< Psalms 27 >

1 David’s. Yahweh, is my light and my salvation, Of whom shall I be afraid? Yahweh, is the refuge of my life, Of whom shall I be in dread?
大衛的詩。 耶和華是我的亮光,是我的拯救, 我還怕誰呢? 耶和華是我性命的保障, 我還懼誰呢?
2 When there drew near against me evil-doers to devour my flesh, mine adversaries, and mine enemies—mine!—they, stumbled and fell!
那作惡的就是我的仇敵, 前來吃我肉的時候就絆跌仆倒。
3 Though there pitch against me—a camp, my heart shall not fear, —Though there come up against me—a battle, still, am I confident.
雖有軍兵安營攻擊我,我的心也不害怕; 雖然興起刀兵攻擊我,我必仍舊安穩。
4 One thing, have I asked of Yahweh, That, will I seek to secure, —That I may dwell in the house of Yahweh, all the days of my life, To view the delightfulness of Yahweh, And to contemplate in his temple.
有一件事,我曾求耶和華,我仍要尋求: 就是一生一世住在耶和華的殿中, 瞻仰他的榮美,在他的殿裏求問。
5 For he will hide me in his pavilion, in the day of calamity, —He will conceal me, in the secrecy of his tent, Within a rock, will he set me on high.
因為我遭遇患難,他必暗暗地保守我; 在他亭子裏,把我藏在他帳幕的隱密處, 將我高舉在磐石上。
6 Now, therefore, shall my head be raised high above my foes round about me, and I will sacrifice in his tent the sacrifices of triumphant joy, I will sing and touch the strings, to Yahweh.
現在我得以昂首,高過四面的仇敵。 我要在他的帳幕裏歡然獻祭; 我要唱詩歌頌耶和華。
7 Hear, O Yahweh, With my voice, do I cry, Oh then show me favour and answer me.
耶和華啊,我用聲音呼籲的時候,求你垂聽; 並求你憐恤我,應允我。
8 To thee, said my heart—[When thou saidst] Seek ye my face—Thy face, O Yahweh, will I seek!
你說:你們當尋求我的面。 那時我心向你說:耶和華啊, 你的面我正要尋求。
9 Do not hide thy face from me, Do not repulse, in thine anger, thine own servant, —My help, thou hast been, Do not send me away nor forsake me, O my saving God!
不要向我掩面。 不要發怒趕逐僕人, 你向來是幫助我的。 救我的上帝啊,不要丟掉我, 也不要離棄我。
10 When, my own father and mother, had forsaken me, Then, Yahweh, took me up!
我父母離棄我, 耶和華必收留我。
11 Point out to me, O Yahweh, thy way, —And guide me in a level path, because of mine adversaries.
耶和華啊,求你將你的道指教我, 因我仇敵的緣故引導我走平坦的路。
12 Do not give me up unto the desire of mine adversaries, for there have risen up against me witnesses that are false, and he that fanneth up violence.
求你不要把我交給敵人,遂其所願; 因為妄作見證的和口吐凶言的,起來攻擊我。
13 I believe that I shall see—The goodness of Yahweh in the land of the living,
我若不信在活人之地得見耶和華的恩惠, 就早已喪膽了。
14 Wait thou for Yahweh, —Be strong, and let thy heart be bold, Wait, then, for Yahweh!
要等候耶和華! 當壯膽,堅固你的心! 我再說,要等候耶和華!

< Psalms 27 >