< 2 Corinthians 12 >

1 To boast (it behooves [me], *N(K)O*) not (is it profitable indeed, *N(K)O*) I will go on (however *N(k)O*) to visions and revelations of [the] Lord.
Kuzvikudza zvirokwazvo hakubatsiri kwandiri; nokuti ndichauya pazviratidzo nezvakazarurwa zvaIshe.
2 I know a man in Christ ago years fourteen — whether in [the] body not I know, or out of the body not I know, God knows — having been caught up such a man until [the] third heaven.
Ndinoziva munhu ari muna Kristu makore gumi nemana apfuura (kana zvakaitwa mumuviri, handizivi, kana kunze kwemuviri, handizivi, Mwari anoziva), wakadai wakabvutirwa kudenga rechitatu.
3 And I know such a man — whether in [the] body or (out of *N(k)O*) the body, not I know, God knows —
Uye ndinoziva munhu wakadai (kana mumuviri, kana kunze kwemuviri, handizivi; Mwari anoziva),
4 that he was caught up into Paradise and he heard inexpressible declaration which not being permitted to man to speak.
kuti wakabvutwa akaiswa muparadhiso, akanzwa mashoko asingatauriki, asingabviri munhu kutaura.
5 Concerning such a man I will boast, concerning however myself not I will boast only except in the weaknesses (of mine; *K*)
Ndichazvikudza newakadai; asi pamusoro pangu ndomene handizvikudzi, asi pautera hwangu.
6 If for I shall desire to boast, not I will be a fool; [the] truth for I will be speaking; I refrain however lest anyone to me myself may credit more than what he sees in me, or hears anything of me
Nokuti kana ndichida kuzvikudza, handaizova benzi; nokuti ndichareva chokwadi; asi ndinorega, zvimwe umwe angandifungira kuva mukuru kune zvaakaona ndiri, kana zvaakanzwa kwandiri,
7 and the by surpassingness of the revelations. (Therefore *NO*) that not I may become conceited, was given to me a thorn in [my] flesh, a messenger of Satan that me he may buffet so that not I may become conceited.
uye kuti ndirege kukudzwa kubudikidza nekuwanda kwezvakazarurwa, ndakapiwa munzwa munyama, nhume yaSatani kuti indirove, kuti ndirege kukudzwa.
8 For this three times the Lord I begged that it may depart from me.
Maererano nechinhu ichi ndakakumbirisa Ishe katatu kuti chibve kwandiri.
9 And He has said to me; Suffices you the grace of Mine; the for power (of mine *K*) in weakness (is finished. *N(k)O*) Most gladly therefore rather will I boast in the weaknesses of mine, so that may rest upon me myself the power of Christ.
Zvino akati kwandiri: Nyasha dzangu dzakakukwanira; nokuti simba rangu rinozadziswa muutera. Naizvozvo ndichazvirumbidza nemufaro mukuru muutera hwangu, kuti simba raKristu rigare pamusoro pangu.
10 Therefore I take pleasure in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions (and *N(k)O*) difficulties for Christ; when for I may be weak then strong I am.
Naizvozvo ndinofara muutera, mukutukwa, mukushaiwa, murushusho, mukushungurudzwa, nekuda kwaKristu; nokuti kana ndine utera, ipapo ndine simba.
11 I have become a fool (boasting; *K*) you yourselves me compelled. I myself for was being obliged by you to have been commended; [In] no[thing] for was I inferior to those most eminent most eminent apostles, if even no [thing] I am.
Ndava benzi ndichizvikudza; ndimwi makandimanikidza; nokuti ini ndaifanira kuziviswa nemwi; nokuti handisariri nepadiki kuvaapositori vakurusa, kunyange ndisiri chinhu.
12 The indeed signs of the apostle were performed among you in all perseverance, (in *k*) signs (both *no*) and in wonders and in miracles.
Zvirokwazvo zviratidzo zvemuapositori zvakaitwa pakati penyu pamoyo murefu wese, muzviratidzo nezvishamiso nemabasa esimba.
13 In what for is it that you were inferior beyond the rest [of the] churches, only except that myself I myself not did burden you? do forgive me wrong this!
Nokuti chii chamuri pasi nacho kune amwe makereke, kunze kwekuti ini ndomene handina kuva mutoro kwamuri? Ndikanganwirei kusarurama uku.
14 Behold third time (this *no*) ready I am to come to you and not I will burden (you; *k*) not for I seek what [is] yours but you. Not for ought the children for the parents to treasure up but the parents for the children;
Tarirai, ndazvigadzirira kuuya kwamuri rwechitatu, uye handizovi mutoro kwamuri; nokuti handitsvaki zvenyu, asi imwi; nokuti vana havafaniri kuchengetera vabereki, asi vabereki vana.
15 I myself now most gladly will spend and I will be utterly spent for the souls of you, If (even *k*) more abundantly you (loving *NK(o)*) (less *N(k)O*) I am loved!
Uye ndinoda nemufaro mukuru kuparadza uye kuparadzirwa mweya yenyu, kunyange ndichikudai zvakapamhidzirwa zvikuru, ndinodikanwa zvishoma.
16 it should be however, I myself not did burden you; but being crafty by trickery you I caught.
Asi zvakadaro, ini handina kukuremedzai; asi zvandakange ndine mano, ndakakubatai nekunyengera.
17 Surely not any of whom I have sent to you, through him did I exploit you?
Ndakakutsvatai here chero neumwe waivo vandakatuma kwamuri?
18 I urged Titus [to go] and sent with [him] the brother; surely not ever did exploit you Titus? Surely in the same spirit did we walk? Not in the same steps?
Ndakakumbira Tito, ndikatuma hama naye; Tito wakakutsvatai here? Hatina kufamba nemumweya umwe here? Hatinakufamba nemumakwara mamwe here?
19 (Previously *N(K)O*) you have been thinking that to you we are presenting a defense. (before *N(k)O*) (*k*) God in Christ we speak. but all things, beloved, for your edification.
Zvekare munofunga kuti tinozvidzivirira kwamuri here? Tinotaura pamberi paMwari muna Kristu; asi tinotaura zvese, vadikanwi, zvekuvakwa kwenyu.
20 I fear for lest perhaps having come not such as I wish I may find you, and I myself and I myself may be found by you such as not you do wish, lest perhaps (a quarrel, jealousy, *N(k)O*) anger, contentions slander, gossip, conceit, disorder,
Nokuti ndinotya, zvimwe pakusvika ndikuwanei musina kuita sezvandinoda, neni ndiwanikwe nemwi ndisina kuita sezvamunoda; zvimwe kuvepo makakava, godo, hasha, kupesana, kucherana, makuhwa, manyawi, mabongozozo;
21 lest again (when was coming *N(k)O*) (I *no*) (he may humble *NK(o)*) me the God, of mine before you, and I may mourn over many of those having sinned before and not having repented of the impurity and of sexual immorality and of sensuality that they have practiced.
zvimwe pakusvika kwanguzve Mwari wangu andininipise pakati penyu, uye ndichemere vazhinji vevakambotadza, vakasatendeuka pakusachena neupombwe neunzenza hwavakaita.

< 2 Corinthians 12 >