NO*) against the holy servant of You Jesus whom You anointed, Herod both and Pontius Pilate with [the] Gentiles and peoples of Israel
Nokuti zvirokwazvo vakaungana vakamirisana neMwanakomana wenyu mutsvene Jesu, wamakazodza, vese Herodhe naPondiyo Pirato pamwe nevahedheni, nevanhu vekwaIsraeri,
28 to do as much as the hand of You and the purpose of You determined beforehand to happen.
kuti vaite zvese ruoko rwenyu nezano renyu zvamakagara matema kuti zviitike.
29 And now, Lord, do look upon the threats of them and do grant to the servants of You with boldness all to speak the word of You
Uye ikozvino Ishe, tarirai kuvhundudzira kwavo, mupe varanda venyu kuti vataure shoko renyu nekusatya kwese,
30 in that the hand of You stretching out You for healing and signs and wonders to take place through the name of the holy servant of You Jesus.
pakuti mutandavadze ruoko rwenyu pakuporesa, nezviratidzo nezvishamiso zviitwe nezita reMwanakomana wenyu mutsvene Jesu.
31 And when were praying they was shaken the place in which they were assembled, and they were filled all (with the *no*) Holy Spirit and were speaking the word of God with boldness.
Zvino vakati vanyengetera nzvimbo yavakange vakaungana pairi yakazununguswa; zvino vakazadzwa vese neMweya Mutsvene, ndokutaura shoko raMwari nekusatya.
32 And the multitude who having believed were [in] (*k*) heart and (*k*) soul one; and not one anything of the possessions (to him *N(k)O*) was claiming [his] own to be, but were to them (all things *NK(o)*) in common.
Zvino chaunga chevaitenda chaiva nemoyo nemweya umwe; uye kwakange kusina umwe waiti chimwe chezvaaiva nazvo ndechake, asi vakadyidzana zvinhu zvese.
33 And [with] power great were giving testimony the apostles of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus grace then abundant was upon all them.
Uye nesimba guru vaapositori vakapa uchapupu hwekumuka kwaIshe Jesu; nenyasha huru dzikava pamusoro pavo vese.
34 Not even for in need anyone (there was *N(k)O*) among them; as many as for [were] owners of lands or houses were selling [them] they were bringing the proceeds of what is sold
Nokuti pakange pasina umwe pakati pavo waishaiwa, nokuti vese vaiva vene veminda kana dzimba, vakazvitengesa, vakauisa mutengo wezvinhu zvakatengeswa,
35 and were laying [them] at the feet of the apostles, distribution was made then to each just as would anyone need had.
vakaisa patsoka dzevaapositori; uye zvikagoverwa kune umwe neumwe zvichienderana nekushaiwa kwaaiva nako.
36 (Joseph *N(K)O*) now who having been called Barnabas (by *N(k)O*) the apostles which is being translated Son of encouragement a Levite, a Cypriot at the birth,
NaJose, wakatumidzwa nevaapositori Bhanabhasi, ndokuti kana zvichishandurwa, mwanakomana wenyaradzo, muRevhi weSaipuresi parudzi,
37 When is owning he a field, having sold [it] he brought the money and laid [it] (at *N(k)O*) the feet of the apostles.
ane munda, wakatengesa, akauisa mari akaisa patsoka dzevaapositori.

< Acts 4 >