< Psalms 26 >

1 David’s. Do me justice, O Yahweh, For, I, in my blamelessness, have walked, and, in Yahweh, have I trusted, I will not waver.
大衛的詩。 耶和華啊,求你為我伸冤, 因我向來行事純全; 我又倚靠耶和華,並不搖動。
2 Try me, O Yahweh, and prove me, Test my reins and my heart: —
耶和華啊,求你察看我,試驗我, 熬煉我的肺腑心腸。
3 For, thy lovingkindness, hath been before mine eyes, and I have walked to and fro in thy faithfulness;
因為你的慈愛常在我眼前, 我也按你的真理而行。
4 I have not sat with men of deceit, nor, with dissemblers, would I enter;
我沒有和虛謊人同坐, 也不與瞞哄人的同群。
5 I have hated the convocation of evil-doers, and, with lawless men, would I not sit;
我恨惡惡人的會, 必不與惡人同坐。
6 I will bathe, in pureness, my hands, —so will I go in procession around thine altar, O Yahweh;
耶和華啊,我要洗手表明無辜, 才環繞你的祭壇;
7 To sound aloud a song, and to recount all thy wonderful doings.
我好發稱謝的聲音, 也要述說你一切奇妙的作為。
8 O Yahweh, I have loved the asylum of thy house, even the place of the habitation of thy glory!
耶和華啊,我喜愛你所住的殿 和你顯榮耀的居所。
9 Do not remove, with sinners, my soul, nor, with men of bloodshed, my life;
不要把我的靈魂和罪人一同除掉; 不要把我的性命和流人血的一同除掉。
10 In whose hands is a plot, and, their right hand, is filled with a bribe.
他們的手中有奸惡, 右手滿有賄賂。
11 But, I, in my blamelessness, will walk, Redeem me and show me favour.
至於我,卻要行事純全; 求你救贖我,憐恤我!
12 My foot standeth in a level place, In the convocations, will I bless Yahweh.
我的腳站在平坦地方; 在眾會中我要稱頌耶和華!

< Psalms 26 >