< Job 5 >

1 Give now a cry for help; is there anyone who will give you an answer? and to which of the holy ones will you make your prayer?
Призови же, аще кто тя услышит, или аще кого от святых Ангел узриши.
2 For wrath is the cause of death to the foolish, and he who has no wisdom comes to his end through passion.
Безумнаго бо убивает гнев, заблуждшаго же умерщвляет рвение.
3 I have seen the foolish taking root, but suddenly the curse came on his house.
Аз же видех безумных укореняющихся, но абие поядено бысть их жилище.
4 Now his children have no safe place, and they are crushed before the judges, for no one takes up their cause.
Далече да будут сынове их от спасения, и да сотрутся при дверех хуждших, и не будет изимаяй.
5 Their produce is taken by him who has no food, and their grain goes to the poor, and he who is in need of water gets it from their spring.
Иже бо они собраша, праведницы поядят, сами же от зол не изяти будут: изможденна буди крепость их.
6 For evil does not come out of the dust, or trouble out of the earth;
Не имать бо от земли изыти труд, ни от гор прозябнути болезнь:
7 But trouble is man's fate from birth, as the flames go up from the fire.
но человек раждается на труд, птенцы же суповы высоко парят.
8 But as for me, I would make my prayer to God, and I would put my cause before him:
Обаче же аз помолюся Богови, Господа же всех Владыку призову,
9 Who does great things outside our knowledge, wonders without number:
Творящаго велия и неизследимая, славная же и изрядная, имже несть числа:
10 Who gives rain on the earth, and sends water on the fields:
дающаго дождь на землю, посылающаго воду на поднебесную:
11 Lifting up those who are low, and putting the sad in a safe place;
возносящаго смиренныя на высоту и погибшыя воздвизающаго во спасение:
12 Who makes the designs of the wise go wrong, so that they are unable to give effect to their purposes.
расточающаго советы лукавых, да не сотворят руце их истины.
13 He takes the wise in their secret designs, and the purposes of the twisted are cut off suddenly.
Уловляяй премудрых в мудрости их, совет же коварных разори.
14 In the daytime it becomes dark for them, and in the sunlight they go feeling about as if it was night.
Во дни обымет их тма, в полудне же да осяжут якоже в нощи,
15 But he keeps safe from their sword those who have no father, and the poor from the power of the strong.
и да погибнут на брани: немощный же да изыдет из руки сильнаго.
16 So the poor man has hope, and the mouth of the evil-doer is stopped.
Буди же немощному надежда, неправеднаго же уста да заградятся.
17 Truly, that man is happy who has training from the hand of God: so do not let your heart be shut to the teaching of the Ruler of all.
Блажен же человек, егоже обличи Бог, наказания же Вседержителева не отвращайся:
18 For after his punishment he gives comfort, and after wounding, his hands make you well.
Той бо болети творит и паки возставляет: порази, и руце Его изцелят:
19 He will keep you safe from six troubles, and in seven no evil will come near you.
шестижды от бед измет тя, в седмем же не коснеттися зло:
20 When there is need of food he will keep you from death, and in war from the power of the sword.
во гладе избавит тя от смерти, на брани же из руки железа изрешит тя:
21 He will keep you safe from the evil tongue; and you will have no fear of wasting when it comes.
от бича языка скрыет тя, и не убоишися от зол находящих:
22 You will make sport of destruction and need, and will have no fear of the beasts of the earth.
неправедным и беззаконным посмеешися, от дивиих же зверей не убоишися,
23 For you will be in agreement with the stones of the earth, and the beasts of the field will be at peace with you.
зане с камением дивиим завет твой: зверие бо дивии примирятся тебе.
24 And you will be certain that your tent is at peace, and after looking over your property you will see that nothing is gone.
Потом уразумееши, яко в мире будет дом твой, жилище же храмины твоея не имать согрешити:
25 You will be certain that your seed will be great, and your offspring like the plants of the earth.
уразумееши же, яко много семя твое, и чада твоя будут яко весь злак селный:
26 You will come to your last resting-place in full strength, as the grain is taken up to the crushing-floor in its time.
внидеши же во гроб якоже пшеница созрелая во время пожатая, или якоже стог гумна во время свезенный.
27 See, we have made search with care, and it is so; it has come to our ears; see that you take note of it for yourself.
Се, сия сице изследихом: сия суть, яже слышахом: ты же разумей себе, аще что сотворил еси.

< Job 5 >