< 2 Peter 1 >

1 This letter comes from Simon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who share with us the same priceless trust in our God and Savior Jesus Christ, the one who is truly good and right.
IET ngai Simon Petrus ladu o wanporon en Iesus Kristus ong irail, me paikier poson kasampwal ota dueta kit, me kitail aleer ki pung en atail Kot o Saunkamaur Iesus Kristus.
2 May you have ever more grace and peace as you grow in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.
Mak o popol en roklang komail ki erpit en Kot o Iesus atail Kaun.
3 Through his divine power we have been given everything that's important to live a God-centered life. This comes through knowing him who called us to himself by his own glory and goodness. In this way he's given us wonderful, priceless promises.
Song en manaman en Kot karos, me itar ong maur o lelapok, kisakis dong kitail er, ki kupurkong en i, me kotin molipe kitail ki pein a lingan o manaman.
4 Through these promises you can share in the divine nature, being rid of the corruption caused by this world's evil desires.
Ni mepukat a kotin kisakis ki dong kitail inau lapalapia o kasampwalia kan, pwen kare ong komail maur en Kot, o tang wei sanger me sued akan, me mi sappa ki inong sued.
5 For this same reason, do everything you can! Add to your trust in God, goodness; add to goodness, knowledge;
Komail ari nantiong eta, kida sar mau ni omail poson, o ni sar mau lolekong.
6 add to knowledge, self-control; add to self-control, patience; add to patience, reverence;
O ni lolekong koton, o ni koton kanongama, o ni kanongama lelapok.
7 add to reverence, affection for fellow-believers, add to affection for fellow-believers, love.
O ni lelapok limpok ong saulang kan, o ni limpok ong saulang kan limpok ong amen amen.
8 The more you have these qualities, the more they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Pwe ma mepukat mi re omail, o pwaida re omail, komail ap sota pan tanganga de so wa ni lolekongki atail Kaun Iesus Kristus.
9 For anyone who doesn't have such qualities is short-sighted, or blind. They forget that they've been cleansed from their past sins.
A me sota pwaisaneki mepukat, nan i maskun, o a kin dedam sili wasa, aki a monokela a wideud sang ni dip a dip en mas.
10 So, brothers and sisters, be all the more determined to make sure you are truly “called and chosen.” If you do this, you won't ever fall.
Ri ai ko, i me komail nantiong katengedi omail paeker o pilipil, pwe ma komail pan wiada mepukat, komail sota pan pupedi.
11 You will receive a tremendous welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (aiōnios g166)
Pwe i me komail pan pedelongki peren nan wei soutuk en atail Kaun o Saunkamaur Iesus Kristus. (aiōnios g166)
12 That's why I always remind you about these things, even though you know them already, and you stand firm in the truth that you possess.
I me i pan kataman kin komail ansau karos, menda ma komail asa mepukat, o komail keleki melel.
13 But I still think it's a good idea to encourage you by giving you reminders while I live.
I lamelame, a pung, i en kataman kin komail o kamanga komail da, arain ai pan mimieta nan im pwal wet.
14 I know the time when I shall leave this life will be coming soon— our Lord Jesus Christ has made this clear to me.
Pwe i asa, eten i pan pwilikidi war ai duen atail Kaun Iesus Kristus kotin masani ong ia er.
15 I will do my best so that when I'm gone you will always be able to remember these things.
A i pan nantiong, pwe komail en poden tamatamanda mepukat murin ai samala.
16 We didn't follow made-up myths when we told you about the coming in power of our Lord Jesus Christ—we saw his majesty for ourselves.
Pwe se so idauenda kasoi widing ni at padaki ong komail duen manaman en atail Kaun Iesus Kristus, o a kotin pan sapaledo, a pein kit kilanger a lingan.
17 He received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice of majestic glory spoke to him and announced, “This is my Son, the one I love, and who truly pleases me.”
Pwe ni a kotin aleer wau o lingan sang ren Kot Sam ni ansau ngil eu peidido sang nan lingan lapalap katitiki: Iet nai Ol kompok, me I kin peren kida.
18 We ourselves heard this voice speak from heaven when we were with him on the holy mountain.
Ngil wet, me peidido sang nanlang, se ronger ni at iang i mimieda pon dol saraui.
19 We also have the confirming word of prophecy that's absolutely trustworthy, and you will benefit from paying close attention to it. It's like a lamp that shines in a dark place until the day dawns, and the morning star shines to illuminate your minds.
Ari masan en kokop me pung melel re atail, o meid mau, komail en kasampwaleki dueta marain eu, me kin dakareda wasa rotorot lao ran pasang o usu ran pan pwara dang mongiong omail.
20 Most of all you should realize that no prophecy of scripture is a matter for interpretation based on the whims of an individual,
Iet me komail en asa mas: Sota kokop nan puk saraui me tapida sang ren aramas.
21 for no prophecy originated in human ideas, but prophets spoke for God as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
Pwe sota man kokop pwili sang ni insen en aramas amen, pwe aramas saraui en Kot akan kokopada mokimokidedi Ngen saraui.

< 2 Peter 1 >